

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Ost
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25 Chs


NOTE : This Chapter can be very dark for some peoples.

"Brace yourself, it will be a little painful," Zhen remarked, his voice steady despite the intensity of the situation.

The hunter nodded, steeling himself for what was to come.

"Now, let's begin then." Zhen took the pointed metal stick and pierced it through an area near the shoulder joint. The stick slid in slowly, the hunter gritting his teeth as blood trickled from the wound.

"Hmm, As I thought, this is not a vital point, for human bodies back on earth It was. But here It isn't," a dry smile appeared on Zhen's face as he analyzed the situation. He withdrew the stick swiftly, blood splattering in its wake.

After several attempts and piercing almost the complete shoulder area, Zhen finally found the vital point.

"Yes, this is it." Zhen's voice held a note of satisfaction as he pierced the stick inside. The hunter's entire arm moved involuntarily, eliciting a loud shriek of pain from him.

At the very moment Zhen began his acting skills, "Brother, are you alright? I didn't mean to do that, sorry," Zhen said, each word tinged with frequent hesitance, as if he, not the hunter, was the one being pierced.

Though in pain, the hunter forced a smile. "It's alright, little brother. I am okay; you continue," he said, his voice strained.

"How can I, because of mere pain, not help the benefactor? What will Yuna think of me?" the hunter mused inwardly, determination driving him forward.

"A perfect subject for experimentation. What an idiot," Zhen mused silently to himself.

Zhen repeated the process all over the hunter's body to identify different vital points. "Huh, this will take some time," he thought to himself, his hands moving methodically.

From outside the hut, the scene was unsettling. The air was thick with the echoes of agonizing cries, each one piercing through the tranquility of the night like shards of shattered glass. The sounds were haunting, carrying the weight of unbearable suffering and torment.

The cries reverberated through the darkness, twisting into gut-wrenching howls that seemed to claw at the very fabric of the night. It was as though the walls themselves were groaning in sympathy, unable to contain the intensity of the anguish within.

To any onlooker passing by, the sight would be chilling. The dim glow of the lamp inside the hut cast eerie shadows on the walls, adding to the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air. The muffled thuds and sharp cries emanating from within painted a vivid picture of agony, sending shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot.

It was a scene that spoke of suffering, of a struggle against forces unseen. And as the night wore on, the sounds only grew louder, each cry a testament to the depths of pain being endured within those weathered walls.

After some time;

The scene inside the hut was grim and macabre. The hunter lay on the table, his body a canvas of agony, marked by numerous puncture wounds that oozed blood like dark rivers flowing across his skin. Every inch of him bore the scars of Zhen's relentless exploration of vital points, each wound a testament to the excruciating pain he endured.

Not a patch of untouched skin remained; even his face, once a visage of strength and resilience, was now marred by the cruel imprints of Zhen's investigation. Yet, despite the torment etched upon his features, the hunter's spirit remained unbroken, his smile a flickering beacon of resilience amidst the sea of suffering.

"Little brother," his voice trembled, each word a struggle against the overwhelming agony that consumed him, "Is it done?"

Zhen, his facade of sorrow a mask to cloak his true intentions, hesitated for a moment. "Brother," he began, his voice trembling with feigned sadness, "Yes, it is, but..."

"But?" the hunter pressed on, his voice faltering but resolute, "I am alright brother, continue if you have any further work."

Zhen's somber expression betrayed the excitement raging within him. With a heavy heart, he nodded in acknowledgment.

"Now begins, the great exploration of human anatomy," Zhen thought, his excitement barely contained within the confines of his stoic demeanor.

With his knives gleaming in the dim light of the hut, he embarked upon his task with surgical precision. Each incision was deliberate, each movement calculated as he peeled back the layers of flesh to reveal the intricate web of muscles, tendons, and organs beneath.

"Ahh, it hurts," Yuna groaned, her voice laced with pain as consciousness slowly returned to her battered body. She gingerly rose to a seated position on the bed, her hand instinctively seeking out the source of her discomfort.

With a wince, she cradled her stomach, feeling the ache radiating through her body. Confusion clouded her mind as she scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, searching for any sign of familiarity.

"Where is Raku?" she muttered, her brow furrowing in perplexity as she surveyed the empty room. The absence of her beloved cast a shadow over her thoughts, stirring a sense of unease within her heart.

"He must be out hunting," she reasoned aloud, though the reassurance rang hollow in the silence of the night.

As she rested against the cool wall, waves of anguish washed over her, her tears a testament to the pain that gripped her soul. Each sob echoed through the empty room, a lament for the innocence lost and the betrayal endured.

"Why, Elder? How could you do this to me?" she cried out, her voice trembling with raw emotion. The weight of her anguish bore down upon her, threatening to engulf her in its dark embrace.

In the solitude of the night, Yuna's tears fell like rain, each drop a silent plea for forgiveness, for redemption, for the chance to reclaim what had been lost.

"What will I say to Raku?" Yuna's voice cracked with sorrow, her words punctuated by her deepening despair. Her tears flowed more freely now, cascading down her cheeks in a torrent of anguish. "I am no longer pure," she choked out between sobs, her heart heavy with remorse. "I am sorry, Raku. I do not deserve you anymore." Each syllable was heavy with the weight of her regret, echoing in the emptiness of the room as she grappled with the shattered pieces of her innocence.

With a sudden shift, Yuna's emotions and expression transformed into something formidable. "You won't get away with this, elder," she declared, her voice laced with an intense determination that bordered on fury. Her eyes blazed crimson, veins pulsating on her forehead as tears of blood streaked down her cheeks. Yet, amidst the turmoil, her gaze held an unwavering resolve, a pledge to exact vengeance and erase the elder from existence.

Her attention then fell upon the ten spirit stones beside her, triggering a wave of puzzlement. "Ten spirit stones! How could Raku have this?" Her brow furrowed in confusion, realization dawning upon her. "No, Raku can't have this," she whispered, the pieces of the puzzle slotting into place. "He is probably in danger. I have to find him quickly."

In an instant, her rage and tears dissolved into sheer fear for her beloved's life. Worry etched lines of concern on her face as she struggled to control her rapid breaths. "Could it be the elder?" she wondered aloud, suppressing the dread that threatened to consume her. "No, I should not think about the worst."

With resolve hardening her resolve, she absorbed the spirit stones, summoning forth a primal Orbis from her forehead. Its healing energy coursed through her, granting her the strength to rise and take action, her determination unyielding despite the encroaching darkness.

Still not fully healed, Yuna ventured out from the house in search of Raku. Through the forest she went, the sun beginning its ascent, its gentle rays gradually illuminating the woodland around her.

After a relentless search, she arrived at a hut resembling the one she had left behind. The thick stench of blood saturated the air, yet the absence of wild beasts signaled the effectiveness of the repellent.

"Such a pungent smell of blood," Yuna thought, her apprehension mounting. With trepidation, she approached the hut and pushed the door open.

But what met her eyes inside caused her to stagger back, vomit violently. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the remnants of bile on her skin. Her body convulsed with tremors, her arms wrapping tightly around herself in a desperate attempt to quell the shaking. Her complexion drained of color, her lower jaw quivering uncontrollably at the sight that lay before her.

"No, that can't be Raku!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the woods. "NO!" Her wails pierced the silence, a mournful lament for the shattered fragments of her hope.

But still, she forced her body to move, her legs trembling as she stood and approached for another glance. Yet, the horror before her was too much to bear, so she leaned against the doorframe for support.

Upon the table lay a grotesque figure, its features contorted beyond recognition. The body had been savagely dissected, every inch of skin peeled away with meticulous cruelty. The skull, split open as if in defiance, revealed the raw, exposed brain matter oozing with viscous fluids.

Empty eye sockets stared back at her, the face sliced apart and laid aside, a grotesque caricature of recognition. Flesh and sinew lay bare, drenched in crimson gore, a testament to the brutality of the act.

Moving to the chest, the ribcage splayed open like a macabre flower, its bones twisted into grotesque petals. One lung remained intact while the other was brutally rent in twain, its pulpy remains a stark reminder of the carnage that had taken place.

Amidst this horror, the heart still beat, a sickening rhythm of life amidst the desolation. The organs, once nestled within, were absent, torn from their moorings. The intestines, coiled like serpents, seemed to writhe in silent agony, trapped within the confines of their own torment.

As Yuna drew closer to the mangled remains of her beloved, every step felt like an eternity. The air hung heavy with the stench of death, suffocating her with its morbidity. Her eyes, fixated on the ghastly sight before her, refused to blink, as if fearing that even a momentary lapse would make the nightmare disappear.

The nether regions, once symbols of vitality, now resembled pulpy fruit, grotesquely swollen and contorted. Each muscle and tendon of the legs lay torn asunder, revealing the stark white of bone beneath. The foot, bisected with cruel precision, bore the marks of relentless force.

"His heart is still beating," came Zhen's detached voice from the shadows, a chilling reminder of the grim reality. His words, devoid of empathy, cut through the silence like a knife. "You better kill him," he continued, his tone flat and emotionless, "He would be in a lot of pain and agony. Probably, he still wanted to meet you at least. That may be the reason why he is still clutching on to life."

Yuna, consumed by grief and horror, found herself unable to respond. Her body moved as if in a trance, drawn inexorably closer to the shattered remains of her once vibrant love. Every fiber of her being screamed in protest, but still, she pressed on, her trembling legs betraying the enormity of her despair.

With a heart heavy with sorrow, Yuna knelt beside the shattered remnants of her beloved Raku. Her voice, trembling yet resolute, whispered words of love and devotion into the silent void.

"I love you, Raku, and always will," she murmured, her words a solemn vow to the departed soul.

As if in response to her heartfelt declaration, a profound stillness descended upon the scene. The beating heart, a lingering echo of life's fragile thread, faltered and stilled, succumbing to the inexorable march of time. Raku was gone, his spirit released from the torment of his mortal shell.

Yuna's tears flowed freely now, mingling with the blood-soaked ground beneath her. In that moment of profound loss, she found solace in the knowledge that love, though fleeting, endures beyond the confines of mortality.

Emerging from the shadows, Zhen's calculated demeanor betrayed his callous intent. With precision, he hurled two knives toward Yuna's knees, targeting a vital point. Instantly, her legs gave way, compelling her to collapse onto the unforgiving ground.

Yuna lay motionless, her eyes vacant, the weight of her loss eclipsing the physical agony inflicted upon her. In the stillness, she surrendered to the anguish that engulfed her soul.

Observing Yuna's plight with detached indifference, Zhen contemplated the potential for experimentation. With a stoic expression, he entertained the notion of probing the depths of her Yodha abilities, heedless of the suffering he imposed.

"Hmmm, She is a Yodha, Better, for further experimentations" Zhen murmured, his hand resting thoughtfully on his chin, his expression stoic and calculating.

"Now, let's begin," he declared, his tone unwavering, "My human anatomy subject."

Back to current time;

"Today, I will avenge Raku. Die, you bastard!" she growled, her words heavy with unforgiving intent.

At that moment, a shadowy figure emerged from the nearby forest, wielding a blade as dark as the night, intercepting the incoming attack of the wind blade. Simultaneously, Zhen activated his skill.

"Warrior stance," Zhen declared, his voice steady as he propelled himself backward, evading the imminent danger.

The shadowy figure remained suspended in the air alongside the woman, while Zhen positioned himself ten steps away.

"Zhen, move away from—" the shadowy figure began, but to his surprise, Zhen had already distanced himself from them.

"This skill, no joke," Zhen mused inwardly, a glint of excitement in his eyes as his focus remained fixed on the woman.

"Huh, get away from my way," declared Yuna, her voice full of anger and hatred. But before she could move, she was kicked by the shadowy figure in her chest, sending her flying back and crashing into a nearby tree with a resounding thud.

"I must kill you first," Yuna declared, her voice laced with venom, pointing towards the figure shrouded in shadows.

Both of them charged towards each other like lightning, one green and the other as black as night. The clash of their blades echoed through the air.

The elders formed a protective circle around the youths, their gaze fixed on the intense battle unfolding before them.

"Is he one of them?" Elder Zhong questioned.

"It looks like it," replied Elder Chi.

"Then that woman is done for," mused Elder Zhong ominously.

Zhen stood within the protective circle, his eyes fixed on the unfolding battle before him. Every youth present watched with bated breath as the clash between the shadowy figure and Yuna intensified. Meanwhile, Zhen delved into his thoughts.

"I made sure that woman was dead. How can she be alive? There is only one way... if she had a primal Orbis that could cheat death. But..."

In the midst of his contemplations, the battle raged on. The shadowy figure and Yuna now fought in the air, their movements swift and lethal. The figure manipulated the shadows around him, shrouding Yuna in darkness. Seizing the opportunity, he generated force in his right leg and unleashed a storming kick towards the cloud enveloping Yuna.

The kick landed with brutal force, causing Yuna to cough up blood as she hurtled towards the ground. The impact created a shockwave, dispersing the black cloud and sending Yuna crashing into the earth below. Multiple trees shattered upon her descent, and she created a colossal crater upon impact, the resounding thud echoing through the entire forest.

The shockwave generated by the kick was so potent that even those on the ground felt its impact.

"He is definitely a rank four," Elder Mei remarked, awe evident in his voice. "That strength is just like ours or even stronger"

Shock rippled across the faces of the elders, but Elder Zhong interjected, "What do you expect from the shadows of the village? The power they possess is far stronger."

"Such strength, amazing," Zhen mused inwardly, a glint of excitement flashing across his face. Few things could evoke such a response from him, and that kick was one of them.

As the figure confirmed that the woman was incapacitated, he lifted her and vanished, casting a lingering glance at Zhen.

"Thank you, Mr. Spy, for your help," Zhen thought to himself.

The elders surveyed the scene before them, and Elder Zhong instructed everyone to move ahead.

"Wait , everyone, I hear something approaching" said an elder, who was investigating the surrounding.

Before they could proceed, a colossal figure, adorned with scars, emerged from the forest and loomed before them, sending shockwaves through the group. The figure stood like a mountain, draped in black and grey fur that seemed more like stone, with massive scars oozing blood scattered across its form. Stripes resembling grey stones crisscrossed its body, adding to its imposing presence. With a mouth bristling with sharp canines resembling silver daggers, it let out a deafening roar that shook the ground, uprooting bamboo trees in its wake.

The elders sprang into action, swiftly creating a protective barrier around the youths and themselves before advancing to confront the looming beast.

"Stay vigilant, elders. Its aura suggests a rank four beast, drawn here by the commotion," Elder Bi cautioned.

A wave of despair washed over the elders' faces at the daunting prospect. "Rank four," murmured one, resignation evident in his expression.

[Wild beast were divide from rank one to seven like the Yodhas, but they also had particular titles as their rank increased, for rank three General to rank seven Emperor. As they gain titles the number of the subordinating wild beast below them increases, and these are called minions.]

"For an average Yodha, the wild beast they are fighting should always be a level or two below that of their own, otherwise, defeating them is almost impossible" Zhen thought to himself. 

"Stay composed, elders. It's already injured. With our numbers, we have the advantage," Elder Zhong reassured, though concern lingered in his voice.

"But if it's a rank four, it's likely a king, and we'll have to contend with its minions," remarked an elder in a blue kimono.

Elder Zhong clenched his jaw, grappling with the grim reality. "Remain calm. Look at those scars. It appears aged and solitary, suggesting it's broken away from its pack," Elder Chi observed, attempting to instill a sense of resolve in the group.

Zhen silently pondered over the elders' discussion, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "In the wild, beasts that grow old and lose their ability to hunt effectively are often culled and used as sustenance for the younger generation," he mused to himself, connecting the dots. "This stone tiger may have narrowly escaped such a fate."

Observing the elders' deliberation, Zhen recognized the dire threat posed by the stone tiger. "If it's a prime rank four beast, even a rank five Yodha might struggle to subdue it, if it had it's minions" he acknowledged, aware of the creature's formidable power. "Numbers won't suffice against such a foe, but given its weakened state, perhaps there's a glimmer of hope."

"Elder Chi, it's the stone tiger, a rank four," Elder Mei interjected, his voice laced with urgency. "Do you have any idea how strong its attacks are? It can swipe us in one fell swoop."

Elder Chi gritted his teeth, feeling the weight of the situation. "So, what do you recommend? It's already injured and probably has no minions to control, we may have a chance, we have to try."

Elder Mei remained unconvinced, but he knew there was no alternative but to try.

The elders prepared themselves, summoning swords seemingly crafted from moonlight and blood-red hues. "Let us begin," Elder Bi declared, his blood-red sword gleaming in his grasp.

Observing the spectacle, Zhen's excitement peaked, a faint grin forming on his lips. "Now, that is cool," he murmured, his attention fixated on the majestic swords wielded by the elders.

The battle commenced, blood splattering amidst the clash of beasts and elders. Despite the relentless onslaught, the elders remained steadfast. After a prolonged struggle and a united effort, they finally managed to slay the wild beast, with Elder Bi's blood-red Light sword dealing the fatal blow.

Standing triumphantly over the fallen creature, the elders exuded an aura of victory. Every youth present watched in awe and admiration, astonished by the feat of the elders in felling a beast the size of a hill.

Elder Chi approached the corpse of the beast and used his sword to pry open its head, revealing a green-colored spherical object emitting an ethereal light.

"Huh, a rank four primal Orbis!" Zhen exclaimed, his eyes locked onto the Orbis with keen interest.

Breathing heavily, Elder Bi urged, "Hurry, everyone, we must move swiftly before the scent of blood attracts even more wild beasts."


The moon hung in the sky, casting its gentle glow upon a figure sprinting through the thick forest, its features obscured in the darkness. It moved as though fleeing from a specter, a silent urgency driving its pace.

Soon, the distant echoes of wild beast howls pierced the air behind the figure.

"Come on, catch me if you can," the figure taunted, his voice barely a whisper against the haunting howls.

As if responding to his challenge, hordes of wild beasts with black and white fur surged forward, their eyes glinting in the moonlight. They resembled remnants of wolves, their fur shimmering with the lunar glow.

They closed in on the figure with relentless speed. Then, another thunderous roar reverberated through the forest—a wild beast the size of a mountain, its fur a blend of black and silver, adorned with long, golden moustaches that shimmered in the moonlight. As it roared, trees trembled and lightning crackled around it, illuminating its diamond-like teeth.

"COME ON!" the figure shouted toward the colossal beast as he raced away from it, a wide grin spreading across his face, relishing the exhilarating pursuit.

The giant beast seethed with rage, its massive form crackling with electric energy as it conjured a sphere of lightning.

In the same instant, one of the pursuing beasts leaped at the figure.

The figure met the attack with a confident smile, then vanished from its original position, leaving the charging beast to collide with nothing but empty air. Simultaneously, the giant beast unleashed the energy ball it had been gathering, obliterating the smaller beasts in its path.

Unsatisfied with the outcome, the giant beast scanned its surroundings, baffled by the sudden disappearance of its prey.

A voice echoed from above the towering creature, "Looking for someone?"

The beast's gaze shot upward, where it beheld a figure suspended in the air, clutching a Lance emitting a radiant golden glow. A wide grin adorned the figure's face as it regarded the bewildered beast.

"Goodbye," the figure declared.

With a force that created shockwaves in the sky, the lance hurtled towards the beast. The Lance moved at the speed of light, its unstoppable momentum tearing through trees and beasts alike as it pierced the giant beast's skull into pieces.

The once mighty creature, brimming with vitality, crumpled to the ground like an ant. The force of the attack uprooted trees in a radius of 100 meters, sending the minion beasts fleeing for their lives.

Descending upon the fallen beast, the figure sliced open its head and retrieved a luminous object emitting a golden-yellow glow. Thick in the middle and tapering towards the end, it radiated an ethereal light.

"A rank five primal Orbis," declared the figure, standing tall atop the lifeless body of the giant beast.

Turning towards the moon, the figure made a gesture as if to grasp it, and spoke with unwavering resolve, "I am coming back, father," a smile forming on its features, which remained shrouded in mystery.


Mass release (SUNDAY) :

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