
I Meet My Mom And Grow Tomato's (Ryker)

She held me tight to her like if she let go I'd scatter away like dust in the wind.

"My baby you came back to me," She pulled herself back, gripping my shoulders and looking over me.

I've never tried harder to keep my anxiety under control. The was a lot of attention for me and I couldn't say I was exactly loving it.

Her eyes were wide as they slowly went up and down my body. Taking in every possible detail.

She was where I got my looks no doubt. The sways tanned skin, curly brown hair, lanky form, though she somehow made it look graceful, where I made it look awkward.

"Sorry," Pulled away and wiped tears from her eyes. "I probably look like a madwoman, um please follow me. I'm sure you have lots of questions,"

She picked up her dropped basket and lead us away past the main room to a carved out living room, it housed old furniture and in the center burned a fire, the walls were still uncut stone, jutting out in different places but I guess beggars can't be choosers.

"Please take a seat," Layla extending a hand, I applauded her hosting skills considering she probably hasn't seen another human being in over a decade.

Layla seated herself on a dusty armchair. I heisted but sat on the cushy ottoman next to her. She gave me an appreciative smile.

Jade and Peyton and Ivory took the couch to the left. Lev led Hale to the love seat on the right. She made a point to sit as far as she could from Lev on the small couch.

"So," Layla started and rubbed her hands together, and gazed at all of us. "To get in you would need a very powerful dark witch, so which one of you is Julia's daughter?"

Her eyes still wandered and landed on Hale, who seemed to recoil at the unexpected attention.

"Like I had to ask, you look just like her," She flicked her eyes to Lev and she narrowed her eyes with a tilt of her head. "You look so familiar, I just can't place it,"

Lev shifted slightly and kept her face still.

"Before the coven fell my father owned a woodshop, I used to help him,"

A bright smile spread across her cracked lips and nodded.

"Yes, Marcus! How is he doing?"

A veiled question to ask if he survived the rising.

"He died a few years ago, but before that well. We adjusted fairly well to living in the city,"

She frowned and nodded and then turned to Peyton trying to bring cheer back to the conversation.

"That mean's your Anna's daughter, right? It's hard to miss the red hair,"

Insitivly Peyton ran a hand through her hair that was running down her shoulders in loose curls.

"So your Emma's then. It's nice to finally see your faces," she laughed and the kettle near the fire started to whistle.

She looked over to Ivory.

"I'm sorry but you I don't know,"

Ivory gave a small shrug and smiled.

"I'm nobody really. I'm just here to help,"

Layla got up and grabbed the kettle, pouring the hot water into a chipped teacup.

Jade got up and started to pace, biting on her thumbnail.

"I'm sorry I know this must be amazing for you, but we are short on time. I mean what happened? You supposed to be dead,"

Layla nodded understandingly and dipped her herbs into the teacup.

"I gave birth to Ryker last, so I missed most of the fight, by the time I could force myself to walk, Anna was long gone and I was able to just make it out of the cave to see Emma protecting a child. The child got away, she didn't. Julia appeared and dragged me back in and warded us in. She was out of her mind, going on about spirits and realms, finalizing her plans, and a whole bunch of crazy nonsense. She went back in that gods damned room and never came back out. For all I know her body is still in there," Layla finished and took a long sip of her drink, leaning back in her chair like this was a regular thing.

"You never went in and checked?" Peyton asked appalled her mouth open.

Layla shook her head.

"I couldn't. After Julia went in there the spirits sealed it off. Whatever Julia did, I don't think she was supposed to,"

We were all silent for a few seconds.

Then Layla turned to Peyton who was fidgeting with her hands and had on a still placid look on her face.

"I think Anna's still alive. As horrible as it sounds, though all the horrible things he's done, he thinks he's doing the right thing. He still loved Anna, and once upon a time, she loved him too,"

It was hard to believe considering she ran away and locked herself into a cave to get away from him. Talk about couples quarrel.

"Do you think he's holding her captive?" Peyton asked with slight enthusiasm, her eyes sparkled a little.

"It's possible. I've spent the last eightteen years held up in this cave, Julia even warded against portals. I've begged those sprits till my throat was raw to tell me what was happening out there, but nothing. My knowledge only extends to the night of the rising. I wish could tell you more,"

I didn't realize what I was doing until it was done, I reached out and took my birth mother's hand. She smiled and squeezed her hand into mine.

"If you all don't mind I'd like to spend some time with my son,"

My sisters and all nodded and Layla got up, taking me with her.

She led us back to the garden. The greens seemed to vibrate with more vibrancy and perk up more.

"That used to happen every time I walked in when I was pregnant with you. It's like your magic made then plants happier. Here the tomato's could use some help,"

She pointed to the thick green vines that were growing on thin stone poles. Green and yellow nines were growing off them.

I frowned and disappointment curled inside me.

"I can't, I haven't accessed my magic yet,"

Layla's lips upturned in a small motion.

"That's okay, I can teach you. It's easier for Elemental witches, we're normally connected by nature so we don't lose control as easily, but it still happens. We'll just take it slow,"

I nodded and we both knelt down on the dirt and She gave me my instructions.

"Go ahead and cup your hands around the growth, then reach out with your magic, find the beat of life and help it grow,"

I did as I was told and cupped a small green one in between my palms, giving it room to grow.

Then I tried to feel that beat she was talking about, it was there, I could almost feel,It in my hands. A steady beat of the plant life. I visualized that pulse growing, quickening, turned red and plump. There was a slight fight like it wanted to keep the pace it was going on. If I was going to make any progress I needed to increase that thrum, I forced more magic into it.

It was like a faucet, I slowly started to increase the flow of magic when I needed more.

The more I pulled the more the magic seemed like an endless powerful pit.

A shaky hand clamped around my wrist, my eyes flew open.

Next to me, Lalya's eyes were wide and shocked.

"That's enough son," Her voice was a forced calm.

I turned to look at my work and realization relaxed my face.

The tomato was the size of a baseball ball in a vibrant red, and so was every other vegetable on the plant.


The entire plant had grown twice its size weighing down with the weight of the veggies.

I found her eyes and they flartered.

"It's a very good start, that would have taken me all day,"

A smile took her mouth and she started to reach out to pick them, it was hard not to notice that her hands shook.

"So tell me about yourself, where did you end up?"

I cleared my throat and tried to come up with an answer.

I hated talking about myself, most of the people I surrounded myself were the talkers, that included my sisters.

But I looked at the woman who gave birth to me, this person I didn't know, who I've never seen before, but every part of me wanted to find something to say that would make her proud.

All of a sudden my lack of intreast in just about everything seemed more disappointing then it did, not as freeing like it normally felt.

"I ended up in Seattle, a was left in a hospital, my Mom's a nurse, she took me with her and gave me a home," I explained vaguely.

Layla nodded and gave a small smile.

"Good, I'm glad that you grew up with a mother. I knew when Caspian took you away that night, my chances of rasing you myself were small. I'm just glad you had someone to teach you how to be gentlemen. It looks like she did a fine job," She rose her hand and cupped my face, seeing beyond my eyes. " Though when I look at you, I can see all the things I missed, the memories lost. I'm just glad you grew up away from your father's influences, that's what matters most,"

Her eyes darkened at the name of my birth father. She retracted her hand and went back to her tomato's.

"So what drew you to Caspian? He's the only one who could have led you here. He couldn't have known I was still in here, so it must have been something else,"

She asked, moving the tainted around in the basket to keep them balanced.

" Jack and Mayline, they thought since he's been around awhile he might tell us something."

Layla perked up and her lips parted in surprise.

"Jack and Mayline? Jack and I used to be good friends. Mayline though, it was always like she knew something you didn't, it was off-putting,"

I couldn't help but laugh. She looked at me with raised eyebrows, expecting an explanation.

"It's nothing really. Hale is just always picking fights with her. I don't even think Hale knows she does it sometimes."

She gave a shallow laugh and nodded, drawing her sweater closer around her body.

"Are you cold? Why don't you just make a fire?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"Elementals can normally only work with one element, It's the witch in me that is able to keep that fire in the bunks going. I mostly work with each, which is how I was able to survive down here. The only person who can work with all four I expect will be you,"

I frowned and fidgeted with my hands.

"Right, we really are dangerous aren't we? We have to mush power, that why you tried to poison us before we were born,"

Layla's eyes softened and she flinched like the words and physically slapped her.

I wasn't trying to be a dick, but it was the truth, no matter how harsh it was.

"Sorry, I didn't mean - "

She held a dirt-covered hand up to stop me.

"No there's no need to apologize. It's true we always knew there was a possibility that we might need an escape route. When we took that poison you were barely even a baby yet, we had heard the extent of Edwards plan and we couldn't give him that much power. Or doom you all to that kind of existence,"

"What do you mean that kind of existence?" I questioned, eyeing her.

She grimaced and picked the final tomato.

"Everyone wants power, to be a hero until they see beyond the glory. The constant war and endless bodies. The trauma you will have to carry around. Someone will always want to take that power for themselves, always be crossfire. We sinned against our covens laws and now you will spend your lives paying for it. This will not be your last war, just your first of a lifetime of battle,"

A tear slipped from her eye, she didn't bother to wipe it away.

It was too much for me to comprehend right now, I needed to change the subject.

"So, what are you going to do now? Are you going to come back with us?"

Layla looked around and then found my eyes again, her face a little lighter.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready to leave,"

"Really so you'll come to live in the city?" I asked, with a surprising amount of enthusiasm.

She chewed on her bottom lip and then shook her head.

"No probably not. It's too much of a change to go from living alone in a cave to a bustling city,"

I found a stone in the dirt and spun it between my fingers.

"Then where will you go?" I asked disappointed.

Ivory's voice was a surprise and the stone dropped from my hand back to the dirt.

"I know a place, they might take you. Coven of relocated dark witched set up a village deep in the woods. I can reach out and see if your welcome,"

Layla took in a long breath and seemed to glow at the news.

"That would be amazing, please, I'd be in your debt,"

Ivory nodded and back off, letting Peyton and Jade come through.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was reading more of your journals, you mention Anna and Julia a lot but not much of Emma," Jade asked fumbling with the book in her hand.

"Because she wasn't really here, not in the way that mattered anyway. She would just lay in bed, trapped in her own illusions. From what I could gather it was like she was trying to give herself the memories of motherhood. In the end, I think she drove herself insane, death was most likely mercy,"

Jade paled and retreated back the way she came.

I looked between Peyton who seemed to be uncomfortable in our current situation and Lev who seemed to be blending in with the stone.

"Where's Hale?" I strained my neck to see beyond them, but there was just darkness.

"What do you mean she's right-"

Peyton's sentence died in her throat as she turned to see, Hale was in fact not right behind her.

"Oh," she concluded.

Lev pushed herself off the cave wall and went back down the rocky labyrinth. I scrambled back to my feet and we all followed her.

Hale was in some hidden-out cove, pressing herself into the wall, her hand stretched out on the stone, her head laying on it like a child snooping on a conversation they weren't meant to hear.

"What is she doing?" Peyton asked with raised eyebrows, starring at our sister like she grew a second head.

"Not sure, you're the one who is supposed to be all wacko, your the one who fell down a hill and into a tree," I stated with a creeping smile.

Peyton nudged my shoulder and scowled.

"Wow so funny, when did you have time to come up with that one, aren't you too busy planning how you're going kill yourself?" She deadpanned.

I just smirked.

"I'm good at multitasking."

Jade shot us a disapproving glare.

"Both of you need help,"

I shrugged and whispered to Peyton.

"At least we are gazing at the rocks,"

Peyton's face went red as she held in her laugh.

Lev stepped forward and rested a hand on Hale's shoulder.

"Hey, what are you doing," she talked to her like she was a spooked deer.

Hale answered with a hoarse voice, just an octave above a whisper.

"You can't hear them?"

Lev gave her a confused look and cleared her throat.

"Hear what, exactly?"

She pressed her palms flat against the stone like that might somehow help her hear better.

"The voices, it's like their right there, behind the rock,"

There was a sharp intake then Layla was pulling Peyton and me back, then she gripped Hale's shoulders and yanked her back till they were both stumbling.

Layla's voice was grave and rang with a haunting threat.

"Never, and I mean never, go looking for those voices. I lost your mother that way and I will not see you lost as well,"

Hale looked dazed but she managed to give a slight nod.

Axel offered his arm to her and she gingerly took it.

I swear the drama my sisters involve themselves with is enough to make me believe that there are hidden camera's around us broadcasting to live TV.

Layla turned to me her lips pressed tight.

"I think it's time we leave. I'll gather my things then we can go,"

She turned into the maze of slabs of rock.

Peyton leaned in closer to me, her lips bunched to one side of her mouth.

"Well that was intense," She mumbled and drew the hood of her cloak up.

"This whole thing has been intense, I still don't know what I'm going to tell my Mom," I told her, crossing my arms.

Peyton frowned and wrung her hands.

"Lisen, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. To be honest I'm not even that sure yet who we can trust. But maybe consider telling her? I mean I can't tell my parents for obvious reasons, but your mom seems like she can take the news and live with it. It's better than lying to her all the time,"

The thought sent my stomach into a tangle of knots, but the idea had some merit. It would be easier and I was running out of lies. Plus how else was I going to explain Layla?

I shook my head clear when I saw her emerge back into the room, a wicker basket piled high with cloth and other items with her.

"Okay, let's go," She smiled and pulled on her own cloak over her shoulders.

Lev and Hale were waiting outside with Ivory, the portal spinning in its golden sparks.

Behind the tree line the sun was starting to come up, my mom would be getting off work soon and I didn't want to find out how she was going to react to an empty apartment.

Peyton held her hand out to Jade who smiled and their hands clapped as they laces together. Side by side they walked through the portal and disappeared.

I took a step forward and noticed the absence of a person beside me.

I turned back and Layla was lingering at the Cave entrance, wet blood still staining it.

She didn't look at me as she spoke, to be quite honest I think she was mostly speaking to herself.

"Every day for almost eighteen years I've spent hours dreaming about leaving this damned cave, but, now that It's time to leave it, it's almost terrifying. It's been so long I don't know what I would do with myself,"

Words of comfort and reassurance have never been my thing, so instead I did the best thing I could do, I offered my hand out to her.

She smiled and took it, one small step at a time. Behind us, the rock walls slide back together, hopefully, to never open again.

I led her through the portal and we came out into someone's apartment.

Jade and Peyton looked as equally confused as I was.

Hale and Lev stepped in after Ivory and the portal closed.

"Your Mom can stay here with us until Ivory can get in touch with the coven. In the meantime, I think you all should get home and get some sleep. You start your first day of school in about four hours," Lev said to us and then turned to Hale who looked like she might collapse at any moment. "I'm going to take her to her bed, you all have a good night- er moring,"

Lev led Hale down the hall.

I turned to Layla who was setting down her stuff and unclasping her cloak.

"You'll be here right?" I asked, hoping this all wasn't some cruel dream.

"Whenever you need me, my son. I do not plan on missing any more of your life,"

She took me into a tight embrace then just as quickly drew back.

"Now go get some sleep, we can catch up later. That goes for all of you," She eyed my other sisters and they both nodded.

"I'll be back soon," I promised as I started to leave.

"I'll be here," She replied shutting the door behind me.

Ivory cleared her throat.

"I'll take care of my Aunt and Uncle for the night while you all decide what to do,"

We all have her a thankful nod and she let herself out.