

The Human Race is faced with a dilemma after an unknown race attacks and abducts humans. With their intentions unknown, the humans fight dearly for their lives, even though they make little to no progress. While humanity struggles to survive, one particular characters gets chosen to become a walking weapon for the Alien Race, The Granians. Ace Underwood, who was one of the unlucky thousands that got abducted,wakes up to find himself inside a green tube. With no idea what's going on, he manages to escape only to learn of his new changed form. [Congratulations: Your DNA is a match with the Blood Mutant Gene.] [You must consume blood in order to survive.] Left to roam on the Earth, Ace must now survive from the Granians who wish to use him as biological weapon and learn to cope in a world of humans, and higher, intelligent life forms. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. ------------------

joshua_jt3 · Fantasie
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355 Chs


The teens were gathered on the fifth floor for their last briefing before the day finally came to an end. However, instead of the five usual generals, almost all the base staff members and leaders were there, and this started to worry the teens.

General Luke stood on his feet while the now military students took their seats. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls. You all have been gathered here for an important briefing session."

"Our enemies, the alien species known as Granians, had filled out planet with a red gas." He said. "I'm assuming you were all aware of all that, correct? Well, this gas had some catastrophic events that took a terrible turn on us. Behold…"

A large, white sheet that was mounted on the wall reflected an image from a projector that was also mounted on the ceiling. Pictures and video footage started rolling out of some horrendous beings that were doing more than just hurting people.

The same red men from earlier were being shown on the screen. All over the world, these large, bulky, zombie like creatures were tearing up buildings, destroying property, breaking into bases and killing as many people as possible. "These creatures, referred to as red men, are what was left of the humans that either refused to receive the serums or were not eligible to get one." He continued. "We do not know everything about them, but we do know this. One: they are extremely powerful, dangerous and deadly. They will not hesitate to kill you, so if you by chance get close to them, kill immediately. I do not care if they were people you knew. They do not know that, so you must end them."

"Two: they are highly infectious once they injure you. For now, those infected have only shown mild signs of aggression, severe sweating and an increase in strength, agility, and speed. We are hoping that they just remain at that stage and as we speak, our scientists are making an antidote."

"Third and lastly: Humans were not the only ones that got infected." General Luke showed video footage of animals across the world evolving into different, stronger, much more powerful and aggressive beasts. For example, a video played out of a lion evolving into a new creature with a bigger upper body, bones sticking out of their flesh and extra features like tails, eyes, and ears.

Some of the faint-hearted teens that watched this cried, fainted, and screamed while others watched on in awe. Another video played out of an elephant growing much more muscular, but all its skin fell out and got replaced by scales. Its tusks grew tusks and its hooves grew into paws with razor sharp claws.

"These mutations have been happening across the world," Another General continued. "We wish that they ended there, but there is more."

Another video played out of how the climate and biome in some areas changed. Mt. Everest, the worlds' tallest mountain, lost all its ice and instead had plant life growing on it. However, these plants seemed to be alive and even slightly more vicious than the animals themselves.

'Wow. What a terrible time to be a vegetarian.' Ace laughed by himself.

Another area that was once a beautiful lake was now filled with blood, and this made Ace to nearly salivate. Sky, who was sitting next to him, noticed his strange behavior. "Err…are you okay."

"Yeah, yeah." He replied. "Sshhh, the movie's going on."

'Movie, wtf?'

"Yes. As you can see, that is a lake full of blood. This is just a glimpse of what those creatures are capable of."

"Now, things are going to change around here before they even started." A video of General Jack inside a white room played out but all of them noticed he wasn't looking too good. His eyes were slightly swollen and sunken in. His skin had blisters and his eyeballs were reddening. "Due to this grave situation, we as the military are working on ways to make this world habitable for us once more. But this means you, our only hope of survival, adapts to the new world order. All of you will undergo severe physical, mental, and emotional training that will bring out the best in you."

"You shall all learn how to properly utilize your powers. You will have sessions where you'll face those red men and beasts. You will give up your teenage years for a life full of discipline, dedication, and hard work." He stopped to catch his breath. "I and the others hate to do this to you, but we have no choice. It's either this, or extinction. Good luck cadets. May God be with you all and the Earth."

The video ended and the students started to murmur amongst themselves. Some of them where growing pale due to fear while others, mostly the cocky ones, grew excited about the whole thing. Others, like Ace, did not give a damn, since they knew they were not going to make it or they would die anyways.

"SILENCE!!," Luke shouted. "We're grouping all of you in teams of eight. Two Universals will be the leaders, two elementals, two body cultivators and two blood group AB's will do as your Universal superiors say."

There were cheers amongst the Blood Group O, or Universals, since their powers were limitless. However, the other blood groups scoffed, grumbled, and complained about the decision.

"HOWEVER," Luke shouted again. "If anyone in any team is killed or lost, those in charge will personally answer to me."

The other blood groups smiled but the idea of them being controlled by their own peers didn't sit well with them. "Now, here are the groups as follows."

"Lilly Banks and Roy Edwards will be the first two Universals to lead; Ace Underwood with Lia Blaze; Skyler Parkson and Chris Johns; Steven Chen and Ruby Rose. You eight will be assigned to Mr. Zhou, your supervisor, leader, trainer, coach and mentor.

Even though he was grouped with Lilly and the motherly Ruby, Ace was glad that Jason wasn't in his. 'First Jason's taken care of. Now Lilly's next.' He said to himself with an eerie smile.

All of this happened casually but Ace didn't know he had suspicious eyes constantly staring at him. 'What are you hiding, Ace?'