
Blood Sword

In the wake of witnessing his parents' brutal murder, 14-year-old Ken, renowned as the prodigy of his clan, is awakened to the shocking truth of his own frailty and vulnerability. Consumed by grief and a burning need for vengeance, Ken embarks on a treacherous journey to become the ultimate warrior in order to exact revenge upon those responsible for his parents' untimely demise. Follow Ken's heart-wrenching tale of loss and the fierce pursuit of justice, in a captivating saga of one young man's fight to right the wrongs of his past.

Ilori_Peter · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Silence filled the Li clan's manor, as sounds of footsteps approached from a distance.

It's was an elderly man with long hair that touched his shoulders, he hung a fishing rod on his right shoulder and with is left hand he held a bucket filled with fishes.

As he passed by, he noticed there were no guards at the entrance to the Li clan's manor.

Confusion made his facial expression change as he noticed the entrance gate was wildly opened.

Now he was certain, something was wrong. He knew the Li clan would never let a situation like this happen whereby their gate is left opened with any any guards at the entrance.

He was hesitant but still chose to go into the manor as his curiousity would not let him pass by. The sight he beheld as soon as he entered the manor left a terrible taste in his mouth.

It was truly a gruesome and a catastrophic one.

"Oh no, what in the world happened here?" He said to himself.

He stared around in utter confusion as he looked at the manor of a clan claimed to be one of the greatest in the continent completely razed to the ground.

Buildings were almost completely flattened to the ground as dead bodies where scattered around the floor infecting the atmosphere with the stench of blood.

Disgust and fear sipped into his soul making him want to vomit but in a desperate desire to know and understand what has happened he steeled himself as he began to check the around for survivors.

A few minutes had gone by when he passed through the rout in front of the treasury coming across a gruesome scene.

Ken, laying on the ground completely unconscious and his mother a few ft away from him completely naked and half dead as she had lost a lot of blood.

"Naomi!!!" He screamed out her name as he ran towards her and took a knee.

Ken's mother who barely heard her name managed to opened her eyes to check who it was which helped the elderly man confirm she was still alive.

He immediately reached for his side bag and brought out a liquid substance in a little bottle, he looked at the stab wound on her stomach and signs in relief.

"It's not to late" He said.

He immediately popes of the cover and pour it on her injury.

She curled up as the injured area made a steaming sound with light smoke coming out of it. She was completely healed a few seconds after, but she still couldn't move as she had lost a lot of blood.

The elderly man immediately took of his coat and used it to cover Naomi.

Without any hesitation, he took out a steady looking rope from his bag and placed Ken on his back using the rope to hold home in place.

He picked Naomi up, Ken's mother as he dashed out of the Li clan's manor and headed to his home, the nearby village.


Awakening in a strange, unfamiliar world, Ken found himself plunged into a sea of confusion and anxiety.

Just moments ago, he had been at the clan treasury, witnessing the heartbreaking murder attempt against his mother.

Now, he found himself surrounded by an unknown environment, struggling to make sense of the bizarre turn of events.

"Where am I? This isn't right. Something is wrong," he thought to himself with confusion clouding his mind.

Immediately, Ken's eyes darted towards the figure of his mother, her prone form now lying motionless in a strange and foreign place.

The sight of an unknown elderly looking man hovering over her, hands lightly probing her core, sent a surge of panic coursing through his veins, his protective instincts raging to the forefront.

Adrenaline pumping, Ken lunged forward, intent on defending his mother's honor, only to find his limbs leaden and unresponsive.

The exertion of his recent fight had left him weakened, his body buckling under the weight of his own determination.

As Ken hit the ground with a dull thud, his strength utterly sapped as a wave of confusion compounded his desperation.

With the memory of his mother's attack still vivid in his mind, he struggled to reconcile his body's failure with his desperation to protect her.

"What's wrong with me?" he thought to himself.

His heart pounding in his chest as he grappled with the unanswerable question.

"Why can't I move? I have to save her...but I don't even remember how we got here..." He thought to himself.

Paralyzed on the hard ground, Ken's head swirled with panic and confusion as he watched the elderly man tend to his mother's unmoving body.

Though he could sense a faint recollection of the fight that had taken place in front of the treasury at his clan, his memories were shrouded in the haze of trauma.

As he layed there, unable to move, he cast a doubtful gaze at the elderly man, a storm of emotions raging inside him.

"Would this old man hurt my mother? Or was he trying to help?" Ken's desperation to protect his mother warred with his inability to comprehend the situation, leaving him frozen, his heart pounding in his chest.

With his eyes focused on the elderly man, Ken felt a blend of relief and uncertainty seep through him.

Relieved that the elderly man before him seemed to lack the malicious intent of the attackers who had assaulted his home, but uncertain of this unfamiliar figure's true intentions, he still had doubts.

As the elderly man's gentle hands tended to his mother's body, Ken's gaze caught on the elderly man's tools and deliberate movements.

A glimmer of understanding began to take root.

"Perhaps this old man was not an enemy, but a healer, attempting to save my mother's life" He thought to himself.

Ken held his breath, forcing his body to obey his commands.

As he forced himself to rise, the elderly man's gaze drifted towards him, his expression was grave but not unkind.

In that moment, the tension in Ken's body seemed to ease, the fear that had been coursing through his veins giving way to a cautious hope.

"She has sustained grave injuries," the elderly man spoke in a quiet, measured tone.

"But she is strong. And with the right care, she may yet live." He said as he took his gaze back from Ken to his mother.

Ken's eyes widened at the elderly man's words, relief and a strange sense of gratitude washing over him.

Slowly, he began to relax, his body easing into the ground beneath him as he let out a shaky breath.

"What can I do to help?" he asked the elderly man, his voice as little as a whisper.

The elderly man stared at Ken with a look of understanding.

"There is nothing you can do now. You need to rest, regain your strength. I will do all I can to save her."

"While her body may be healed, her core has suffered significant damage," the elderly man revealed, his words like a dagger to Ken's already-wounded heart.

"She may never be able to use her core energy again. It will be a long and arduous road to recovery, and even then, she may never regain her former strength."

Ken's world seemed to shatter at the elderly man's words. The very essence of his mother's power, her identity as a warrior and a clan member, had been stripped away by the assailants.

Ken's eyes moved from the elderly man's face to his mother's still form.

Stunned into silence, Ken sat immobile, his eyes fixed on his mother's prone form.

Questions flooded his mind.

"How would she cope? How would i protect her? What would become of us now?" He thought to himself.

In the absence of the familiar heat of her core energy, he felt a chill take hold of his heart.

As the moments stretched into silence, the elderly man continued to attend to Ken's mother, his movements deliberate and skilled.

Finally, the elderly man broke the silence with a gentle voice. "She is stable for now, I suggest you stay with her so she wouldn't freak out when she wakes up"

Ken stared at him and agreed with a nod.