
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Chapter 6: He Must Die

"But you're a vampire, not a human," Situ Mu politely smiled, speaking the truth without any hidden intentions.

"..." What kind of straight-faced man is this? Doesn't he understand any humor?

Although their vampire private lives were indeed chaotic, she wasn't like that!

Well... actually, she didn't care about chastity at all. There wasn't a single vampire who cared about such things.

She hadn't been in close contact with any beings purely because she was a queen, busy with her duties, and also worried about being manipulated.

"Besides, I bathed you with gloves on, so it doesn't count as really touching," he added.

"..." He's beyond help. She couldn't believe she couldn't handle this man. Could it be that her charm wasn't enough?


"Lie down; I'm starting."

Daisy, who was doubting herself, suddenly heard this sentence. After a very brief moment of confusion, she felt extreme disdain.

Huh, this man couldn't resist, huh? Only interested in taking without responsibility. What a despicable act, and he's pretending to be indifferent?

And the location was an operating table, not a regular bed. Interesting, he likes to play risky games?

However, his ability to say something so indecent with a serious face was quite amusing.

Amusing to the point where she wanted to torture him severely later.

Thinking this way, she lightly tapped her wine-red fingertips on her lips, looking shy, and exhaled delicately, "Be gentle; it's my first time, and it might hurt."

Who knew this guy shook his head, "I don't like to go easy."

"Oh my, you're so naughty!" She covered her face playfully, sounding coquettish.

"...," Situ Mu suddenly realized that she seemed to have misunderstood something.

That feeling of finding her a bit cute surged up again.

His heart was beating a bit fast.

Was the secretion of phenethylamine a bit excessive again?

But he felt there was no need to explain; she would figure it out soon enough.

He went to fetch a vial of potion and came back.

Daisy was already lying down, but vampires had a strong aversion to injections. The sensation of a silver instrument piercing their skin made them shudder. So, when Daisy saw the syringe in his hand, she frowned and asked, "What's that?"

He smiled faintly, "You'll know in a moment."

"No, I don't want an injection." She pouted, speaking in a cute and affectionate tone, as if coaxing him.

He thought she looked even more adorable.

"Be good; there's a reward."

His tone seemed to be coaxing a child, and although his gaze was indulgent, it was more like looking at a cute pet, lacking genuine emotions.

"What reward?" Daisy pretended to be curious, her eyes sparkling like rubies.

"What do you want as a reward?" he thought, regardless of what reward she wanted, he could fulfill it after she died.

Unexpectedly, Daisy suddenly knelt up, hugged his neck, and kissed him on the cheek, saying, "Is this okay?"

It's over; the secretion of phenethylamine has started again.

Situ Mu resisted this time, but the impulse to go to the lab for a hormonal analysis was strong. However, he didn't resist the desire for this female vampire.

So, he used the hand that wasn't holding the potion to hug her waist. Due to her sensitivity, she trembled lightly and then softly leaned on him.

Situ Mu felt that her body... was so soft, so delicate. She, as a whole vampire, was also... so soft, so fragrant.

He looked at the charm in her eyes, swallowed his saliva, and the satisfaction that couldn't be hidden appeared.

Following that, he slightly lowered his head and gently captured her glossy and tender red lips. A vampire's lips were cold, like strawberries kept in the fridge.

Really... so sweet.

Both the human and the vampire were a bit breathless. The hot breath sprayed on each other's faces, as if being caressed by the warm breeze of midsummer, making them feel hot all over.

Neither of them closed their eyes, slightly open eyes admiring the confusion and fascination on each other's faces.

Daisy thought, indeed, kissing him and being kissed by him felt different. When she kissed him, the initiative was in her hands, and she felt nothing when he held her and kissed her. This hot and tingling sensation was much stronger.

But vampires—no heartbeat, emotions were also very faint. She was no exception.

So, this was purely desire, not love.

At this moment, the one truly indulging in it was Situ Mu alone. He didn't restrain himself, acting entirely on impulse.

However, it might not be the case when his phenethylamine returned to normal concentration.

At least for now, he felt that this was an unprecedented experience, extremely novel.

No wonder so many creatures enjoy being in love... wait, love?

He just felt that he wanted to keep her in a glass jar, making her forever his.

No one knew how long this kiss lasted. Both of them ended up on the operating table. Daisy's lips were glistening, her boneless arms embracing his neck, and her eyes were full of charm.

Situ Mu stared at her lips for a while and leaned down to kiss her again.

This time, he didn't hesitate. His right hand, holding the potion all along, was about to quickly pierce into her arm.

As powerful as Daisy was, she naturally sensed it, especially since she had always been fully alert.

The drugs injected earlier still lingered in her body, but being the highest purebred vampire, evading a move from a mere human was entirely possible.

With a teleportation, in the moment when humans couldn't react, she had already taken the potion developed for advanced vampires from his hand. Flipping him over, she pressed him down, swiftly injecting the potion into his neck.

Sitting on his waist, she smiled enchantingly, "Big brother, since you won't tell me what this is, I'll just have to find out for myself."

"Heh..." he suddenly chuckled lightly, a faint sound.

Even with her sitting on him, his eyes remained indifferent, clear and noble, cold and otherworldly, untouched by worldly affairs.

In fact, he had not failed to react; he was just suddenly curious about what she would do. In that instant, he changed his mind about dissecting her right away.

In his heart, there was a faint anticipation for what this female vampire was about to do.

It seemed she could bring him a different kind of surprise... truly a unique specimen.

"Let me guess, it should be an anesthetic?" She still smiled, a smile that could enchant the world, but her eyes revealed an unhidden cold light, like a seductive ghost in an ancient castle.

Now, she truly restored the regal appearance befitting a queen of the blood race, towering above, overlooking all beings.

Beneath her cold and elegant face were hands as delicate as jade, gliding over him. She even tore his clothes, deliberately teasing him.

Her hands were also cold, but the touch was indescribable. So, although he had no expression on his face, his eyes grew darker and deeper, and his breath subtly became chaotic.

"Oh..." She understood, her eyes becoming more dangerous. Leaning down slowly, red lips pressed against his ear, exhaling, "So, it turns out you won't make people lose consciousness..."

She sat up again, icy eyes overlooking him, tone carrying a hint of chill, "So, what exactly do you want to do? Hm?"

Her fingertips moved from his chest upward, gently caressing his finely sculpted cheek, "Experiment on me, or... dissect directly?"

He kissed her fingertips, then looked at her, eyes showing an almost obsessive devotion to the beautiful artwork. He answered, "Dissect."

"Heh..." Daisy chuckled lightly, a disdainful laugh. Her fingers traced his lips seductively, and her tone carried a hint of coldness, "We'll see if you have the ability."

"Who knows..." he smiled gently.

Daisy, rather indifferent, sneered, "Really? A weak human like you, when I ascended to the throne, your grandmother hadn't even been born."

Situ Mu continued to smile gracefully, "I remember there was a girl younger than me who once came to M.R to steal the X virus. She looked quite like you. It turns out I remembered wrong."

In the pleasantly warm operating room, Daisy suddenly felt a chill down her spine. Incredulously, she widened her eyes, staring at him. In that moment, thoughts of killing him and covering it up surged like never before.

In her hazy childhood memories, the blurry but still peerlessly beautiful face, the graceful figure, slowly overlapped with the person before her...

Could it be... the human who witnessed her stealing the X virus, was it really him?

Daisy's scalp tingled, shivering all over. For the second time, a suffocating fear and madness rose in her heart...

This was her biggest secret!

The despair and struggle she buried with her own hands, countless nights of restless nightmares, her long prayers and self-healing...

Standing in front of that person's coffin, the hypocritical respect and nostalgia, the real chill and hatred...

For the shocking and abominable act she committed, she personally stole the X virus from the newly established and not yet tightly guarded M.R laboratory.

From then on, she ascended the throne, renovating everything in the castle, receiving the respectful and adoring worship of all vampires, and the fascinated and admiring gaze of all races.

Vampires were ambitious, valuing only power and authority. But what she wanted was just the security that came with this lonely and unattainable throne...

No one knew how broken she was.

She thought that after more than two hundred years, those humans who witnessed her doing this should have all died.

She thought no one would ever know how wicked she once was.

She thought she could finally be at ease.

But... how could this happen? How could someone still know?

Absolutely no one must know about this!

No! He must die!

He must die!

He must die—

Her fingers exerted force, and the five fingers pierced into his neck. The two carotid arteries on his sides instantly ruptured, blood splashing high, spraying into her eyes brimming with madness.