

he knew. He and Bella shared an incestuous relationship, although they were not related by blood. "We weren't brought up together long before she ran away." They were, but people would not understand the longevity of lupus garou, nor would they understand the workings of a herd. In addition, they were different types of wolves, not of close ancestry - red and gray.

Surprised, Thompson just stared at them.

Chrissie sank into her chair. "So that explains why she doesn't go out with men and stays at home most of the time. And get a mailbox or something."

"But about Rosa," said Thompson, "why would he want her?"

"Like a wild pet," Bella explained.

Diana interlocked her fingers with his. He couldn't believe that Argos hadn't told him to at least protect Diana Bella. She then realized that Argos couldn't have she. No one could protect him back then.

She gave the photo of Viki to Thompson.

Frowning, she considered the picture. "I saw him at the dance club tonight."