

Klay is just an ordinary human from an ordinary family but his life change after he attend a birthday party of his classmate. He got so drunk that he can't even remember what happened that night. And the next day he received an admission letter for a private university, LaBelle University. Where he met a mysterious guy, Noctis Von Sanguis also known as Nox. Nox used to be alone most of the time but after meeting Klay and befriend with him, his daily life change and start to be lively. After a long time he learned to trust someone again and what being warm mean is. But his friendship with Klay is like a sandcastle that can be ruin easily by his dark secret. Will he able to tell him his identity and risk their friendship?

silent_ria21 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 3: LaBelle University Part 1

Klay wake up in his room, he get up and feel dizzy from hangover. 

"Oh, gladly you're awake now.", his father said happily. 

"Dad? Did something happen?" 

"Yes. Before that, I would like to say that I'm so proud of you son. You always think about our family but this time, we want you to pursue your dream.", his father said while holding his hand. 

"What do you mean, Dad?" 

His Dad took an envelope inside the drawer. "Here, this letter sent for you from LaBelle University."

"LaBelle... LABELLE UNIVERSITY? For real Dad? That's a private school under VVS Foundation... why they are sending me a letter?", Klay asked feeling sober after hearing the news. 

Klay read the letter and his eyes widen while looking on it. "S-Special admission?... A scholarship under VVS Foundation for any course in LaBelle University? Is this true?" 

"Yes, son. We checked in the LaBelle's website written in the letter and your name is really in their scholars list."

"B-but... Dad, I didn't apply any scholarships in LaBelle..." 

"Oh right. Here, I forgot this one.", Mr. Russel handed a small paper on Klay. "A staff from VVS Foundation called earlier, he said that a sponsor from VVS  choose you for a full coverage scholarship in LaBelle University. You can call your sponsor on that number."

"This feels so... unreal. I am not dreaming, right?", Klay said and pinched his cheek. 

"No, son. This is real, you can continue your study without thinking of any expenses. They even offered a boarding room for you to stay while you're in LaBelle and monthly allowance." 

After Klay collected his self, he called the number written on the paper.

"VVS Foundation office of the Vice-President, what I can do for you?" 

Klay felt nervous, "Ahm, Hello Ma'am... I'm Klay Russel, I received the letter for the scholarship in LaBelle..." 

"Yes, Mr. Russel I'll forward you to Madame A."

Klay wait for a little while before he heard an enticing voice from the other line. 

"This is Anastasia Von Sanguis."

Klay gulped after hearing that name,  Von Sanguis! The owner of VVS. "H-Hello Miss Von Sanguis... This is Klay Russel, I received the admission letter for LaBelle."

"Really? That's good. Just tell me when you're available to go in LaBelle. I'll send my secretary to assist whatever you need in school. He'll take care too about your contract for the boarding room..." 

"W-wait Miss Von Sa---" 

"You can just call me Miss A."

"Okay, Miss A. Ahm, like what I want to say... I am thankful for the scholarships but I don't understand how... I mean I don't remember applying for any scholarship program of VVS." 

"Oh, about that. A staff of our foundation attend your graduation four months ago and you're teachers praised you a lot. I saw your academic records and decided to sponsor your study."

"But why me?" 

"Why not? I thought that you deserved it so I want to help you."


"Mr. Klay Russel, it's might be looks so sudden for you but I hope you're smart enough to grab an opportunity in front of you. But of course, it's up to you to decide for your future."

"Ah... Sorry Miss A. I'm just really overwhelm with the news but I'll accept the scholarship. Thank you so much!" 

"You're welcome. So, when you want to go in LaBelle so you can formally signed for admission? I recommend you to visit as soon as possible so you won't miss a lot of lessons."

"Yes, Miss A. I'm fine anytime even today!", Klay said excitedly. 

"Really? That's good. Then, be prepared my secretary will pick-up you in twenty minutes." 

"Okay Miss A."

"If you need anything just tell it my secretary. Till then, bye."

"Y-Yes, thank you again Miss A. Bye."

After the call Klay excitedly prepare his self and wait for his pick-up. Exactly twenty minutes a man wearing black suit came to pick-up him with a black luxury car. 

Klay feel so embarrassed when he saw his neighbors gossiping about it. He quickly get inside the car and asked the secretary to leave already. 

"I'm sorry, Sir.", Klay said. 

"It's okay, Mr. Russel. I apologize I didn't have time to change the car." 

"I-it's okay... Mister?" 

"Pierre Sotello."

"Oh I see, Mr. Sotello."

Pierre just smile a little to him and continue the drive without saying any word. 

They took two hours before they reached the LaBelle University, but that just only in front of the school premises. The big gate of LaBelle University open after Pierre tapped his ID on the scanner. 

They drive for almost another five minutes before they reached the first two building, it's big like a mall. And it seems like Pierre read his mind. 

"That's LU's Mall."

"W-what? A mall inside the University premises?" 

"Yes. The students don't need to go outside to buy things, you can buy almost everything in LU's mall."

"Wow, this is insane. How rich the students studying here?" 

"LaBelle students are not all from rich family. There's a reason why some of the students are not allowed to go outside the University premises as much as possible. You'll find it soon."

"I... see. Oh, what is that building?", Klay asked whisk pointing a buildings with red roof. 

"That's the boy's dormitories and the one next to it with blue roof is the girl's dormitories. Boys are strictly prohibited in girl's dormitory and vice-versa there's always a security in both dormitory. And that one as you see is the neutral park, all of the students are allowed to go there."

"Oh... And where not arrived at the University's building huh."

Klay frown when he saw a separate road with a black gate on the other side, he can't see any house because of the trees around the area. 

"That place is only for students in black uniform. You must not go to there whatever happened especially when you're alone."

"Why? What's with there?" 

"Just a Villas for special students."

Klay nod although he don't understand what he meant. He keep his mouth shut when he saw another gate after one another and another. And there's a lot of untouched land in the area with a lot of trees or just plains with flowers or grass. 

After another ten minutes they finally arrived in the LaBelle University, Klay saw the big arc with the school's name. They need to walked to get inside although the main building a little far from the gate. 

"Cars are not allowed inside the LaBelle. To avoid disturbing the classes, some of the students here are sensitive when it comes to noise."


A wide school ground welcome Klay and a big building with Western design. More like a big mansion from the old movies but the building is well maintain. 

When Klay enter the building the students on the hallway looked at him, he felt some strange stares but it disappear when Pierre walked beside him. 

Dean's office:

*knock! knock! knock!*

"Come in!", a voice from inside said.

Pierre open the door and went inside followed by Klay. 

"Good afternoon, Dean."

"Good afternoon, Pierre. Is it him?" 

"Yes, this is Mr. Klay Russel the new scholar of VVS Foundation."

The woman with silver hair and purple eyes, smile at Klay and offer her white  hand. "Hi! welcome to LaBelle University, Mr. Klay Russel. My name is Thalassa Von Sanguis, the Dean and owner of this place."

Klay nervously accept her handshake, her hands are cold and soft. "Hi Ma'am... Thank you for accepting me here."

"It's our 'pleasure to have you here'."

Klay can't explain it but her words feels like have a double meaning. 

"Anyway, here is the admission form you need to fill up. The school's rule with the boarding house rules and regulation, you just need to read them and sign if you agree and don't have any questions. The contract and all the expenses will be take care by Mr. Sotello. You don't have to worry about it."

"I see. When I can start?" 

"As early as tomorrow. After you signed these, you can get your  school uniform, P.E uniform on the next building  together with your books and other school supplies you need. Then, after Mr. Sotello take care everything, you can go on the dormitory to check your room and put your things."

"Oh...I didn't bring any clothes..." 

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Russel. I'll bring your other things tomorrow before the start of class. For now, we can go in LU's Mall to buy the personal things you need."

"Is that really okay? I mean these are too much."

"You don't have to worry, you can buy anything you want my big sister won't mind it.", Thalassa said with a friendly smile. 

After finishing all the paper works and other necessary things, Pierre brought Klay in LU's Mall and bought him the things he needed then sent Klay to the dormitory.

"I'll bring your other things tomorrow. And you don't have to worry about your parents, they knew you're going to stay here. By the way, like what I said to you just followed the rules here in LaBelle and you'll be fine and most important is AVOID those students in black uniform. Call me if you need anything."

-- End of Chapter --