

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Ost
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25 Chs


The spirit maintained an invisible barrier, staunchly halting the relentless assault of the energy strands aimed at Zhen. Despite its steadfast defense, the barrier quivered under the relentless barrage, teetering on the brink of collapse.

Zhen stood resolute, his gaze fixed upon the writhing tendrils of energy, his anger and hatred towards the spirit was visible but he chose the focus on the bigger picture. "You can block it, but can you attack it too?" he inquired, his tone steady despite the urgency of the situation.

"Yes," came the spirit's reply, devoid of embellishment or hesitation.

"Very well, then. It seems the energy is fixated on me," Zhen observed, his voice a calm oasis amidst the tempest. "I will act as the bait. When you see an opportunity, strike. Understood?"

"Okay," the spirit affirmed. "Prepare yourself. I will drop the barrier."

Upon hearing the spirit's affirmation, Zhen nodded in solemn understanding. With a fluid motion, he adjusted his stance, his body poised like a coiled spring, ready to react at a moment's notice. Every sinew, every muscle tensed with anticipation, as he prepared himself for the imminent clash against the encroaching tide of energy.

In the stillness of the astral plane, Zhen awaited the signal to unleash his resolve, his senses attuned to the ebb and flow of the unseen currents that pulsed around him. With unwavering determination, he stood as a beacon of defiance, ready to confront.

"Now," commanded the spirit, and in an instant, the barrier dissolved, unleashing the pent-up fury of the energy tendrils upon Zhen.

With lightning reflexes, Zhen evaded the oncoming assault, his movements a ballet of grace and agility as he danced away from the tendrils' deadly embrace. As the tendrils crashed into the sea, the impact sending shockwaves rippling across the surface, Zhen found himself perched precariously on the turbulent waves, his senses keenly attuned to the looming threat.

Before he could even draw breath, the tendrils surged forth once more, this time from beneath the roiling depths, their sinister intent unmistakable. Reacting with split-second precision, Zhen vaulted into the air, narrowly escaping the razor-sharp tendrils that lashed out from the abyss below.

Yet, even as he soared above the maelstrom, Zhen could sense the relentless pursuit of his unseen adversaries. The tendrils, now joined by others of their kind, coiled and writhed with savage determination, their advance relentless and unforgiving.

"It's like a wild beast, relentless in its pursuit," Zhen mused, his thoughts racing as he dodged and weaved through the onslaught. "And this spirit hasn't even revealed what is this thing" he realized, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

As Zhen leaped backward, evading the relentless assault of the energy tendrils, another emerged from the depths, slithering menacingly toward him. Caught between the dual onslaughts, with tendrils converging from both front and rear, Zhen found himself ensnared in a deadly dance of fate.

"Damn it," Zhen muttered. Yet, even as the tendrils closed in, his mind remained an oasis of tranquility amid the storm.

In the face of imminent danger, a serene calm descended upon him, shrouding his thoughts in a cloak of clarity and purpose.

Outside the sea of consciousness, Elder Zhong let out a weary sigh, his expression etched with concern. "Seems the child still refuses to accept the energy," he remarked, his voice tinged with a sense of resignation at the ongoing struggle.

"The leader's soul power will wane if this young one doesn't embrace it soon," Elder Mei interjected, his words laden with a somber foreboding of the consequences that loomed on the horizon.

Hao Tian, his fist clenched tight and frustration etched on his face. "This guy just stokes the flames of my hatred with each passing moment," he seethed, his anger simmering just beneath the surface, "His getting a lifetime opportunity yet doesn't excepts it and my father has to take the toll for this foreigner".

Meanwhile, within the depths of his own mind, the clan leader's thoughts raged like a tempest, his visage contorted with undisguised fury. "Why won't you accept the energy, you insolent wretch?" he seethed inwardly, the fires of his wrath blazing bright upon his brow.

"Hey, spirit," Zhen called out, his voice resolute even amidst the chaos of battle. "We need a barrier here, now!"

Responding to Zhen's command, the spirit erected a protective barrier around him, a fragile shield against the onslaught of the energy tendrils. Though it shattered within moments, it bought Zhen the precious seconds he needed. With calculated precision, he descended upon the surface of the roiling sea, deftly evading the tendrils' deadly embrace.

As the tendrils clashed with thunderous sound, sending shockwaves rippling across the turbulent waters, Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close," he remarked, his voice lacking any emotions as he stood at a safe distance from the impact zone.

"What are you waiting for now? Attack!" he commanded the spirit, his words a bold declaration of intent.

In response, the spirit wasted no time, launching a ferocious assault upon the tendrils with relentless determination. In a dazzling display of power, the tendrils crumbled before their combined might, vanquished by the sheer force of their resolve.

"Good work there," the spirit praised, its tone tinged with satisfaction as it acknowledged its own achievement.

Outside the sea of consciousness, the destruction of the tendrils unleashed a torrent of backlash upon the clan leader.

A thin line of blood slid from the corner of his mouth, prompting a swift hand to cover it. Staggering back in response to the sudden backlash, he took large, unsteady steps, trying to regain his balance. Yet, undeterred by the pain, he remained steadfast in his resolve, his determination unshaken amidst the storm.

Hao Tian dashed towards the clan leader, poised to offer support, but a gesture from the leader's hand halted him in his tracks, signaling that he was unharmed.

"Damn this bastard," Hao Tian seethed, his fists clenched in frustration. "This is too much."

"He destroyed the energy tendrils again," observed Elder Bi, his tone tinged with a mixture of awe and curiosity. "What kind of soul power does he possess?"

Elder Mei's lips curled into a smirk as he replied, his words dripping with subtle implication. "Our leader is no stranger to such powers. To him, this soul power is mere child's play," he remarked, his gaze meeting Elder Bi's with a hint of defiance.

"He always finds a way to lick the leader's a*s," Elder Bi mused inwardly, his thoughts simmering with a mixture of disdain and frustration. Despite his silent disapproval, he harbored a sense of resignation, knowing all too well the dynamics at play within the clan's hierarchy.

In the sea of consciousness;

Zhen spoke, his demeanor once again stoic, "Don't be too happy. What was that thing?"

"That, my friend, was a source of external soul energy," the spirit replied.

"Was it really harmful?" Zhen inquired, his expression unchanged.

"Are you blind?" the spirit retorted, a subtle smirk in it's voice. "Didn't you see its ferocious attacks? Did that appear harmless to you?"

Zhen sighed, shaking his head in resignation. Just as he prepared to pose another question, a thick strand of energy emerged from beneath, piercing his chest from behind in a sudden, searing burst.

"Damn, I let my guard down, This is too much for one day, shattering my self-created illusion bubble." Zhen thought, his teeth clenched tight for the upcoming pain.

But what Zhen felt in the next moment was not pain, but rather an overwhelming sensation of extreme pleasure, akin to the euphoria experienced when the astral splendor had first connected with him—an indescribable bliss that transcended mere words.

Observing Zhen's silence, the spirit moved to attack once more.

"WAIT," Zhen exclaimed aloud, his voice cutting through the ether. Instantly, the spirit halted its assault, confusion evident in its ethereal form.

"Why?" the spirit queried, perplexity coloring its words.

"It's not harming me," Zhen declared, his tone firm. "Instead, it feels different—as if I'm becoming stronger or healthier. It's like I was ailing before, and now this energy is healing me."

"Healing you?" the spirit echoed, and took a moment to feel it after a moment a flicker of realization dawning within its incorporeal being. "Yes, it is healing you," it affirmed, a hint of excitement tingling in its voice.

"Okay, but what exactly is this thing healing?" Zhen pressed, his stoic expression unwavering.

In response, the spirit conjured a screen before Zhen, displaying a message.

[Your Soul is healing] 

[Soul Power : 11/100]

"It's exactly same as before, maybe i guessed the technology in ancient era surpassed the modern times " Zhen mused inwardly, his curiosity piqued.

"See, I have told you that your soul was damaged, right?" the spirit began, pausing as if awaiting Zhen's acknowledgment.

"Yes," Zhen affirmed, his eyes narrowed , as if not willing to reply.

"This indicator tells you how much your damaged soul has been restored to its original form," the spirit explained. "This energy is healing your soul."

"Oh" Zhen responded, his expression devoid of happiness or emotion. "So, once it's done healing, it brings back memories?"

"Yes," the spirit confirmed. "Aren't you happy about that?" it inquired, its tone plain, when it looked at Zhen.

"From the memories I already have of my past," Zhen reflected, his voice measured. "It's probably better not to remember what the entire picture would be."

"Is it because of the people you have killed?" the spirit inquired, its voice a frigid echo reverberating through the infinite reaches of the sea of consciousness .

"Huh," Zhen became silent for a moment and then chuckled softly, the sound of his laughter akin to shards of ice crashing against each other, his crystalline teeth glittering ominously in the ethereal light.

"So, you know how to laugh too," the spirit remarked, with sarcasm in it's voice.

"No," Zhen retorted, his chuckle morphing into a grin.

"Come to think of it," Zhen mused, scratching his head, "I never really gave a second thought to offing them. But thanks to my mentor, I've got a mental photo album of each and every one of their mugs burned into my brain. And yet, here I am, still couldn't care less!".

His grin morphed into a smile, but one devoid of humanity. It was a simple curl of the lips, yet devoid of any emotion. "Because in the end," he remarked, his voice flat and detached, "there are only survivors and the rest are just dead bodies. Nothing much to ponder about."

For Zhen, the cosmos was a vast theater of indifference, where the cries of the innocent were drowned out by the cacophony of cosmic indifference. To him, the sanctity of life was but a fleeting illusion, a fragile construct shattered by the cruel whims of fate. In his eyes, the act of extinguishing a life held no more significance than plucking a leaf from a tree or crushing a pebble underfoot.

To Zhen, morality was a hollow concept, a feeble attempt to impose order upon the chaos of existence. In the grand tapestry of the universe, there were no heroes or villains—only survivors, driven by the primal instinct that is called pain , and to endure it at any cost , for survival.

"It's just that..." Zhen's smile faded, revealing the chilling emptiness of his soul. "From what I remember, some people close to me didn't have a very good fate." His words hung in the air like a curse, casting a pall over the very notion of righteousness and virtue.

{Here Zhen is not remarking on the tragedy that befall on Mira and Aarav. This is a whole other thing and will be told in later chapters}

The spirit, though aware of the tumult within Zhen's mind, opted for silence, a tacit acknowledgment of the labyrinthine complexities that defined his essence.

"I see you have an emotional side too," the spirit remarked, its voice a delicate echo in the boundless expanse of consciousness. "You still harbor thoughts of those individuals."

"Stop it," Zhen said with blunt assertiveness. "Why toss me into the trial against my will?"

"Oh, that," the spirit replied, seeming amused by Zhen's directness. "I wanted to test your eligibility as an owner. I mean, I can't have a weakling as my master, right? So, I thought, why not put you to the test?"

"Not the most reassuring answer, but I suppose I shouldn't expect much," Zhen thought to himself, his face twitched a little from usual stoic one, before voicing another question. "I've noticed that in some instances, I acted out of character. Did the trial mess with my mind as well?"

"You could say that," the spirit answered cryptically. "But to be precise, the trial manipulates your emotions."

"Emotions?" Zhen inquired, intrigued.

"Yes, it simulates the feelings the actual person experienced at that moment. Sometimes, it can cloud your judgment too," the spirit elaborated, but Zhen cut in before it could continue.

"Wow, fabulous," Zhen deadpanned, his eyebrows doing a little dance of irritation. "Thanks a bunch for the enlightening, curses," he added, his words seasoned with a pinch of salt.

"Hey, whoa, hold your horses! Emotions are like... the spice of life, you know? They guide you to the... um... the right direction," the spirit babbled nervously, its ethereal voice wavering under the onslaught of Zhen's verbal barrage.

[{...: (words not fit for delicate ears)} {ear pleasing words used by Zhen in between}]

"And what else? Any other juicy tidbits you conveniently left out?" Zhen quipped, his sarcasm as thick as a layer of frosting on a cake, his expression as stoic as a garden gnome's.

"Oh, there's more," the spirit squeaked out.

"Damn you ,curses," Zhen interjected, his choice of vocabulary turning the air bluer than a Smurf's backside.

"Hey, pump the brakes!" the spirit yelped, its panic palpable.

"Let me tell you, it's..."

Before the spirit could delve further into the depths of Zhen's emotions, a cascade of messages materialized before Zhen.

[Soul Power : 27/100]

[Healing is finished] 

The strand of energy dissipated, leaving Zhen to plummet onto the sea's surface with a resounding thud.

"This sea is more akin to rock than liquid," Zhen remarked, his voice cutting through the eerie stillness as he rose to his feet.

"Now, what? Can you explain?" he queried, but the spirit offered no response.

"Hello, spirit, are you there?" he called out again, his words echoing fruitlessly into the vast emptiness, "I don't think so , those words would offended it, after all I just used a tiny bit of those m and b words."

Furrowing his brows, Zhen folded his arms across his chest. "Where has this spirit gone? , It's just useless." he pondered aloud, the unsettling silence amplifying his growing sense of unease.

In the next moment, a profound stillness descended upon his sea of consciousness. The water lay tranquil, mirroring the quiet expanse of the heavens above.

Zhen braced himself for whatever might come next, his resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty. "Now, what?" he mused, his voice a lone beacon amidst the boundless void.


Mass release (SUNDAY) :

160 stones = 2 chaps

200 stones = 4 chaps

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Vasudeva : In the midst of the spirit's profound revelations, Zhen's mind wandered, "Creating a system message with my AI chip? Well, I guess that explains those random pop-ups in my dreams. Talk about an astral spam filter failure!"

Hello folks , hope every thing is all well and good and even if it isn't; it just takes some muscles to make it. So, keep reading and enjoying. And if you love the content, comment section is waiting for you.

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Bye bye ;)

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