
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasie
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23 Chs


When everyone saw that Kai had collapsed, expressions of relief and relaxation were painted on everyone's face except for one who was very worried at the moment… 

Kim rushed to his son's side as he started checking every inch of his body examining it trying to find anything wrong with it which caused the sudden black blood that flooded Kai's face. 

"WTF Are you doing? If you don't get up off your F*cking ass, I'll make sure every last one of you and your families will never see the sunlight ever again… "

Kim's veins popped out as he furiously roared at the frozen doctors bringing them back to reality… 

His threats seemed to have worked very well as all the frightened doctors switched on pretty quickly and started checking every part of Kai's body and doing all the examinations needed. 

After a while and when Kim saw that his son's condition went back to normal, he eventually calmed down and also got back to his normal cold, cruel state.

After a while of staring into his son like he was going to disappear if he took his eyes off of him, Kim finally decided to leave for his work after glancing at Kai for one last time… 

Moving through the facility's hallways, Kim's mind couldn't let go of the black blood leaking out of Kai's face holes, it was something that never happened on any of the previous experiments he has made on people… 

No, this wasn't the only thing about Kai's session that was different from the rest, even the amount of pain Kai seemed to be going through was much more than other test subjects, and his body reaction wasn't normal at all either… 

Kim's head went over all the possibilities hoping to find some clue or something to lead him on the reason and the difference between Kai and other subjects, but after a while squeezing his brain without results he figured he'll just have to wait for Kai's awakening and ask him for some clues… Not like he had any other options anyways. 


Few hours later, 

Opening his blue eyes slowly with a grimace distorting his handsome childish face, a grunt came out of Kai's mouth as he tried to sit properly, which he ended up failing miserably as he felt like every cell in his body was screaming out in pain, but though he was in so much pain right now, it was nothing compared to what he just went through during the 'black ocean' session.

Just thinking about it on its own made chills come down his spine, it wasn't something he wanted to experience ever again… He would rather go to the deepest level in hell than ever having to go through that pain again… 

"Here, let me give you a hand… "

Getting Kai back to reality was a soft, gentle feminine voice, and before he knew it, he felt something soft yet somehow rough at the same time touching his skin helping him to sit correctly. 

"Thank you… ! "

Glancing at who just assisted him expecting to catch the sight of one of these old women his father have hired as nurses, Kai was amazed to see a young beautiful girl that looked about one or two years older than him. 

Checking the girl from head to toe, Kai's eyes hanged on a certain part for a few seconds before his eyes went on continuing down while he muttered silently in a tone only he could hear. 

"Flat… "

If he disregards the minor disadvantage this girl has, then she's probably one of the best looking females Kai has ever seen with only exceptional people like his mother and sister being more attractive than her… 

The girl's shoulder-length blue hair was flowing down just like a quiet, empty sea, or more like the reflection of the clear beautiful blue sky, but while her hair was the type of thing to enter peace and tranquility into the person's heart, her dark red hollowed eyes were the quiet opposite. 

Her eyes were more of the type to implant and grow the fear and dread in people's hearts, something about them just makes the person feel like if they stare for too long, they'll start falling into an abyss of blood and terror… 

Maybe it was just the color being so similar to blood, or maybe it was just their imagination, but no matter what it actually is, Kai's guts told him he shouldn't stare into them for too long or something unfortunate will happen to him…

Taking his eyes away from hers and avoiding eye contact, Kai transferred his attention towards her other facial features. 

His eyes were instantly drawn towards her thin –cherry-like– lips, her red lips were so small and thin yet so attractive and appealing… Especially when paired with her white smooth skin and her straight small nose which was shining with a pink-red color exposing how cold she was probably feeling right now. 

And as Kai was going to be considerate and ask if she needed any help, with a lame displeased voice entirely different from her first tone, she began to admonish him without any mercy to be heard in her voice. 

"Are you done staring? Don't you know it's rude to stare at a woman like that? Tch… And you guys call yourself nobles… "

"I… I'm… "

Kai's cute chilish cheeks turned partially red in embarrassment as he stumbled on his words of apology. 


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, it was not in my intentions… "

Despite his embarrassment, Kai wasn't Kim's most valuable child for nothing as he quickly regained his composure and went back to his normal indifference self. 

"Tsk… "

"Ah… It's fine, you don't to apologize, I understand… "

'Huh? '

The girl let out a small grunt as a sign of disliking Kai, but her tone instantly after that switched back to her first friendly gentle voice making Kai really baffled. 

It was like he was talking to two different people with two different personalities at the same time giving him a headache trying to understand it… 

But he didn't have to think for long before she gave him the answers to his doubts… 

"It's nice to meet you, My name is Ellen… "

"And I'm a SuperHuman"