
BLOODY REVENGE: Journey to the Seven Kingdoms

A belief of ancient past that when the chosen ones of the seven kingdoms will appear and fight together against the dark lord Asmodeus, humanity will again see the dawn of a new era. A prodigy will arise from the ashes and will lead this team of seven wonders who will protect all lives from the clutch of the Evil Warlord and his savage minions, and peace will again prevail across the green medieval lands. Join this Epic Journey of our Hero, an ordinary warrior, who will travel through seas, deserts and dark forests to find his companions and find his way to the top to bring an end to the darkness and doom. For his peace only resides in the bloody retaliation and saving humanity. Few lines from the novel: "My existence is nothing except my retribution. No peace will prevail in these medieval lands for me until I bathe in my enemy's blood," Flax's eyes looked bloody with boiling rage. "I took an oath, didn't I? I will follow you till my last breath, this body shall perish, destruction shall cease my every part but I will never stop loving you…" A drop of tear fell from Tiana's eyes, on the cracked soil. "For the moon has blessed you Flax, your body might break apart but victory will be yours!" Fiona smiled looking at Flax's distressed face.

Disaster_Engineer · Fantasie
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7 Chs

07.The Forest

Flax and Party looked at the Black forest from a distance. Flax sighs " This is Not going to be easy.". Moon looks up at flax and smiles Flax Smiles back at her "you hungry? at which Moon nodded as Flax passes her an apple and water". Tiana climbs down from her horse and looked at them couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy but shrugged off the feeling whilst walking toward the cliff and tried to take a better look at the forest and feels a chill on her spine as if the forest is surrounded by something sinister something evil.

The group climbs down the road as they reached the entrance the faint smell of forest trees was giving off a pleasant smell as if it was welcoming them yet the group could feel the aura emitting was foul sinister and malice. As soon as Flax sets his feet in the forest a rumbling noise ran thru the whole forest as if it knew that someone has come inside who didn't belong among them. Esther grabs flax's arm and pulls him back"If I am not wrong about this the forest that surrounds the witch's home is alive and guarding it against the outsiders. Flax walks toward his horse and pulls out the attire and starts to put it on watching flax the rest of them starts to do the same. Tiana struggling with the cloth calls for Esther but when she turns around she finds that Esther was far inspecting the borders of the forest she then turns around her eyes searching for Moon so that she could help her with the cloth but couldn't find her. "Flax?" she lets out a soft voice "yes? princess?". Tiana could feel her face start to turn red as she softly speaks up" can you help me with the dress I am not able to reach the back?" Flax walks to her and grabs the cloth gently pulling it ever so slightly tightening it as it reveals her slender figure through the fabric. Her face visibly turned red with embarrassment." Tha.....nk you" Tiana turns around to face her eye locking with flax's she could hear her heart racing her breathe intensify as she leans closer to his face flax leans as well and whispers" is it wrong for me to come so close to you Princess?" Tiana could feel his breath on her neck her face turns red from blushing she didn't say a single word to answer flax's question she could feel her body surrendering to him. Flax leans in to kiss her when suddenly they heard Moon's scream flax immediately looks toward the sound and sees that Moon was on the ground and ran toward her as he picks her up "Are You ok moon?" moon nods and hugs him she then looked at Tiana over flax's shoulder and smiles at her in a menacing grin as if she knew what she was doing. Tiana could feel the tension between her and moon but couldn't figure out why Moon was doing something like that she never did anything to hurt her in any way she started wondering ever since the ambush on elf kingdom moon has been different toward her. "Moon? is there some...." Tiana gets interrupted by Esther as he strides toward them on his horse "Everyone I think I found a safer route for us to cross this forest but it will take longer to reach the witch's hut" Tiana and moon both looked away from each other Esther can't help but looks at them and ask" what's going in here?" Tiana walks over and gently puts her arms around Moon's shoulders but moon shrugs her hand away, Tiana couldn't help but feels bad it's like. The Night falls they decide to rest for the night outside the forest. Flax keeps the first watch for the night as others sleep. Tiana wakes up sometime after and sees that. Flax has pulls the tail of his shirt away revealing his arm underneath under the moonlight and Tiana's body tensed as Flax notice her and stand up from the ground and walk over toward her and she now noticed that he figured out that she is awake and his hand trailing underneath the material of hers and he gently lays next to her and says it's a beautiful night isn't it Tiana? Tiana looks around and smiles "yes it is!" she says, her voice filled with awe and wonder. Her body starts to shake. If this is what she was dreaming she wasn't wrong she thought. This isn't a nightmare. There is a feeling that emanates from him, a light and joy that is so clear it hurts the air around her. It makes her feel like nothing is wrong but she still can feel his skin touching hers. He reaches down and runs his fingers through Tiana could also feel that her heart is still beating he seems so soft when touching her that she could not stop herself from making out his mouth. Her hand gently squeezes her stomach as her eyes flutter shut from his touch. Is that normal? Tiana was still sleeping and has no idea what she dreamed. All she knew was that Flax was touching her. Her body was warm and tingly and her mind was foggy. This is how dreams felt...hearing Flax's voice in her ear. Her brain was in a slow-drip, dreamless slumber. There was the feeling of being watched. That was it but...that's all. Her mind started to slow down but slowly she could hear her heart beating as if it would be hard to hold back the rush of thoughts she was having about him. Is it? she said, looking up at Flax and Moon in an attempt to keep herself calm and not to think too much about his touch. She looked up and now he kneels beside her, his hands under hers he places one on her left cheek, another on right, and a third on top of them. Tipping her nose up, they look at him, and then she says "