
Blood Maiden

Christopher Ice was a boy whose life was completely destroyed by his government - from his home to his reason of living. But his bad luck didn't stop there as he was kidnapped and experimented on by the same government to be transformed into a human weapon. However 2 years after his capture his thirst for vengeance overcomes him and he breaks out of his experimental facility. After he begins his killing spree he meets a girl who seemed to suffer the Same fate as he. His story of death, vengeance, betrayal and love begins as a bounty hunter out for the severed heads of those who wronged him. *NOTE : The above story is completely fictional (which I honestly don't have to point out). The names are all placed in an order where the last name comes first and the first name comes last like in Japan even though the names may not be Japanese. Also I've dropped tiny references to other mangas, animes and movies as well as some songs. See if you can figure 'em out. Word count is about 1000 per chapter and it will stay that way till 22.3.2020 after which it should increase. This goes for chapters per week as well. I've got great plans for this story so stock around with me ; ) Also also picture does not belong to me.. Whoever drew the picture does so the credit to the picture goes to him/her..*

Yuki_Ektrix · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Subject L39

Ardenwood was a large prefecture built near the walls of Coelum. It's occupants included adventurers and the Exercitus, or the boundary guards. Not so surprisingly, Ardenwood also housed Magnus, The largest adventurers' and merchants' guild in the entirety of Coelum and was led by the former captain of the Royal guards - Captain Wormein Markovich Ivan.

The adventurers had also played a role in the acquiring of the recent victory over infirmi. They were promised riches and status if they supported them, and they had. Right now, they were about have the time of their lives, drinking and dancing while sinking in their happiness.

The seventh floor of Magnus was for the top brass and the upper echelons of the guild. A total of 74 people attended the celebrations at that level along with Ivan. This guild did not follow the same rules as others. It had a different system, a unique one, in which instead of being categorised into ranks E, D, C, B, A and S They were split into Rookie, Amateur, Junior, Senior, Pro and Heroic adventurers. They grew in rank with the fame they collected. only around 16 people managed reach the top ranks while around 48 were pros.

A group of seven sat at a roundtable including Ivan, The gathering adventurer- Harpman Shimul, The hunters- Dofield Maria and Kellan Ashley, The raider- Quin Virgo, The sorcerer- Desployente V Ross and finally The warrior- Nadia Fiore. All of them were well known names throughout the entirety of the kingdom.

"How was your raid Quin?" Ivan asked.

"You can't keep me with such a dungeon. That place was nothing...." He replied.

"Well, it's thanks to all us adventurers that we could achieve such a victory... Infirmi is now ours and our country's boundaries have increased. We are no longer the bordering city any longer." Maria announced.

The others nodded their heads in acceptance.

"Cheers then... to our new kingdom.. or should I say EMPIRE!!" Ivan exclaimed. A huge roar filled the room. Everyone was in high spirits. But as if to wreck the mood, Ivan's personal assistant walked over to his table and whispered in his ear.

"Royal guards? Why are they here at a time like this?" he asked.

"I don't know, but it seems urgent... you should meet them quickly" He replied.

"What could be more important than this?" Ivan laughed as he stood and made his way to the meeting room.

As he entered the room he witnessed the worried and quite impatient faces of the royal guards and Walker pacing up and down.

"What's the matter?" Ivan asked.

"I'm afraid I have terrible news..." One of the guards leaned forward. "There has been an attack."

"What do you mean?" Ivan questioned. They had grabbed every inch of his attention.

"The house of Warmenier... well.. it has been eradicated, and the weapon is missing.

"The girl?"

"Yes the girl!" Walker shouted.

"What about the barrier?"

"It's been destroyed..." Walker replied having calmed down. " He seated himself and rubbed his temples. "And it's not the circle that's been destroyed but the barrier itself"

"You mean someone 'broke' the 3 layered barrier instead of disabling it?"

Walker nodded anxiously.

"What about the men?"

"Dead... no wait that's an understatement... they've been torn apart.."

The seeds of worry began to growing in Ivan's mind.

"It's gotta be some kind of radical group or..." he was cut short.

"Not possible..."

"And why is that?"

"Mainly for two reasons... Firstly all those suspected of being faithful to Infirmi have been under our constant watch and they've been kept miles apart... even if we missed a few people It'd be impossible for them to coordinate an attack this quickly... secondly and the most disturbing reason everyone except Equus has been killed the same way..."

"That is??"

*stabbed with iron spikes the size of a fist"

"What about Equus?"

" Burnt alive... from the inside"

Ivan sat back and placed fis palm over his eyes. He for one truly couldn't fathom why anyone would want to take the 'weapon'. Had someone understood it's value?

" We've sent around 50 people to look for the girl. But I'm afraid if they engage in combat they'll be killed just liek the others." Walker informed. "That's where you come in..."

" Reinforcements huh?" Ivan understood quickly what they needed. "I'll send a pro. I've got someone good."

"I sure hope so..."


"Let me go already!!!" Ice shouted. They had finally reached the orphanage where Ice planned to drop Levia and leave.

"I don't wanna... let me stay with you...!" She replied.

Ice swung his arm wildly, but Levia had the grip of a bear.

"What do you want from me, you pig?!"

"Take me with you..."

"I ain't organizing a band here!" he said while he continued swinging. 'I work alone' were the words he wanted to say but didn't.

He finally gave in and stopped swinging. "I don't have time for taking care of some rando slave."he said

"Slave?" Levia mentioned. "I'm not a slave."

"I'm surprised you know what that means." he scoffed. "Well if you aren't one what are you?"

"L39 "

Ice's eyes widened. "S... Subject?"

"that's right.." Levia was surprised that he knew about subjects but didn't really care about it.

"You're a... subject... too?"

"Too?" Levia asked. now this had piqued her interests.

"No way.." Ice began laughing. "Now this...this might be interesting..."

Ice had stopped shaking his arms completely now. "You're coming with me.." he ordered Levia. " Looks like I ain't the only one..."