

Klay is just an ordinary human from an ordinary family but his life change after he attend a birthday party of his classmate. He got so drunk that he can't even remember what happened that night. And the next day he received an admission letter for a private university, LaBelle University. Where he met a mysterious guy, Noctis Von Sanguis also known as Nox. Nox used to be alone most of the time but after meeting Klay and befriend with him, his daily life change and start to be lively. After a long time he learned to trust someone again and what being warm mean is. But his friendship with Klay is like a sandcastle that can be ruin easily by his dark secret. Will he able to tell him his identity and risk their friendship?

silent_ria21 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 1: The Party

Klay tilted his head on the side while looking on the two shirts in front of him, his newest shirts. He only wore the gray shirt once for his part-time job interview and the white shirt four months ago for his graduation.

"What are you doing, Klay? You'll be late for the party."

He scratched the back of his head. "I don't know what to wear, Mom. I researched about the party venue and it's a high class bar. I don't think it's a good idea to go---"

"That's nonsense. Here, your father and I bought this for you to use in the party.", Klay's mother said while handing him a wrapped box. 

"Mom, you don't have to buy me this. I know we're short for budge---"

"Son, it's fine. It's a gift from us, we're so thankful that you want to help us with our financial situation. But you're still young and you must enjoy your life."


"Klay, you're really going to be late for the party. Go, change your clothes and enjoy the night with your friends."

'But they are not my friends.', Klay want to say but he can't when his mother look so happy.

"Okay. Thanks Mom."

Klay get ready for the party and went to the venue using his bicycle since riding a taxi is so expensive. 

B&F bar:

When Klay step inside the bar, a loud music, dim light and a lot of people dancing on the dance floor welcome him.

"Klay! I'm glad you came. Come! Toffy waiting for you."

"Sorry, am I late?"

"No. You're just came in time. Our table is over there, just go straight and you'll see Toffy with the others on the left side. I'll just check for our order."


Klay followed the directions given to him, but he doubt if he'll get lost because with Toffy's loud voice it's so easy to spot him. 


"Oy, Klay! Glad you came Dude. Come sit and have a drink."

Toffy, hold on his shoulder and force him to sit on the vacant seat in front of a familiar girl. 

"H-hi...", the girl greeted shyly. 


"Come on guys, don't be cold to each other. Anyways, Klay you knew Miles right? No hard feelings okay, she's my girlfriend now.", Toffy said and kissed Miles on the top of her head while watching Klay's reaction. 

'I see. So this is why you invited me.' 

"Sure. No hard feelings. She's just a classmate anyway. Congrats to the both of you. And happy birthday Toffy." 

"Thanks.", Toffy said with dissatisfied expression. 

It didn't take long before the other guests came and the party start. During the party, Klay regret that he came. Toffy been targeting him to embarrassed to everyone. 

"What Uni you're attending now?", an unknown girl asked Klay. 

And by Toffy's grin, he's the one behind the girl's question. 

"I stop for this year. My Dad needs help so---" 

"That's so unfortunate, Klay. You stopped for two years in high school too right? Do you think you'll able to graduate in College?" 

"Of course. You don't have to worry about me Toffy, I can always apply for scholarship since I got a good grades. Not like someone else who used his parent's connection to get in Uni even with just barely passable grades. I just decided to stop since Dad got hospitalized and Mom need to assist him, so I have to do the work Dad supposed to do."

Toffy looked at Klay with disgust. They never become friends when they are in same class, Toffy always feel inferior with Klay in terms of academic and popularity. Even the girl he likes confessed to Klay before their graduation but with Klay's situation he turned down Miles' confession that became a trending topic in their classroom before. 

"Hey! What's with this atmosphere? Let's just enjoy. Come and drinks!" 

After that Toffy ignored Klay while their other classmate didn't let go Klay until he finish the his drinks. 

After a few l rounds, Toffy went to the toilet room. Miles noticed that Klay already drunk, she sit beside him to check if he's fine.

"Klay, are you okay?"

"Yeah.", Klay answer while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I think it's better for you to go now. Let's go, I'll call a taxi for you.", Miles tried to hold on his arm.

"I'm fine. Just stay away from me or else your boyfriend will go berserk."

"...I'm sorry, Klay. I didn't expect for Toffy to invite you here."

"It's fine. Toffy really not found of me even before.", Klay said and stand-up.

"Where are you going?"

"Outside. I need to clear my mind."

"Let me go wit---"

"No need. I told you to stay away from me."

Miles clenched her hands while following Klay with stares. 

Klay went in men's room to wash his face and sober up his self a little. He's about to leave when he heard a sound coming from the last cubicle. He heard a small groans from pain that made him curious.

*knock! knock! knock!*

"Excuse me, are you okay there? Do you need help?"

He heard a groan as an answer. Klay about to open the door when all of the lights in the men's room turn off at the same time. And a strong hand grabbed on his wrist and pulled him inside the cubicle.

"What the..."


Klay felt his back slammed hard on the cubicle's wall while being pressed on it. He can feel a strong hands holding on his shoulder and preventing him to move even an inch. Although he doubt if he can move while looking on the pair of red eyes looking at him like a predator. He can feel an unexplainable chills run all over his body.


Klay heard a low cursed then he felt a cold hand on his neck, panic aroused inside him. His instinct telling him how dangerous his situation is right now.

"Blood. Sweet. Tasty."

A voice in pain said while tracing, whoever it is, his nose on his length.

Klay's mind is clear but he can't move his trembling body. Then he felt a sharp object touched on his skin.

"N-no...", he said.

He's not sure if he said it enough to be heard since he felt like he barely move his mouth.


The light suddenly turned on and the pressure holding him disappear, Klay's knees give up and make him sit down on the floor.

"What happened?", Klay asked while catching for his breath.

Then he noticed the person standing in front of him, his hand clenching hard on the walk, so hard that enough to damage it. His eyes widen when he saw again those red eyes looking down on him while the guy biting his own arm.

"R-run...", the guy said. 

Mesmerized with those eyes, Klay didn't move until the guy fall down on the floor unconsciously. 

"H-hey..what happened to you?"

Klay checked the guy pulse, he can't believe how cold his body is. It feels like he touched an ice. 

"Right... Help I need to call for hel...", he took out his phone to call for help but he felt something hit him on the back of his neck. He fall down beside the unconscious guy. 

A woman and man enter the men's room and stop in front of the last cubicle. 

"He's here, huh."

"Yes, Madame."

The guy open the door and show the unconscious guy lying on the floor with a sleeping red cat beside him. 

"Hm, you really like to give me a headache huh.", the woman pick-up carefully the cat and put it on her arm. "Right, little brother?" 

She said with a red eyes while looking on the cat with a painful expression. She kissed the top of its head and the cat's expression slowly change to peaceful. 

"Let's go. We found him." 

"Madame, how about this guy? It seems he saw Young Master." 

The woman kneel a little and put her hand on the top of Klay's head. 

"It will be fine now.", she said and then disappeared followed by the other man. 

---End Of Chapter---