

join Harry as he adventures through canon so that he can live in peace and debauchery

freakofntur · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs


a couple of years pass by and now I'm 3 years old. I'm at border for being able to combine my blood and chakra circulation. each technique while not being hard by themselves is almost impossible to do together unless you can focus on 2 things at once. to get over this problem by improving chakra meditation, now instead of following one path, I devide my energy and magic into 2 parts, each part flows opposite to each other, so while one part of my magic may be in crown (head), the other was in root (anus) and these parts of magic and energy follow path symmetrically such that when first part reaches from crown to anus, the other part reaches from anus to crown.

I'm doing this to give myself a version of parallel thought, and if not that, then at least ability to control more parts of my magic.

after I feel like I have enough control over magic at more than one place, I try to combine blood and chakra circulation again. this time one part of magic is following simple chakra circulation while other is following blood circulation. since I don't have to chant for chakra meditation (I could and it would make it more effective, but I need to chant for blood circulation, which would not only reduce efficiency without changing organs, I haven't reached a stage with it where I can even do it without chanting) start saying names of parts my blood circulation magic flows through, while also simultaneously focusing on chakra points that my chakra circulation magic flows through. it is very difficult, but after numerous failures, I succeed completing one cycle.

an excited smile appears on my face as I spend rest of the time sleeping. my aunt will be here soon to have me get ready for kindergarten. I still don't have to cook yet but already at 3 years of age, I'm expected to not only get ready, but also comb my cousin's hair and tie his shoes. these were task I volunteered for and it went a long way to get aunt petunia to see some benifit of having me around. it wasn't much, but it allowed her time to cook breakfast and I was also helpful in cleaning when I came back from school. the fact that I haven't had a single bout of accidental magic has also gone some way to at least not remind her of what she could never have.

I have been overreaching a Little by having her tell me about her gardens and flowers, telling her how pretty they were and how I want to learn to take care of them. I don't really have any friends and I really loved nature in past life. I had a literal tree in my office balcony in hospital. on 5th floor.

I already know that this is one of the task she will be putting on me as soon as I'm old enough to do it, and I know I'll enjoy it, so I asked her to teach me how to take care of plants, how to prune, what shapes she likes her ferns at and anything else related. I could already take care of garden better than her, but I wanted to know her preferences.

I have also been feeding plants my magic saturated blood and later controll the magic that plant absorbed. I can't do anything complicated, but I can make branches and stem bend ever so slowly in direction I want them to . it is really helpful when pruning,but takes too much focus to manipulate magic that is outside your body, but because plants also absorbed my blood, it is a bit easier than it would be otherwise. I can always feel magic inside me now , but I also want to be able to sense it outside me ,hence the exercise. unknown to aunt petunia I have let some mushrooms and fungus grow around garden to complete the ecosystem. these help supplement soil nutrition and encourages microbes in soil to be more varied , only if we could also have a pet, that would compleat my ambition regarding companionship.

this makes me think of corn snakes in biology lab. 6th and 7th grade students have a running project where they record length of the corn snake as it grows. I've already talked to him in parseltounge but he seems too content in its lazy life at school. he is very respectful of me just because I'm a speaker.

after a couple of more years , at age 5, I've finally reached a stage where I can do both circulating simultaneously without needing constant focus. almost as if my blood and magic remember the cycle themselves and don't even need my input. benifits have been tremendous. physically I any look like a 7 year old but I have strength of 15 year old(albeit a very short but fit one). my control over magic inside my body is unparalleled and even outside my body has grown at extreme. I don't have any spells but I can judge by my control over plants. I can command plants that have drank my magic saturated blood to do anything it can do, which is a lot considering they can now produce fruits and vegetables and flowers at will. I've been secretly collecting and selling them at farmer's market a couple of blocks towards the school. its not much money but it's just the start. I've even tried to manipulate plants at school which have not drank my blood and it seems that I have at least some controll over them.

all plants at home now have a sense of shared sentience. i feel like if I knew any spells, I could use these plants as focus. after this discovery, I started to try and advice different things through intent to try something. I've been able to sense magic in me for a long time now, I just think of that feeling and channel magic into plants, I ask them to dance or sway or stay still in any way they want.

suddenly I start to feel the magic in plants, then in the earth. and slowly I can feel a dome over the property that should be the blood ward. I may not know enough about magic, but I can already feel the intent throughout the ward, protect. I channel magic through the plants to subtly poke the wards. because the intent is to protect me, the wards let me. I try to connect the wards and plants to set up a feedback loop, where the wards can use my plants as focus to absorb nutrition and magic that it had been draining from me. it must have been negligible but still now they can access more and even have some control over itself due to my plants being a better focus than any wardstone.

in these years of meditation and physical training, I've also scratched the surface for mind arts. in the house, I can use plants as focus and cast compulsion and minor legimancy, while I'm on my way to organising my mind scape in occulmancy. I found memories of old Harry and voldemort scattered and damaged throughout my mindscape as if a tornado has passed by, while my memories of previous and this live were well sorted due to my use of mind palace technique in previous life.

after interacting with wards through plants for months, I realised that similar to how wizard paintings are impression of wizard and it's magic, the bold wards and my blood have impression of my mother in them. considering wizard paintings were invented after one wizard obsessed over Ghost, I can conclude that I can have a decent replica of Lily Potter if I can let my memories of her before her death and from prospective of voldemort interact with bold wards, I could have a loving mother and a cunning fighter. I haven't gone through voldemort's memories due to fear that it will influence me. this whole getting shade of Lily Potter through bold wards is even motivated by me going through Harry's memories and his personality (yes even as an 18 month old) who loved his mother very much.

on Dudley's 7th birthday, I'm home alone as Dudley's have gone to theme park, aunt petunia asked me to come but I pretended to be sick, and she didn't like me enough to insist. I spent the whole day lying on bushes hidden from view, in my cultivation as I focused on bold wards through plants around me. I exchange blood energy with it and let a loop of exchange form. as energy starts circulating, I impress the memories that Harry Potter had of his mother. I continued this for a whole day. specially the memory of her performing the sacrifice that have birth to the wards. the wards motivation up until now was to protect. it was aimed at my blood and hence my relatives as well. but after this impression and gaining a bit of Lily Potter (the mother's) personality, it changed the aim from protecting the house, to being a mother to me. this include protecting, but also to raise me, help me better myself and to pamper me.

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