
So I'm the last one?

Planet Trax, 1500 light years from Krypton, one of the most hostile and violent planets in the galaxy had been fighting a war with Krypton for some years, it all started when the Traxians tried to enslave the population of Krypton, the high council then decided to show their visitors their power, the power they could not contain.

"Mr. Las'al, are you sure this boy could fulfill the mission? Doesn't he look young? A low servant was curious about the combat mission being assigned to that young man.

"I'm sure, I saw him in combat myself a few years ago, he was a teenager but he faced and defeated adults at the age of 13, he's an impressive boy, you'll see during the transmission we received from the boy in battle. The supreme leader of the court spoke in a tone of order and arrogance."

Ever since the Kryptonians discovered that under a yellow sun they gained formidable powers, they have used them for their own gain. They have carried out various experiments over time with their scientists and have managed to establish themselves as a powerful species.

And coincidentally, the planet Trax orbited a yellow sun.

Then a sound and an image appeared in front of the two, projecting a completely destroyed war field full of bodies, many of them Traxians, who had bones on the sides of their heads and long arms with sharp fingers, they were gray in color and had black eyes, their situation was not good, more than 60% of their army was gone in a single battle, the rest fled in fear, the leader of the species stood watching his people disappear as if nothing, where all gone, all thanks to two heat rays that killed everyone in an instant, he still remembered watching something hit the ground at high speed and two red eyes appear in the dust like a monster.

He was alone.

After the initial massacre, the "monster" was seen floating in the sky, watching everyone from above, a Kryptonian, a boy who looked about 18, he looked at them attentively, that damn look of contempt was the last thing he saw before the boy slowly landed in his direction and looked him in the eye, Before the leader could say anything, he felt his head being crushed with extreme force by the boy's hands, he wanted to scream but fear consumed him, so he took one last look at the Kryptonian, he was smiling, the smile of someone who has won a prize, the smile of a monster.


The leader's head was crushed and his skull and blood flowed everywhere, soiling the boy's Kryptonian suit.

"Damn, I should have fried him instead of doing that, it'll take time to get that disgusting smell off me. The boy threw the leader's body to the ground and took off into the sky at the speed of sound.

He observed the planet below, a planet that had once been synonymous with fear was now just a pile of rock with blood on it, he planned to destroy it and kill all the others of his kind but it would be a waste of time.

Las'al and his servant saw the battle and the servant was wide-eyed, impressed by the boy.

"You saw what I said, the boy is one of the most powerful Kryptonians in the history of our species, and I hope he's safe, he didn't deserve the fate we will all soon have."

"Fate, sir? What do you mean ?"

"It's nothing, you can't know yet."

"The boy has fulfilled our last order, after six years of serving Krypton, he can live as he pleases. The leader thought as he stood on the balcony of his house and looked out over the city.

The leader closed his eyes and waited for the moment, the palace began to sway, but not only that, the city began to shatter, it spread until the entire planet began to crack and finally exploded, everything they had was gone, history, families, knowledge, everything, everything returned to stardust.

(Hundreds of light years away)

The boy watched the beauty of the nebulae and the starlight bring him comfort.

He looked at the communication device in his ear. Like every soldier, he had to film every battle so they would know where to improve or what to do if they got something wrong.

Suddenly he heard a message sound on his device.

*He'l, hi kid, this is your commander, I hope you're okay*

*Well, I made this message to tell you something, if this message arrives then everything is gone.

The boy now known as He'l found his commander's tone strange.

*-About that, kid, I need to tell you something about what I found out a few days ago, but I can only tell you now, the superiors aren't spying on our team right now.

He'l was curious what would be so problematic and urgent for them to send a message.

*Listen, He'l, I hope you're far away from Krypton.

*You're an amazing kid and we're proud of you.

*Well at least you'll be safe, at least you'll be left

"will be left?

*He'l, Krypton is doomed to explode, everyone at the top doesn't want to reveal it to everyone but I found out and tried to warn the others but no one believed me, when I saw that it would do no good I finally accepted my fate to perish here with everyone else, but you must live and keep the legacy of our people alive.

He'l couldn't believe it, how could he, his people would disappear into the vastness of space, if his commander was right then he was the last of his kind.

'Commander, I hope you are at peace, that my people are at peace, He'l felt sad as he remembered his friends from the battalion, and Commander Yul'az, his longtime best friend, he didn't care about Krypton, nor the council, he only cared about himself and his friends.

He'l stared at the universe and space around him, so much beauty and sadness surrounded him, he didn't know where to go, he didn't know what to do.

Something appeared in the corner of He'l's eye, he opened his eyes wide as he observed a tear in the fabric of space, a tear close to a luminous sphere, it was the size of a 6'2 tall adult Kryptonian.

He knew about them, it was something called a dimensional tear, several Kryptonian scientists said that the tear could be a portal to other universes, they reported that they were rare to find, but they were forbidden to enter them, because they didn't know what was on the other side, what if no one could come back?

He went there in a few seconds and approached the tear, it seemed physical, visible and invisible at the same time, in a moment of curiosity he touched the tear with his finger and felt himself being pulled, not even his strength helped him to move away, he was being sucked in, more and more, until he saw for the last time the trail of the universe and the tear close, he was flying endlessly in a white space, he had no control over himself.

'Hmm, from what they said, the earth must have a heavier gravity.

He flew off the satellite and headed towards the planet, he saw the immense ocean and the green lands.

"The planet looked beautiful in the pictures but now it's even more beautiful"

It was then that he was hit by something metallic, it was a strange object with reflective plates, he smashed it and threw it away and descended into the atmosphere to see the place, he traveled around a corner, and saw ships flying near where he was, he even followed some of them and saw people inside them, many who saw it thought he was a hero because of his clothes, which wasn't strange since he wore a tight blue suit that covered his entire body except his head, he was a tall and muscular young man and extremely handsome, which caused the women on the planes to blush, mainly because of the smile he sent them.

'What a curious species, they're advanced in some respects but not in others' . he'l smiled and suddenly heard an immense noise coming from one of the places on the planet, he flew there and arrived in an instant, it was a gigantic city and it was being destroyed by something.

When he arrived at the center of the problem he saw portals and some beings coming out of them and attacking people.

He was about to act but stopped when he saw a boy wearing a yellow and blue outfit arrive and fight them.

That's when he saw an old lady lying in the rubble, and the boy went to help her but was attacked by the beings once again, when he started to fly there he stopped once again when a group of people appeared and started fighting, an orange robot, a red-haired girl with a pink glow, a guy blowing things up, and a girl wearing white and blue clothes.

The robot then started talking

"Teen team, do what we trained you to do"

The group began to split up and fight.

The redhead made energy shields, the guy started blowing up what he saw, the robot launched lasers and the girl multiplied into several other clones of herself.

teen team ? What a bizarre name, and what bizarre people.


hopenshowercreators' thoughts