
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasie
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134 Chs

[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 123: Fragments of the Heart

# Karakura Town – Minamikawase | YatoYasakani's residence #

The weather had changed abruptly, the sky transforming from a clear blue to a heavy gray within minutes. Dark clouds rolled in, casting a foreboding shadow over Karakura Town. Yato felt the first few drops of rain on his face and quickened his pace, breaking into a sprint to avoid getting soaked. The wind picked up, rustling leaves and sending a chill through the air.

He reached his home just as the heavens opened up, sheets of rain pouring down. Yato dashed up, burst through the door, panting slightly. He swapped his wet shoes for slippers, shaking off the water droplets that clung to his hair.

The sound of laughter and the blaring noise of the TV greeted him as he stepped into the house. It struck him as odd; he wasn't expecting any visitors, and he knew that Rukia would typically be out patrolling the city if she wasn't at home.

Yato made his way down the hallway, the soft carpet muffling his steps. The light from the living room spilled into the corridor, flickering and vibrant. As he rounded the corner, the scene before him made him pause and smile.

Rukia and Tatsuki were seated on the floor in front of the TV, their faces illuminated by the colorful glow of the video game they were playing. The coffee table had been pushed aside to make room for their spirited competition. Both women wore intense, competitive expressions, their eyes glued to the screen as they furiously mashed buttons on their controllers.

Rukia, her petite frame coiled with concentration, was furrowing her brows in determination. Her usually composed and stoic demeanor was replaced by a fierce look of rivalry, her mouth set in a determined line. Every now and then, she let out an indignant huff or a triumphant cheer, fully immersed in the game.

Beside her, Tatsuki was equally engrossed, her athletic build tense with focus. Her short, spiky hair framed her face as she leaned forward, eyes narrowed and lips pressed together in a tight smile. She exuded a competitive energy, her fingers moving with practiced precision over the controller.

The room was filled with the sounds of the game: the electronic beeps, the dramatic music, and the rapid clicking of buttons. The rain outside had begun to intensify, creating a rhythmic backdrop of pattering against the windows, but neither Rukia nor Tatsuki seemed to notice.

Yato watched for a moment, amused by the intensity of their rivalry. He had never seen Rukia so animated outside of battle, and Tatsuki's playful competitiveness was a perfect match for her. Deciding to make his presence known, he cleared his throat softly.

"Hey, what's going on here?" he asked with a grin.

Both women jumped slightly, their concentration broken. Rukia's intense gaze shifted to Yato, and she blinked, as if pulling herself back to reality. Tatsuki, on the other hand, immediately broke into a wide, friendly smile.

"Yato! You're back," Tatsuki greeted, her competitive edge softening into warmth. "Rukia and I were just having a little match. I thought I'd teach her a thing or two."

Rukia straightened up, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear with a huff of mild annoyance. "Teach me? I was about to win!"

Tatsuki laughed, a sound filled with genuine amusement. "You wish, Rukia! I had you on the ropes."

Yato chuckled, moving to sit on the couch behind them. "Well, it looks like you're both pretty into it. Who's winning again?" he smirk.

Tatsuki smirked, pointing at herself with a thumb. "Me, of course. But Rukia's catching up fast."

Rukia shot Tatsuki a mock glare. "Don't get too comfortable in the lead. I'm just getting started."

The rain outside continued to fall in a steady rhythm, its gentle patter against the windows creating a soothing backdrop. Inside the cozy living room, the atmosphere was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the stormy weather outside. The glow from the dimmed lights cast a soft, golden hue over the room, adding to the sense of intimacy.

Yato, now seated comfortably on the couch, glanced over at Tatsuki. "By the way, did something happen, Tatsuki?" he asked, his tone casual but tinged with genuine curiosity. "Not that I'm complaining about the visit or anything." He quickly added, trying to ensure he didn't give the wrong impression to his friend.

Tatsuki's cheerful demeanor faltered, replaced by a serious and troubled expression. She glanced down at the controller in her hands, fidgeting slightly. "I wanted to ask for your help." she admitted, her voice low and hesitant.

Yato's concern deepened at her sudden change in mood. He straightened up, sensing the gravity of the situation. Tatsuki was as stubborn as Ichigo, and for her to seek help meant the problem was significant. "Help with what exactly?" he asked, his tone now serious and attentive.

"With my powers…" Tatsuki began, but then hesitated, her brows furrowing in frustration as she searched for the right words.

Sensing the shift in the room's atmosphere, Rukia quickly turned off the TV and game console. She moved to sit beside Yato and Tatsuki, her usual serious expression back in place. The sudden silence made the room feel more intimate, the sounds of the rain outside providing a gentle, almost melancholic background.

Tatsuki looked up, meeting Rukia's steady gaze before turning to Yato. "I've been feeling… different. Stronger, but also out of control. It's like my powers are growing, but I don't know how to handle them." she began, her voice steadying as she spoke. 

She took a deep breath, steadying herself before continuing. "I've been feeling… strange. Ever since that battle with the Bount, I can feel something inside me. It's like a darker side that I can't control, and it's getting stronger."

Yato and Rukia exchanged a glance. Rukia nodded slightly, signaling Yato to let Tatsuki continue at her own pace.

"At first, I thought it was just adrenaline or something, but it's more than that. I can sense it... It started with small things," Tatsuki explained, her eyes focused on the floor. "I'd get these bursts of rage, and..." Tatsuki sighed, running a hand through her short hair. She felt a knot of fear tightening in her chest. She was apprehensive about speaking further, worried that her friends might misinterpret her struggles. Her usually confident demeanor was shadowed by an uncertainty she seldom showed.

Yato, on the other hand, was lost in contemplation. He was concerned about what could be causing these fluctuations in Tatsuki's reiatsu. During the fight against the Bount, he had observed that her spiritual pressure was increasing rapidly and erratically. He had suspected that this might be her Fullbring manifesting, as Fullbringers often release a sudden burst of reiatsu when their powers fully awaken. However, all he had seen was a notable shift in Tatsuki's aggression.

'Could it be another power of hers?' he pondered. 'I don't even know what Tatsuki is using as a catalyst for her Fullbring.'

The silence grew thick and uncomfortable, a palpable tension settling in the room. Rukia, sensing the growing unease, shifted her gaze to Yato, who appeared deep in thought.

"Do you have any idea what could be causing this?" she asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow in inquiry.

Yato sighed, realizing they wouldn't get any answers by simply speculating. "There's only one way to find out," he said, placing a reassuring hand on Tatsuki's shoulder. "Tatsuki, can you activate your powers?"

Tatsuki was puzzled by Yato's request but decided not to question it. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to center herself. When she opened her eyes again, they had changed to a striking gold, her pupils transforming into vertical slits reminiscent of a predator's gaze.

The transformation continued as blue scales began to form on the backs of her hands, extending up to the middle of her forearms. The sight was both awe-inspiring and slightly intimidating.

As Tatsuki activated her powers, Yato closed his eyes, focusing intensely in an attempt to sense any internal changes in her reiatsu. Despite his composed exterior, he wasn't particularly skilled at detecting the finer nuances of others' spiritual energy. Now, he found himself in a situation where he couldn't fake expertise.

'What do I do…?' he wondered, frustration gnawing at him.

Rukia watched Yato with a worried expression, sensing his struggle. 'Strange… I thought he would have an answer quickly, considering he could detect traces of Aizen's zanpakutō in other shinigami and even noticed something inside me when It wasn't emanating any spiritual energy,' she mused. 'Is Tatsuki's problem really that severe?'

"Tatsuki… These sensations you mentioned… did they happen when you were angry?" Yato asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

"Yes…" Tatsuki admitted, her voice tinged with embarrassment as she looked away, ashamed of her lack of control.

"Then I want you to try… to remember those moments when you—" Yato's words were abruptly cut off as Tatsuki grabbed his arms tightly, her golden eyes locking onto his with an intensity that was both intimidating and deeply apprehensive.

"No! I don't want to think about those things again," she said firmly, her voice trembling slightly.

Yato felt a sudden surge in Tatsuki's reiatsu at the mere mention of those situations, oscillating wildly as her emotions fluctuated. The air around them grew heavier, the pressure of her spiritual energy almost palpable.

Tatsuki's grip on Yato's arms loosened slightly, her expression conflicted. She wanted to trust her friends, to let them help her, but the thought of reliving those intense moments filled her with dread.

Yato met Tatsuki's gaze with understanding. "I know it's difficult, but if we can understand the trigger for your power, we might be able to find a way to control it," he explained gently, his voice calm and reassuring.

Tatsuki stood there, her body trembling with apprehension as she hesitated at Yato's request. Slowly, she closed her eyes, delving into the memories that held her deepest rage.

The first memory that surfaced was vivid and raw. She saw Orihime and Chizuru, helpless against a Hollow's attack. The Hollow had manipulated Chizuru and other students to turn on Orihime, beating her mercilessly. The scene played out in Tatsuki's mind with brutal clarity. Yato and Rukia watched as beads of sweat formed on Tatsuki's forehead, her expression contorted with the effort of reliving those harrowing moments. Her grip on Yato's arms tightened, her nails digging into his skin.

The second memory came rushing back like a tidal wave. Tatsuki remembered the desperation and frustration during the group's infiltration of the Soul Society to save Rukia. She remembered abandoning Sado in a desperate bid to assist Yato and Ichigo against the captains. The frustration of the situation, coupled with the guilt of leaving Sado alone, had gnawed at her. But what had truly ignited her wrath was the fear that Yato had died. The thought of him been killed had fueled an uncontrollable rage within her, a rage that Yoruichi had barely managed to calm down.

As these memories surged within her, Tatsuki's breathing grew heavier, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Her canines elongated into sharp, predatory points, and her grip on Yato's arms tightened further, her nails piercing into his skin.

Yato winced as he felt the sharp pain of Tatsuki's nails piercing his flesh. He glanced down and saw that her nails had grown long and razor-sharp, breaking the skin on his arms and causing blood to trickle down.

Rukia, alarmed by the sight, quickly moved to Tatsuki's side. "Tatsuki, let go!" she urged, her voice a mix of concern and firmness. She grasped Tatsuki's arms, trying to pry her away from Yato.

Despite the pain and the blood now staining his sleeves, Yato focused intently on the chaotic swirl of Tatsuki's spiritual energy. Amidst the turbulence, he sensed something that sent a chill down his spine. Her reiatsu wasn't just unstable.

'What's Tatsuki using as a catalyst for her Fullbring... is it her own heart!?' Yato thought desperately, realizing that it felt like parts of her heart were vanishing the more Tatsuki's rage increased.

"Tatsuki," Yato said through gritted teeth, struggling to maintain his composure, "I need you to try and calm down."

Tatsuki's eyes snapped open, the golden hue more intense than ever, filled with a mix of fear and anger. For a moment, it seemed as though she might not recognize her friends. But then, with a shuddering breath, she blinked, and the wildness in her eyes began to fade. Slowly, she released her grip on Yato, stepping back with a mixture of relief and guilt in her eyes. Her sharp nails retracting to their normal length.

"I'm sorry," Tatsuki whispered, her voice trembling. "I didn't mean to..."

Tatsuki stood there, staring at her hands now stained with Yato's blood. A wave of guilt washed over her, making her feel small and vulnerable. Her golden eyes, which had returned to their normal brown, filled with tears she fought to hold back. She couldn't bring herself to meet Yato's gaze, let alone Rukia's. The shame of losing control weighed heavily on her, making her feel as though she had failed her friends and herself.

Yato, despite the pain and the bleeding wounds on his arms, managed a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Tatsuki. Really," he said, trying to ease her distress. "I can heal without any problems. This is nothing."

But his words did little to ease Tatsuki's guilt. She could feel the warmth of his blood on her skin, a stark reminder of her inability to control her powers. "No, it's not okay," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I hurt you. I lost control and hurt you." Her mind raced with self-reproach, and she clenched her fists tightly, the blood smearing further across her fingers. What if I lose control again? What if next time it's worse?"

Rukia, still holding Tatsuki's arms, glanced at Yato with concern. "You need to treat those wounds," she said, her tone firm yet kind. She then turned her attention back to Tatsuki, softening her expression. "Tatsuki, no one blames you. We're here to help you, no matter what."

Tatsuki nodded slowly, her eyes still downcast, the weight of her emotions pressing heavily upon her. Without another word, she turned and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, her steps heavy and deliberate. Her shoulders slumped, and her hair fell forward, shadowing her eyes and masking the tears that threatened to spill.

The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly before her, each step echoing her inner turmoil. She felt the walls closing in, the dim light casting long shadows that danced menacingly along her path. Her mind replayed the moments of her outburst, the sensation of her nails piercing Yato's skin, the surge of uncontrollable rage, and the fear that she might never master her powers.

Finally, she reached the bathroom. Tatsuki closed the door behind her, the soft click sounding unnaturally loud in the stillness. She leaned against the sink, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was pale, eyes wide and filled with a mixture of fear and shame. She barely recognized herself. Slowly, she turned on the faucet, letting the cold water run over her hands, washing away the blood but not the guilt.

Meanwhile, back in the living room, Rukia and Yato shared a moment of silence, the gravity of the situation settling over them. Rukia's concern was palpable, her brows knitted together in a frown as she glanced at Yato's arms, now starting to bleed more freely.

Yato noticed Rukia's concerned gaze and materialized red threads from the tips of his fingers, expertly wrapping them around the wounds where Tatsuki's claws had pierced his arms. The threads glowed faintly, emitting a soft warmth that contrasted with the cold, damp atmosphere outside. Within moments, the injuries began to heal, the skin knitting back together seamlessly until no trace of the wounds remained.

Despite the physical healing, Yato's expression remained troubled. He glanced at Rukia, who was watching him intently, her eyes filled with a mix of worry and curiosity. She had always been perceptive, and she knew something serious was troubling him.

"What did you discover?" Rukia asked, her voice low and urgent.

"It's her heart..." Yato began, his voice heavy with concern. He sank onto the sofa, running a hand through his hair as he let out a long sigh. The room felt even more oppressive now, the sound of the rain outside a distant murmur against the heavy silence. "Her powers are similar to Chad's, Inoue's, and mine. Each of us uses a different catalyst for our abilities," he explained, trying to organize his thoughts. "Inoue uses her hairpins, Chad... well, I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's his skin... and I use my ring." He paused, glancing at Rukia to make sure she was following.

Rukia nodded, her expression thoughtful. "And Tatsuki uses her heart," she said slowly, piecing the information together.

Yato nodded. "Yes, but the problem is that the more she gets angry, the more her heart... fades. Her power increases, but..." His voice dropped to a near whisper. "She loses a part of her heart each time."

Rukia's eyes widened in shock. "She loses her heart gradually...?" she echoed, her voice trembling slightly. "Does that mean she'll eventually..."

"Don't even finish that thought," Yato interrupted brusquely, his tone sharp with anxiety.

The implication hung heavy in the air. Yato knew all too well the grim fate that awaited a Plus whose heart was completely consumed, turning into a Hollow, a monstrous being driven by insatiable hunger and despair. Given that Fullbringers possessed a spiritual energy similar to Hollows, the idea of Tatsuki losing her heart entirely was a terrifying prospect.

As Yato sat on the couch, attempting to project an air of calm, his body betrayed him. His leg bounced incessantly, his hands shook, and the tension in his posture was palpable. The usually composed and confident demeanor he wore so well had shattered under the weight of the recent events.

He was already worried about the whole situation involving Aizen and was certain that he was now a target of the former captain. Furthermore, beings that were not supposed to exist in that world, like Baishin and the Bounts, were now wandering around in ways Yato couldn't recall seeing before, and now Tatsuki was at risk of being consumed by her own power because of him, since the reason Tatsuki had spiritual powers was because Yato had changed her fate.

The room felt claustrophobic, the warm glow of the lights doing little to dispel the oppressive atmosphere. The soft hum of the rain against the windows added a melancholic undertone to his thoughts. Yato's gaze was unfocused, staring into the middle distance as he wrestled with his turmoil.

Yato's mind raced with possible solutions, each more disheartening than the last. He considered the idea of stripping Tatsuki of her powers, but the thought of erasing all her hard work and progress felt like a betrayal. He could attempt to alter her destiny again, but the unpredictable consequences made that option too risky. Sending her to Xcution crossed his mind, but the presence of Tsukishima and Ginjō made that plan fraught with danger. With Tsukishima around, there was a high possibility he would alter Tatsuki's past or even Ginjō imposing conditions on her Fullbring, in addition to the great risk of Yato making enemies with the Shinigamis if they found out that Yato had contact with the first substitute shinigami.

These thoughts weighed heavily on Yato, making his chest feel tight and his heart heavy. He longed to retreat, to lie down and convince himself this was all just a bad dream, but the reality was inescapable. He had to find a way to help Tatsuki without causing further harm, but he felt utterly lost.

Suddenly, a gentle hand rested on his shoulder, pulling him from his spiraling thoughts. He didn't need to look up to recognize the touch.

"Yato…" Rukia's voice was soft, laden with concern. She could see the turmoil written across his face, the tension in his posture. "We'll find a way to help Tatsuki. You're not alone in this."

Yato's eyes flickered with a glimmer of hope, but the weight of the situation still loomed large. "Rukia... I don't know what to do," he admitted, his voice breaking. "Every option feels like it could make things worse."

Rukia squeezed his shoulder gently. "We won't let that happen. We need to take this one step at a time."

Before Yato could respond, the soft click of a door opening drew their attention. Tatsuki emerged from the hallway, her face pale but composed. She had washed the blood from her hands, and her eyes held a determined glint. She approached them, her steps measured and deliberate.

"Yato, Rukia," Tatsuki began, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt inside. "I just received a message from Orihime on my phone."

Both Yato and Rukia turned to her, their expressions attentive. "What happened?" Rukia asked, concern lacing her tone.

Tatsuki took a deep breath, her eyes flickering with worry. "Ishida is in the hospital. Ichigo, Orihime, Sado, and Urahara are already there. Apparently, Ishida is okay for now, but they want to make sure no other Bount attacks him."

# Meanwhile #

In a mansion located on the outskirts of Karakura Town, the atmosphere was one of opulence and grandeur. The mansion itself was a sprawling estate, boasting intricate architecture and lavish decorations. Renaissance-style paintings adorned the walls, depicting scenes of myth and legend, while classical furniture adorned the spacious rooms. Elaborate banisters lined the staircase, leading up to the upper floors, and a sizable fireplace dominated one wall of the grandiose living room.

Despite the ostentatious surroundings, the mansion was shrouded in darkness, with only a dim light flickering from a single candle in one of the rooms. The soft glow cast eerie shadows across the ornate furnishings, creating an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue.

Seated in a plush armchair next to the faint illumination was a man of striking appearance. His sharp eyebrows and short, shaggy raven-black hair framed his face, accentuating his piercing gaze. Dressed in a black shihakushō without sleeves, he exuded an air of serenity, his white hooded shirt visible underneath.

The man was completely absorbed in a book, his attention focused solely on its contents despite the dim lighting. His brow furrowed in concentration as he flipped through the pages, his fingers tracing the intricate characters with practiced precision.

As the man continued to read, the door to the room swung open, revealing a tall, muscular figure. This newcomer had orange-brown skin, thin eyebrows, and a prominent nose. His dark red hair was cut short, framing his head in a distinct style. He wore a pair of bulky black headphones around his neck, a dark green tank-top, and blue jeans held up by a simple black belt. A tan-green pouch hung from his left thigh, secured by a thick diagonal strap, and his feet were clad in plain black shoes.

The man walked into the room with a slow, deliberate gait, his entire being soaked from head to toe. It was evident that he had braved the rain without much concern for his own comfort.

"Gō Koga?" the man reading the book spoke, without bothering to look up.

"It's pretty dark in here, Ichinose," Koga remarked, taking note of the dimly lit surroundings.

"I can read just fine, that's all I need," Ichinose replied, his attention still fixed on the book in his hands.

"You never change," Koga remarked with a hint of amusement.

"Go change out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold," Ichinose advised, still not lifting his gaze from the pages. "I'll make some tea for you at ten."

"No need to trouble yourself," Koga responded politely. "Changing the subject, what about the others?"

"They're all here... except maybe Hō and Ban," Ichinose replied.

Koga nodded, acknowledging the information. He turned to leave the room, his footsteps heavy against the polished floorboards. As he reached the doorway, he glanced back at Ichinose, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"And what about Kariya-san?" Koga asked.

"He's in his quarters."

The scene shifted to a room on the upper floors of the mansion, where a man stood before a large window, gazing out at the falling rain. He was tall and fair-skinned, with striking crimson eyes and thick, sharply arched black eyebrows that gave him a commanding presence. A thin vertical scar marred the left side of his chin, widening near the bottom, while his white hair was neatly cropped short, flaring upward and outward with horn-like tips on either side of his head.

The man wore an asymmetrically-designed dress shirt, the right half and left sleeve and breast of which were red, contrasting sharply with the black collar and the left half of the torso. An orange tie adorned his neck, its flat end adding a touch of eccentricity to his attire.

Lost in thought, the man remained silent until a voice broke through his reverie.

"Kariya-san... the Bounts are already gathered here," Ryō Utagawa announced, keeping a respectful distance from Kariya within the dimly lit room.

"Very well," Kariya responded calmly, his gaze still fixed on the window.

A heavy silence descended upon the room until Ryō spoke again.

"If I may, Kariya-san..." he began, his eyes fixed on the other man. "Why do you continue to treat Yoshino-san's behavior so lightly?"

"You needn't concern yourself with that," Kariya replied with a wistful smile. "Yoshino will return soon... one way or another, she won't be able to leave me."

He spoke as he observed through the window, noticing in the distance, amidst the pouring rain, the silhouette of a woman who seemed to be looking directly at him.