
Blood Magus

Albion was a minor plane which used to be reigned by magi. However, ten thousand years ago, they simply vanished, leaving place for new powers to arise: knights, monsters and beastmen. Still, those who inherited the will of magi continue to exist, and are called 'acolytes'. Lewis Von Rothchild found himself to be reincarnated in this strange world where magic exists. Immortality, power, wealth...He wants all of it

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53 Chs

Underground battle (3)

[Island of Bones, Dwarven Mountains Underground Level 5]

Seeing Vanessa using a [Smoke Elixir], creating the perfect escape situation for a skilled asassin like her, Lewis did not spare effort to eliminate her. The woman had seen too much of his abilities, and her pristine equipment did not go unnoticed by Lewis' greedy eyes.

Without hesitation, he ordered Jorg to assist Orianna againt Sheila, while he casted two spells that he had never revealed yet.

[Blood Tracking]

[Blood Wolf Summon]

The former spell, Blood Tracking, allowed him to get a track from a bleeding opponent. Fortunately, one of his spells had successfully grazed Vanessa, making her an eligible target to test this spell onto. 

The second spell, Blood Wolf Summon, was an advanced spell that had tough requirements in terms of spirit and magical theories. Few knew of this spell, and it cost quite a bit of money to get ahold of it in his previous life. Fortunately, he had retained all his memories and spells with his reincarnation.

In a couple of seconds, a monstrous blood creature emerged from the dead body of Edwin, condensing his blood into the wolf summon.

[Name - Blood Wolf Summon | Beginner Rank Magical Creature 


Strength - 7.1 | Agility - 3.5 | Vitality - 3.5 | Spirit - 7.1

Spells: [Blood Smell], [Blood Claws]]

The beast possessed incredible physical stats, and two spells. The requirements to cast the spell were quite binding, as it required the blood of a beginner rank acolyte or higher as materials. It was pretty hard to come accross.

Fortunately, Jorg had successfully taken out Edwin in the beginning of the fight, allowing him to cast the spell he had wanted to test out in the battlefield. Unlike regular summons, the blood wolf summon could last for anywhere between ten to twenty minutes depending on the intensity of the infighting, which was a very long duration considering the stats of the beast.

[Blood Smell]

With Blood Tracking giving a track for the blood wolf to follow, and its ability to cast Blood Smell, Vanessa could be invisible and it would still pinpoint her location with ease.


After casting the two Shadow Spears, Vanessa started to sprint towards the Blue Wolf Mercenary Group Settlement. The ambush was a catastrophic endeavour. The information Sheila had given her was erroned, the strength of their enemies being much higher than expected. Plus, Sheila had made a crucial mistake. They should have merely retreated upon seeing that their cover was blown, rather than attempting to fight.

With her skills, Vanessa was confident in escaping any beginner rank acolyte's chase, which is why she had proposed this ambush in the first place. Even if Darius would be angry at Sheila and Edwin's actions, no one would be able to pinpoint her involvement in their deaths in the first place.

'I was planning for both of them to die, allowing me to become the successor of the Blue Wolf Mercenary Group, but it would have been much better if they died in a heroic act of killing our enemies...Now I feel like they died for nothing', Vanessa analysed, her plans completely folded by the young acolyte who had not batted an eye upon blocking her shadow spear.

She had only seen such calmness in intermediate and advanced rank acolytes, a familiarity of the battlefield that did not match his age or appearance.

After reaching the fourth floor, she was almost out of breath, but felt much safer, as she had crossed at least three miles from the underground battle. Taking a small break, she took out a stamina potion and gulped it.

"Better safe than sorry, I should continue my escape", she thought 

After focusing for a second, she felt like she heard something. Her instincts kicked in, and she rolled on the floor. Realizing that she was being attacked, she muttered in shock: "How?"

However, her opponent was not an acolyte, but rather a blood wolf.

"Blood wolf summon", Vanessa muttered with shock, having heard of the terrifying spell used by vampires in the last racial war against this species. Having marked history, it had been registered as a forbidden spell ever since. By sacrificing the blood of an acolyte, it was possible to summon a blood wolf that possessed terrifying physical attributes and tracking abilities.

The wolf charged again, this time casting its innate spell.

[Blood Claws]

Raising her daggers in a desperate attempt to defend herself, Vanessa barely managed to parry the blow. However, it was not a regular attack. The claws of the beast were radiating in a red colour, and they shattered her blades, causing a huge claw injury to appear on her chest. Profusing bleeding started, and she retreated a couple of steps. 

[Shadow Spea-]

Before she could even cast a spell, the beast bit her heel, breaking her incantation and causing her to suffer from a spirit backlash, momentarily stunned.