
Blind Survivor

Let's say you were thrown into a world, against your will right? BUT if you opened your eyes you would die instantly doesn't seem like a good life so far, but then your home, your family and everything you grew up with was engulfed right before your eyes Now tell me...what would you do?

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Chapter 1 - Miracle

Ralph, wearing his blindfold, stood up coolly, sensing Charles in front of him, "I told you to stay out of my territory" Ralph said lightly. Standing up, he reached a height of 5'8, while Charles was a staggering 6'4. If it were normal bystander's they would have put all there money on Charles winning, after all when a towering giant like Charles appears in front of you all you can do is cower and beg

"My territory now" Charles replied softly, but arrogantly, and threw a punch at Ralph. The Gang Members of the West Side didn't show any worry about Ralph the blind man getting hit, he was called the Blind Survivor for a reason

Dodging the punch as if it were thrown in slow motion, noticing a gap in Charles defences Ralph quickly took the opportunity to throw a similar punch at Charles face, at this time Ralph and Charles were at an arm's reach distance from each other. Charles quickly blocked the punch immediately stopping the previous punch he threw, and as if he had eyes Ralph threw a kick at Charles crotch

Charles successfully blocked the kick with his other hand, causing both his hands to be occupied, and leaving Ralph with one free hand, Charles took this opportunity to try and make Ralph, pushing and shaking Ralph intensely Ralph on the other hand was as steady as a buddha, he predicted what direction Charles was going to shake next and push, as if he could see into the future

Charles suddenly let go of Ralph, though Ralph had expected it it still seemed to surprised him a bit, "Looks like the rumors were true, Ralph...The Blind Survivor" Charles said slowly, while slow clapping, noticing the weird smile on his face the West Side Spectator's started staring at Charles intensely gripping there guns, if he tried anything then he'll be turned into swiss cheese

"Woah, Woah, careful. Bring her out" Charles said creeply, before ordering the gang members of his group to bring someone out, one of the gang members from his side left the fight scene, before shortly coming back with a very pretty women with blonde hair

She was wearing a blind fold as well as a golden necklace around her neck, The South Side Crip gang stared at her lecherously.

The crows that were on the shoulder of another West Side Crip member suddenly started shaking violently, as if it were in great pain, it started cawing violently as well

"Charles, you bastard!" Ralph yelled furiously, before charging at Charles, "Do it!" Charles shouted, suddenly a South Side Crip member jumped out from the shadow's with a Glock in hand and shot several times at Ralph, causing Ralph to fall to the ground, miraculously he didn't die, but he was mouthing countless curses and racial slurs at Charles

The women with blonde hair was Ralph's fiance, it was said that she died, who would've thought that she was held captive all this time by Charles, Ralph's greatest enemy

"Shhhhhh" Charles said cinically, calmly putting his index finger on Ralph's lips, causing Ralph's face to turn red like a tomato, he had never experienced such a embarrassing defeat before in his entire life

In fact, this was Ralph's second life, in his first life Ralph was a normal 9 to 5 office worker, before getting hit my a truck and being reincarnated as Ralph, he was reborn as Ralph when was just in the womb, and from there he became the Blind Tyrant

The Blond Women was crying a waterfall, anyone who saw her could only feel pity for her, Suddenly as if reaching a limit, the West Side Crips charged at Charles and the South Side Crips, pulling out there guns and shooting at each other, Charles was instantly killed, and soon a Gang War ensued, Ralph also died from being trampled to death

"The zombies are outside, now it's not safe to give birth here" Zach said quick wittedly, he and a group of survivors were hiding in a building, his wife was about to give birth, but the zombies had stormed into the lower floors of the buildings, they made there way to the roof, now they can only pray they live

One of the women of the survivor group whispered something into Zach's wife ear, as if being ordered to, Zach's slowly laid down on the ground, a few more women came and steadily removed her pants, one of the women took out a towel and a bottle water, and wetted the towel with water and put it on her head

The rest of the survivors looked at her intensely, hoping she would survive, as her pants were removed, her nether regions showed 2 little legs poking out, grasping this a woman gently pulled slowly, while yelling "Push, Push" with all her might, the rest of the women were just there for emotional support

The men on the other hand were standing by the door, the only exit and entrance to the roof tops, once the zombies make it up here they're finished

After a session of screams, they suddenly stopped, the life that was in the eyes of Zach's wife slowly dissipated, but thankfully they managed to pull out the child, he had standard black hair, but he didn't cry

As if the heavens were satisfied with their creation, light shone upon the child's body, even though it was the dead of night, and all the zombies slowly evacuated the building, the women couldn't help but fall onto there knees and pray, for in their eyes, this was a miracle

Authors Notes:

The mc isn't blind, there's a reason he wears a blindfold all the time

*sigh* this is going to be a long journey of suffering and pain

223_creators' thoughts