
Episode 7

Sun hee was feeling like she was in a different world. Far different from where she had lived. Everyday looking through the window glass, she'd smile and observe how hauntingly beautiful Blissvile was. It was aesthetically gothic and elegant. She wanted to see more but she knew she couldn't.

Seok hoon had gone to get Sun hee's stuff but found out everything was vanished. The guards must've had destroyed everything. Even her car was in ashes and they were still hovering around the forest. They weren't going to let this go anytime soon.

Left with no other option, he had to get everything for her, himself. Since by asking his servants or anyone, he didn't want to risk it as it was so unlikely of him. It was a challenge for him, same way bringing food for her was one. He didn't know what he was doing, just trying to make her live comfortably.

In spite of fact that, Sun hee was living inside the castle all day, mostly in the room, still her life in Blissvile was an experience of living in another world. Her typical hectic life was not better than this. It was a new, thrilling experience. Even though her life was at risk, she was living in the place she had been reading about in books and surprisingly she was alive.

Something was going unnoticed by her. How whenever Seok hoon would visit to see herm she'd feel so good, talking to him. No matter how there was just a little talk but even with that, she used to feel that she was connected with him and she knew him from a long time. He sure was giving the vibe of a spoiled prince but she could feel deep inside that he was really thoughtful.

Sun hee was sitting on the chair, beside him by the window, staring at him.

"So you never drank human blood?" Her talks would always be about such things, her being curious.

"Nope" he replied, almost losing by the fact that she was asking him that same question for the hundredth time now.

"Not even once?"

"Nope" he sang.

"Don't you crave for it?" She asked as he gazed at her.

He gazed to her. The he walked faster than a bullet to the bed in front of her face to which she gasped and pressed her palms on the sheets. She hadn't seen anything like that before. It didn't even took him a second.

For obvious reasons, Sun hee's heart would start pounding the moment he'd go close to her. His mesmerising beauty would reel her head. She would feel intimidated by him being close but would also feel weird sensations in her stomach.

 As he moved his face more closer to her. With this proximity her hot breathing was brushing against his skin, her doe eyes wide open like a perplexed, lost kid.

"Looking at you, I'm kinda craving for it." He said, teasingly, trying to scare her so that she would stop asking the same question.

"Should I try it ?"

"Uh.. let's talk about something else?" Sun hee with a gulp, to shrug it off as Seok hoon smirked,

He'd always take advantage of his powers she had never seen and those dangerously attractive eyes that would not only make you fall but would also scare you easily.

Weeks went by and Seok hoon also got distant from his friends since he had to stay in his castle most of the time. At least in the begining untill Sun hee would get used to it. Someone like him who only knew to enjoy life and would like to see things around him that would amuse him. It was unusual of him just staying still, doing talks. He was used to enjoying, partying, around the females, his friends. These few weeks were the total opposite of his regular lifestyle.

As Seok hoon entered in the room, Sun hee was looking through the window. She turned around to see him and asked immediately.

"Can I open the window for a while, please?"

"No. You can't" he told her, walking over to where she was sitting as she sighed, lowering her gaze.

"Look, I know why I shouldn't do this but.. it's windy outside and I really want to feel the fresh air. I feel like it's been ages. Anyways.." she shook her head slightly. Seeing her like that, Seok hoon couldn't deny as he leaned over above her, unlocked the window and opened the glass.

Sun hee immediately moved around with a slight smile around the corner of her lips. As she looked outside and stared around, above, left, right, down, everywhere to see as much as she could. A bright smile appeared on her face. She closed her eyes, inhaling the air as it ruffled her hair.

Staring at her, Seokhoon didn't know it meant that much to her. He hadn't seen someone being so happy and excited just feeling the air. He couldn't relate to her at all but he could see it must be a great feeling.

He hadn't notice her smile before. It was so beautiful and eye pleasing that he couldn't stop staring at her. He felt like it was giving him some kind of energy. Her bright smile sent a hint of it on his lips too.

"Why is there no other house around?" She asked, breaking his reverie. He flinched, 

"Uhm because it's my castle and I wanted it somewhere on the side. It's more like a farmhouse, you can say." He answered to which Sun hee nodded.

"We usually party here a lot" he said, walking over to the chair. "But from the past weeks I've been stalling my friends, of course because you were here"

Sun hee felt like he was doing a lot because of her. She wasn't sure why and neither was he.

Few moments later, Seokhoon closed the window and left the room. As soon as he went out, Sun hee turned around and stared at the closed window.

One more time? She thought to herself. Just for a minute. Sun hee thought it wouldn't matter. She opened it just a few minutes ago and nothing happened. One more minute wouldn't be an issue.

With that, she slowly opened the window and stared outside, closing her eyes for a few precious moments with a smile on her face.


One of the vampire guards was flying in the air when his gaze fell on Sun hee.

A Human Girl! He thought as his eyes slightly widened.

The Vampire flew quickly and jumped on the window and his fangs came out. Sun hee was pushed back by the shock. She fell on the ground and her back hit the wall. He looked more scary than anything else as he was coming towards her. She screamed her lungs out when he lunged at her.

Seok hoon was about to step out of the main door when he heard Sun hee's scream. He stopped as his eyes widened.

The Vampire had lost it. All he wanted was the taste of her blood as he was one of the old vampires. He was craving too much for her that he couldn't control himself. He gripped on her tightly from her shoulders.

Sun hee was trembling, shouting, trying to free herself but he was too powerful and big. He was panting like a hot dog when he touched her neck with his fingers. Looking at his long, sharp fangs, Sun hee's breath almost got stuck. She squeezed her eyes as he was about to bite her when the door opened. Seok hoon kicked him on the face and he flew and landed in a corner.

Seokhoon gazed at Sun hee. She was there, on the floor, scared, too stunned, breathing heavily. He grabbed her by her wrist and hid her behind him. Sun hee gripped on his shirt.

"Prince?" The guard hissed in disbelief. He stared at Seokhoon then at Sun hee who was hiding behind him. He realised that he was protecting her.

He jumped on the window to fly away when Seokhoon flew and pushed him on the ground. Sun hee gasped and moved backwards towards the corner. Seokhoon was on top of him.

"You're doing wrong" The guard said while glancing at Sun hee. "Let me go" Seokhoon couldn't let him go because he knew he would go and tell his father about everything and Seokhoon couldn't even imagine the rest.

He knew the guard was never going to agree on to keeping it a secret. He didn't have any option.

"You have to leave this world now" Seok hoon said as the guard's eyes grew bigger hearing that.

"Then I'll leave after doing a good deed" Saying that, he pushed Seok hoon away and made him fall.

Then, he flew towards Sun hee to which she screamed, keeping her hands in front of her face.