

Klay is just an ordinary human from an ordinary family but his life change after he attend a birthday party of his classmate. He got so drunk that he can't even remember what happened that night. And the next day he received an admission letter for a private university, LaBelle University. Where he met a mysterious guy, Noctis Von Sanguis also known as Nox. Nox used to be alone most of the time but after meeting Klay and befriend with him, his daily life change and start to be lively. After a long time he learned to trust someone again and what being warm mean is. But his friendship with Klay is like a sandcastle that can be ruin easily by his dark secret. Will he able to tell him his identity and risk their friendship?

silent_ria21 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 5: Noctis Von Sanguis Part 1

Klay went back to the classroom and aside from the weird glances he received from some of the students, his first day ended normally. He went to the library to do his homework when a woman wearing a Gothic black dress blocked his way. 

She's wearing a black hat with veil covering her face and carrying a black fan. 

Klay frown while looking on the woman, he can see her red lips formed a smile while she's looking at him. 

"Yes? Do you need something, Miss?" 

"Hm, I saw a cat on that way."

"A cat?" 

"Yeah. It looks in pain... Too bad I can't take it with me. I wonder if there is someone who can take care of it. You know, animals need friends too.", she said with a meaningful smile. 

Klay looked on the way she's pointing, it's the way to the greenhouse as he remembered from the map. When he looked back on the woman, she's gone already. 

"Eh?", Klay looked around him but the woman can't be seen anymore even her shadow. 

As for Klay who like animals, he checked the greenhouse the woman talking about. He carefully went inside the greenhouse but he don't see a cat or any animal inside the greenhouse. He's about to leave when he saw a student lying under a big tree. 

'It's him the guy in the infirmary!', Klay exclaimed when he recognized the student. 

The guy lying there without moving at all, his chest barely move as if he's not breathing at all. Out of concern to a co-student, Klay get closer carefully to the guy and checked if he's still alive.

Klay stopped when he saw the guy, he's a good looking guy, his reddish-brown hair looks so smooth, he has a red lips that is really eye-catcher since his skin is so pale like a paper and it's shining from the small ray from the sun.

"Ehem!", Klay coughed to clear his throat and then continue what he's doing. 

He carefully touched the guy's wrist to check his pulse but he's so surprised from the cold temperature of the guy's hand even he's outside and his pulse is so weak and almost can't be feel in normal way. 

"Wait, did something happen to him? Right, I have to call for a Professor or anyone that can help me."

But before he could stand up, Klay noticed the golden yellow eyes of the guy when he open them. Something feels weird while he's looking on his eyes, it feels like he's being sucked inside. 

"Human.", the guy mumbled that Klay didn't hear. "What are you doing here?" 

"Huh? Oh right, A woman in Gothic dress told me that there's a cat here. I just want to check if it is true." 

"Tsk. There's no cat here. You can leave.", the guy said and turned his back on Klay. 

Klay crossed his arm on his chest from the guy's arrogance. He's regretting that he felt worried to him a while ago. 

'Bastard! If you're not just looks like a sick person I'll kick your ass right now.', Klay thought while looking on the guy's back.

The guy suddenly sit up and mess his hair and look so pissed on him. 

"Too noisy."

"What? I didn't say anythi---"

Klay didn't finish his word when the guy pull him suddenly then a ball appeared from nowhere almost hit him and a guy wearing a black uniform jumped down in front of them from a tree. 

"Oops, it's Nox!", he said in with surprise expression. 

"Hey, be careful. You almost hit someone."

"Sorry, Nox. We're just playing catch ball, my friend threw it a little stronger than normal."

The guy called Nox took the ball and effortlessly throw it back to the other guy. The guy vowed a little and thanks him before he walked away. 

"Woah, did he really just jumped down from a tree so casually?" 

"Stay away from the Prime students. That is if you don't want to be in trouble."

"Why are Prime students all troublemakers? Aren't you a Prime students too?" 

Prime students are those students wearing the black uniforms. And it's a little bit weird that most of the rules and regulations in LaBelle are for Prime students or something to do with them. 

Klay looked on 'Nox', he's wearing black uniform same with those other Prime Students but the way he looks on it is a little different. He's giving a noble vibes with his perfect posture. 

"Just stay away from us."

"Well whatever. I didn't expect that this school actually promoting discrimination on students. Money really matters huh."

"It's for your own protection." 

Noctis looked on the badge Klay's wearing. 

"What? I didn't steal this.",Klay said defensively when he saw Noctis' eyebrows knotted. "Mr. Sotello gave it to me as a gift from Miss A." 

"A gift huh. I bet you don't even know what that's mean."

"I heard it's for...protection? Though I don't know from whom. And I didn't see other students wearing this."

"That's a proof that you're directly under the Sanguis' protection. Anyone who'll touch you will face a punishment from the Sanguis.", Noctis said while avoiding to looked at Klay and keeping a safe distance to him.

"Really?! Woaah. Isn't this insane? Is it really a gold and rubies? Can I sell it?" 

"Don't be too happy. That's maybe looks like a protection for you but that can attract troubles too. But if you use it properly, you'll be fine."

"Really? Thanks for the advice. By the way it's a little bit late but my name is Klay Russel, a new student here and a scholar by VVS Foundation. May I know your name?" 

"Noctis but I am called Nox."

"Noctis? Isn't that means something like belonging to the night? And Nox also means night. What a weird name."

"Aren't you too talkative?" 

"Well, you're the first one I talk here. Of course I want to be friendly, wait I forgot I talked first to your girlfriend before you."


"Yeah. The girl in the infirmary."

"She's not my girlfriend.", Noctis said then lightly bite the inside of is mouth.

He used the pain he felt to divert his mind away from the smell of a tasty blood.

"What?! Then why you two doing THAT here in scho--- oops sorry that's not my business." 

Noctis didn't realize that he's talking with Klay longer than the normal he had a conversation with others.

"Oh, shoot! I forgot. I supposed to go in library to do my homework."

"Aren't you forgetting a lot? Are you sure you're an scholar student?" 

"Of course I am. I'll go now, I need to do my assignment first. Bye!" 

Noctis followed Klay with stares until he's out of his sight. Then he made a side glance on the tree not far from his place.

"Come out."

A crow come down and change to the same woman Klay's met earlier.

"Relax, I just came to make sure you won't do something you'll regret later. But it seems like I am not needed here."

"Big Sis, what's going on? Why you asked him to looked for me?"

"Nothing much, Little Brother. I just want to help you to have a new friend."

"Don't do that again. I can't promise I can hold on next time."

"If you're just stop being stubborn and just drink a human's blood then you won't have this kind of problem."

"No. I lived without that before. I can do that again."

"You know that's impossible now, Noctis. You're from a bloodline of First Blood, you need a human's blood to control yourself."

Noctis didn't say anything, he can tell that his older sister is really serious right now.

"We know you don't want to be a monster like us. And we respect your decision and we don't want to force you to do the thing you hate. But you should understand too your situation you're not the same kid before, remember that you are now Noctis Von Sanguis."

In a blinked of eyes the woman is already in front of Noctis.

"We don't want to hurt another family member again. So, please listen to us."

Meanwhile, at the night in the boy's dormitory:

Klay open the school website and searched for Noctis Von Sanguis, he can feel something off from him. Actually most of the students he saw giving a badvibes to him. He tried to searched for his classmates who are a Prime students in the student portal but he only find a very little information about them just like now to Noctis. There's no available photo on his profile like the other Prime Students he searched first.


Age: 20

Course and Year: Business Administration 1-1

Student ID number & class: BA 2023-01-1003 (P)

Classified Information

Administrative Access needed

Are you an Admin? 

  (Yes) password: 

  (No) Exit


A couples of attempts to open a CLASSIFIED INFORMATION detected under the Student ID number & Class: BA 2023-01-4951.

The site will automatically shutdown. Please wait for 1 minute to use the site again.

Another attempt will lead for the user to permanently lost his access to use the site. 

Klay's eyes widen when his phone screen become black. 

"Huh? What happened?"

--End of Chapter--