
Bleach: Toshiro Hitsugaya

A story where a mysterious man attempts to reincarnate as Toshiro Hitsugaya but seemingly fails... Watch as Toshiro becomes the Soul Society's greatest asset after having learned of the future and unlocking his true power!

GoldenOsiris · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Testing Out True Power

As Toshiro stepped out into his small courtyard, he watched as most of the Captain's appeared there, standing.

Soi-fon, Gin, Shunsui, Byakuya, and Mayuri, with the Head Captain in front, as they all had their Lieutenants behind them.

Everyone looked at Toshiro with surprise at his new looks, some even questioned if that was his older brother. But Yamamoto easily recognized the familiar Spiritual Pressure as he ignored his new appearance.

"What's the meaning of this Captain Hitsugaya?" Yamamoto questioned as he relaxed both his hands on his cane in front of him.

Rangiku frantically ran in front of Head Captain Yamamoto, "Head Captain! He was injured-"

"SILENCE!" Yamamoto ordered as he looked back toward Toshiro.

Before Toshiro could reply, Unohana stepped in front of him, "He seemed to have unlocked his true zanpakuto's powers, but the power seemed too much for his body to handle, so I was forced to age his body faster in order for him to get it under control." Unohana explained calmly.

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes, "You aged his body?... The only Kido technique that would do that is forbidden. Is that correct?"

Unohana didn't hesitate as she replied with a nod, "Indeed I used a forbidden Kido to save a fellow Captain's life."

Yamamoto frowned, "As you know, the punishment for using a forbidden technique is 50 years in prison."

Toshiro frowned as he stepped in front of Unohana, facing Yamamoto.

"If I may, she did it to save my life-"

Yamamoto angrily cut him off, "And you have no right to talk! Your Spiritual Pressure froze many resources in the Soul Society and most likely even harmed people living in the Rukongai, regardless if it was purposeful or not."

Toshiro frowned, "Your right, it was my fault for not controlling my powers, but Captain Unohana simply did her job, there is no reason for you to punish her." Toshiro's Spiritual Pressure unconsciously flared in anger, as the atmosphere around them turned frosty.

Some of the other Captains put their hand on the hilt of their katanas as they watched Toshiro apprehensively.

It seemed Yamamoto was about to take action but before he could do something, someone stepped in the middle.

"Old man Yama, why don't we calm down... I think our fellow Captain is a little antsy after waking up. Maybe we should talk more about this at a Captain's meeting at a later date?" Shunsui with his pink-styled kimono calmly spoke with a smile as he tipped his straw hat.

Yamamoto's expression didn't change for a few seconds until he simply turned around with a huff, "So be it."

He then started walking away as the other Captains followed.

"How intriguing..." Mayuri muttered before leaving with his Lieutenant Nemu.

The rest Shunpoed away silently without commenting on the situation.

Toshiro nodded silently to Shunsui, who reciprocated it with a smile before also vanishing.


Toshiro's suddenly felt two soft mounds pressing against his chest as he was hugged by a teary-eyed Rangiku.

"I was so scared!"

Toshiro sighed in relief as he glanced toward Unohana who started to walk away.

"We'll talk more later." She simply left those words as she disappeared.

He nodded inwardly before looking down toward his blonde-haired Lieutenant.

"Come on, let's go back inside." He forcefully pulled off Rangiku as he headed back into his barracks.

"You look like a man Captain!" Rangiku joked as they entered his office and both sat down.

"I've always been a man."

Then for the next few hours, Rangiku wouldn't let go of him until it was finally nighttime, as she headed back to her room begrudgingly.

He then relaxed on his couch as he finally had some alone time to think about his current situation.

His brain was filled with memories of the man who tried to take his soul, whose name was Jeff Riker. But the most important memory was about the show called Bleach, which seemed to be about his world.

At first, Toshiro was confused and apprehensive, but he simply decided to accept it as it is and use this information that he had for the better.

He knew of Aizen's treachery, Gin's plan for revenge, and Yhwach's quincys, and so many other future enemies that would appear. But it was more general information as everything wasn't specific because there aren't many people who can memorize the exact information of shows.

'I have the information to stop these things! I also have the power to stop it. And since I can't trust anyone, I'll have to be careful with my future actions.' Toshiro thought.

He also noticed that an unknown being was the one who gave Jeff the power to invade souls.

'Most likely this so-called Isekai genre, but it seemed to have failed or maybe it went all according to plan...' Toshiro shrugged as he focused on more important things.

'Earlier I flared my Spiritual Pressure against the Head Captain, normally I would never do this, but it seems I've also gotten some of the personality traits of this so-called Jeff, meaning I've become more daring than usual. Surprisingly, it doesn't feel that bad.' Toshiro pondered as he tapped his chin.

'This feels so surreal... I've become even older because his soul's age was added on to my own age, seemingly 54 years. And while 54 years is insignificant for most Soul Reapers, for someone like me who needed an older body to withstand my true power, it was perfect.' He mused as he relaxed on his couch and looked down at his body.

He looked identical to the adult form that he'd seen from the memories of the manga.

Closing his eyes he looked inward and could feel the immense power within him that felt as vast as the sea.

'If I were to guess, my Shikai is probably even stronger than my previous Bankai... I can only imagine how strong my Current Bankai is.'

He could feel the surging power, and the large difference between his base stats, as he was much stronger and faster now.

'I'll definitely test out my powers tomorrow.' He thought before slowly closing his eyes to rest as he had an eventful day.


It was the next day and Toshiro already had a new Captain's Uniform tailored for him.

He was currently in the middle of nowhere, seemingly in the desert with the brown rocky ground below him, nothing could be seen for miles, with only the sun shining down on him.

Toshiro decided to test his powers somewhere far from the Seireitei and civilians, as he even told Rangiku not to follow him because it would be too dangerous for her to be close.

"This should be fun..." He pulled out his zanpakuto and commanded his release.

"𝗦𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗻𝗶 𝗦𝗮𝘇𝗲! 𝗛𝘆𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘂!"

[A/N: "Reign upon the Frozen Heavens! Hyorinmaru"]

His Spiritual Pressure flared in excitement as he finally let it run wild.

The clouds gathered above him as the air turned dry and cold, the ground shuddered as if scared.

Toshiro then inhaled before exhaling a cool breath, he then suddenly stabbed his sword into the ground as he crouched with it.

"Expand." He muttered.

Ice instantly started to form on the ground as it spread out quickly in all directions as if it was a virus, freezing anything in its path.

It continued for thousands of meters to even miles as any tree, plant, mountain, or whatever it may be, was completely engulfed in ice.

Once measuring its power, he exhaled a cool breath, "Break."

As soon as he muttered that word, the miles of ice that encased its surroundings instantly shattered as if glass, before disappearing into the air.

He nodded in contentment, before taking his sword out of the ground and practicing his other techniques.

Toshiro then smoothly slashed his sword in a horizontal arc as a vast amount of ice discharged into a crescent arc, following his sword's path.

He looked at the powerful wave of ice before waving his hand over it, promptly causing it to break and disintegrate into the air.

Pointing the tip of his sword forward, dozens of icicles appeared around it.

He shot them forward at the ground, causing them to shatter, but rather than simply disappearing, each icicle started to expand ice over a small area which would in turn be deadly for his opponents who attempt to block it.

"Hahaha! This is exhilarating!" Toshiro couldn't help but break out into a fit of laughter, he wasn't sure if this was about his soul assimilating, but he just enjoyed himself currently with a smile full of vigor.

He then practiced a few more ice techniques, before switching to physical attributes.

He practiced Shunpo, dashing far distances, much farther than he previously could. Now he just needed to master it so he could rival the fastest of opponents.

Practicing his strength and many other things like stamina, Toshiro finally stopped and decided to finish off the day with his Bankai.

He kept his focus 100% as he knew controlling his Bankai was something he always had trouble with.

Taking a deep breath in, he commanded, "𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢: 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐮!"

Ice started to cover his main body parts, including his shoulder, neck, forearms, and legs as if it was armor.

[Image: Current Toshiro]

And his Spirit Pressure flared even mightier as he noticed it started to affect the entirety of Soul Society itself.

Winds became rough and dry, and as the air become colder, snow started to appear, becoming carried by the winds.

Slowly causing a blizzard as the winds and snow increased in speed and quantity.

In an instant, one could not see what was in front of them with only eyes, as everything was covered by the vicious winds comprised of crystal white snow.

"Damn it!" He cursed as he reigned in the blizzard with all his power, attempting to dispel it.

After a few seconds, he finally saw results.

Slowly the blizzard decreased, as winds became weaker and snow slowly dissipated back into the air.

Sighing in relief, he realized he could control his Bankai to an extent, so it was usable, he just had to be very careful and should only use it in dire need.

Once the blizzard was gone, it was still cloudy but much better than before, without much wait, he got right back to testing his powers.

He then once again stabbed his sword into the ground, and before even doing anything, his eyes widened in realization.

"What the... My range is half of Soul Society?" He questioned in disbelief as he could sense how far he could expand his ice.

"Once I train even more, I could probably engulf the entirety of it, but my ice would be much weaker, nonetheless, my range is immense." He shook his head before taking his sword out of the ground once realizing that he would be executed if he dared to engulf half of Soul Society with ice.

Toshiro gazed down at his body and realized that if his opponents even touched him in this form, ice would quickly expand on them as long as he wills it.

He also noticed that unlike before, there's a big gap of power between his Shikai and Bankai, so while he could use all his techniques in his Shikai form, it wouldn't be as potent/powerful as compared to his Bankai form.

After practicing more techniques in his Bankai form and coming to more conclusions, he deactivated it and headed home as it was dark.

"That training was quite tiring..." He yawned as he walked back to the Seireitei.


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