
Blood King Reborn

In a world of swords and magic, a man named Vlad has been reincarnated after his death as Dracula. He possesses blood magic that allows him to create weapons and use them as tentacles, and he has no memory of his past weaknesses. Now going by the name of Vlad, he joins an adventurous guild in this new world. As Vlad begins to explore this new world and his powers, he finds himself at odds with a Holy nation that seeks his death because of his use of blood magic. This conflict only intensifies when a kingdom tries to use Vlad as a weapon for their own purposes.

C_G_West · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

The heavy wooden doors of the adventurous guild creaked open as Vlad Dracul stepped into the bustling hall. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, leather, and steel. Boisterous laughter echoed in the grand chamber as fellow adventurers shared tales of harrowing escapades and hard-won battles.

"Hey! Watch it!" A burly man with a scarred face barked at Vlad as he bumped into him while carrying an armful of swords.

"Apologies," Vlad muttered, his eyes scanning the room. He could feel the thrum of energy in the atmosphere – it was invigorating.

"Vlad! Over here!" a familiar voice called out.

He followed the sound to a table near the center of the room, where several adventurers were huddled together. But it wasn't them who caught his attention – it was the woman sitting among them. She appeared almost ethereal, her long golden hair shimmering like sunlight on a calm lake, her piercing blue eyes alight with intelligence and kindness.

"Ah, you must be Liliana Brightwood," Vlad said with a small smile, extending his hand in greeting.

Liliana looked up from the parchment where she was studying and smiled warmly. "Indeed, I am. And you are Vlad Dracul if I'm not mistaken. I've heard quite a bit about you."

"Only good things, I hope," Vlad responded, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Mostly," she replied coyly, her eyes twinkling. "Please, have a seat."

"Thank you." Vlad took a seat across from her, keenly aware of the curious gazes that followed him. He felt a strange sense of vulnerability, but also fascination. He had never met someone like Liliana before – someone who seemed to see straight through him yet didn't run away in fear or revulsion.

"Tell me, what brings you to our humble guild?" Liliana asked, her voice soft and melodic.

"Ah, well..." Vlad hesitated for a moment, considering how much to share. "I have been searching for answers about my past, my abilities, and the world I find myself in now."

"An admirable quest," she said gently. "And one I would be happy to help you with, if you'd allow me."

Vlad studied her face for a moment, trying to discern her intentions. She exuded warmth and compassion, but he knew that appearances could be deceiving. Nevertheless, something inside him urged him to trust her – at least for now.

"Very well," he agreed, nodding slowly. "Your assistance would be most appreciated."

Vlad observed the busy guild from the corner of his eye as Liliana moved gracefully among the injured adventurers. Her delicate hands seemed to dance as they glowed with a soft, healing light, mending cuts and soothing bruises with each gentle touch. The pain on their faces ebbed away, replaced by expressions of gratitude and relief. He couldn't help but admire her patience and dedication to her craft.

"Thank you, Miss Brightwood," an adventurer with a bandaged arm said, his voice full of reverence. "I don't know what we would do without you."

"Think nothing of it," Liliana replied with a warm smile, her eyes meeting Vlad's for a fleeting moment before she turned to assist another wounded guild member.

As she approached him, Vlad took note of her ethereal beauty, feeling an inexplicable pull towards her. He couldn't decide whether it was her compassionate aura or the intrigue of her magical prowess that drew him in, but he found himself equal parts curious and wary.

"Vlad Dracul, isn't it?" Liliana asked sweetly as she reached him, her piercing blue eyes studying him intently. "Your blood magic is quite the talk of the guild."

"Is it now?" Vlad responded, trying to hide his discomfort under a mask of nonchalance. "I didn't realize my abilities were so... interesting."

"Indeed, they are," she confirmed, her gaze unwavering. "I've never encountered someone with your specific talents before. I must admit, I'm rather curious about them."

"Curiosity can be a dangerous thing," Vlad warned, unable to suppress a wry smile. "But if it's answers you seek, I'm afraid I have more questions than answers myself."

"Ah, then perhaps we can learn together," Liliana suggested, the corners of her mouth lifting into a reassuring smile. "There's always something new to discover in the world of magic."

"Perhaps," Vlad agreed, though a small voice in the back of his mind urged caution. As much as he wanted to explore his powers and unravel the mysteries surrounding them, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Liliana than met the eye. "But I must warn you, my magic is not for the faint of heart."

"Neither is healing," she retorted playfully, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I think I can manage it."

"Very well," Vlad conceded, intrigued by her fearlessness. "Let us see what we can uncover, together."

"Agreed," Liliana said, extending her hand towards him. As Vlad took it, he felt a strange warmth surge through him, like a spark igniting deep within his soul. Somehow, he knew that whatever lay ahead, their journey would be one of discovery, danger, and perhaps even friendship.

Vlad hesitated, torn between his desire for understanding and his instinct to protect himself. Liliana's eyes were warm and honest, but he knew all too well the danger of trusting too quickly. "I appreciate your curiosity," he said cautiously, "but I'm not sure how much I can share."

"Please," Liliana implored, her gaze unwavering. "I believe that together, we may unlock something greater than either of us could have imagined."

Vlad studied her face, searching for signs of duplicity. All he saw was genuine interest and a willingness to help. He sighed, relenting at last. "Alright," he agreed, a hint of uncertainty coloring his voice. "But let's find somewhere more... private."

"Of course," she replied, her eyes lighting up with excitement. She took his hand, guiding him through the bustling guild hall. They weaved past rows of armored warriors, chattering mages, and stealthy rogues, their laughter and gossip fading into the background.

As they reached a quiet corner, hidden behind stacks of dusty books and ancient scrolls, Vlad felt a sense of relief wash over him. The air was cool and still, providing a welcome refuge from the chaotic energy of the guild. "This should do," he murmured, releasing Liliana's hand.

"Perfect," she breathed, her blue eyes shimmering like sapphires in the dim light. "Now, tell me about your blood magic."

He hesitated once more, feeling the weight of his decision settle on his shoulders. Sharing his secrets could bring them closer, but it could also put them both in danger. He glanced at Liliana, her expectant gaze urging him to continue.

"Blood magic," he began, his voice low and tense, "is a force unlike any other. It flows through my veins, granting me power and control beyond my wildest dreams. I can create weapons, manipulate their movements, even sense the blood of others."

Liliana's eyes widened as she listened, her fascination evident. "That's incredible," she whispered, her voice tinged with awe. "How did you come to discover these abilities?"

"By accident," he admitted, rubbing a hand across his face. "I woke up one day with no memory of who I was or where I came from. All I had was this power coursing through me, demanding to be unleashed."

"Then we have something in common," Liliana murmured, her expression softening. "I, too, have struggled to understand my place in this world and the purpose of my magic."

"Perhaps that is why we were brought together," Vlad mused, feeling a strange sense of kinship with the beautiful healer. "To help each other find the answers we seek."

With a sigh, Vlad looked around the quiet corner of the guild that Liliana had led him to. The dim light from a flickering torch cast dancing shadows on the stone walls, creating an intimate atmosphere that made it easier for him to open. He took a deep breath and met Liliana's gaze; her blue eyes filled with genuine concern.

"Ever since I woke up with no memory, I've been trying to piece together who I am," Vlad confessed, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I don't know how I got these powers or what my purpose is in this world."

Liliana leaned forward slightly; her hands clasped in her lap. "That must be incredibly difficult for you," she said softly. "But remember, you're not alone in this journey. I'm here to help you, and so are the other members of the guild."

Vlad smiled weakly at her words, grateful for her support. "Thank you, Liliana. It means a lot to have someone like you by my side." He hesitated, his dark eyes searching her face for any signs of doubt or fear. "Do you truly believe we can figure this out together?"

"Of course," she replied without hesitation, her expression resolute. "We may not have all the answers right now, but with patience, determination, and trust in one another, we'll find our way."

Vlad nodded, feeling a spark of hope ignite within him. He couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that accompanied his mysterious past, but having Liliana as an ally made the burden feel lighter.

"Alright," he agreed, his voice stronger now. "Let's do this together."

"Then let's begin," Liliana said, her smile warm and encouraging. "We'll start by gathering information about blood magic and see if we can uncover any clues about your past. And, in the meantime, we can develop your abilities further."

"Sounds like a plan," Vlad replied, a newfound determination filling him. As they sat there in the dimly lit corner of the guild, he couldn't help but feel that he had finally found someone who understood him and was truly invested in helping him unravel the mysteries of his past. And with Liliana by his side, he knew they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

"Let's start with the basics," Liliana said, her voice soft and calm as she leaned against a nearby table. "Magic, as you know, is an inherent force within the world. It flows through every living being, though it manifests differently in everyone."

Vlad listened intently, his dark eyes never leaving her face. He found comfort in her words, feeling as if he was finally grasping at something tangible amidst the chaos of his life.

"Blood magic," she continued, "is unique in that it draws upon the very life force of its wielder. It's quite rare, and often misunderstood."

"Is it... dangerous?" Vlad asked tentatively, running his fingers along the edge of one of the tables.

"Like any form of magic, it has the potential to be," Liliana replied, her eyes meeting his. "But it's not inherently destructive. Much of it depends on the person wielding it, and their intentions."

"Can you show me how it works?" he asked, eager to understand this new aspect of himself.

"Of course," she said, stepping closer. "The first step is to focus on the energy within your veins. Allow it to build up, then channel it towards your desired outcome."

Vlad closed his eyes, concentrating on the blood coursing through his body. He felt a pulsating warmth begin to rise from deep within him – it was subtle at first, but soon grew more intense.

"Good," Liliana whispered, watching his progress. "Now, envision what you want to create."

He thought of a small blade, simple yet sharp enough to cut through cloth. The warmth within him shifted, coalescing into a solid form. As he opened his eyes, he extended his hand, and a crimson blade materialized in his grasp.

"Remarkable," Liliana breathed, her eyes wide with amazement. "Your control is exceptional, especially for someone so new to their abilities."

"Thank you," he said, feeling a sense of pride well up inside him. "It's strange – I don't remember learning how to do this, but it feels... natural."

"Perhaps it is simply a part of who you are now," she suggested gently. "And with practice, you'll become even more adept at controlling your power."

Vlad nodded, releasing the blade and watching as it dissolved into droplets of blood that vanished before they could stain the floor. He thought about what Liliana had said – maybe his past wasn't as important as the person he was becoming.

"Let's keep working," he said, determination burning in his eyes. "I want to understand everything I can about my abilities."

"Of course," Liliana replied, her own eyes filled with resolve. "Together, we'll explore the depths of your power and uncover the truth of your past."

"Shall we begin with some basic exercises to help strengthen your connection to your powers?" Liliana suggested, her voice soft yet firm. She seemed genuinely excited to help him explore his abilities.

"Sounds like a good start," Vlad replied, eager to delve deeper into his newfound skills.

"Very well. First, close your eyes and focus on the sensation of your blood coursing through your veins. Feel its warmth, its energy. This is the source of your power." 

Vlad took a deep breath and followed her instructions, concentrating on the life-giving fluid pulsating within him. It felt comforting, like an old friend he'd forgotten he had.

"Good. Now, try to manipulate that energy, direct it towards your fingertips."

He furrowed his brow, picturing the blood in his body flowing to his hands, gathering at the tips of his fingers. 

"Excellent," Liliana praised, as crimson tendrils began to extend from his fingertips. "Now, imagine these tendrils forming a shape – something simple, like a sphere."

Vlad visualized the suggestion, and the tendrils twisted together, weaving themselves into a small, red orb that hovered above his hand.

"Amazing," Liliana said, her eyes shining with admiration. "You truly have a gift, Vlad."

"Thank you," he responded, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He hadn't expected to be this good at something he couldn't even remember learning.

"Let's see what else we can do," Liliana continued enthusiastically, gesturing for Vlad to follow her lead. They spent hours experimenting with different shapes and forms, pushing the limits of Vlad's blood magic. As their practice progressed, so did their bond, gradually deepening their trust and friendship.

"Okay, let's try something more complex," Liliana proposed after a particularly successful attempt at creating a blood shield. "How about you try to form a chain with links?"

"Alright," Vlad agreed, focusing intently on the task at hand. He felt a connection to Liliana that he hadn't experienced with anyone else in his new life. There was something about her that made him feel safe, understood.

As the chain began to take shape, Vlad marveled at how far he'd come in such a short time. He knew he still had much to learn, but with Liliana by his side, he felt more confident than ever in his ability to master his powers.

"Look at that!" she exclaimed, her eyes dancing with delight as the final link clicked into place. "You've truly outdone yourself this time, Vlad."

"Couldn't have done it without your guidance," he admitted, smiling in appreciation.

"Your progress is astonishing," she said sincerely. "I'm grateful to be a part of your journey."

"Likewise," Vlad replied, feeling warmth spread through his chest. He knew their partnership was just beginning, but he couldn't help but feel that together, they would be unstoppable.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the guild's courtyard, Vlad and Liliana took a break from their training. They sat on a worn stone bench, catching their breath and reflecting on the day's events.

"Your control has improved immensely," Liliana remarked, her eyes filled with admiration. "You've truly surpassed my expectations."

Vlad couldn't help but smile at her praise. He wiped the sweat from his brow and glanced over at her, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you, Liliana. I never would have made this progress without your help."

"Ah, but it's your dedication that has driven this change," she responded, her tone warm and sincere. "All I did was provide some guidance along the way." She paused for a moment, studying his face before continuing. "I'm truly happy to assist you, Vlad. And I believe in your potential – not just as a wielder of blood magic, but as someone who can make a difference in this world."

Vlad felt a surge of emotion at her words, and he looked down, trying to gather his thoughts. "I appreciate your faith in me," he said quietly. "It means more than you know."

"Sometimes all we need is a little support," Liliana replied, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder. "And I'll be here for you, every step of the way."

For a moment, they simply sat in silence, their mutual understanding filling the space between them. The sounds of the bustling guild around them seemed distant, as if they existed in their own private world.

"Ready for one last exercise?" Liliana asked, breaking the silence.

"Absolutely," Vlad responded, determination rekindling within him.

"Then let's do this," she said, standing up and offering him a hand. With renewed energy, they returned to their training, their connection stronger than ever.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the guild in a warm glow, Vlad and Liliana finally came to a halt. Sweat dripped from their brows, testament to the hours of rigorous practice they had put in together. 

"Whew, time really flies when you're absorbed in training," Liliana said, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. 

Vlad couldn't help but agree. "Indeed, it does. I can hardly believe the day is already coming to an end."

Liliana's piercing blue eyes met his, and she smiled softly. "How about we call it a day? We've both earned some rest, don't you think?"

"Rest sounds perfect right now," Vlad admitted, feeling the exhaustion settling into his bones. Despite the weariness, he couldn't deny that today had been one of the most productive days since his arrival at the guild.

"Before we part ways, let's make plans to continue our training and exploration of your powers," Liliana suggested, her voice filled with determination.

"Of course," Vlad replied, equally resolute. "When would you like to meet again?"

"Tomorrow, same time?" she offered, tucking a stray strand of golden hair behind her ear.

"Tomorrow it is," he agreed, feeling a sense of gratitude for the unyielding support Liliana had provided him throughout this entire journey. A thought crossed his mind, and he hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you ever feel... afraid of what I might become with this power?"

"Everyone has darkness within them, Vlad," Liliana responded gently, her gaze unwavering. "But I trust you. I believe that you'll use your abilities to protect others and bring light into the world."

"Thank you, Liliana," he murmured, his heart swelling with appreciation. "I won't let you down."

"Have a good night, Vlad," she said, her smile warm and comforting. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Liliana," he replied, watching as she turned and walked away, her golden hair catching the last rays of the setting sun.

As he made his way back to his quarters, Vlad couldn't help but marvel at the bond they had formed. With each passing day, his understanding of blood magic grew stronger – and with it, his connection to Liliana. He knew that together, they would unlock the full potential of his powers, and perhaps even unravel the mystery of his forgotten past.