

SYNOPSIS     ~~~~~~~~~~~ At the very early age of 21, what will you do with your life when you found out you are terminal ill, and have only 5 months to live.. Will you choose to give up on the life or will you choose to create some meaningful memories with the little time you have.. This is exactly what is going in Amberley life, a young girl who was diagnosed of been terminal ill and had only 5 months to live.. Her life became dark the moments she knew, her parents who had only her as their child feel completely down... She had a brain Tumor which is very dangerous to do surgery for... She might ended up not walk up again after the surgery.. The survival rate of the surgery was on 5.6%. Which is coming hopeless.. But Amberley chose to be a fighter, still having a little time to live with her parents, she decides to found love, she's just 21, even if it just for 5 months.. She wanted to live in someone heart.. At that very moment, she came across a man who had lived for centuries, a man whose identity is far from been human... But living as a human.. He appeared to be the only son of a rich family whose family want him to get married by force.. As the richest family in the kingdom of Imperil.. They sent out a invitation to invite all young ladies who is interested in getting marry to Ryan Velveeta.. With no interest in getting married, just want to satisfy his silly human parents desire, Ryan chose the girl who seem to be the most beautiful one among the girls that was presents.. And they fate got entangled...

Crescent10 · Fantasie
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45 Chs

Episodes 35 & 36

 ❗❗ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆❗❗ 


"R-Ryan..?" Amberley called him with shaking voice, she looked back at their crushed car, it's makes no sense, Ryan eyes is changing, and did they manage to get out of the car..

It something out of ordinary.. It felt like teleport.. Did Ryan just teleport them out of the car? But how.. She looked at him with shocked and confused in her eyes..

"I won't let you die when your time is not up.." Ryan said..

"did you do that? How.. What are you.. Your eyes.." Amberley could not form some full sentences..

"Someone out of ordinary... Let get out of here.." Ryan said.. He pulled her more closer, Amberley felt a strange wild and then they are back at home.. In their room..

She stepped away from immediately.. Her eyes widened.. His eyes remained red.. As he looked at her..

" You are not a human... Right.. Your eyes they are red.. They had been changing.. And you.. Just teleport us here.. " Amberley said.. She's not looking scared, just confused..

"Does it matter? Me been a human or not.. Will you stop loving me if am not human?" Ryan asked..

Amberley look at him in eyes, of course she won't stop loving him, can she even stop her heart from loving him?

"No.. I won't.. I can't.. And I don't want to.. I just want to keep loving you, even if you are most dangerous creature ever.." Amberley said with tears filled her eyes..

Ryan eyes widened, because he felt deja vu.. And he heard the words in his head again..

" I won't... I can't.. I don't want to... Cause I just want to. Keep loving you.. Even when if you are the most dangerous man on earth.." the voice was just as the same as Amberley...

"I love you... I love you Amberley.. Let not think about the little time we have left.. Let just think about us.. Let create a beautiful memories together.. I promise to tell you who and what I am later..." Ryan said as he pulled Amberley into his arms..

Amberley lay her head on his chest.. They later then postponed going to the hospital the next day..


Michael offer to take Kate home. Even though she came with her car, he chose to drive her home..

"You changed.. Just few weeks ago, you looked at me like you don't want to be any close to me.. But here you are driving me home.." Kate said with smile as she look at the handsome man beside her..

"Not that I don't want to be any close to you.. It's just me trying to run away from you.." Michael said..

Katerina could not understand what he mean.. Trying to run away from her..? Why?

"Am try not the fall for you. Even when I know it's too late.." he added..

"You mean you fall in love with me at first sight..?" Kate asked not believing her ears..

"More like me recognize you at first sight.. Recognize you as mine.." Michael said..

"Wait.. Are you trying to woo me right now?" Kate said with braided bright smiles..

"Can't I?... Am I not allowed to?" Michael asked.. Trying this act like a normal human..

"Of course you can... Even though I like you.. You will have to woo me well.. Try to Impress me.. Michael.." Kate said playfully..

"Nicholas Davis.. Call me Nicholas.." Michael said..

"But Amberley said you are Michael.." Kate asked looking confused..

"My real name is Nicholas... Only few know me when that name.. Not even Amberley.." Michael said..

"Ok then Nicholas.." Kate said, and the moments she said it, she felt something in her heart, the fast beating of her heart, and beautiful feeling like butterfly flying in her stomach..

Nicholas could not explain what he was feeling right now, for a long time he could remember it was only Mazdean who call him by his real name.. Been called by his real name, especially by his mate make him. Feel more than happy.

"So.. Are you my boyfriend now?" Kate asked.. With cute smiles.. She can't believe she of all being can be acting cute..

Nicholas smiled. "Sure.. If you are ok with it.." he said..

"Ahhhh... Can't believe it.. I really want to kiss my boyfriend right now.." Kate said with excited..

Nicholas felt his ears red, so he pulled the car over..

Then he looked at Kate.. "Come then.." he said with smirk..

Katerina jinggled.. And then move forward closer to him...

Nicholas set Kate to sit on his lap with her legs crossed around him her back facing the steering..

He held her waist and looked up to her eyes.. He's eyes then looked at her neck. He felt his tooth ache, and his canner coming out, but he tried to fight it back.

He then placed his hand on her neck, bend her down to him the. Capture her lips.. He kissed her gently and Kate respond to him.. Their lips dance in the same rhythm..

It was like they understand each other so well.. 

Then Nicholas can't stop his hand from staying still, as he stated to rub her back, caressing her body softly with his touch..

Kate respond to with with a moan, showing that she's enjoying his touch. He deepened the kiss, then. He leave her lips. Then trace down the kiss to her neck..

He kiss her neck, Kate tinted her neck to the side, giving him more access to her neck..

Nicholas felt the change for his eyes, as he keep them close, his demon. Is coming to the surface, telling him to claim their mate..

With much struggle, he stopped.. Open his eye when he knew they are back to normal..

He. Look at his mate who did not know what he's going through, and what he was stopping.. Kate give him. The most sweet and beautiful smile he had ever see..

"I think am fallen for you more.." she said with happy smiles..

OF course she's fallen for him, the mate bond is doing more of the job..


The next day, Amberley wake up with happy smiles on her face

She remembered how both she and Ryan cuddle each other to sleep last night..

She both she and up from bed, and enter the bathroom to get herself ready for the day..

She then went downstairs. She noticed that no one was in the sitting room, she then held to the kitchen, only to see the biggest shock of her life..

Ryan Velveeta was inside the kitchen cooking with the maids standing beside him without doing anything..

She standing at the kitchen door way looking at him with her eyes widened..

Ryan noticed her presence and looked back... He smiled at her when he see her stunned face.

The maids present was like they just see something impossible.. Their boss was doing something crazy today...

"Just wait at the dinning, break fast will be ready soon.." He said and turned back to what he was doing..

"He won't stop not till he's done.. Go and sit my lady.." Michael said to her with smile..

There's something weird going on in the house, Ryan was cooking.. Micheal who always had frown on his face, was smiling happily.

With confused face. Amberley head to the dinning table...