
Blood Lavender

In the wake of a mysterious outbreak, high school student Akira Reigi, known as Kira, finds himself thrust into a world of chaos and terror. With his crush, Alice, and his steadfast friend, Eky, by his side, Kira must navigate through a landscape overrun by the undead. As they struggle to survive, Kira, Alice, and Eky discover that the source of the outbreak may be more sinister than they ever imagined. With danger lurking around every corner, they must rely on each other's strengths and resourcefulness to stay alive. "Blood Lavender" is a gripping tale of survival and resilience in the face of unimaginable horror. As Kira and his companions fight to uncover the truth behind the epidemic, they must confront their deepest fears and confront the darkness that threatens to consume them.

Yusuf_Abdul_Rozak · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Military Post

Inside the military post, the atmosphere was much safer and more organized. Fully uniformed soldiers bustled about, checking equipment and standing guard. Akira, Eky, Alice, and the other survivors were taken to the briefing room by a high-ranking officer who introduced himself as Captain Yusop.

"Welcome to our military post. We've heard reports about the conditions outside, and we'll do our best to protect you," said Captain Yusop.

They were offered seats and given food and drink. After a while, Captain Yusop began explaining the situation.

"We have enough supplies to last a few months, but we must continue finding ways to overcome this outbreak. We're working with some scientists still operating in the city."

Akira, feeling responsible as the group's leader, asked, "What can we do to help?"

Captain Yusop smiled slightly. "Your courage has already helped a lot. However, if you're willing, there are critical tasks that need volunteers. We need people who can move quickly and not attract the zombies' attention."

Alice, always eager for action, immediately responded, "We're ready to help. What's our first task?"

Captain Yusop explained that they needed to retrieve medical supplies from a hospital in a dangerous area. "We need the medicines to treat the victims here. The journey is risky, but if you succeed, you'll save many lives."

That night, they rested in the soldiers' barracks. Akira, Eky, and Alice talked quietly, planning their steps. "We have to be careful. This isn't just a normal journey," said Akira.

Eky added, "We've been through a lot together. I know we can do this."

Alice nodded. "We're doing this for everyone here. We'll come back safe."