

The next afternoon, Bella heard the children's laughter and looked out the front window. While his son, Jimmie, threw a beach ball at his daughter, Thompson chased after Chrissie's children in the front yard like a grizzly bear. Mary missed the ball and Thompson pretended to run. All the squeaks, Mary ran after the rolling ball and caught it just before Thompson could reach her.

Chrissie stood watching them, her face shining.

Bella took a deep breath and Diana got behind her silently and then wrapped her arms around her.

"What's the whole racket about?"

"It seems that Thompson is as good with children as he is with animals."

Diana nodded.

Bella turned and Diana bit her chin. "I was thinking."

"I would say it's going to put us in some tight spots." "Yes, you know me."

She slid her hand through her sweatshirt and gripped one breast, rushed to her nipple, sending a jolt through her that shuddered her spine.

"Yeah, I know you. What's brewing in that one-channel mind?"