
Blood King Reborn

In a world of swords and magic, a man named Vlad has been reincarnated after his death as Dracula. He possesses blood magic that allows him to create weapons and use them as tentacles, and he has no memory of his past weaknesses. Now going by the name of Vlad, he joins an adventurous guild in this new world. As Vlad begins to explore this new world and his powers, he finds himself at odds with a Holy nation that seeks his death because of his use of blood magic. This conflict only intensifies when a kingdom tries to use Vlad as a weapon for their own purposes.

C_G_West · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Vlad Dracul sat in the dimly lit guild hall, his back against the cold stone wall. The flickering light of the fireplace cast shadows across his chiseled features, drawing attention to his piercing eyes. As he sipped his drink, his ears caught the excited whispers of two adventurers seated nearby.

"Did you hear about the Holy nation? They've declared a crusade against blood magic users," one of them said, his voice barely audible over the murmur of the other patrons.

"Really?" the other adventurer replied, leaning in closer. "I heard their soldiers have been marching through villages, executing anyone suspected of practicing blood magic."

"Even children," the first man added with a shudder. "It's a brutal campaign, no doubt driven by Pope Benedictus' obsession with purging the realms of such dark arts."

Vlad's grip on his cup tightened, the sound of the conversation slicing through him like one of his own blood-forged weapons. He had never thought much about the Holy nation in the past, but now it seemed they were determined to hunt down and exterminate people like him. His eyes narrowed with concern as he realized the threat this posed not just to him, but also to those he had come to care for during his time in the guild.

"Blood magic... a dangerous path," Vlad muttered under his breath, recalling the countless times his powers had saved his life and the lives of others. While there was an undeniable darkness to his abilities, he couldn't help but feel that the Holy nation's crusade was more about control than protecting the innocent.

"Something wrong, Vlad?" a familiar voice asked from behind him.

He turned to see Liliana, her fiery red hair framing her delicate face, her green eyes searching his for any sign of distress. Vlad hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. Should he share the news he had just overheard, and risk burdening her further? Or should he keep it to himself, in the hopes that it would never affect them directly?

"Nothing," Vlad lied, attempting a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Just lost in thought, as usual."

"Alright," Liliana answered, not entirely convinced but deciding to let the matter drop. "Let me know if you need anything."

Vlad watched her walk away, his heart heavy with the knowledge that their world was growing increasingly dangerous by the day. The Holy nation's crusade against blood magic users was only the beginning of a much larger conflict, one that threatened to consume them all.

As he stared into the dancing flames of the fireplace, Vlad couldn't help but wonder: what would it take to protect those he loved from the darkness closing in around them? And, more importantly, was he strong enough to face it head-on, even if it meant confronting the demons of his own past?

Vlad clenched his fists, the heat of the fireplace making his palms sweaty. He couldn't keep the information to himself any longer; he needed to share it with Liliana. As much as he wanted to protect her from the harsh reality, she deserved to know the truth. He took a deep breath and followed her through the dimly lit guild hall, his long stride allowing him to catch up to her quickly.

"Wait, Liliana," Vlad said, his voice low but urgent.

She turned to face him; her blue eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it, Vlad?"

He hesitated for a moment, gripping his cloak tightly. "I overheard something earlier," he began, his tone betraying his concern. "It seems the Holy nation is targeting blood magic users like me."

"Like us, you mean," Liliana replied gently, placing a hand on his arm. "You're not alone in this, Vlad."

"Regardless," Vlad continued, forcing a weak smile, "we need to be prepared. I won't let anything happen to us."

Liliana's eyes softened, and she nodded in agreement. "We should gather more information about the Holy nation's motives and strategies. Knowledge is our best defense."

"Indeed," Vlad agreed, his mind racing with possibilities. "But where do we find someone who knows about the Holy nation's intentions?"

"Perhaps there is someone in the guild who has had dealings with them before," Liliana suggested, her brow furrowing in thought. "Or maybe an outsider who has been witness to their actions."

"Let's start by asking around the guild," Vlad decided, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "There must be someone who can shed light on this situation."

As they walked through the guild hall together, Vlad felt a strange mix of dread and resolve. The Holy nation's crusade was a direct threat to his existence, but he was determined not to let them destroy everything he held dear. With Liliana by his side, he would do whatever it took to protect those he cared for from the looming darkness.

After an unsuccessful search for information within the guild, Vlad and Liliana decided to try their luck at a local tavern. Known for its diverse crowd of patrons, The Crimson Dagger seemed like the perfect place to find someone who might have knowledge about the Holy nation.

"Remember, we must be discreet," Liliana whispered as they entered the dimly lit establishment.

Vlad nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the room. The tavern was bustling with activity – lively conversations filled the air, accompanied by the clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of laughter. He could feel the energy of the crowd all around him, but he remained focused on the task at hand.

"Let's split up," he suggested quietly. "We'll cover more ground that way."

"Be careful," Liliana urged, her blue eyes filled with concern. She touched his arm briefly before they parted ways, each taking a different section of the tavern.

Vlad approached the bar, hoping to hear some useful information while he pretended to study the drink menu. He leaned against the counter, allowing snippets of conversations to filter through his ears.

"…heard they wiped out an entire village just because one person was suspected of practicing blood magic," said a burly man in a deep voice to his companion, a wiry woman with a scar across her cheek.

"Ruthless, that's what they are," the woman replied, shaking her head. "But you can't deny they've been successful in eradicating the blood mages from their territory."

Vlad's heart pounded in his chest, but he forced himself to remain calm and inconspicuous. This conversation might lead to something valuable. He needed to stay focused.

"Have you ever encountered them yourself?" the man asked his companion, curiosity evident in his tone.

"Once," she said, her voice dropping even lower. "They didn't suspect me, so I kept my mouth shut and my head down. But I saw what they did to those who resisted… It wasn't pretty."

"Then we must be cautious," the man muttered, his brow furrowed. "For all we know, they could be here already, watching for any signs of blood magic."

"Indeed," the woman agreed, her eyes scanning the room nervously.

Vlad felt a chill run down his spine. Their conversation only confirmed his fears. The Holy nation was relentless in their pursuit of blood magic users, and he was right in their crosshairs.

"Find anything useful?" Liliana asked as she rejoined Vlad at the bar, having overheard the last bits of the conversation.

"Only that we need to be more careful than ever," he replied quietly, his dark eyes meeting hers with intensity. "This is far from over."

"Let's regroup and come up with a plan," Liliana suggested, determination shining in her gaze. "We'll find a way to protect ourselves – and our friends."

Vlad nodded, grateful for her unwavering support. Together, they left the tavern, their minds racing with strategies and possibilities. They were determined to face the Holy nation head-on, armed with knowledge and the will to survive.

As Vlad listened to the conversations around him, his gaze fell upon a group of travelers huddled in a shadowy corner of the tavern. Their faces were etched with weariness, and they seemed to be discussing something important, their voices barely audible above the din of the crowded room.

"Looks like we've found our Holy nation experts," Vlad whispered under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he watched the group from a distance. He could sense their unease, but he needed more information – both for himself and for his friends.

"Stay here," he told Liliana, who nodded silently, her expression tense.

Vlad approached the group cautiously, keenly aware of the danger that might come from revealing his interest in their conversation. As he neared their table, he caught snippets of their hushed discussion, the words "Holy nation" and "blood magic" echoing ominously.

"Excuse me," Vlad said, interrupting their conversation with a careful balance of politeness and determination. The travelers looked up at him, their expressions guarded. "My name is Vlad, and I couldn't help but overhear your talk about the Holy nation. My friends and I are also concerned about their actions. Would you mind sharing any knowledge you have on the matter?"

The group exchanged wary glances before one of them, an older man with a grizzled beard, spoke up hesitantly. "We're not exactly experts," he admitted, "But we've crossed paths with the Holy nation's soldiers recently. I can tell you this much – they're ruthless."

"Ruthless how?" Vlad probed; his curiosity piqued.

"Those soldiers don't care if you're innocent or guilty," another traveler chimed in, a young woman with a defiant gleam in her eye. "If they suspect you of anything related to blood magic, they'll use any means necessary to make you talk – or to make an example of you."

"Like what?" Vlad asked, his voice barely a whisper as he felt the weight of their words. Inwardly, he braced himself for the answers that would follow.

"Beatings, torture, public executions," the woman continued, her voice trembling despite her best efforts to remain stoic. "I saw it firsthand in a village we passed through. It was… horrifying."

Vlad clenched his fist, anger and dread mingling in the pit of his stomach. These weren't just rumors or idle gossip – these were first-hand accounts of the Holy nation's brutality.

"Thank you for sharing your experiences with me," Vlad said quietly, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "My friends and I will do everything we can to protect ourselves and others from the Holy nation's persecution."

"Good luck to you," the older man muttered, his gaze somber. "You'll need it."

As Vlad returned to Liliana, the grim reality of the situation settled heavily upon him. The Holy nation wasn't just a distant threat – they were a violent, oppressive force that would stop at nothing to eradicate blood magic users like him. And now, more than ever, it was up to Vlad and his friends to find a way to fight back.

Vlad leaned in closer, his dark eyes focused on the travelers as they continued to divulge what they knew about the Holy nation. "Can you tell me more about their stronghold and their leader, Pope Benedictus?" he asked, his voice low and serious.

"Of course," replied a middle-aged man with a scar across his cheek. "Their fortress is a massive structure, built of cold gray stone and surrounded by high walls. It's said that it's nearly impenetrable, with countless traps and hidden passages."

"Rumor has it," added a younger woman with a nervous glance around the tavern, "that the stronghold is filled with relics and artifacts, each one imbued with the power to strike down any blood magic user who dares approach."

"Interesting," Vlad murmured, filing away this information in his mind. He would need to be cautious and resourceful if he hoped to infiltrate such a place.

"And what of Pope Benedictus?" he pressed, eager for any insight into the man who sought his destruction.

"He's a formidable figure," the older man answered, his voice tinged with fear. "Tall and imposing, with a silver beard and deep-set eyes that seem to penetrate your very soul. He's known for his unwavering convictions, believing that blood magic is an abomination that must be eradicated at all costs."

"Indeed," chimed in another traveler, a weary-looking woman with haunted eyes. "He's cold and calculating, willing to employ any means necessary to achieve his goals – even if it means causing suffering and death to those, he deems unworthy."

"Sounds like a monster," Vlad thought bitterly, his fists tightening beneath the table. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder what had driven Pope Benedictus to become such a ruthless zealot.

"Tell me," He ventured cautiously, "do you have any idea why the Holy nation is so determined to exterminate blood magic users?"

"Most people believe it's because they fear the unknown," the scarred man replied, his brow furrowing in thought. "Blood magic is powerful and unpredictable, and they worry that if left unchecked, it could bring about great destruction."

"Right," added the younger woman, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I think part of it is also about control. The Holy nation wants to maintain its grip on the realm, and that means eliminating any potential threats to their authority – including those who wield blood magic."

"Control, fear..." Vlad pondered on these motivations as the conversation continued around him, the weight of understanding heavy on his shoulders. If he was to protect himself and his friends from the Holy nation, he would need to confront not only their physical might but also the deeply rooted beliefs that fueled their crusade.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me," he said at last, his voice steady and resolute. "It has given me much to think about."

"Be careful out there," the older man warned, meeting Vlad's gaze with a mixture of concern and admiration. "The world is a dangerous place for those like us – especially now."

Vlad nodded solemnly, already steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. For the sake of his friends and all those threatened by the Holy nation, he vowed to do everything in his power to turn the tide of this deadly conflict.

"Allow me to express my gratitude," Vlad said, reaching into his coin pouch and placing several gold coins on the table. "A round of drinks for you all, courtesy of a fellow traveler." The warm glow of the tavern's fireplace reflected off the coins, casting flickering shadows across the faces of those who had shared their knowledge with him.

"Thank you," the older man replied, raising his mug in appreciation as a barmaid came over to refill their drinks. "May our paths cross again under better circumstances."

"Indeed," Vlad agreed, inclining his head respectfully. Beside him, Liliana offered a small smile to the group before they both took their leave from the bustling tavern.

The crisp night air was a stark contrast to the warmth and noise of the tavern, but it did little to dampen the urgency that pulsed within Vlad. As they walked back to the guild hall, he shared his thoughts with Liliana, determination evident in his voice. "We must inform the others of what we've learned," he said. "It's crucial that everyone understands the risks we face."

Upon their return to the guild, Vlad found Selena and Artemis huddled together in quiet conversation. He wasted no time in relaying the information he had gathered from the travelers at the tavern, watching as concern flickered across their faces.

"By the gods," Artemis muttered, running a hand through his wild mane of hair. "This Holy nation... they're out for blood, aren't they?"

"Quite literally, it seems," Selena added, her violet eyes darkening with worry. "How do we protect ourselves against such fanaticism?"

"Knowledge is our best weapon," Vlad replied, his tone resolute. "The more we understand about their motivations and tactics, the better prepared we will be to face them."

"Vlad is right," Liliana chimed in, her blue eyes steady and unwavering. "We cannot let fear or ignorance dictate our actions. We must stay vigilant and stand together."

"Agreed," Selena said, nodding firmly as she clenched her fists. "We've faced daunting challenges before, and we'll do it again. They won't break us."

"Then let's prepare ourselves for whatever comes our way," Artemis declared, his voice full of conviction. "We'll weather this storm and emerge stronger on the other side."

Vlad looked around at his friends, their faces illuminated by the flickering torchlight in the guild hall. He knew that their unity and resolve would be tested in the days to come, but he had faith in their ability to face the Holy nation head-on. They were not just a group of adventurers – they were family. And together, they would fight to protect themselves and the realm from the oppressive grip of those who sought to control them.

"Alright," Vlad began, rubbing his hands together as he focused on the task at hand. "We need to gather more intelligence about the Holy nation's stronghold and devise a plan to infiltrate it." He looked around at the determined faces of his friends, seeking their input.

"Perhaps we should split up," Selena suggested, her violet eyes narrowing in thought. "Some of us can scout the surrounding area, while others search for information within the city."

"Good idea," Liliana agreed, nodding her head. "The more ground we cover, the better chance we have of finding useful intel."

"Right," Artemis chimed in, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "I'll gather some men and begin scouting the countryside for any signs of the Holy nation's forces."

"Excellent," Vlad said, his gaze shifting to Selena. "You and Liliana can work together to gather information within the city. Talk to anyone who may have knowledge about the Holy nation's plans or motives."

"Got it," Selena confirmed, exchanging a glance with Liliana.

"Then I'll spend the rest of the day researching the Holy nation's history and studying maps of the surrounding area," Vlad decided, his eyes narrowing in determination. "If there are any weaknesses or hidden entrances to their stronghold, I will find them."

"Let's get started," Liliana urged, clapping her hands together with purpose. "Time is of the essence."

With that, the group dispersed, each member setting off on their individual tasks. Vlad retreated to a quiet corner of the guild's library, surrounded by ancient tomes and dusty scrolls. He could feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on him, but he was no stranger to adversity.

As he carefully studied maps of the region, tracing the Holy nation's borders with his fingertips, Vlad found himself lost in thought. *How many lives have been destroyed by their crusade? How many more will suffer before we can put an end to this madness? * The questions swirled in his mind, fueling his determination to succeed.

Hours passed as Vlad absorbed every scrap of information he could find about the Holy nation's history, military tactics, and magical practices. He made notes of any potential weak points in their defenses, as well as rumors of secret entrances that might allow for a stealthy infiltration.

By the time evening fell, Vlad's eyes were burning from strain, and his hand ached from gripping the quill so tightly. But he knew that the knowledge he had gained would be invaluable in the fight against the Holy nation, and he felt a spark of hope ignite within him.

"Any progress?" Liliana asked softly, appearing at his side with a steaming cup of tea.

"Perhaps," Vlad replied, flexing his sore fingers. "I've found some interesting leads that may prove useful. We'll have to discuss them with the others."

"Good," Liliana said, placing the tea on the table in front of him. "We'll need every advantage we can get."

As Vlad sipped the warm liquid, he looked over the maps and scrolls that littered the table. Despite the daunting task ahead of them, he couldn't help but feel a fierce sense of pride in his friends, knowing that they were all working tirelessly to protect one another and the realm from the Holy nation's tyranny. Together, they would face whatever challenges awaited them, united in purpose and strengthened by love.

"Alright, everyone," Vlad announced, standing up from the cluttered table and addressing his allies. "I've gathered as much information as I can for now. It's time we set off on our journey to learn more about the Holy nation and prepare ourselves for the inevitable confrontation."

Selena, Artemis, and Liliana exchanged determined glances, their expressions a mixture of resolve and apprehension.

"Where do we begin?" Selena asked, her fingers drumming nervously on the hilt of her sword.

"First, we'll head to the village of Whitestone," Vlad explained. "There are rumors of a hidden entrance into the Holy nation's stronghold nearby, and I believe it's worth investigating."

"Sounds like a plan," Artemis agreed, adjusting his bow and quiver. "We should stock up on supplies before we leave, though."

"Agreed," Vlad nodded. "Let's make sure we have everything we need and then reconvene here in an hour."

As they dispersed to gather their belongings, Vlad took one last look at the maps and scrolls spread across the table. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily upon him, but he knew that he could rely on his friends. They were strong, resourceful, and fiercely loyal – qualities that would be necessary in the perilous days ahead.

When the group reconvened, each member carried a satchel filled with supplies and weapons. Their faces were set with determination, eyes gleaming with purpose.

"Ready?" Vlad asked, clasping Liliana's hand briefly, feeling her warmth and strength flowing into him.

"Ready," she confirmed, her voice steady despite the uncertainty in her gaze.

"Then let's go." Vlad led his companions out of the guild hall, leaving behind the safety and comfort of their home. The night air was crisp and cool, carrying the scent of impending rain.

"Stay sharp, everyone," Selena cautioned as they moved through the shadowy streets. "We don't know who might be watching."

"Or what," Artemis added grimly.

Vlad's senses were on high alert, his eyes scanning every dark corner for potential threats. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. They had a mission to accomplish, and there was no room for fear or doubt.

As they left the city behind, Vlad felt the weight of responsibility settle upon his shoulders. It was up to him to lead his friends safely through this journey, to gather the information they needed to combat the Holy nation's tyranny. The stakes had never been higher, and failure was not an option.

But together, united in purpose and strengthened by their bonds of friendship, they would face whatever challenges awaited them – and emerge victorious.

"Let's move," Vlad whispered to his allies, determination shining in his eyes. And with that, they set off into the unknown, ready to confront the darkness that threatened their world.