
Blood Maiden

Christopher Ice was a boy whose life was completely destroyed by his government - from his home to his reason of living. But his bad luck didn't stop there as he was kidnapped and experimented on by the same government to be transformed into a human weapon. However 2 years after his capture his thirst for vengeance overcomes him and he breaks out of his experimental facility. After he begins his killing spree he meets a girl who seemed to suffer the Same fate as he. His story of death, vengeance, betrayal and love begins as a bounty hunter out for the severed heads of those who wronged him. *NOTE : The above story is completely fictional (which I honestly don't have to point out). The names are all placed in an order where the last name comes first and the first name comes last like in Japan even though the names may not be Japanese. Also I've dropped tiny references to other mangas, animes and movies as well as some songs. See if you can figure 'em out. Word count is about 1000 per chapter and it will stay that way till 22.3.2020 after which it should increase. This goes for chapters per week as well. I've got great plans for this story so stock around with me ; ) Also also picture does not belong to me.. Whoever drew the picture does so the credit to the picture goes to him/her..*

Yuki_Ektrix · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Adrienne Walker

"That's a pretty good name" He complimented himself walking to the Fireplace in the living room. As mentioned there was fireplace made of gold and silver. Just behind the decorative frame was a switch that flipped to the left to reveal a stairway leading downwards. "Just as I heard..." He muttered to himself. There was a iron door in front of him that seemed to separate him and his goals. His hand tore apart like that time at the Nigra Forum with his skin scattering across the staircase. Out came a hand made of wood that was twice the size of his normal hand. It smashed through the door which flew to the other end if room. It scared every person in the room but they were more curious that afraid.

"Get out before I burn this place down.." Ice said biting into his finger. The blood turned into a seed that grew through the ceiling above them. it formed a huge hole enough for the people get our through. As soon as everyone got out by climbing the stalk, It grew larger with a leaf to carry Ice. Just as the stalk became visible to Levia she muttered - "Aperire Infurnum". A ball of flame the size of her fist appeared and she tossed it over to the house. The stalk carries Ice to Levia as he watched the entire manor burn completely. He himself was a few feet away from It but could still feel the heat. "Divine Flame... Huh?" Ice said as he landed. "I'll leave you a message.. Shitty government..". Pillars of steel grew from the spots where his blood landed. On those pillars he wrote - 'By courtesy of the Blood Maiden.'


"So..." Silas said with his fingers gripping his chin. "We need to find the guy called Burges.."

"That's right" Walker agreed.

"And how do you suppose we'll do that?"

"We'll figure something out.."

Both were at their wit's end. Not only had they left their only clue to the hunter slip away, they'd also lost the hubter himself who was right before them.

"I'll ask around.. See if I find anything.." Silas said. This was his final option. But before he could leave he stopped short. "By the way.." He began. "Who is this 'Master' guy and why is he after you?"

Walker turned his head towards Silas. "Say kid.. How old are you?"


"I was twelve when I got lost in the Nigra Forum.. My parents used to work here, both of 'em..." He stretched out his right arm and muttered the words "Aperta Porta". His hand grew scales as it transformed into the hand of a reptile. His nails grew sharper with a seamlessly thin edge. The scales on his hand were green and hard with a slight roughness to them. "I'm a 'Beast' type mage.. particularly that.. of a dragon..."

Silas' eyes grew widee as he gaped in a awe. Best type mages weren't all that rare. It granted physical abilities to the user and if lucky some other abilities as well. Walker was not any beast he was a mythical beast, which was as rare as they got. Thus type was even rarer than control type abilities and gave the user a wide range of attacks associated with the mythical creature. In Walker's case the dragon would allow him to breath fire and be resistant to it as well. Not only that but it would also grant him physical buffs to strengthen an already well-built Walker.

"Now Master.." He continued "He's a collector.. He'll take anything rare for himself.. God knows what happened to my parents but once he found out that my ability was a dragon, he couldn't hold back... I worked for him for 8 while years but one day I ran. I killed all the people who stood in my way and ran. I made my way to the King's castle, ya' know the 5 building one.. I beaded there with enough information to bury 'Master' alive.. But you know what I found there?" Walker began laughing hysterically. " 'Master'.. haha.. Was his brother all along.. hahah" His laugh continued all along. "And the only reason I'm still alive is cause I have the information... haha.. to get him and his brother caught.. haha.. So they put me under tight control as they head of the Custodes Pacis.. hehe.. And I have to act like I care for this godforsaken country.. haha.. that I don't give a shit about.."

"I think you should be ended it with 'I killed his men and ran away'" Silas said looking with astonishment at Walker.

"Who cares.. It's not like they'll let you tell anyone anyway.."


"Evening brother.." 'Master' said taking a seat across the wide table. He still wore his mask and gloves.

"I see you still wear that mask around even when you don't need" Aristo said. "Given some time I'll probably forget your face if you do that.."

'Master' took out a watch from the breast pocket of his suit "I'm running out of time.. What do you need?"

"I only want to know what Is happening with that Bounty Hunter.."

"You mean the one that fought in the Nigra Forum and managed to get away? Don't worry that was a stupid move.. next time he walks into the market he'll not be able to get out..."

Aristo sipped tea from his cup. "And the girl?"

"We'll catch her once we catch him.. There's no way she'll be able to navigate a city like Phaedra all by herself... What about the morons who still support Infirmi?"


'Master' didn't flinch. "Anyone who'll work for us? Not that they'll be useful anyway.."

"Yes a few..."

"Then I guess our work for today is done.."

"Yes, Make sure-"

He was cut of by a sudden slamming of the door.

"What do you want?!" Aristo yelled.

"I'm sorry.." He huffed and panted as if he rushed all the way over there in a hurry. "There's been an other"

"What do you mean?!"

"Another murder.. pant pant.. at Occidentes..."