

After 10 years


I looked up to see my mother's beautiful face. She was beautiful not only from outside but also from inside. Right now we were in a garden and she was pushing the swing on which I was seated. I laughed whole heartedly. Mom stopped the swing just as my dad came and picked me up. He was a handsome man, with 6'1 height, jet black hair and sun kissed tanned skin, he still made the girls swoon.

"Does my princess love us?" He asked smiling down at me.

"Yes dadda! Very much I love both you and mama." A nine year old girl replied.

"We love you too sweetie." My parents said in unison with a gentle smile on their face.

Suddenly the background changed and I was nineteen years old, staring at the horrific scene in front of me.

There was blood all around me, my mother's mouth was opened in a silent scream. She lied naked on the floor of our drawing room blood oozing out from her private parts and their was message cut on her breast and stomach.


My hand flew to my mouth, as sobs raked their way through my body. I looked up from my mother's dead body only to see my father tied to a chair, castrated and neck sliced open. This time I couldn't hold back my screams, as I cried harder.


I shot up from my bed with sweat covering my forehead. I looked at the digital clock, on the bedside table. It read 3:00a.m. I got up from the bed and went to the washroom.

I looked at the face that stared back at me. I hated that face. That face was pure beauty there was no doubt about that but this face got her parents killed. They were dead because of her. I hated those alluring mauve grey eyes which held self-hatred at the moment, hated those jet black hair which framed her face perfectly adding more beauty to that face and those natural red lips that added a sensuous gleam to this destructive face.

I Hate Myself! Hate how this face of mine causes me more trouble than it's worth. I was aware of my beauty, knew the effect I had on men. I knew it but I hated it. I hated attention because attention was what got me in this life. A life without parents, family and friends. I have learned that beauty comes with a price. For me that price was my family.

I had only one friend who knew everything about me, about what happened to me five years ago. Actually I had two friends who knew about my past, including Hera my best friend.

Dante Warren was my first true friend who knew everything about me. He accepted me the way I am. He knew that I was dark, my soul was dark but he accepted it. In fact, he made me come out of my depression, he motivated me to move on. After that incident I was afraid of getting touched by opposite gender but because of him I came out of my phobia of getting touched. I hated the mere existence of male species because for me they were vile and cruel creatures who did not care about anyone besides themselves but Dante made me see that one should not judge everyone because of few bad people; he made me see that if there is bad in this world then there is also good in this albeit it is almost non existent because everyone in this world is a selfish. Nobody cares about anyone until and unless it benefitted them in some way.

He knew I was a sadist and a masochist; when I became that even I don't know. I only know that I love inflicting pain on others and loved having pain inflicted on myself. Twisted and crazy are the words that describe me best. He knew about it all but never did he judge me, he just supported me in everything I did. He was my everything. We were so close that people sometimes mistook us for girlfriend and boyfriend, but we never corrected them.

I scoff bitterly. But of course when everything was going well in my life fate had to take it away.

When everything in my life was finally getting back on track, he was taken away from me. It was like life hated me for some reason I didn't know. He died in a car accident. After his death I became numb, I stopped feeling anything, any emotion, I stopped getting attached to anyone. During that time, Hera was with me as my backbone. But even she didn't know the extent of my pain.

That man who destroyed my life made me a masochist, trained me to love the pain inflicted on me. But unintentionally he also made me a sadist. I know I have been through a lot of pain; emotional, physical and mental pain. I've been through it all, still I love to inflict physical pain on others. I came to know that the day when I accidentally cut my friend's finger while cooking and didn't feel sorry for it. In fact if I'm being honest, I loved the sight of blood coming out of her finger.

Sighing I turned the shower off , got out and started to get dressed for work. I looked at the frame that hung on my bedroom wall. I smiled sadly. I missed him, more than words could describe.

He also knew about Shady and always teased me with his name saying that he's gonna stay away from me because he didn't want to get killed by Derek and I always used to roll my eyes at him and give some sarcastic reply to which he would just laugh. Now he was really dead and never coming back to tease me and annoy me. I missed him and those precious moments with him. I still feel the hole in my chest which was created by his death.

I also remember mine and Derek's last moments very vividly. I don't think he remembers me anymore, after all he has women lined up for him. I have seen him in numerous magazines and television with a different woman every time. My heart clenched painfully at the thought of him loving someone else with the same devotion, he once loved me. I know I should not care because I won't be able to love him even if we both meet again at some point of time.

Pushing the thoughts of him and some other woman probably fucking at this very moment away from my mind, I continue getting dressed for work. I wear a black pencil skirt and a white sleeveless shirt.

My phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Hey bitch." she greeted me

"Well hello to you too, dearest Hera." I said sarcastically. Her mother was obsessed with greek mythology so she named her after queen of gods.

"You know there's this new club—"

"No." I cut her off knowing very well what she was going to say next.

"But you didn't even listen to what I was saying." She whined.

"That's because I already know what you are going to say and the answer is no." I said firmly.

"C'mon Myra! Don't be a bitch about it... besides I have already promised Eric that you will be there. So basically you have no option." She said with triumph in her voice. I groaned inwardly.

"Can't you make an excuse or something because seriously I have more work to do than go out for clubbing." I snapped making her chuckle. Eric was her colleague who was infatuated with me and followed me everywhere like a lost puppy. The worst thing was that he was a very decent and sweet guy so, I never had the heart of being rude to him but that doesn't mean that I lead him on. I've even indirectly given him signs that I am not interested in him but it seems like he is too dense to get the message.

"No can do hotshot. I'll see you tonight at seven, sharp." With that she ended the call. I groaned loudly. At times like these I wanted throttle her.


Soon I reached my office and looked at the pile of sheets and files on my desk. Ugh! This was going to be a long day.

After five hours of working continuously, my back was aching. Being the managing director of a fashion designing company can be hectic. I looked at the watch which read 12:30. God! I was more than ready to take a break.

"Myra can I get you anything." Lexie my new PA asked.

"No, Lexie. I am just going to take lunch break now. I won't be here for probably half an hour. So if Mr. Phoenix calls, just tell him that his files will be given to him by 4:30p.m." I inform her.

"Sure, will do." She smiles and I nod my head. She was a sweet woman. But I knew that behind that sweet woman there is a fighter in her, because since she was black, she got bullied a lot in her school days by the jocks and cheerleaders. She never lets anyone push her around because of which I admire and respect her greatly.


After work, I reached home at around six. Damn! I have only an hour to get ready. Hurriedly I go to the bathroom and shower in fifteen minutes. which I must add is a record for me.

I choose a black cocktail coloured dress which lands on my mid thigh. It is backless and fits my body like a second skin. I do my makeup and hair. I am satisfied with the result. I've done my eye makeup with grey and black eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner which gives my eyes smokey effect. I've curled my hair from the ends. Looking in the mirror I can say that I look sexy. In fact I feel sexy.

I hear the doorbell and I take my purse and head out to open the door.

Hera is wearing a black tight fitting jeans with a Bordeaux cowl neck halter top. She has curled her blonde hair and has applied ruby red lipstick. She looks sexy as ever.

"Hey hotshot! Ready to get laid." She shouts. I roll my eyes at her and get in her black Audi R8. Honestly, even I am a bit intrigued about this new club since she decided to check out some other club instead of that crappy "Ministry of Beer". Seriously, we've been there so many times that I can tell the timing of every bartender's shift.


Soon we reach the new club "Vida Futura". It means "Afterlife" in Spanish.

It looks like a ghost house from the outside. It is built like one of those scary horror mansions which we see in movies. The building was huge and hideous, I would have never come to this place if I was passing through this area alone.

We enter inside the club. Unlike the outside look, interior is classy looking. The whole interior is made of gold and black color. The owner has actually stuck to the name of the club. There were two sections in this club; one was painted in golden bronze colour and was illuminated by light golden, brown, white and silver lights while the other section was painted in black and silver. It was illuminated by dark colours. Even the names of drinks was different in the two sections. Drinks were lighter in the heaven section as compared to hell section. But in the end it was a club so there was literally no other difference apart from the drinks.

We spot our friends at the corner of the bar of the hell section; on the couch. We go towards them and as soon as we reach to their table, Eric's eyes lit up on seeing me. I give him a small smile, mentally rolling my eyes. This will be a very long night.

I am sitting between Eric and Luke whereas Hera is sitting besides her boyfriend Archer and Lily my college friend was sitting beside her boyfriend Allen, who is sitting beside Archer.

Allen is a good looking man with 6feet height, deep ocean blue eyes which will hold you captive and dimpled smile which can make any girl's heart flutter.

Archer is half American and half Italian. He was nice guy and I am a little surprised that Hera is still with him considering they met a month ago because she is never the one to stick with one guy for more than two weeks.

After a few tequila shots I was feeling a little bit dizzy and surprisingly enjoying myself. Hera and Lily drag me towards the stage.

Dancing is one of my hobbies because I completely loose myself in the music and it's rhythm. I forget all the problems of my life, forget that any form of evil exists in this world. So, when they drag me towards the stage, I don't complain and loose myself in beats of music.

Honestly, I feel like tonight is my night and nothing could go wrong.