
Blood stained seraph

"Do you believe in seraphs? Do you believe that seraphs reincarnate as humans? And... do you know what happens when a seraph is stained with blood?". After an unexpected shootout that left him as the only survivor, Keith crosses paths with the one person who changes his reality completely.

Amarachukwu_Okoli_2708 · Aktion
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24 Chs

Chapter eight: Her last wish.


I've been sitting here for an hour and a half, studying the tiny blue flowers at my feet and thinking.

About Lisa. About Percy. About Keith.

Few days ago, I had one of my girls watch out for the boy each day. I got to know that he lives with Percy, and that Kevin drives him to and from school each week day. Fortunately, Kevin is an old acquaintance, so arranging a meeting wasn't hard.

I was also able to obtain basic information from Kevin. The boy's name is Keith Lionel. He's fifteen years old, and a ninth grader at Beacon Hills Academy. But who is he to Percy? Even Kevin doesn't know for sure.

I picked an interest in him the instant I saw him, because he's the first one I've ever seen Percy with. The Percy I know is a certified loner.

I nearly laughed out loud when I saw the look of surprise on his face. Instead I smiled, partly out of gladness but mostly out of amusement.

"You certainly took your time, Keith".

I watched the surprise on his face heighten.

"Yes, I know your name. Have a seat, let's talk".

He looked confused, but he took the seat opposite me.

It's that easy? Either he hasn't lived in the Underworld long enough to know the first rule(trust no one),or he's just a little too gullible.

"Can you leave us, Kevin?". I asked.

"Sure"he replied, already leaving.

I flashed Keith a smile to put him at ease.

"Tea?"I asked, already filling two cups.


I sipped from one before handing it to him. He looked even more confused by this gesture.

"Percy would have expected that. After all those years he still hasn't learnt to trust me"I explained.

He still looked confused.

"He can't risk getting drugged, not that I'd ever do something like that. But Percy just doesn't trust anyone".

Keith still hasn't gotten the message .

Gods, what is he,a dimwit?

"I was a whore at the time we met, so...".

"A whore?"he blurted out, shock written all over him.

"Yes. Is it that unbelievable?"I asked, the corners of my lips tugging up in an amused smile.

Gods, he's cute.

"Yeah, I... you look like...an heiress or something".


"Flattering, but I'm not. I'm actually the brothel madame ".

"Brothel... this is a brothel?".

"Yup. The best in the Underworld ".

Keith's jaw dropped. He looked stupified.

"Drink up. It'll get cold"I gestured to the cup in his hands.

He looked down at it,as if he had forgotten it was there. His eyes seemed to linger on the red lipstick stain my lips had left on the rim.

Blood rushed to his cheeks and he carefully turned it ninety degrees before taking a sip.


"My name is Jade Erlone. It's a pleasure to meet you".

"Likewise"he replied politely.

We shook hands, and I saw the color on his cheeks deepen.

"So, how long have you known Percy?"I asked.

"Not long. Just a few weeks".

He sure is too gullible, answering so promptly to a stranger. Without Percy's protection, the Underworld would have eaten him alive by now.

"And who are you to him? Kevin says there are rumors about you guys dating, but that's highly impossible so I'd like to hear from the horse's mouth".

"W-well..."he looked down at the cup in his his hands"I don't really know. Percy... kind of took me in".

"Oh?"I leaned closer, interested"how did that happen?".

"I used to live on Trent street, until the Mafia attacked us. Everyone was killed ".

"So he took you in?"I smiled"well, I guess I should expect he'd be such a sucker for the broken and the lost, since he was broken and lost once".

"Um... Miss Erlone...".

"Jade "I corrected promptly.

"Jade. Can I ask a question?".

"Sure. Feel free".

"Why do you ask all these questions?".


She's so beautiful. Her voice is so soft. Her smile is so kind.

I'm doing everything I can not to fall into her alluring eyes.

I still can't believe she was a whore. Why would someone like her...

She seems pretty interested in my acquaintance with Percy. But why?

I should ask her.

"Um... Miss Erlone..."I began hesitantly.

"Jade"she corrected gently.

"Jade,"her name was like orangeade on my tongue"can I ask a question?".

"Sure,"her eyes met mine "feel free".

"Why do you ask all these questions?".

She smiled again. She dropped the cup on the table. She clasped her hands. My eyes followed each movement. They were graceful, like a butterfly's.

"I'm worried about Percy".


Why would anyone worry about him?

"He is all alone. I just want to know if he's finally let someone in".

"Let someone in? What do you mean?".

"Don't you see it?He shut everyone out, including his sister. And he shut himself in. Lisa wanted nothing else but to save him. The last time she came to see me,we sat together under this tree. Lisa was quite withdrawn that day, really solemn. Just before she left, I said :' next time I'll make you an apple pie '. I'll never forget her smile. It was so sad. She said:' I'm going to die, Jade '. I was taken aback, but I laughed and told her she was still so young. But she wasn't kidding. ' I can feel it, she said,' and when it happens, Percy is going to fall deeper into the darkness. You're the only one I can ask. Please save my brother'.

Not long after, I heard of her death ".

Once again, guilt ripped a blade through my gut.

"You and Lisa were pretty close,then?"I asked.

"We were best friends. That's why she could tell me all about their past. Lisa wanted me to heal Percy's scars, but I can't. Percy doesn't even trust me. That's why I did everything I could to reach you. Keith, can you help me fulfill Lisa's last wish? Please?".

I stared at her. My first impulse was to scream "hell no!". But then... Jade is pleading for my help. She needs me. I have to do something.

"Sure"I replied.

"Really?"she smiled, grateful.

I basked in the gratitude pouring forth from her eyes, feeling ten feet tall.

"Of course".

"Alright,then. Lemme start from the beginning".

She closed her eyes and lifted her face towards the sky, exhaling deeply. I watched her, berating my stupid self for thinking I could play knight in shining armor. I can't even breath properly around Percy yet.

But then, Jade opened her eyes and smiled at me, and all my doubts vanished instantly.

"Do you believe in seraphs, Keith?"she asked.

"Seraphs?As in, angels? Of course, I always have".

"Do you believe that seraphs reincarnate as humans?".

"Huh? Never heard of that".

"Lisa did. Lisa believed without a doubt that Percy's a reincarnated seraph. She believed it explains everything that makes him so otherworldly. He's something of a cinnamon roll too".

"That sounds a little ironic "I said.

"What does?".

"Calling a Mafia lord a cinnamon roll ".

"His heart has managed to retain some of its purity. He did take you in, didn't he? Surely you can see traces of his moral upbringing. He was a good person, once ".

"But,"I said"he's still a good person now, isn't he?".

Jade shook her head, smiling sadly.

"You don't really know Percy. He likes you, so you're safe. You should see what he does to those he doesn't".

"The people of Trent street,"I mused, dropping my gaze.

I felt her palm on my shoulder. She's comforting me!

"Please don't hold it against him. I'll tell you everything, just as Lisa told me".

Publishing another chapter to let you guys know I'm sorry... and also because I love you guys.

Oh,by the way, I just started publishing another novel titled "Goddess of Carnage", so please make sure to add it to your library along with this one.

Love you!

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