

"You're back!" 

Megan walked into the bub where she worked looking exhausted. Her friend Lola walks over to her noticing the look on her face. Lola smiles waving at her.

"Megan. What's wrong Love? Woke on the wrong side of the bed?"

Megan smiles shaking her head, "No, I just feel tired."

She had stayed up all night looking after Roman again because she had this fear that he would sleep and never wake up. She didn't want to lose him after all he was going to give her half a million dollars for all her help.

"Tired? What were you doing?"


"What do you mean nothing...You are making me curious now, you literally were off for days."

Megan laughs shaking her head, "Girl. I'm serious."

"Don't tell me you got a man!" Lola says excitedly. The shorter girl with bright purple hair smiled happily hoping her friend finally met someone.

"Sorry Lo. You know I don't have time for such things."

"Bullshit! Come on girl. Tell me."

"What makes you think it's a guy."

"Its always a guy."

Megan laughs, Well it's not."

"I don't belive you."

Megan sighs walking over to the locker rooms. 

"Whatever you say Lola."

"Don't hide it." Lola said from behind her.

She thought about him and smiles. Megan doesn't get far when she hears a phone ring making her stop dead in her tracks. 

"It's a call from prison..." 

Her heart raced as she thought something must have happened to her brother.

"What's wrong now Marcus?"

There was silence for a long moment on the other end of the phone as Megan waited for her brother's response to what she said. He was trying to keep his emotions in check as he was becoming very annoyed by her attitude. He eventually spoke up again with a scared tone."I fucked up Megan! I'm in trouble."

"What did you do Marcus?!" Marcus had never been afraid before and she got worried when he started talking in that way. She spoke in a frantic tone as she began to worry. She didn't want her brother to be in trouble.

There was another beat of silence on the phone as he hesitately spoke again with a shaky and scared voice. "I can't tell you much Megan! I made some mistakes and I'm about to pay the price for them."

"I don't understand Marcus!"

He sighs softly and he sounds even more scared. His tone is shaky and he seems to be on the verge of breaking down completely. He speaks in a shaky and anxious voice as he sounds scared. "Just listen Megan and stop asking questions. I need you to help me."

"But how?"

There was silence once again on the phone as Megan could feel her mind starting to panic. It wasn't like a regular phone call with him where he was usually calm and composed on the phone. This time there was fear in his voice and she could feel his panic and her fear growing with every second she listened to him. " I don't have much time. Just get me out of this hellhole Megan! You've got to help me!"

The call cuts and Megan starts to panic once more 

"I need to get this money soon."


Roman wakes up and he sits up with a heavy sigh. His body was feeling the effects of fatigue and exhaustion and every time he blinked his eyes were heavy. He groans as he feels like he didn't get any sleep at all. He looks around the room and he smiles as his eyes land on Megan, who had stayed up all night to care for him. He groans loudly as he raises himself out of bed and his knees almost buckle underneath him from exhaustion.

Megan wakes up after hearing sounds as she is a light sleeper. Megan is the type of person to wake up because of someone's footsteps. She jumps up from the couch hearing sounds and doesn't waste a second after seeing him almost fall. She runs to his side catching him but they end up falling on her bed. He falls ontop of her making her suprised. She was suddenly aware of how exposed she was in her sleeping shorts which were tiny and a oversized shirt.

Roman's eyes widen as he suddenly falls and he falls on top of her. His entire body weight is on top of her and he looks away to avoid looking at her body. He notices how tiny and exposed she is and that causes him to blush slightly in embarrassment. He tries to get off of her but he can barely function due to how exhausted he was and his face turns a little red, "I'm so-sorry..."

He realizes that he feels the texture of the fabric of her clothing underneath him and in an instant he jumps off of her getting off of the bed, his body aching and fatigued from the sudden movement but he wanted to maintain some decency in front of her.

"It's okay. Are you okay?" Megan rushed to his side seeing if he was hurt anywhere. "Where were you trying to go?"

He shook his head quickly and he looks at her, his body is still aching and he tries talking but all that comes out are grunts. He nods his head slightly and he speaks with a lot of effort, "I just wanted to get something to drink" He groans as he tries moving his hands towards his head but he lets his hands fall after the movement caused him to feel pain in his shoulder.

"You should have woken me up. I could have helped you Roman."

He shakes his head quickly and he groans again. The effort of speaking was causing his body to become more uneasy and he wanted to lay down but he didn't want to worry her further. "No...its fine...I'm alright..." Roman looked at her with worry and he tried giving her a reassuring smile as his body started to get dizzy.

"We should get you to a hospital Roman, You're not okay."

He shakes his head again and he spoke although it was a little painful to speak. "No... I just need better rest...that's all" He was worried about her as much as she was worried about him, he could tell this is draining her and he doesn't want to put her through more.

Megan sighs heavily faustrated, "You don't get it do you? Roman you could die! You were shot! This is serious!" She knew he was Probably a wanted man but still. He could die if he didn't get the medical attention he needed.

He shakes his head again and he smiles reassuringly, ignoring his own pain and discomfort he wanted to try and make her understand that he was fine without taking him to a hospital, "Listen, I'll be fine if I get a few days of proper sleep. I'll be up and kicking in no time" he tries to smile again but the effort of smiling is starting to cause him to feel very lightheaded and nauseous.

Megan was not buying his act. He was most definatley not okay. She didn't want to see him in so much pain anymore.

"Dont you have a doctor that helps you out in this situation? This is obviously not your first rodeo...just so I can feel better call the doctor please." 

Roman groans as he had never met someone so stubborn. Roman didn't want to call his people yet. He was certain there was a mole among his people and if he called they would know he was still alive. Megan would not understand these things. He had been shot before and he could handle the pain even if it didn't look like it.

He smiled reassuringly and he spoke in a calm calming voice despite his current state, "I'll have a doctor check up on me sometime in the afternoon. I won't bother you with more problems as you've already done so much for me" he was feeling very lightheaded now from trying to stay awake and he was starting to feel even more