


The sound of gunshot echoed in the whole house, engaging the fine, scanty smoke ring to cover the slightest illusion, of what it might seem, before my trembling eyelids.

My father thumped down on the floor, beside my mother, who lied as blood slowly trickled down her cold stiffening body. My heart thumped harder and harder and perhaps, to express the utmost fear it ever held; tears uncontrollably falling down to soak my cheeks. They were not my real parents...but my heart did bare love for them, at least a hint.

'Whole family down.' the man made a tsk. 'Except for that brat girl, I wonder where she is now. But who cares! What can she do?'

My appalled prolong gaze stilted at the sound of scornful grin he shot. My fist clenched itself.

'Shouldn't you be caring about yourself right now?' the person looked back, while I stood before him with the handgun of my father that he dropped a while ago, before taking his last breath…

The man laughed, not in glee, but as a comment for me being so naive.

'Little girl, ya think it's so easy to use a gun?' He raised his killer-arm at me, his deep, cold and jester voice, filling the corners of the soulless room. I replied in an empty voice, being surprisingly calmer than ever, 'I know there's no bullet in that.'

He brought his hand down, realizing my little girl brain already knowing his little mischief... 'I don't need a gun to kill you. But if you hand over that one of yours right now to me then, I might consider letting you go alive. It's not something to play with.'

'Sad part for you is,' I raised my gun, pointing at him, 'I learn fast.'

"You will see how far playing can get..."

'What?? NO-' the sound of gunshot once again echoed in the house. I brought my hands down. The fingers were stiff, not trembling. Neither my heart, or mind. Through the innermost core, I felt nothing…absolutely nothing...

So hollow and absolute ... ... ... ...

By the second I was hit back with consciousness, I found myself getting out of the house, running the fastest I could. I wasn't feeling anxious, rather happy, insanely joyous, like a lunatic. It was fun, to see how someone lands down with just a tiny motion of finger on the trigger. It might sound cruel, but it was fun. I doubt if I ever felt like this. Ever.

The only voice that persisted in my voice said- I want more of it. That I gotta abide.

> > > > > > > > > > A few years later > > > > > > > > > >

'Hmm… Song Y/N…' the person with the uniform read along, 'two homicides, four assaults, numerous vandalisms, yet not a single evidence. She is something…' an indefinable smile crept on his lips; he looked at his associate. 'Inform the department. I agree on taking this case. I sure will bring an end to it.'

❝This story might have slow updates❞

---Letting you skip is like letting my heart skip its beat---

---The bad blood rose is me, just like wine---