

"It really is quite disheartening, isn't it?" Professor Burbage was saying. Severus hadn't heard what had proceeded her question. As he was sorting through the supply of ingredients he needed for the coming week's seventh-year lessons, the Muggle Studies teacher had come into his classroom to discuss the attitudes of some of his Slytherins in her lessons. He had previously told her that she should dismiss them from taking the course altogether, as he felt their only agenda was to harass her. She would hear none of it. The stubborn witch was determined to convince the purebloods that Muggles were to be appreciated and admired.

He had lost interest in the conversation minutes ago. Instead, his mind was on Cassie. He wondered why Trelawney needed her for so long for prepping for a simple Ovomancy lesson. Perhaps the seer had trapped the young witch into cracking open a few eggs of her own. If that were the case, Cassie should be walking across his threshold with an amused look on her face any second now, ready to tell him the details of her day.


"What," he replied dully. He had a jar of acromantula venom in his hand, but his gaze was on the closed door to his classroom.

"I asked if you would speak to the fourth years that are giving me a hard time," Charity repeated. He pulled his attention back to the colleague before him. She had the tiniest hint of a smile on her pink-stained lips.

"Of course."

"Thank you, Severus." Sitting on the front of his desk as he worked, she crossed and uncrossed her legs as he resumed his sorting. "Missing someone?"

His thin lips pressed together in disapproval at her question, but his distaste was more at himself. He didn't like it when a crack was noticeable in his facade and someone could read him so easily. It left him exposed.

Charity smiled wider and pushed herself off his desk. "I think it's sweet," she said as she walked to the door. "Do me a favor and let me know if you think of a way to meet someone outside these castle walls. I've been noticing lately how limited my options are, being a Hogwarts professor and all."

She left him, and he was left to ponder his own good fortune for several minutes when the subject of his affections finally arrived. But Cassie did not look light-hearted or even perturbed like he thought she might after spending that much time with Trelawney. Concern gripped him to the very core as soon as he looked upon her distressed, pale face.

"Cassie," he uttered, instantly putting down whatever vial was in his hand and taking a few long strides to meet her halfway. Instinctively, his large hands went to her shoulders as he sensed the need to steady her.

"Sev - " Tears began to fill her beautiful blue eyes the moment they met his. He took a few seconds to look her over. She didn't appear to be injured, and she had walked into the classroom unassisted. He assumed she hadn't had a run-in with a dementor or she wouldn't have made it to him.

"Tell me," he encouraged her calmly.

A sob left her throat. "I don't even know where to start," she managed to say, her voice cracking. With a wave of his wand, Severus made sure the door was locked, and then he bent down to place a kiss on her forehead. Her body shook as she cried harder.

A faint smell on her, one that was not exceedingly familiar but one that he knew, changed the course of his thoughts. It was fruity and woody, with a touch of spearmint -

"You took the Diviner's elixir," he hissed, and the sudden change in his voice made the girl pull away from him. He silently cursed himself for his crassness. And yet what that implied infuriated him. He almost didn't want to know.

"I went to Lupin," Cassie admitted then, not waiting for him to hurl another denunciative statement at her. Her arms were folded defensively in front of her chest as she looked up at him with tear-stained eyes. He shook his head in disbelief, looking away from her apologetic gaze as he tried to quell his resentment. "I'm so sorry."

A gasp of anguish left the witch's throat when Severus swept a jar of crushed dragon claw off a prep table so forcefully that it flew and hit the dungeon wall. It shattered into a thousand pieces. A poignant silence pulsated in the room for several moments, and then he heard her slow footsteps. While his mind raced, Cassie crouched to the floor, using her wand to mend the broken vial and return its delicate contents. He heard her sniffle as she placed it back on the table.

"I know I betrayed your trust," Cassie said quietly, wiping tears from her eyes.

He turned to her, having decided who was to blame after his violent outburst lent him clarity. He couldn't stand seeing her tormented any longer. "I should have done more to help you, Cassie. You wouldn't have felt the need to go to him."

"You tried - "

"I failed."

"No," she said firmly, shaking her head. "You risked your hide to help me!"

"I should have trusted that you could handle the elixir," he snarled. The look that formed on her face then...it was like the very breath was stolen from her lungs. The suspicion that he felt couldn't be helped. "What happened?" Her eyes watered again, and he realized that didn't yet know why she was so upset. He had thought it was merely because she had gone to Lupin for help instead of him. His brows furrowed at her in skepticism.

Cassie opened her mouth to speak, and nothing came out but another whimper. He stepped closer to her without hesitation, taking her chin firmly in his hand and tilting her face up to him. His free arm went around her waist, holding her against his body. He hoped she would feel safe in his arms at that moment as she had so many times in the past. "Do you wish to show me?" he offered gently.

She took a deep breath, and then closed her eyes as she nodded in agreement. When she opened them again, he connected with her mind.

The first thing he saw was Lupin's smirking face. "If I'm holding onto your wand, what danger could there be?" The werewolf asked.

"Don't be stupid, Remus."

"Yes, ma'am."

Curse the wretched wolf for thinking he had such a rapport with Cassie that he could make a foolish wisecrack during such a serious matter. And hearing the other professor's first name from his lover's lips...he couldn't quiet the green-eyed monster that was rearing its ugly head. It would just have to be another bystander as Severus watched the memories that she was so quick to offer to him.

He didn't know what he had expected to see once the potion took effect. It was startling to see Cassie's psyche go from the Weasleys to the Malfoys and then to her parents in such quick succession. Sombria made her appearance, and then Severus was watching three different versions of Cassie in the Amazon forest. One of them killed the dark witch, and then he was bombarded with memories.

Severus was still trying to wrap his head around everything he had just seen when Cassie was talking to Dumbledore. "I liked killing Sombria. And not because it was justified or because it was my duty...I liked the act itself."

The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Before he could stop the thought from forming, he found himself thinking, She's the daughter of the Dark Lord and Bellatrix. Did you expect anything less?

It made him feel like he had been unfaithful to her somehow by even reflecting on it. Dumbledore had said similar things many times about her over the years and he had always argued against it. Had he always felt that way about her in his subconsciousness? The next time she looked him in the eyes would she accuse him of thinking she always had the potential to be a cold-blooded murderer?

They were back in Lupin's classroom. He was wondering why he was still in her memories when he heard, "I've figured it out!"

Cassie grabbed Lupin's shirt and planted a kiss on his lips. Severus's green-eyed monster instantly transformed into a gargantuan, scaly, fire-breathing demon. It growled as it noticed Lupin tense, his hand on her shoulder as though he was going to push her away. Then Lupin visibly relaxed as her breasts pushed into his tweed-covered chest. The hand that was meant to push her off him gripped the flesh of her arm. Severus's demon roared.

The flashes of anger and jealousy he felt towards Cassie died the instant she swore in surprise when she realized who she had been groping. The look on her face as she berated Lupin told Severus that the wizard was very lucky that he hadn't been cursed right then and there.

"Severus!" Cassie cried the moment he was out of her mind. She had grabbed his forearm roughly because he was already moving past her and to the door.

"He's a dead man walking!" he spat. He hadn't realized that his wand had already made it to his hand until she gripped his other wrist, her blue eyes wide as she tried to appeal to him. He didn't care what she was about to say - nothing, nothing would make what he had just seen alright with him, and the deceitful Gryffindor wasn't going to prance around the castle like he owned the place any longer -

"I showed you because I wasn't going to keep it from you," she said quickly, her tone imploring him to calm down. "Not so you would get revenge - " He yanked his wrist from her grasp, unlocking the door with his wand as he took long, quick strides toward it. Just as he was about to reach it, the lock clicked back into place and a desk flew in his path. He turned to stare Cassie down. He couldn't even attempt to disarm her, as she had used wandless magic to keep him in the classroom, even if it was just for a few moments longer. "I just don't want you to do something you'll regret, Sev!"

"I won't regret hexing that predatory dog!"

"You will if Dumbledore has to sack you for attacking another professor," she countered, approaching him and grasping his arms again. "Please, just stay with me. At least until we know you have your head on straight."

"He exploited the fact that you were under the potion's influence," he growled. "I refuse to push that fact aside!"

"I'm not asking you to forget," she said, and her hand had slipped into his wandless one and was gently pulling him toward his office. Damn this girl's influence on him. "I'm just asking you to cool down."

Somehow, Cassie got him to his office. He was trying to appease her by sitting and drinking the tea she summoned from the house-elves. She flinched when he slammed his cup down after his first sip and some of it slopped onto the desk. Severus never liked when his actions made her react so negatively. He knew it would be better for both of them if he relaxed, even if it took drinking one of his potions to do so. Right then he didn't want to.

They needed to discuss what the Diviner's elixir had revealed. He realized its importance, he really did. But all he could see in his mind was Lupin and his smirk, and Cassie in his arms, and Lupin's fingers pressing into her skin that was only meant for him. Then he was picturing how upset Cassie was after she came to and realized what had happened, and Lupin insisting that the entire incident should be kept from him.

It was a few minutes before dinnertime. Severus stood when he realized it.

Cassie must have seen him glance at the clock, and she looked panicked. "Sev, maybe we should stay away from the Great Hall tonight - "

"My dear, you may eat wherever you would like," he said smoothly, sweeping from the room. She didn't try to stop him this time, much to his delight. He was in a quarreling mood, but he didn't want it to be with her. There was a certain DADA professor that he hoped would show up to dinner.

Usually, Severus paid attention to the fact that his stride was much longer than Cassie's and adjusted accordingly. On this Saturday evening, he walked through the corridors as quickly as his long legs would allow him without looking like he was in a hurry. She was several steps behind him, having to jog to catch his hand right before they entered the hall full of staff and students.

"Severus," she whispered, catching his gaze. "Please." Don't make a scene, she was asking. Don't do anything rash.

Offering her no reassurance, he dropped her hand and entered the hall. Lupin was not in his usual spot. Such a cowardly lion.

Minerva was attempting to take jabs at Severus about the upcoming Quidditch season as the meal went on. He offered a few quips of his own, having become quite accustomed to the rivalry with the Head of Gryffindor. Beside him, Cassie was pushing her food around her plate. She was glancing up to see if Lupin was approaching the table just as often as he was. The wolf never showed.

As they left the Great Hall, a number of sixth years came in through the front doors of the castle. Severus and Cassie exchanged a glance, appearing to be on the same wavelength as they approached the group of unsupervised students.

"Do you have a valid reason as to why you were out on the grounds at this time of day?" he asked evenly. Normally, it wouldn't be an issue for students to be out on a Saturday evening. But this was the time of dementors and Sirius Black, and none of the staff were eager for a repeat of when the seventh years got wasted by the Black Lake.

"We were helping Professor Lupin search for hinkypunks for third year lessons," Teresa Banditt, a trustworthy Ravenclaw, offered straight away. She handed him a note with Lupin's handwriting on it. "It's for extra credit. He sent us back to the castle before dinner was cleared away."

"Oh?" Severus asked, feigning interest. "And did Professor Lupin have any luck so far?"

"Not yet."

"How burdensome. Perhaps I will have to lend him my assistance," he said, dismissing the students. Cassie made to follow after him when one of the Hufflepuffs cornered her, asking her about open tutoring hours so he could get help with Transfiguration.

"Oh, I think I need to help Professors Snape and Lupin," she said kindly, but Severus cut her off.

"Nonsense, Miss Black. We will handle it. Feel free to help Mister O'Rien with his coursework." He left her with the Hufflepuff then, silently thanking the struggling student for his unknown interference. He made a mental note to make sure he awarded Hufflepuff house with extra points sometime soon.

The night was dark and the air was crisp on this October evening. Severus could hear Hagrid singing loudly to Fang inside his hut as he walked, and some sort of bird screeched from far away in the Forbidden Forest. At first, he had no idea where Lupin was. Perhaps he had seen him coming and had taken cover in the trees.

Satisfaction ran through him when he spotted a lit wand near the lake. Ironic, he thought. The location of many bad memories involving the two of them. He never imagined they would be there again as adults.

Lupin was hunched forward, likely looking for any signs of the wispy, one-legged creatures. Severus was only yards away when he made his presence known.

"Not all that aware of your surroundings, are we, Lupin?" he drawled as he approached in graceful strides.

"I am quite aware, Severus," Lupin said, straightening up. He blinked as the light from Severus's wand was suddenly in his face. "What can I help you with?"

"I need a word."

The agreeable expression on Lupin's face faltered. "What about?"

"Why don't you enlighten me," Severus challenged, his voice dangerously low. Lupin took a few steps backward. For being quite aware of his surroundings, he didn't seem all that aware of the large tree that was behind him. He startled when his back hit it.

"Now, Severus," Lupin started, "Before you get worked up, I want you to know that I was just doing what the Headmaster asked me to - "

"Dumbledore asked you to drug my girlfriend and then take advantage of her in her inebriated state?" he drawled. He pulled his wand from his robes, and Lupin swallowed thickly as he pushed the tip into his throat.

"That's not what happened," he said, his eyes wild. "Perhaps Cassie relayed it to you incorrectly - "

"She is Miss Black to you," Severus corrected him, "And I saw exactly what happened. She allows me into her mind, you see."

"Then you know that she caught me off guard. It happened so quickly - "

"So tell me what was going through your mind, Lupin," Severus continued icily, pressing his wand into the wizard's neck harder. "Were you truly taking advantage of the fact that she was incapacitated? Or did you think that the elixir had worn off and she was willingly kissing you?"

Lupin shook his head in protest. "Severus - "

"I take issue with either scenario," he continued. "Let me be frank. If you touch her, if you come near her again, there will be a wolf's head mounted in my office. Do you understand me, Lupin?"

The other wizard swallowed again. Severus could tell he wanted to argue but must have decided against it. "Loud and clear."

"Good." He pulled away, and Lupin immediately rubbed the spot on his neck. "You'll have better luck finding a hinkypunk near the edge of the forest," he said as he walked back to the castle. Some Defense Against the Dark Arts professor he is, he thought smugly.


"She deserves to know," Severus spat. He and the Deputy Headmistress were in her office. The witch was seated behind her desk, but her younger colleague was too agitated to stay still.

McGonagall shook her head, her chin in her hand as she considered the situation. "Telling her would only upset her - "

"When she finds out later from the mouths of her gossiping schoolmates, she'll be even more upset that we knew and didn't enlighten her."

"Set your personal feelings aside, Severus! You can't burden her with this because you're worried about her becoming angry with you. The girl has schoolwork and classes to worry about. She doesn't need to be constantly reminded about what is taking place outside the walls of this castle."

"Shielding her from reality does her no favors!" Severus snapped.

"Filius and Pomona agree that it should be left alone - "

"Then it's fortunate that none of you are her head of house," he quipped icily. "Do you think this is the first time the girl has dealt with matters far beyond her age?"

"Severus," McGonagall said, her tone now much more stern as she shot him a cold glare. "I understand that you have Miss Black's best interest in mind, but do not forget that the rest of us do as well. I do not feel that it would be fair to tell her at this time - "

"Damn what you consider 'fair'!" he countered. McGonagall opened her mouth to speak again, but before she could manage another word, Severus continued, "And do not attempt to sway me by pointing out that you are in charge in the Headmaster's absence, Minerva. Reprimand me if you feel the need." He left her office then, satisfied that he had gotten the last word in. No doubt he would be hearing about it as soon as he was in the Head of Gryffindor's presence later. Dumbledore was away counseling the Minister, and McGonagall never let anyone forget that she ruled the roost when he was away.

Severus found Cassie in the courtyard. The sky was clear blue and most of the student body was out on the grounds, as it was one of the first nice days after a long, frigid winter. As he might have predicted, she was sitting on a bench with the Tonks girl, and Weasley was lying on his back on a neighboring bench, his freckled nose stuffed in an open Quidditch magazine.

A gaggle of Gryffindor girls, who had been staring at the trio of mismatched students and whispering to each other, hurried away when they saw the Potions Master coming closer. It was for the better, anyway. One of them seemed to have developed a one-sided rivalry against Cassie the more time she spent with the Weasley boy. Miss Jenour's feeble attempts to jinx Cassie had landed the two young witches in Severus's office a few too many times for his liking. It had only served to annoy him when he had to punish Cassie for putting the Gryffindor in her place.

The trio noticed him. Weasley and Tonks stared, but Cassie greeted him with a pleasant, "Hello, Professor."

"Miss Black," he replied, nodding to her, "I apologize for interrupting your leisure time with Miss Tonks and Mister Weasley. I need to speak to you in private." Her face fell. It wasn't her normal reaction to the idea of spending time with him. She suspected something was happening with Servants of the Heredis again.

He could sense her apprehension as they made their way to the dungeons. As soon as they were in his office, the first words out of her mouth were, "What did those pathetic wannabes do now?"

She had reason to jump to that assumption. The group had been wreaking havoc since they had demanded that she be handed over to them, like the staff would be willing to just give a twelve-year-old witch to a band of radicals. Since that request had been made to the Ministry and it had been denied, they had been pillaging shops in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, and even terrorizing Muggle-borns and half-bloods. Two Ministry officials had gone missing in January, although the Aurors had managed to rescue them after a week. Four of the Servants had been arrested. They were now sitting in Azkaban.

Severus paused. He was surprised that Minerva's words were affecting him now, just as he was about to tell the girl. Was he being rash in his decision to tell her?

"They've killed two people. Kenneth and Catherine Brimstone. Kenneth was head of Muggle Relations at the Ministry."

"Are they related to Daren?" Cassie asked, her voice trembling. Daren Brimstone was a third-year Hufflepuff.

"His aunt and uncle," he told her. She was quiet as she took in this information. The young Slytherin had been bombarded with so much this term. But he knew she needed to know right away. There would be students that would blame her for what had happened, and she needed to be prepared for the harsh treatment.

It took only a few days for the news to become known to every soul within Hogwarts. Weasley and Tonks were at Cassie's side as much as they could be, and Severus was grateful that she had their support. There were students that felt their loved ones were in danger as long as she was still within their midst, and they weren't shy about making their feelings known.

Within a week, hysterical parents were harassing Dumbledore with letters demanding that she either be removed from the school or be given to the group as they were demanding. Articles were being written in the Daily Prophet, and Cassie was eating her meals in Severus's office or getting food from the kitchens between classes.

"I should leave Hogwarts," Cassie said with finality one night. She was sitting across from Severus in his office and hadn't touched her plate of pork roast and cabbage.

"Where would you go?"

"Back to Malfoy Manor."

"We've discussed this. Your uncle might deny that he is involved in what is going on, but we can't trust that he's telling the truth," Severus reminded her bluntly.

"It would stop this madness."

"How would it stop," he argued lightly. He didn't want to upset her further. "You wouldn't be safe the second you leave these walls - "

"Be everyone else would be!"

"They wouldn't." She was being naive, he thought savagely. He had to constantly remind himself that she was allowed to be, given her age.

It was two days after that conversation that Severus had been expecting her to meet him in his office for dinner again. At five minutes late, he started to worry, as it was unlike her to be tardy. At ten minutes late, he rushed to check the Great Hall. If he could find Tonks or Weasley, they would know where she was.

He had only made it out into the corridor when he saw Madam Hooch trotting towards him. Seeing her alarmed him immediately, as he never saw the witch in his dungeons.

"Severus," she said, out of breath, "thank Merlin I found you right away! We need you in the staff room!"

Once assembled, Dumbledore informed the staff that the Servants of the Heredis were making moves. He had received notice only minutes ago from Minister Bagnold that they were attempting to break out prisoners from Azkaban. What he said next made Severus's heart nearly stop.

"It seems their efforts at Azkaban are merely a distraction for the Ministry. Argus and Hagrid have spotted a large number of hooded, masked wizards just outside our gates," Dumbledore said evenly. Pomona gasped. The staff began to chatter among themselves.

And then Severus suddenly remembered that Cassie had been late to dinner. The next thought that went through his mind, he voiced rather loudly. "Where is Depecor?"

No one seemed to have an answer for him, beyond a few affirmations that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had been in the Great Hall much earlier in the evening. Severus didn't bother with an explanation before he took off at a run.

McGonagall, usually one to trust his judgment, had followed him out to the corridor. "What is it?" she yelled after him.

"Find Black!" he hollered back. He was heading to the Slytherin common room. In a few seconds, the other teachers poured out of the staff room to help him look for her. It wasn't until thirty minutes later that they determined she was nowhere in the castle, one that was currently surrounded by the Servants. Floyd Depecor seemed to have disappeared, too.


It was the morning of Halloween. Cassie wouldn't expect Severus to be in a particularly good mood today, as the holiday would always be tough for him. She was just grateful that they would be together this time, unlike last year when they were an ocean away from each other.

She woke him with a soft kiss on his lips. He groaned, apparently not eager to be awake so early on a Sunday. Even so, he gave her a small smile, one that crinkled just the very outside of his eyes. She loved those little lines in his skin.

They took their time that morning, having a rare lie-in before Severus had to tend to the Wolfsbane potion. His mood significantly soured as he worked on it, as anything that reminded him of Lupin often did. Thankfully, the DADA professor had been only been interacting with the two of them minimally since their little incident. Cassie didn't know the details of what Severus had said to him out on the grounds that night, and she wasn't sure she ever wanted to. All she knew was that Lupin had definitely been staying away unless they had to speak on professional terms, and he was no longer asking her to assist in his lessons or prep.

"Would you like any sweets from Honeydukes?" Cassie asked as she threw her scarf around her neck. The Potions Master cocked an eyebrow at her as he glanced up from stirring his concoction. "Maybe something from Zonko's?"

"That, in itself, is a joke."

"At least you appreciate the humor." While Severus would be staying behind to work on Lupin's potion and correct some essays, Cassie would be accompanying the students to Hogsmeade. She hoped it would be an unremarkable trip, as Harry would be staying back at Hogwarts and in theory be out of harm's way.

She merged into the crowd of students that was making their way to the wizarding village. A few of them greeted her or waved. She noticed Draco and his little group of minions, and her younger cousin had a sneer on his face as he watched her smile at a group of Ravenclaws. When she tried to catch his eye, he turned away, acting like he was suddenly in deep conversation with Goyle.

"Coming with us, Cassie?" Fred asked suddenly, stepping beside her and matching her stride. They were nearing the dementors that were stationed at the gates. She felt the familiar sensations of cold dread, but her body obeyed her mind's commands. It was empowering.

"Not with you, no," she replied dryly.

"Why not?" George, who had appeared on her other side, asked.

"Because if I see you break the rules I'll have to discipline you."

"Who says?" the twins said in unison. Cassie sighed.

She left Fred and George after a few minutes of bantering and started to walk the streets of Hogsmeade by herself. Students had broken off into small groups or pairs, excited to be off Hogwarts grounds and have a change of scenery. She remembered that taste of freedom as a young student. It made her feel nostalgic.

When she was in front of Scrivenshaft's, the feeling that she was being watched made her turn her head suddenly. It was odd that the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up, as the village was crowded with students and she was far from alone. But out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a hooded figure that dove further into the herd as soon as she moved. Her mind immediately suspected Sirius Black.

Not wanting to alarm any of the students, she politely but firmly pushed past them in pursuit, not daring to go faster than a brisk walk. She caught glimpses of a black hood and kept moving. The figure went into the Three Broomsticks.

The pub was packed. Cassie could see the person she was trying to follow, and they seemed to move through the hundreds of people like they were fluid. She didn't feel quite as graceful at the moment.

"Pardon me," she said to no one in particular, "trying to get through - "

The buzzed patrons weren't hearing her. With a small wave of her arm, she parted the crowd just enough so she could move through, not bothering to apologize as people were shoved into each other or wooden furniture. If this was Sirius Black that she had spotted, no one would care that she had been a bit rude.

She followed the figure to the next level where the inn was. Just as she reached the top of the stairs, she saw them disappear into a room in a swish of robes. The door slammed shut behind them. She rushed to it, flicking her wand and slamming it back open. Without formalities, she burst into the room only to find it empty.

"Show yourself!" she demanded. There was no answer. She cast a revealing charm with no results. Perhaps they had Disapparated.

Madam Rosmerta was understandably swamped when she went back downstairs to ask who had rented the room. "You know I can't tell you that, my dear," the barmaid said with a knowing look. Cassie huffed.

"Since when do you keep anyone's secrets?" she chided.

"It's no one local!" Rosmerta called over the hum of the noisy crowd, using her wand to siphon butterbeer into a mug.

"A name, please," Cassie pleaded. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't a matter of student safety - "

"Oh, alright," Rosmerta said irritably. She waved her hand toward a book beside her. Cassie hopped over the bar and paged through it. As she was searching for the section with today's patrons, someone tried to get her attention by snapping his fingers in her face.

"Three butterbeers and a dragon martini neat, and make it snappy," a wizard with an all-important voice commanded. Cassie looked up into the eyes of one of Lucius's Ministry acquaintances whom she despised. He obviously hadn't bothered to look at who he was ordering around until that moment, and the color drained from his face when he recognized her.

"Cassiopeia, what are you - "

"That'll be ten galleons," she said, taking four bottles of cactus juice seltzers from under the bar and placing them in front of him.

"That's not what those cost, and besides, I ordered - "

"Ten galleons," she repeated lowly. He quickly dug into his pockets and slammed the payment onto the bar, turning away without another argument. Cassie turned and stuffed the coins into Rosmerta's apron pocket as she poured more drinks. At least the extra money would make up for demanding to rifle through her books.

Finally, she found the room number she was looking for. Diolinda Ribeiro. That rattled her. She couldn't be sure, but after her time in South America, the name sounded to her like it could belong to someone from Brazil.

She tried to speak to Madam Rosmerta again, but she was just too busy to be able to have any sort of meaningful conversation. Her mind having gone from Sirius Black's whereabouts to who might be wanting to watch her while she went about her business, it took her a few seconds to hear Ron and Neville calling her name outside of Honeydukes.

"Hey guys," she said, noticing the big black dog that was sniffing Ron's hand. The redhead gave it a pat on the head as it wagged its tail and pushed its nose near his pockets. "Get anything good?"

"I've bought some Sugar Quills and Pumpkin Pasties and taffy," Neville told her.

"I got pretty much everything," Ron admitted, "and some things for Harry too, of course." The dog wagged its tail harder, continuing to push its nose into Ron's pockets.

"Calm down, you big brute," Cassie said with a laugh, circling her arm around the dog's chest and pulling him back. "The candy isn't for you." It turned and looked at her, and she recognized its yellow eyes immediately. It must have been the same dog she had seen when she returned from Knockturn Alley after buying quicksilver.

"It probably likes the rat smell on you," Hermione pointed out as she walked up to them. The dog had returned to sniffing Ron.

"That's all I need is another animal after Scabbers," Ron said lowly, eyeing Hermione. "No matter. He's tucked away safe in my dorm. This doggie and your devil cat can't get him."

"Crookshanks is not a devil cat!" Hermione replied shrilly. Cassie tuned out their arguing as she transfigured one of Neville's taffies into a nice piece of raw steak and fed it to the shaggy canine. It gobbled it up immediately and licked her hand after in thanks.

The Great Hall was decorated beautifully for the Halloween feast, the lights from the pumpkins shining and bats flying as students took their seats. The food in front of Cassie looked delicious, and she was glad to be back in Severus's company. He had told her that delivering Lupin his potion had gone smoothly, although he hadn't been thrilled that Harry had been spending time alone in the DADA professor's office.

Before leaving for the feast, Cassie had told Severus of the hooded figure she had followed to the Three Broomsticks. Severus seemed just as puzzled as she did, although they didn't have much time to discuss it before they were due to be in the hall. She tried to push it from her mind and enjoy the evening for the time being. The Hogwarts ghosts were putting on a show that was keeping the students entertained. Severus must have been satisfied with the effects of this month's Wolfsbane potion, because he was relaxed enough to chat with some of the other staff around them. He even reached over to Cassie and squeezed her knee once, at risk of someone noticing his display of affection.

Wanting to keep the mood of their pleasant evening going, Cassie grabbed and kissed Severus as soon as they were back in his classroom. She hadn't bothered to lock the door first, assuming that all of the students would be in their dorms after the long feast. Trelawney and Sinistra were on duty for patrolling, meaning she and the Head of Slytherin had the entire night to themselves. She intended to make the best of it.

They were caught off guard when Professor Burbage suddenly burst into the room after one loud knock. The couple still had their arms wrapped around each other as the professor caught her breath, and Severus pulled away from Cassie roughly. Even though Charity was obviously only there for a serious matter, he was never willing to let others see him in such a vulnerable state.

They hurried after the Muggle Studies professor as she filled them in on what she knew. The Fat Lady's painting had been slashed and the Gryffindors were in the corridor outside their common room. Flitwick was fetching Dumbledore.

They arrived shortly after the Headmaster, who was examining the now-empty artwork. Peeves decided to chime in after Dumbledore called for Filch to search for the Fat Lady. The second the poltergeist uttered Sirius Black's name, Cassie drew her wand.

As the Gryffindors were sent to the Great Hall, McGonagall tasked Cassie with starting her search in the Astronomy Tower and working her way down. As other staff members were given their assignments, Cassie noticed some looked frightened. She couldn't fathom feeling that way, not at that moment. She was angry. Angry that Black had gotten in, that he had gotten that far into the castle. She was angry with herself and that she hadn't been able to do more. If they hadn't all been at the feast and the madman had gotten past the portrait, it was a very real possibility that Harry could be dead right now.

Severus looked just as bitter when their eyes met. They had to go in opposite directions, as McGonagall had assigned him the third floor. But the way he was looking at her, she knew that he must have an idea of what was going through her mind. And currently, as she gripped the shining white wand in her hand and swept off to the highest tower of the school, all she knew was that if she did happen to find her murderer of a cousin, she wouldn't be giving him the chance to be arrested and meet the dementors.