
4: The most efficient training method

Bloodline Limit - Chapter 4

Home Bloodline Limit Chapter 4 - The Most Efficient Training Method

"Are you satisfied? Today is your birthday. Is there anything you want?" Bulma chuckled, lowered her head, and said to Ryoha, who was already one meter tall.

"This is already enough. Bulma, you are not a Ninja. It is already commendable that you can get this. I am very satisfied already." Chakra was important to all ninjutsu, unique skills, and even the bloodline limit ability to activate. It was impossible to use powerful abilities without sufficient chakra support.

Therefore, although this chakra extraction method was simple, and he could get it three years later, for Ryoha, If he started three years earlier, he could stand at the same starting line as the disciples of the prominent clans like Uchiha Sasuke. In addition, he had learned some methods about chakra training when watching the anime. Now it was possible for him to surpass the children of those prominent clans in a short period of time. As for the future, he didn't know.

He was not Naruto Uzumaki. With the Nine-tailed Fox, there was no need to worry about chakra. He was just an ordinary person, let alone something so far away like the bloodline limit. Even if he was talented, he would not dare to say that he was very good. Although he was a man of a second life, he found that his mental strength seemed to be stronger than ordinary people. But unlike those geniuses, god knows how can they be so strong, Ryoha could only make up for it with his diligence.

"Hey, although I am not a ninja, it doesn't mean that I can't help you. Although I have never practiced this chakra thing, I can make you train in the most efficient state. With my help, for the same duration of the training, the chakra you extract is definitely twice that of the others."

Bulma smiled and deliberately looked at Ryoha. Sure enough, Ryoha looked at her with bright eyes after hearing her words, which made Bulma feel a sense of accomplishment.

After all, it was a joy for parents if they could show off in front of their children and let their children admire them. Although the two of them were not related by blood and Ryoha never called Bulma as his mother, in Bulma's heart, she had completely regarded Ryoha as her own child.

"Help me quickly, help me quickly." It was no wonder that Ryoha was so excited and even lost his composure. This was a great thing. It would not be as efficient if he tried to extract it himself without any guidance, it would not be as efficient. He would definitely take many wrong steps. Although he did not know what Bulma could do.

But out of trust in Bulma and her endless high-tech inventions, Ryoha did not think that Bulma would lie to him. Because Bulma never boasted in front of him. As long as she said it, she would definitely do it.

"Come with me, there are a lot of ninjas monitoring around." Bulma whispered in Ryoha's ear, which made him very surprised. He had watched Naruto before and he knew that the whole Konoha was secretly monitored by the Anbu. Although they were just ordinary people unlike Uzumaki Naruto, there were definitely people patrolling nearby in secret.

Ryoha was not an idiot. Of course he knew that Bulma was innocent. Although the technological inventions produced by Bulma was not very destructive, and Bulma was not good at developing weapons, the firearms created by Bulma were still very abnormal for the people of this world.

Especially for the lesser ninjas. How terrifying it was a genin or chuunin with Bulma's powerful firearms, machine guns, and rocket launcher for with the enemies. If the villagers knew Bulma had these things, the dirty higher-ups of Konoha would definitely force Bulma to make weapons for them at all costs. Therefore, Ryoha was very clever to keep up.

After returning to the house, Ryoha was surprised to find that there were two people sitting in Bulma's room. To be precise, there were two robots. Both of them looked exactly the same as Bulma and Ryoha.

"The life exploration instrument I invented detected that there are many people we can't see with our naked eyes hiding on the side, and monitoring the whole Konoha. This is a robot I made. It has no effect, but in the eyes of the Ninjas in Konoha, it is no different from a normal person."

"Although they won't sneak in, it is better to be safe. With these two robots, even if someone secretly comes in and sees us sitting here, they won't find anything unusual."

Bulma's words made Ryoha admire her more. As expected of the clever Bulma. She had already integrated into this world and knew how to live in this world. Such an arrangement could be said to be foolproof.

As Bulma spoke, he took out a button from her arm and gently pressed it. Bulma's big bed immediately opened, and a passage leading to the underground appeared. The two of them walked inside. Then, Bulma gently pressed the button and everything returned to its original state. In addition, there were two robots that looked like Bulma and Ryoha outside. It was completely possible to hide from the outside world.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the basement. Before them was all kinds of things that unknown to Ryoha. However, it was very similar to the research room in Bulma's house in the Dragon Ball world when Ryoha was watching Dragon Ball anime.

"Although I did not bring many high-tech products and tools when I came here,this is not a problem for me. I brought two boxes of all-purpose capsule with everything I need inside."

"After more than a year, I finally set up my laboratory. As long as someone comes in, I will know immediately no matter where I am. At the same time, as long as I press this button, the laboratory will immediately explode. No one will know what's inside. Come and sit here, then lie down and close your eyes. Don't think about anything. It will be done soon.

Bulma pointed at the thing in the middle that looked like a chair. Ryoha was not worried at all, nor did he think that he would become a lab rat. In his heart, if Bulma could not be trusted, there was no one in this world who he could believe in.

Bulma was very satisfied with Ryoha's performance. If she did not believe in herself, she would never be so. Therefore, Bulma was very happy that she did not dote on this kid for nothing. If this kid dared to treat himself as an experiment, Bulma would definitely not mind beating him hard.

It can't be forgotten that Bulma in the Dragon Ball world was very terrifying. No matter who it was, even if the strongest Goku in the future, in front of Bulma and her madness, he could only fall down with one punch.

Half an hour later, Bulma and Ryoha came out of the laboratory. The two robots were also put away by Bulma. Ryoha looked exactly the same as when he entered, but if one paid attention, they would find that there was a gem-like thing stuck in the palm of Ryoha's hand.