

Back when voices still echoes through the walls.

  The screaming voice made me panic, I woke up pacing and scared.

I wondered when all these wounds and pains would subside I murmur to myself; who is it this time

I felt the pain she might be feeling right now, it hadn't been so long I was also cut it pains me like it's still fresh

''Oh Lord please bless us here and help fight these wicked people with their beliefs'' I got up  groaning with my hands on my waist, I was eight month pregnant; it was a sight to behold a painful one though.

I peeped and saw the blood gushing out of her, I was so petrified the little girl was still very young while wailing and crying in pain I was lost to my own world...

Bird creeps on the tree and the ray of sunshine daises on my face,it was a rather peaceful morning I had slept enough I woke up showing my breath taking sets of teeth very brightly and stretching out my hands I heard my name being called out Loud.

FAKIRA... FAKIRA come downstairs,fakira  get ready for school my dear.

'Yes mom' I jumped down from my bed to get ready for school.

  I was just sixteen years old in my final grade I was so proud of my knowledge, I was simply the best when it comes to class assessments.


I quickly got ready and went downstairs to my mom

  'Good morning mom'  I said smiling very widely

  'Good morning my princess, how are you and how was your night'

    It was superb mom I replied earnestly.

Come sit down and have your breakfast we're late already  she said quickly

It was toasted bread and milk one of my favorites, I prayed and ate quickly cause I need to get to school.


Oh my mom; my mom's name is Rukayyat Ahmed, she is an independent woman, she started working as a cashier at a bank when my dad Amir Ahmed died in a accident two years ago

    I and my mom lived very quietly in the memories of my dad.

Mom still thinks of dad often but she doesn't show it.

Note: This is my first story here and I think I need permission I can't just write and people not ready plss if  you interested in the novel plss leave a comment down.. thanks