
Bloodless needs

This novel is about love, power and abuse. If you are sensitive, I strongly advise you not to read this.

Independent_Psycho · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter one

"Rosanna, Rosanna, My dear, where are you?", welled my mother.

I signed. Sometimes my mother does not act like the queen of a country.

I stood up from my sit in the indoor library to go find her. She knows where to find me, but insists on calling my name. If I did not love her so much, I would have continued sitting and concluding the novel I had in hand.

I find her directly outside the library door, smiling to herself. Oh, I wish I did not stand up. She grabs my hand and pulls me away from the library. I am already mourning the loss of my current read. The book was titled Captured and I just could not get enough of it.

" I just wanted to remind you that the deal we had is ending tomorrow and that your wedding is going to be held then as well.", said my mother.

"Yes, mother, I remember.", I responded with a sign.

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday, and I am supposed to be married off to the prince of the neighbouring country, Aronia. Let me explain, we are in a parallel world. It is sort of like a different dimension. You see, there are many dimensions that hold different creatures. We are in the 17th dimension.

There are about 69 dimensions in total, and all hold unique and different creatures and worlds. Some hold demons, fairies, elves and other such type creatures. In our dimension, there are only Vampires. Yes, I said it, vampires.

We do this so that we don't start wars and generally live in relative peace with one another. So in this world we have 3 countries, White lily, black diamond and of course, Aronia. We have lived in relative peace, well until Aronia threatened war against White Lily, my country.

There was a tradition that stated that the first born of each family must marry the royal first born of another. My parents tried to abolish this rule, but they could not. My father's older brother married the first daughter of black diamond. He ended up catching his wife trying to kill him for the crown and had her sentenced to death. He later died of a slow acting poison his wife put in his food.

Since then, my parents have been King and Queen. My late uncle did not have any children, since, I was told that, he refused to sleep with his wife. He was suspected of having a love affair with a man.

So since then my parents have been fighting against it. But Aronia refuses to listen and is still threatening us. And since I am the only child, I have no choice but to make a deal. The deal states the if I do not find my bloodlink before I turn 18, I will have to get married.

My mother and father have tried everything, but it has not worked. I still could not find my bloodlink. I have goon out with so many guys that my dating list has grown to touch the ground. They had tried psychics, praying, fasting (yes vampires pray and fast, we are also creatures created by a god), they have even tried magic, to show us who he is but nothing works.

And eventually it became too late for us. Time was up, and now we had to pay up. The thing is my parents are both bloodlinks and have been dreaming about one another for years, and since mine has not yet entered my dreams, it is getting harder and harder to find him.

The psychics we have gone to told us to have faith, but I was useless, they wouldn't tell us anything else. They had said he would come at the right time and not to rush it, that it was an act of destiny and nothing could change that.

I signed again, this time in frustration, I really did not want this wedding to happen.

My mother saw my frustration and gave me a sympathetic look. There really was nothing else we could do. She held my hand and squeezed it a little. I was slowly losing hope by the second.

"Well, I do have some good news to share.", she said excitedly.

I looked at her and gave her a patient smile," Well, what is it, then?"

She started to jump up and down and said," We are having a party today, before your birthday, to make sure you see your future husband and as a lust ditch effort to find your bloodlink. And besides this might be the last time we ever see you, so I wanted to make it special.", she said with a sad smile.

I held both her hands and told her that everything would be ok. What a lie that was.

We took a walk outside, to see the beautiful white rose and lily garden. We did not speak about my upcoming wedding, but enjoyed each other's company. This was nice. I hope it never ends.