
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 43: Commander Yakra

"Passion, Perfection and Beauty, Destroy Hearts Kanzen Bi" Ania released her zanpakuto as the sword erupted in an explosion of pink flowers "Most impressive you can release your shikai" Yakra said drawing his zanpakuto from the thick sheathe on his side. The sword was thick like a claymore while the hilt was a dark green colour with swirls of light green across it as he rested it on his shoulder awaiting Ania to make the first move.

"Juunsui Yuga" arcing Kanzen Bi with the tip aimed at Yakra a pink reiatsu blast came flying out at a speed that caught the big man off guard. Thudding into his chest he was hurled back slamming into the base of a tree, "Caught me off guard but that won't happen again" he grunted rubbing the back of his head before pushing off from the tree and surging towards Ania.

Lowering his shoulder in an attempt to slam across her jaw Yakra flew towards Ania who waited until the very last second to shunpo away, reappearing behind him she swung her sword down but the burly commander was quicker than he appeared turning back around and blocking the blow with his blade.

The force and strength behind his block knocked Ania back as he slowly turned to face her laughing "I bet you think because of my bulk you have the advantage over me in speed, but you'd be wrong". Yakra vanishing from sight his voice coming from behind Ania "Dead wrong" was all she heard before his zanpakuto slashed across her back sending blood splattering against the tree as Ania was so shocked at his rapid change in speed to comprehend what had just happened to her.

"Shit this isn't good where is she!" Mitch thought to himself as panic began to set in as he was unable to lock onto Ania's exact location in this dense forest. Stopping suddenly he landed on top of a tree and took a deep breath to compose himself "Panic clouds my judgement if I remain calm I'll find what I'm looking for". Searching through the forest he locked onto Ania's reiatsu only a few minutes away but it was dropping rapidly.

"You should've been taught to never underestimate a foe by his size" Yakra said as he circled around Ania who was breathing heavily from trying to keep up with his speed. "So this is what it's like to face a high ranking opponent in a serious battle" she thought before looking up and rolling to the side just in time to dodge on of Yakra's blows from above.

There was no time to compose herself though as Yakra landed on the ground and lunged straight at her swinging a blow down which she avoided by pushing herself off the ground and landing nimbly onto her feet. "Is dodging all you can do?" Yakra yelled swinging blow after blow as Ania avoided them all gracefully like a dancer but knew in her head that she would not be able to defeat him by dodging alone.

"I need to use the terrain to my advantage…" she thought before avoiding one lofty swing down by leaping on top of his blade and then jumping up into the tree's sending leaves scattering everywhere. Taking the bait Yakra leapt up after her bursting into the top of the trees but couldn't see her anywhere nor sense her presence, "Where the hell are you" he growled as a blur of leaves darted behind him and slashed across his back leaving a diagonal red gash across his robe.

Swinging his arm around he swiped at nothing only cutting leaves as the blur raced around and cut him across the same spot again as he roared in pain and began madly swiping everywhere as leaves were sent scattering to the ground below. Out of nowhere Ania appeared directly in front of him as he looked down in shock at being caught off guard just as a vertical slash was cut across his stomach. Not finished yet Ania pointed the tip of Kanzen Bi directly at his heart a pink glow emanating around it "Juunsui Yuga".

Yakra was thrown violently from the tree tops spiraling down as he crash landed leaving a massive crater and sending dust billowing high into the air. A few metres away Mitch stopped running as he spotted the cloud of dust "Hmmm I can' tell whether that's a good or bad thing" he muttered to himself before surging forward hoping he wasn't too late.