
Blood stained seraph

"Do you believe in seraphs? Do you believe that seraphs reincarnate as humans? And... do you know what happens when a seraph is stained with blood?". After an unexpected shootout that left him as the only survivor, Keith crosses paths with the one person who changes his reality completely.

Amarachukwu_Okoli_2708 · Aktion
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24 Chs

Chapter ten: Conspiracy


Ah, so that's the boyfriend I've heard so much about. How unimpressive. I'm not surprised Percy turned out to be gay, but I expected that he'd go for studs, not a scrawny ass kid like this.

I mean,hell, this dude's a runt.

Turns out my badass boss has such awful taste. I wouldn't look twice at a brat like that. Ugh. I'm so disgusted.

I fixed my eyes on his retreating figure as he headed into the building. Gosh, what I want right now is to put a bullet through his head.

I sure as hell will smack bullseye. I always do. But I didn't shoot. I can't.

"Fuck!"I yelled in frustration.

I flung the gun at the targets and flipped my ponytail impatiently.

"Yo, Nazarite. Throwing another temper tantrum?".

I turned sharply to behold Kevin walking towards me,cheery as always.

"Yo,"I replied "got anything for me?".

"My two palms,if you're interested"he replied, displaying them.

"Cut the shit,asshole"I punched his shoulder.

But I was smiling. And he laughed.

"So,"I slipped my hands into my short pockets "your thoughts?".

"On what?".

"That,"I jerked my head in the direction of the main building"the boyfriend".

"He's a good kid"Kevin replied, lighting a cigarette.

"So, you like him?".

"What, you don't like him?".

"I sure as hell don't".

"C'mon,Kaya. You don't even know him".

"I know Percy likes him".

Kevin took out the cigarette from between his lips and blew out smoke in a rather weary exhale.

"You still mad at the boss?".

"Mad? I'm more than mad,"I could feel the bitterness tightening my chest, and I knew I had to end the conversation"see you later,Kev. Gotta bounce".

"Bye"he said.

I waved quickly before dashing off.





I'm so glad Keith was able to make it. We're all seated around Linda's pool, eating ice cream and telling riddles.

It's Malia's turn now. Malia's riddles are always so hard to answer.

"My turn"she said, withdrawing her lips from the straw in her box of mango juice.

Her tone was dry. Sardonic,as usual.

We all braced ourselves.

"There are those who seek me a lifetime but we never meet,"she began"and those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet. Most times I seem to favor the clever and the fair, but I bless all those who are brave enough to dare. At large, my ministrations are soft handed and sweet, but scorned I become a difficult beast to defeat. Though each of my strikes land a powerful blow, when I kill, I do it slow".

"That comes from one of your paranormal novels, doesn't it?"Linda asked.

"Yup"Malia replied.

"Which one?".

"Court of thorns and roses. Do you know the answer, Linda?".

"Nope, no idea".

"You, Barbie?".

"I... I don't know... it sounds like some sort of illness, doesn't it? Like... like malaria. Or fibromyalgia".

"It's neither. It's not even a disease"Sofia replied.

"Oh, you know the answer, Sofia?".

"I never said I did".

"Perhaps Malia can tell us"I said.

All eyes turned to her.

"Oh, you all concede defeat already?"Malia actually looked surprised.

"What did you expect?"I retorted flatly.

"The answer is love".

"Awwn..."Barbie cooed.

"Seriously? The answer to that...poem,is just one word?"Sofia asked.

Malia shrugged.

"And you remembered all those words. You're really impressive, Malia "I said.

I mean it. Malia is amazing. Yet she simply raised an eyebrow.

"Where did that come from?"she asked drily.

I breathed a sigh. Does she even recognize compliments?

Suddenly, the sound of Alan Walker's Spectre filled the air, pulling all eyes in Keith's direction. He glanced at his phone and stood up.

"I have to take this"he said before walking away from the pool area.

"So, who's next?"Linda asked.

"Barbie is"Sofia replied.

"Who, me? But I'm out of riddles"Barbie protested.

"Repeat the ones you've already said,then"I suggested.

"Huh? Isn't that against the rules?"she asked.

Just then, Keith returned.

"Sorry, guys. I gotta go. My uh... guardian wants me to come home".

"You're leaving?"Barbie looked as if the Grinch had just stolen Christmas.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll see you guys at school".

"Bye"we chorused.

As I watched him walk...or rather,sprint off, the question that had been nagging me for quite a while now returned to my mind.

Where does Keith live? Certainly not on Trent street. It's a ghost town now.

Who's this mysterious guardian of his?Why does he always change the subject when we ask about his neighborhood?

"Earth to Langdon"Sofia snapped her fingers in my face.

I jolted,then blinked.

"Oh. Sorry,who was talking?".





I had been completely terrified of asking Percy if I could go to Linda's place. But he agreed so easily. He was going pretty far, he had said, to meet with some other Mafia lords. I was only allowed to stay out for as long as he was away.

I'm grateful, but I wish he hadn't called in the middle of all that fun. I leaned back into the seat and closed my eyes, hoping to nap a little.

But I can't.

I still can't help but wonder... how long does Percy plan to keep me here? And if he does release me, what will happen? I don't have a home anymore. I could stay with the Coronas, but then I'd have to think up a good story.

Then it struck me. When Percy releases me, it would mean cutting all ties with the Underworld. With Kevin... and Percy... and Jade...


I don't want to let go of Jade just yet. I can't bear the thought of not seeing her again. Then a new thought occured to me.

I'm going to miss Percy.





"My, you're a sight for sore eyes"I exclaimed as I walked into the cellar"you're supposed to keep the damn bottles, not fucking drink them,mate".

"Shut up, Kaya"Nicolo growled, holding his head in both hands.

A half filled bottle stood on the table, and six empty ones were strewn about on the floor.

"Do you need an aspirin?"I asked.

"Let me be".

I sighed. This dude is fucking hopeless. But anyways...

I pulled a stool to the table and sat opposite him. I poured myself a glass of wine and gulped it down. Nicolo looked up at me.

Man, he's a sorry sight. His eyes are bloodshot with bags under them. His face is literally drained of blood.

"You gotta take care of yourself,mate"I said, pouring myself another glass.

"What do you want, Kaya?"he asked wearily.

I let the question hang as I downed the second glass.

"You loved Monalisa, didn't you?"I asked.

Nicolo's eyes widened slightly.

"C'mon, don't look so alarmed,"I laughed"it's not like anyone can help falling for her. Monalisa was such a sweet girl. Her death saddened even me".

I watched his eyes harden.

"Kaya,"he spoke through clenched teeth"what do you want?".

"Revenge"I replied bluntly"Someone's been fucking up right under our noses, Nicolo. I hate him. I know you hate him too".

"Percy?"Nicolo shook his head"you think we could beat that guy?".

"Oh, don't I fucking know it"I grinned as I rose.

I walked to a shelf. Ran my finger down a meticulously wiped bottle.

Nicolo sure does his job well.

"We could slip some poison into his wine, but that would be too merciful, wouldn't it?"I turned to look at Nicolo.

"So... what do you have in mind?".

"Torture. We'll make him watch the one he loves fall to pieces before his very eyes. Then we'll take everything from him".