

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Ost
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25 Chs


The man maintained his bow and said, "Your authority, I know it sounds absurd, but it is the truth. The barrier is of rank five, or I can say, a pseudo rank six."

"Bullshit! How can I trust your words? You are merely a rank two. People like you wouldn't have even seen a single rank three Primal Orbis. Talking about a pseudo rank six, even the leader doesn't have a rank five Primal Orbis," the guard retorted in an angry tone.

"Your authority, I agree. But I cannot misunderstand the light and aura of a rank five Primal Orbis," the man explained while pointing towards a sphere glowing in yellow with gold markings.

The two guards were shocked after looking at the Primal Orbis connected to the back of the basket.

"Huh, it certainly looks like a rank five Primal Orbis," one of the guards said in disbelief.

"There is only one way to confirm it," the other guard declared, pulling out his sword with a purple sphere near the handle, and he attacked towards the basket. However, to their surprise, the sword was deflected back, leaving them momentarily stunned.

"Well, it is certainly a rank one at least" the guard who attacked said.

Vivek, unable to comprehend the events unfolding around him, felt a sense of helplessness. The foreign language left him in the dark, and his current state as a newborn infant restricted his ability to react. The sudden attack by the guard startled him, and he instinctively turned his gaze towards the man carrying him, desperately seeking an explanation.

However, the man, still bowing respectfully, seemed oblivious to Vivek's distress. The confusion deepened when the guards' attacks were mysteriously deflected, even though there seemed to be nothing physically obstructing them from reaching Vivek.

Vivek's infantile mind struggled to make sense of the situation, leaving him caught between a language barrier and the enigma of the protective barrier surrounding the basket. As the guards exchanged bewildered glances, Vivek could only wonder about the extraordinary circumstances that had thrust him into this perplexing and otherworldly scenario.

A sudden surge of danger surrounded the guard as a formidable blue aura enveloped him, sending shivers down Vivek's spine. The guard then directed this potent aura into the sword he wielded, creating an ominous weapon charged with energy.

"Let's see if it can take a hit from a rank two move," the guard declared, unleashing a forceful strike towards Vivek. The sword hovered over the barrier for a few moments before shattering under the pressure, leaving the guard in utter disbelief.

"How can that happen? That was an Ice Scorpion Primal Orbis sword, the strongest attack type in rank two. It's even comparable to a rank three," the other guard exclaimed, observing the unexpected turn of events.

The revelation of the barrier's resilience against such a powerful attack left the guards astonished, adding another layer of mystery to the already perplexing situation. Vivek, in the midst of this extraordinary occurrence, could only observe the unfolding drama with a sense of awe and confusion.

"The barrier is definitely above rank three," affirmed the other guard.

"I hope your authority is satisfied," the man said, bowing towards the guard who initiated the attack.

Gritting his teeth, the guard responded, "I still don't believe it's rank five, but above rank three is enough reason to let you pass through. I can't guarantee that the clan leader will meet you," his tone becoming somewhat warmer towards the end.

"Thank you, your authority, for your kindness," the man expressed gratitude, finally standing straight.

The guard gestured to the one positioned above the wall to open the entrance. Soon, the gate to the third section of the village opened. Vivek, still in the basket, couldn't fully grasp the intricacies of the encounter but sighed in relief as the gate began to open.

Entering the third section, the contrast was immediately apparent. The roads, while not as broad as the previous sections, were elegantly tiled with marble instead of the simple stone seen before.

The architecture of the houses was a complex fusion of various materials – marble, stones, woods, all adorned with silver linings. The varied textures and colors created a harmonious yet intricate tapestry of craftsmanship.

Directly ahead stood a majestic multi-storey pavilion, an epitome of opulence. Constructed with red marbles, stones, bricks, and wood, it boasted intricate carvings in gold and silver. A grand marble staircase led to a giant entrance, the door of which was adorned with an array of jewels, sparkling under the ambient glow of the village.

The opulent design of the pavilion and the blend of luxurious materials painted a picture of grandeur, leaving Vivek in awe as the man carrying him navigated through this section of the village. Each step forward revealed more layers of complexity and beauty of the village.

The entire section was adorned like a bride, a dazzling display of beauty. The stalls, reminiscent of the second section but grander, offered an even more extensive array of items. The atmosphere was festive, with decorations enhancing the charm of the surroundings.

Despite the splendor, there were notably fewer people compared to the first section. Each individual exuded an aura that surpassed even the man carrying Vivek, creating an atmosphere of distinct authority and prestige.

As the man proceeded through the streets, people cast disdainful glances his way, a clear indication of his perceived lower status. His purple eyes seemed to mark him as an outsider in this elevated society, with onlookers choosing to keep their distance.

The man stopped near a gambling stall, where another individual stood. The contrast in their status was palpable, leaving Vivek curious about the societal dynamics at play in this extraordinary village.

The man bowed deeply to that person and said " Bi Xiao, reporting your authority"

The person looked towards Bi Xiao and with a warm tone said " You don't have to bow all the time , we are of same age"

"No your authority you are my superior" Bi said in a straight forward tone.

The man had a fair complexion with high nose bridge and almond like eyes. He kept adjusting his hair that fell onto his face.

"Ok, what is the report of recent scouting?" said the man

Bi Xiao proceeded to share everything about how he discovered Vivek, the peculiar barrier, and the Primal Orbis connected to the basket. The exchange depicted a dynamic of mutual respect and responsibility, leaving Vivek, still in the basket, amidst a conversation he couldn't comprehend but sensed the gravity of.

"Hmm, interesting. This baby looks like a newborn. No parent will leave their child like this. The only possibility I can think of is his parents were attacked and died. But this Primal Orbis, it is definitely a rank five, and if that's so, then probably there are no creatures in the bamboo forest that can kill them. This matter is very strange. I can't make a decision on my own. This is also a concern for village security because if a rank five stranger with a rank five Primal Orbis attacks us, I think even the leader wouldn't be able to do anything. We have to discuss this with the elders and the leader," said the person in a tense tone.

The revelation about the baby and the powerful Primal Orbis added a layer of complexity to the situation. The man's concern for the village's security and the need to involve the elders and the leader hinted at the gravity of the matter. Vivek, still in the basket, sensed the seriousness of the discussion even though he couldn't understand the language or the details being shared.

"So, Captain, can we not go right now to the elder hall?" Bi Xiao inquired.

"Bi, as you know today is the celebration of the moon festival in our Xiao clan. All the elders as well as the leader are busy, especially for the awakening ceremony of the youngsters that is going to be held during the dawn," the captain explained, getting lost in deep thoughts.

"So, what to do now, especially about this baby?" Bi Xiao asked, directing his gaze towards Vivek.

["I think they are talking about me," Vivek pondered, considering the possibility that his newborn presence had become the center of the universe's weirdest gossip.]

"<Sigh >, What can we do, hmm? Why don't you keep him with yourself? You have a wife too; she can take care of him until tomorrow, and you can then bring him with me to the elder hall," the captain suggested, considering a temporary solution for Vivek's care.

"But..." Bi was going to speak but was stopped by the captain.

"It is an order," the captain declared.

Bi, feeling a bit reluctant, unwillingly agreed to the suggestion. The unfolding events indicated that Vivek's fate was intricately woven into the affairs of this extraordinary village, leaving him, still in the basket, to navigate the mysterious path ahead.

Bi Xiao, carrying Vivek in the basket, retraced his steps back to the second section of the village. The guards at the third entrance seemed to nod their heads, silently implying, "See, we told you already, you won't be able to meet the leader." The unspoken skepticism lingered in the air as Bi Xiao continued on his way.

Bi Xiao took a right turn from the third entrance and walked straight ahead until he reached his house. His dwelling was a splendid representation of ancient architecture, reflecting a rich cultural heritage.

Bi Xiao's residence, nestled in the second section of the village, embodied an ancient architectural style characterized by interconnected pavilions and courtyards. The structure, constructed with meticulous craftsmanship, featured wooden lattice windows, ornate door frames, and upturned eaves adorned with intricate carvings. The central courtyard served as a focal point, providing an open space for various activities. Within the dwelling, a store added to its charm, showcasing an array of items that hinted at the rich cultural heritage of the village. The house, with its distinctive design and the store's cultural offerings, stood as a testament to the historical and architectural richness of the village.

Bi Xiao knocked at the entrance of the house, and a woman in her mid-twenties opened the door. She wore a white dress reminiscent of a kimono, accentuating her slender figure. With a petite nose, large expressive eyes, and full lips, she exuded a simple yet captivating beauty. The traditional attire added a touch of elegance to her appearance as she welcomed Bi Xiao and the peculiar presence in the basket with a curious glance.

"Why are you so late? I asked you to be here by the evening, and who is this little one?" she demanded with an air of annoyance. Bi Xiao, attempting to diffuse the situation, pointed to the basket and said, "Surprise, meet our unexpected guest!" She peered into the basket, her expression transforming from frustration to bewilderment.

"Guest? What? Did we forget to send out the invitations for the 'Random Babies in Baskets' event?" she retorted with a smirk, her mood lightening as she playfully interacted with Vivek. "Well, aren't you the life of the party," she teased looking at Vivek.

Vivek, still in the basket, couldn't comprehend the words, but the sudden shift from scolding to playful banter left him utterly confused. He pondered, "Did I just crash a 'Random Babies in Baskets' party? Is this a thing in this village?" The absurdity of the situation, coupled with the woman's lighthearted approach, turned his confusion into a silent, amusing spectacle.

"Come in first, then tell me the whole story," the trio went inside the house.

Seated in a room, the wife listened intently as Bi Xiao recounted the extraordinary tale. Vivek, still in the basket, became the unintentional centerpiece on the table, feeling like a prop in a cosmic twist.

As Bi Xiao finished narrating, his wife couldn't contain her amusement. She looked at Bi Xiao with a playful grin and then at Vivek. "So, let me get this straight," she began theatrically, "you went out for a stroll, stumbled upon a basket with a surprise package inside, and voila! We now have a baby as an unexpected houseguest?" Her expressive gestures mimicking surprise and laughter turned the situation into a whimsical scene.

Bi Xiao chuckled at the absurdity of the retelling, nodding in agreement. "Well, when you put it like that..."

Vivek, still in the basket, couldn't grasp the language, but the laughter around him turned the confusion into a curious amusement. As the unintended star of this impromptu drama, he couldn't help but join the invisible audience in the theater of life's unpredictable moments.

"We are responsible for this baby for today at least, and tomorrow I, with the captain, will go to the elder hall for further discussion," said Bi in a serious tone. However, his wife, with a mischievous glint in her eye, couldn't resist adding a touch of humor.

"Responsibility for today, discussion tomorrow, and who knows, maybe we'll find another surprise basket on the way," she quipped, a playful smile dancing on her lips. 

Vivek, still in the basket, couldn't understand the words but sensed the change in mood. His serious baby thoughts echoed in his little mind, "Here I am, caught in the crossfire of surprise baskets and serious discussions. Is this the universe's way of testing my baby diplomacy skills?" The sheer absurdity of contemplating diplomatic negotiations as a baby turned the situation into a silent, whimsical spectacle.

"We still have time, let's go to the moon festival, and I am sure the baby will enjoy it too," Bi's wife suggested with a mischievous smile, making a playful baby face. The sudden transition from serious discussions to the lighthearted invitation added a whimsical touch to the unfolding events.

Bi Xiao, caught between the responsibilities of the unexpected guest and the charm of his wife's proposal, couldn't help but chuckle. "Why not? A moon festival adventure for our surprise package," he agreed, sharing a glance with Vivek in the basket as if seeking the baby's approval for the impromptu festivity. The prospect of experiencing the village's moon festival added another layer of unpredictability to Vivek's extraordinary day.





Vasudeva : Caught between a moon festival, an unexpected baby in a basket, and serious talks, the village unwittingly turned its daily events into a cosmic comedy, with Vivek playing the unwitting lead role.

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