
Blood and Roses.

In the 19th century, a pack of spirit beings, marauders wipe out most of humanity. Leaving only Two kings ─ ¬House Adnahtis and House Caspian− with scanty population less than three million. As the quest for survival heightens, the proximity to feud is not far away from both kings. Nectar Evander rumored to have a rare ability of communicating with marauders – a gem is kidnapped by House Caspian. In his attempt to right his wrongs with the marauders his first daughter Aria Caspian falls in love with Nectar whilst in her father’s prison- an alliance which could be a great threat or ally for both kingdoms.

blood_dan · LGBT+
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5 Chs

chapter 5

I watched as jaws dropped while my father's own tightened. It was the sight of seeing the one thing he knew mattered to him get snatched without him able to do anything. It bored a hole deep down in my heart, I could feel hot tears build up in my eyes as the gushing wind hit my face.

Then suddenly I heard a feint but vivid voice in words I couldn't understand. It was feint enough to notice that only my ears could hear, vivid enough to rip my heart from curiosity. However I stayed glued to my cavalry considering I was almost close to the finish line if I was going to lose then I should lose to a champion and not just any third place person I thought.

Just as I worked on fixing the puzzled voice while still on my horse it came again this time more loudly that it could reap my ears off, or would I say my mind off.

"Kahstrama haustrathtika madaras".

Immediately the voiced finished I felt my eyelid twitch uncontrollably like it was trying to turn into something else, it took over my body effortlessly, I felt them roll over like they were not mine anymore. Twitching transformed into fury. With the amount of fury I felt soar in my body I knew this was not a discretionary act, it carried me without struggle against my will forcing my veins to pump blood down my whole body like they were forced too.

As it occurred I noticed it summoned Hilder's cavalry my new features met him causing him to neigh loudly thus raising the back end of his limb where she sat. Without anyone telling me I deeply felt my evil eyes had done that. But how? A look that had summoned Hilder's horse?. A strange transformation that was forcedly imposed on me? Everything felt strange to me.

My eyes grew blur my thighs were weak. But they were not weak enough for me not to notice the large thump that had taken hilder to the ground just before the finish line, besides the huge uproar from the crowd just as her body hit the ground had brought me back to my normal state. I couldn't grasp how hard she had hit the ground but I rested my heart on the fact that she was experienced and knew how to handle those type of falls. I was going to help her forfeiting the title I've waited a year for, but my eyes were killing me they felt like they had return to their normal state yet they were still extremely heavy.

I felt guilty because I knew that just that one look Hilder's Calvary had taken into my mystery eyes had caused her downfall. Only if he had not looked back, only if she had gotten to the finish line already before me. Or maybe had the poor cavalry been compelled to look? Because cavalry's never looked back when they embarked on journeys like these. They were specifically trained

While this guilt welled up in me my horse made it visible how unremorseful he was as he raced me down to the finish line, my body was weak to the extent that I couldn't grab the staff but my horse got too close enough to help me scrape it with my hands which by the rules of the game that was all you needed to do. Grab or braze as much as you can.

In low spirits I could still hear the crowd chant my name in rhythmic form. A strong but confuse smile published on my father's face.

Wait had he seen what happened to me? Did the whole crowd see? I mean they should have.

The whole eye transformation thing had happened in a flick but I knew there was going to be questions not only from my father who had this confuse smile as he clapped, but also from royals and knights who knew that a cavalry tumbling like that was questionable. And lastly the blonde had she seen the mystery considering she was the only person close enough to notice? .

All these questions troubled my weak heart but first I was going to let the roaring from the crowd fill up my curious heart with joy, without minding if I was helped by a voice or a cavalry.

For the first time I felt the ecstasy Hilder felt whenever she won as I heard them chant my name from all corners repeatedly,

"Nectar! Nectar!! Nect...ar!!!."

I know its too early... but what are your thougths on nectar?

blood_dancreators' thoughts