
Blood Maiden

Christopher Ice was a boy whose life was completely destroyed by his government - from his home to his reason of living. But his bad luck didn't stop there as he was kidnapped and experimented on by the same government to be transformed into a human weapon. However 2 years after his capture his thirst for vengeance overcomes him and he breaks out of his experimental facility. After he begins his killing spree he meets a girl who seemed to suffer the Same fate as he. His story of death, vengeance, betrayal and love begins as a bounty hunter out for the severed heads of those who wronged him. *NOTE : The above story is completely fictional (which I honestly don't have to point out). The names are all placed in an order where the last name comes first and the first name comes last like in Japan even though the names may not be Japanese. Also I've dropped tiny references to other mangas, animes and movies as well as some songs. See if you can figure 'em out. Word count is about 1000 per chapter and it will stay that way till 22.3.2020 after which it should increase. This goes for chapters per week as well. I've got great plans for this story so stock around with me ; ) Also also picture does not belong to me.. Whoever drew the picture does so the credit to the picture goes to him/her..*

Yuki_Ektrix · Fantasie
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13 Chs

The Cousin

"I thought you died.." She began. Her hands slowly covered her mouth as tears rolled down her eyes. "You're alive An-"

"Don't call me that..." Ice interjected. "Right now I'm Christopher Ice.."

Aria's eyes widened as she witnessed the blood soaked Ice and the beheaded Oblito. "What happened to you?.." She asked, continuing to cry.

"There is too little that you know and touch for you to understand in a few minutes." He said. "The best way to explain is for you to follow me.."

The girl followed Ice as he made his way out of the residential. The girl believed in him and didn't seem to be bothered about herself. Instead all she could think about was what had happened to him.

"You're a girl that is confined to the four walls of your house Aria." He stated. "In short, You're naive.. You have no clue as to what goes in the backdrop of this happy world of yours.". They exited the Manor to reach the building next to it. It was a small shack, around the size of Ice's 'house'. But that was on the outside. Inside it was enough to hold the entire prefecture of Occidentes inside.

Ice bust open the door using his steel arms. Inside was a staircase leading go a room at the bottom. Again after a point, the same way as Muta, There was a door mad of steel. Ice shed his hand only to recast it into the hand if flames. "This one's thicker than Muta's.." He casually mentioned. The door broke apart after a while and inside, to the horror of Aria, were groups of people, different genders and different ages. "What was Oblito to you?" He asked Aria.

"My father's friend.." She replied.

"Then these are the slaves that your uncle owned."

Aria's eyes grew wider, she could no longer withstand the shock and disbelief that she had gone through. She fell to the ground, having realised that all she had ever known was most likely a lie.

"Like I said.." Ice said planting a seed of his blood. "You're Naive.."

Aria looked up to see the cold and stern faced Ice. "What made you.. *sniffle*.. My cousin into this..."

"Like I said.. I shed my old name.. I no longer want to continue with such a pathetic family..." His eyes were clearly filled with rage. "Hence I am no longer your cousin.."

He quickly evacuated the people in the room with his stalk. and climbed it himself. "If anything.." He said to Aria. "Don't tell anyone you saw me..."

"Wait..!" She yelled. "Take me with you.."

"Nk way.. Jose.. I've already got the Custodes Pacis looking for me and your father and his brother too."


"Oh yeah the King of the underworld is your father's brother." He chuckled. "I can't keep you with me if I need to accomplish what I want go do.."

"And that is?"

"I'm gonna overthrow this government."

"And that's gonna solve the problems?"

"Nope" He said jumping out the house and teaching our to Aria. "But it's gonna make me feel a lot better..."


Swarms of cars and people stood around the Manor of Oblito.

"We have the King's daughter.." One of the Custodes Pacis whispered into his arm band. He also wore a covering over his left ear with a crystal attached at the center.

"Take her to safety.. The King himself is on his way." A sound whispered from the earpiece.

A car pulled up with Walker and Silas.

"Oblito Lumina.." Walker whispered.

"The guy's goin' only after nobles.." Silas mentioned.

"You can't say that yet.. It's only been there kills.."

"Yes but what does he want?"

"Money.. Fame.. maybe even revenge.. Who knows.."

"Well once we find that out it'll be a lot simpler."

A car rushed to the scene as Walker and Silas continued to examine it.

"Aria!" He bellowed.

"Father!" She called out. They embraced each other as Aria wiped the tears that streaked down her innocent face.

"Oh right she's here too.." Silas mentioned casually. He made his way to to Aristo. "Sorry to interrupt your heartfelt reunion but do you mind if I have a word with Ms.Aria here?"

Aria nodded in acknowledgement as Silas pulled her aside. "Did you happen to see what the hubter looked like Ms.Aria?".

She hesitated at first but shook her head. Silas noticed it but paid no heed.

"Did you happen to hear what he/she sounded like?"

"Grumpy.. maybe disheartened... he had a deepish voice.. He covered his face with a red cloth.."

"Very good.. Now how tall was he?"

"A little taller than me.."

"Understood.. What about his girth?"

"He looked fit.. I guess you could say that he was well built.."

Silas only nodded as be wrote down what he heard. Walker, who stood behind him only watched and listened to his series of questions. "Thank you for your time Ms.Aria..." He took her hand. "Now if you'll excuse us.." He said as he walked away after shaking her hand.

"So what'd you learn?" Walker questioned as both of them walked to scene of the crime.

"It's a guy who does workout.. Uh.. Has deep voice and would probably be a bit with the girls.." He replied.

"Stop jokin' around."

"Right now we have no other choice but to warn the nobles to be safe.. Sure it's hasn't been too long but if he follows what he's been doing so far then I'm telling you, thus guy's picking a fight with.. Well basically the entirety of Phaedra. "

"And he's startin' here cause of the fact that this place has the highest population of 'em."

"Sure I guess you could say that.". Silas stopped as be pondered. "But why didn't he kill Aria?"

"I dunno.. Probably didn't have the nerve to challenge the king.."

"Sound explanation.. But he could've silenced her... telling her not to say anything by threatening her or something.."

"Again.. picking a fight with the King.."

Silas bobbed his head back and forth. "Ya' know when I asked Aria the questions she hesitated.."

"Don't go over the top with your theories.." They exited the scene of the crime. Nothing other than the - Blood Maiden graffiti interested them. The Dead bodies however did bother them. "We're heading to Muta's place now... Damn authorities wanted us to come here first just cause the King daughter is here..."

"Yeah I kinda appreciate that.. I heard Muta's place is much worse.." Silas replied.

They strapped the belt across their bodies and started the vehicle. "To the place of nightmares we go..!" Silas yelled childishly.