

His lips curved upward a little. "I can warm you up a little."

"I was hoping you would say this. What's up with you? Aren't you cold?" He took off his soaking jacket and threw it in the back seat. Even his turtleneck sweater was wet and his jeans were soaked.

"I might as well try to warm up a little."

"Hot chocolate should do the trick."

He chuckled, dark and seductive.

He smiled and ruffled the leather laces on his boots. She had so much fun untying the wet laces that she finally threw the boots in the back seat. He unbuckled his seat belt after taking off his socks, and Diana raised her eyebrows at him.

"I'll help you take off your jacket," she said, still unable to control her shivering, even though it was warm inside the Suburbs now and the windows were starting to fog up from the wet clothes inside.

Diana defrosted the heater as Bella unbuttoned her jacket. "Hot chocolate sounds better every second."