
Chapter 38.

As Meliodas, Ellie and Hestia were flying towards the Edinburgh Castle in Max speed, ghouls and entities kept on following them but Hestia killed them off.

We're here, Finally! Meliodas said seriously. Then out of nowhere, Melascula came in front of them. Nuh uh uh. No way you're going to Lady Mikhail without passing through me, She said amusingly.

Ellie, Hestia, go! I'll take care of her myself! Meliodas shouted. There's no need for them to go anywhere, a woman's voice said and the castle's wall was turn into rubble. In it was someone who looked nothing like Mikhail. Instead if her having emerald green eyes, blonde hair, white wings and clothes, she had black hair, red eyes, black wings and clothes.

Well? I'm here. No need to go through all that. Come. Fight me Seraphim, Mikhail said proudly. As per orders. I'll detonate you and expunge this version of you from existence, Hestia said coldly as she flew upwards and approached her. You think you can defeat me? Nonsense! I'm as strong as Lucifer maybe if I try it on you and infuse you into my body, I might be even stronger that that God up there! Mikhail shouted then fired a bullet like power towards her.

Hestia took it head on and fell over. You evil monster! Ellie shouted. Suddenly, Hestia was an inch far away from her face and said coldly, Hold your tongue lowly bastard of an angel. You don't get to judge the omnipotence of the person that made you to be who you are. I could kill you right now but I would destroy what the One has made in the process. Mikhail shivered for a second then swiftly got out of her seat and they started fighting. Meanwhile as Hestia and Meliodas were still battling, Ellie was busy cleansing all the ghouls in her sight so that they can be cleansed of all evil.

Soon, Melascula was defeated. That waste of space was defeated? Oh well not that it matters, Mikhail thought as she evaded Hestia's attacks. Enough games! Lemme attack you for real now! Mikhail shouted. Dark Nebula Alpha! Mikhail shouted and her staff converged into a black hole that was charging towards her at full speed.

Oh no! Hestia! You'll die! Get outta there! Ellie said while almost crying. Meliodas! Ellie! Stop! I'll be fine. Have a little faith in me won't you? Hestia turned to them and smiled then went back to being serious and cold. Calm Rain of Retribution, Hestia said as she changed into an angel. Then her dark scythe was all white and golden now with blue ribbons instead. She tapped the ground like it was water and everything came to a halt. You're just like Eve. Easily deceived. Why would you purge God's people? Hestia calmly asked Mikhail as her voice echoed through the space. All humans sin against God! They have to be expunged! That's what happens during the Judgement! I didn't do anything wrong! Mikhail shouted as she tried to free herself from the bonds that she couldn't see. It would seem that the air itself was under Hestia's control. You have a point but different ideals. That is supposed to be the decision of God. You are in no place to take his place. You can never. Never in an eternity, that's the harsh truth that Lucifer refused to tell you! Accept it! He's perfect! He knows all and even though you thought you couldn't see him, he's omnipresent! He could see you and predicted that you would do that! He was right next to you. Watching you with pity for His child, Hestia calmly said it in her face as she started crying. No! I'm stronger than the Heavens! That bastard told me so! Mikhail shouted.

As I predicted. This is gonna be painful so hang on, Hestia said as she pushed her right hand fingers inside Mikhail's heart and the left hand in her midsection. Stop! It hurts! Stop! It's too cold! Mikhail squirmed. When both hands came out of the dark angel's body, the heart was in one hand, still connected to the body and the left side had a red core. That's mine! Give my core back! Mikhail squirmed as tonnes of blood gushed out of her open wounds. With her left hand,Hestia closed her fist and crushed the core with her bare hands. With the right hand, the heart had a Celestial Crystal, which all angels had, hers was blacker than black. So with her free hand,she delved inside the heart and removed the crystal and crushed it with her bare hands. Mikhail's dark wings disappeared, her outfit, everything. She was completely naked now. She had no signs of being an angel. Just a female with long blonde hair and dead green eyes.

This is a lot of work, Hestia sighed as she pushed in her hand into her chest and removed her own Celestial Crystal that had specks of gold and put in Mikhail's heart and returned her back to normal. She was so caught up in fulfilling her orders that she forgot that she raptured a wound in her chest. Mikhail was all healed and after removing the darkness in Mikhail, it started raining softly.

Hestia! What happened to your chest! Put Mikhail down and heal yourself! Ellie said worried. I'll do that later. Be right back, Hestia said and disappeared.

The Heavens...

Grandfather. I am back with Angel Mikhail. I did as ordered, Hestia said as she bled out. Good work. As expected of my beloved granddaughter, The One said as one of his messengers took Mikhail away and she fainted. Master! Seraphim fainted! I shall take her to go and get healed! One of them said. Don't touch my daughter. I'll heal her myself, the Supreme Deity said.

Selaphiel. My daughter. I thought your way of discipline was fit but it caused a whole lot of disturbance in the world, especially Brittania, the One said. My humblest apologies Father. If it were not for Raphael, Michael and Gabriel to lend a hand, I would have made the gravest of mistakes. You saw through the future and sent my brothers to help me therefore I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Selaphiel said as she sat down and held Hestia as if she was a baby. She held her then touched a bit of her blood and touched the ends of the wound as if she was sewing it and she was all healed. After healing her, she was dismissed and she went,carrying Hestia in her arms.

Hestia! Where are you! Ellie shouted. Elizabeth my last born daughter. It has been a while since we stood face to face like this, Selaphiel said. Mother... Ellie slowly said. I know you must loathe me for separating you from your love. Just know that I am deeply sorry. You can hate me. I have to go to take care of Hestia now, She said and started walking away. Mother! Where are you going? Ellie said while looking down. Elizabeth... Then

Ellie hugged her. I never did hate you. Holding a grudge will do nothing but hurt me, that was what grandfather taught me. I love you Mother, Ellie said in tears. Elizabeth, my daughter. I love you as well, Selaphiel finally smiled for the first time. I have to go now to heal the injured back on Earth. I'll come and visit as much as I can, Ellie waved as she disappeared.

You're my grandma. I see I see, a voice came out of nowhere. A boy? You look like..... Oh my! My daughter bore a child! Selaphiel exclaimed. My name is Tristan. What's your name? He said. My name is Selaphiel, little one. You're such a strong boy, you even fought a war along with the angels of Heaven. I am intrigued indeed, She said. Yes. I was granted alot by my great grandfather so I have to do as he says cause he's the best, He said as they walked to her chambers. Well, I plan to be the strongest. Stronger than Mom and Dad, Tristan said. And you will sweetie. Just train everyday and you'll love the results. I'll be happy to train you now that the war is over, Selaphiel said. Thanks! He said.

Back on Earth.....

It's over..... finally! Gowther said. Great! Now we can celebrate! Ban said. Elizabeth! Where's Hestia? Is she okay? Meliodas hastily approached her. I'm fine. See? Hestia came out of nowhere. Thank goodness, Meliodas and Ellie said in unison as they hugged her. Okay okay. Let's go. I put the castle and everything destroyed back together. Let's go party! Hestia said happily. How could you forget us? Henri said while coming out of a portal.

They came out looking like sixteen year old teenagers.

You manifested? That's interesting indeed, Merlin said. They did. When they were fighting, they were absorbing every single drop of blood touching the ground and no side effects, Zeldris said. Truly, they are Caelia's and Tristan's daughters, Gelda said. Where's Mom? Gen asked. She's almost done balancing everything. She'll be back before we finish celebrating, Hestia said. Okay, as long as she okay, Tristan said. Daddy! Henri shouted.

They went to the obvious place. The Boar Hat. Ban found someone unexpected.

It was Elaine wearing a lime green and rose pink dress and she was holding a cupcake that resembled her way of dressing.

Hey Ban! You're back! You came back to me! Elaine smiled as she put down the cupcake and Ban took her. I missed you, Ban said. You're looking so nice. Can't wait to eat you up, Ban whispered. Pervert! Elaine blushed and slapped him so hard that he fell through the window and down to the ground. Welcome and congrats on your victory! Hestia told me and I made preparations for the feast! Elaine clapped and revealed the neverending food and drinks. Thanks a lot! Everyone said. You swines! Forgetting me all the time! Hawk said as he ate from his bowl. Porky, you survived. I thought you would be turned into ham by the time I saw you again, Meliodas said. The revived villagers and other humans congratulated them for earning their victory.

During the feast, Ban was still cooking.

Merlin was busy drinking.

Everyone was finally happy and peaceful.

During the feast, Gowther was called outside by Hestia. You forgot about the present, didn't you? Hestia asked. No I didn't I promise! He hastily answered. Hestia took him to the Necropolis. Glariza, his mother and Gowther were there, waiting for him. Hello there Gowther. You fulfilled your life and dreams. Congrats, Gowther smiled while in his wheelchair. This is your mother Glariza, he added. You're.... my mother..... He exclaimed as he slowed walked upto them and hugged them while he cried his heart out. I was *sniff* so alone! *sniff* And so lonely! He cried. Suddenly, someone said, I'm here now. You won't be alone anymore. We'll read neverending stories about Merdol right? He wiped his tears to have a clear view and saw his love.

Nadja... Nadja... Nadja! Gowther slumped on the ground and started crying. I'm sorry! I couldn't save you back then! I'm a bad person! I don't deserve to live! He said. Glariza and Nadja came to him and hugged him. You're not a bad person sweetie. So don't blame yourself. Things like these happen, Glariza softly said. It was inevitable for me to die. Now that Lady Hestia has given me a chance, I can go back to the real world! Nadja said happily. What? Is that true, Hestia? Gowther looked at her with puffy eyes. Yes. It's a loving request from Glariza, one of my mentors as a child so I just had to see it through no matter the cost, Hestia said. Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me! Gowther cried. No worries, she smiled. Can you bring my parents back too? Gowther said as he wiped his tears. I can but I can't, it's against the Heaven's will. I apologize. But I can bring you to see them as many times as you want. This is one of my domains of course, Hestia said. It's fine really. I'm grateful. Father, Mother, thank you so much! Gowther smiled. You're welcome. We have to go now sweetie. Be a good kid now and be nice to Nadja, Glariza wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. See ya later kid, Gowther said and they vanished. The three went back to the real world.

I still can't believe this is real, Gowther said as he touched her hands and face to clarify his doubts. I'm real love. I came back, Nadja smiled and kissed him. This is nice, Hestia sighed happily.