
Blood and Passion: my husband is a vampire

[MatureContent]." The prince undressed, mesmerized by the erotic scene unfolding before him. He took the young woman in his arms, swept away by the whirlwind of passion. Before realizing what was happening, he was already immersed in this burning embrace." [MatureContent]. Ella must marry the king’s youngest son. Although hesitant to wed a man she does not know, Ella is willing to do anything to escape her uncle's control and the cruelty of her cousins. However, just as she is about to join the royal family, a mysterious series of disappearances shakes the capital. Ella is drawn into a whirlwind of intrigues and mysteries as she enters the complex world of royalty. Far from her usual surroundings, she must navigate the court's intrigues, uncovering well-guarded secrets and navigating shifting alliances. Will she adapt to this new environment and unveil the truth?

Andastory · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Fragments of the Past

Ella lay on her bed, wrapped in the gentle grip of memories. In the labyrinthine dreamscape of her thoughts, she revisited a time when her father's laughter and the familiar scent of her mother's cooking filled every corner of the house. The blurry images of happy days danced before her closed eyes, but even in her dream, she knew that world now belonged to a bygone era.

Suddenly, she was abruptly wrenched from her dream by the shrill voices of her cousins, Emma and Elisabeth, calling her from the hallway. The fleeting moment of happiness vanished, and reality slapped her full force. The cold walls of the room and the clamor of everyday life took over, and once again, she found herself confronted with the chill of her new world.

Tears clouding her gaze, Ella rose slowly from her bed. Since the train accident that had claimed her parents' lives, she had never truly left the nightmare. The weight of grief followed her like a shadow, even overshadowing the simplest moments. Heading to the bathroom, she refreshed her face, attempting to dispel the remnants of a dream that felt both precious and cruel. The mirror reflected a young woman with shining blond hair delicately framing her face. Her light brown eyes reflected deep sadness, but there was also an indomitable strength shining within them. Once ready, Ella traversed the familiar corridors, once taken with carefree steps on her way to breakfast with her family. However, every step in this home, now imprinted with the weight of absence, was a harsh reminder of reality. The walls, once witnesses to joyful laughter, seemed to whisper echoes of pain. She finally reached the grand salon, a place that had once buzzed with familial warmth. But today, it was filled with a tense atmosphere and scrutinizing glances. Ella's cousins, Emma and Elisabeth, were already waiting at the table, their hypocritical smiles barely concealing their disdain. A cold and formal ritual, a routine in which Ella lost herself every day. As she took her place at the table, she wondered what the future held for her. Destiny seemed to be extending its hand, but she questioned whether she was ready to accept it. Dreams of the past continued to haunt her, but perhaps, just perhaps, it was time for Ella to find the strength to dream again.

The air in the room thickened as Emma, ever the provocateur, attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction. "Ella, do you still bother visiting the orphanage? What on earth can you possibly teach those children?"

she sneered.Ella, with a hint of defiance in her eyes, calmly responded, "I teach them to draw.

"Emma, accompanied by a mocking chuckle, retorted, "Oh yes, I forgot, she fancies herself a painter, this one.

"Elisabeth, seizing the opportunity to join in, added with a sly grin, "Since the accident, Ella, you haven't painted at all.

"A discomfort settled over Ella, her fingers unconsciously tracing patterns on the fine linen tablecloth.

Edwin, the more reserved cousin, interjected, "Painting or not, Ella has her own pursuits. Perhaps you should show a bit more respect, Emma.

" Uncle, Frederick, broke his silence, his voice carrying an authoritative weight. "The only thing a woman should concern herself with is sewing. What use does painting have for a woman?

"Ella, feeling a weight on her chest, managed to murmur, "There's more to it than you think, Uncle.

The tension hung in the air as the conversation shifted. "In fact," Uncle Frederick continued, "I'd like you to join me in my study after the meal, Ella. We have matters to discuss."

"Why, Father?" Emma questioned, a hint of defiance in her.

"Yes, why?" echoed Elisabeth.

"That's none of your concern, girls. Finish your plates, I insist," Uncle Frederick commanded.

The remainder of the meal passed in a strained silence, each family member lost in their own thoughts. Ella couldn't shake the feeling of unease that clung to her like a shadow.After the last bite, Uncle Frederick rose from his seat, his eyes lingering on

Ella. "Join me in my study, Ella," he said, his voice cutting through the stillness. As Ella rose, she caught the glances exchanged between Emma and Elisabeth, a silent understanding passing between them. Ella rose from her chair and followed her uncle, a myriad of questions swirling in her mind. What could possibly await her in this office she had avoided since that fateful announcement? The last time she had stepped into it, she was informed of the death of... No, she refused to dwell on it. Yet, a lingering unease persisted. Why did her uncle want to speak to her now? Upon entering the office, her uncle gestured for her to sit, and she complied, perplexed. The heavy curtains muted the light, creating a stifling atmosphere. Uncle Frederick embarked on a monologue, remarking on how much she had grown and that she was now of marriageable age.

"I've found an excellent match for you," he declared

Ella, eyes wide, listened intently. A marriage? A glimmer of hope flickered within her—a chance to escape this home filled with painful memories. However, her thoughts darkened as her uncle revealed his choice: the king's youngest son. A heavy silence settled in the room. Ella swallowed hard, wondering how such a union could even be considered. Unsavory rumors circulated about the behavior of the king's youngest son. How could he be a suitable match for her? Yet, Ella understood that reality often unfolded in intricate ways, and alliances were forged for reasons far beyond love. A mix of resignation and budding rebellion took root in her heart. She remained silent, but tumultuous thoughts clashed within her mind.

"I've given my approval. You will marry the king's youngest son. It's a rare opportunity, Ella. Don't let it slip away," declared her uncle with an authoritative tone.

Ella, eyes cast down, murmured a faint, "Alright, uncle."

At that moment, she realized that this forced marriage could be her ticket to escape this oppressive world, away from the haunting memories that lingered in every corner of the family estate. The tumult in her mind was just beginning, but she chose to mask her emotions for now. The dance of shadows was only starting, and Ella would have to find her place within this intricate tapestry of mysteries and alliances.