
Blood and Bliss: A New Beginning for a Once-Cursed Vampire

This story begins when our main character, who is actually a villain, is betrayed and killed by his best friend, which puts him in another world full of magic and strange creatures. Vincent Ulbrecht, the new identity of a former villain who is now a young lord of one of the most powerful families, wants to live a peaceful and happy life, but it turns out that his dream may be more difficult to achieve than he thought. Please forgive me for any spelling mistakes. English is not my first language, so there will definitely be grammatical mistakes. Enjoy

Maxxie_E017 · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Ian's Normal Day 3

Within ten minutes they were at the market, where they planned to spend a lot of time. Ian told Vincent what he needed and what the items looked like, luckily it didn't take them long to find a few items from the list. They were already halfway through all the items in the journal, but the last few items they had to arrange with the blacksmith, which is a bit of a hassle, firstly to find some and secondly to get him to be kind enough to forge individual parts.

|| Ian, in the distance I can see a blacksmith who is probably on a break at the moment, although he could be of help with the parts. ||

|| Hopefully... This is probably the last blacksmith in the kingdom, we have crossed half of the capital.... ||

|| At least there are positives, such as the fact that we spent the time being active. Sounds like a good idea for our next date, we need to make the most of the weather. ||

|| Just go to the blacksmith and get it over with.... ||

|| Excuse me. We have a question for you. ||

|| Question? What question can some children ask me? ||

|| Are you a blacksmith? ||

|| That's right, and why do you ask? Do you want me to forge you a sword or spear? ||

|| No, I wanted to ask if you would be able to forge the items shown in the picture. ||

|| Hmm, that depends, show me the items and we'll see, it's been a long time since I've forged anything other than a weapon. ||

Ian pulled out the sketches he'd made earlier, detailing all the measurements as well as what the pieces needed to look like. The blacksmith was very impressed when he saw the sketches, he had never seen such a detailed description before.

|| I've never seen a customer so prepared, I think you'll be my favourite if you describe all your orders like that. ||

|| Thank you for the compliment. So would you agree to take on this challenge? ||

|| Of course, what would have happened to me as a blacksmith if I had said no? Only a fool would have missed such an opportunity. ||

|| See I told you it was worth looking for. ||

|| I'm still glad that at last someone agreed. ||

|| Are you trying to tell me that someone has given up? For what reason? ||

|| Most of the time they didn't listen to us because of our age, and some of them threw us out as soon as they heard that we didn't want any weapons.... ||

|| I knew it was hard to find a good blacksmith, but I didn't think the trade was that bad. I can't believe I work in the same profession as these morons.... But back to your order, do you need the parts immediately? ||

|| You don't have to rush my order, I can even collect it two days later just so I know the time and how much I owe for the service. ||

|| And that's the kind of customer I like. The job is small and, thanks to your sketches, easy to do, so it will take me five hours, maybe four at the most. Unless you want them made out of a special metal? ||

|| They don't have to be anything out of the ordinary, although they certainly need to be strong and hard so they don't bend, and they also need to be light, although that can be done with a spell. ||

|| Now you've got me interested, what are the parts supposed to be for? ||

|| I need them to create a long-range weapon. You could call it an improved bow. ||

|| Interesting, you must show me this weapon as soon as you make it, because I'm going to die of curiosity, you say something like a better version of the bow. ||

|| True, it's only a prototype at the moment and nothing out of the ordinary. ||

|| What do you mean, nothing out of the ordinary? You made it from scratch, so that's something. ||

|| Wait, you mean to tell me you made this prototype by hand? Amazing, I didn't expect to be confronted with such a great weapon design. Are you sure you're not related to the dwarves? They are the ones usually known for such ideas. ||

|| I am afraid I am not related to them. Thank you for your kind words, though. ||

|| Ok, come for the pick-up in about five hours, these parts will be on the house if you promise to come to me with your ideas, of course I won't copy them, I just want to make them and see them in action. ||

|| Thank you so much and I will be happy to take you up on that offer and I was going to order them from you anyway so that's great. In that case I will come and collect them in a couple of hours, see you then. ||

|| Have a great day kids be careful. ||

|| Who'd have thought we'd meet such a nice blacksmith, especially a young one who looks like he's about your dad's age. ||

|| You're right, we really have been lucky regarding these parts. ||

As the boys slowly made their way to the café to start their business with the twins, they unexpectedly bumped into them at an abandoned building that was being renovated. It turned out that the twins had already bought the building in which they were going to start their business, but were first going to redecorate it to make it more pleasing to the eye.

|| How good it is to see you. The last few days we thought you had forgotten our agreement. ||

|| Don't worry, we haven't forgotten. We were just going to the café to ask you about our project. ||

|| You could say that we were lucky to have bumped into you at all. ||

|| In that case, why not have a chat about our plans for the future of our shop. ||
