
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasie
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134 Chs

[Soul Society Arc] Part 82: Unforgivable Loss

In a striking departure from his previous combat tactics, where he strategically kept his distance from the opponent, Yato's approach had now shifted drastically. He advanced relentlessly towards the captain, and the clash of their zanpakutōs was marked by a fervent and passionate exchange of blows. Each strike resonated with intensity, as they locked in a fierce and unrelenting confrontation.

Yato: 'I need to weaken this guy a bit more for this plan to work...!' - He contemplated, his brow furrowed in concentration. His zanpakutō sliced through the air with precision as he launched an attack against Tōsen. - 'Ever since he activated Bankai, I've been struggling to extend the threads over long distances, as his reiatsu there quickly breaks them...'

Tōsen: 'This kid is dangerous... He attached himself to me and started attacking wildly, lacking any technique... but...' - After blocking another of Yato's attacks, Tōsen swiftly cut the young man's left shoulder with his zanpakutō. - 'It's still a futile effort...'

Yato winced at the new wound, and though he momentarily faltered, he hurled himself at the captain once more. However, his attack lacked the previous strength.

The ongoing duel was marked by a growing realization on Tōsen's part about the persistent and seemingly reckless assault from Yato, whose determination appeared unwavering, despite his weakening condition.

Cheshire: 'You could use your... you know...' - The feline's voice resonated within Yato's mind as the young man continued to exchange blows with Tōsen.

Yato: 'If I wanted to take this guy out, I'd use it... but my plan is to get out of here and stay hidden... But for me to slip under his radar, he'll have to be much weaker...'

The clash of zanpakutōs continued, the battleground fraught with tension as Yato grappled with his own moral choices and the execution of his strategy.

Yato pressed forward once more, and their zanpakutōs clashed. This time, Yato seized the opportunity to launch a swift kick at Tōsen's leg. He utilized Bringer Light to accelerate the force of his kick, impacting the captain with even greater strength, causing Tōsen to momentarily lose his balance.

Seizing the opportunity, Yato acted with calculated precision. He channeled his green-hued Reiryoku into his zanpakutō, focusing his intent on his target, and released it at point-blank range. The burst of energy erupted from his zanpakutō, hurtling towards the captain.

The aftermath of the explosive attack left the captain significantly affected, despite his unwavering stance. The lacerations on Tōsen's chest had deepened, and his once-pristine captain's haori was now in tatters, bearing the scars of their fierce confrontation.

As their zanpakutōs clashed once more, Yato embarked on a cunning. The young warrior, with a sly gleam in his eyes, carefully chose his words to convey a facade of nervousness.

Yato: "I'm sorry, Captain... but if you leave here in one piece, you'll only complicate things further for my friends..."

The captain's teeth gritted audibly, their zanpakutōs locked in an unyielding struggle, yet he chose to maintain a stony silence in the face of the young warrior's words.

Yato: "I can't defeat you... but if I can at least delay one of you... it will be enough to facilitate Rukia's rescue... even if I have to take you with me..."

The gravity of the moment was palpable as Yato's unwavering resolve filled the air. He began weaving an intricate web of thousands of threads, meticulously placing them in the surrounding them both. These threads formed an intricate pattern on the ground and hung in the air, creating a complex matrix of control.

Simultaneously, he channeled the vibrant green-hued Reiryoku into his zanpakutō, manifesting the potential for an unprecedented surge of power. The temperature in the immediate vicinity began to rise steadily, noticeable even to the captain.

Tōsen: 'A suicide attack?!' - His thoughts were laced with alarm and disbelief as he grasped the implications of Yato's intentions.

Yato: "Yon no Uta..." - The young man's voice was barely audible, drowned out by the crackling intensity of his power. His zanpakutō, enveloped in a pulsating, green-hued Reiryoku, was now ablaze with furious crimson flames.

Tōsen: "Don't do this!" - His voice carried a desperate plea, his eyes widening in alarm as he recognized the imminent danger.

Yato: "Zankyosanka..."

With a profound sense of determination, Yato further elevated his body's temperature, intensifying the potency of his blazing inferno. His zanpakutō, held aloft, descended with purpose, piercing the ground with a sharp, resolute thrust. In an instant, every thread, meticulously placed in the battleground, caught fire, transforming the area into a sea of flames.

A blinding surge of Reiryoku, amassed through meticulous focus, surged forth. The young warrior's eyes reflected a mixture of resolve and sacrifice as he harnessed his power to its peak. The air crackled with anticipation, and then, in a cataclysmic release of energy, the battlefield erupted into a deafening explosion.

Their surroundings became a chaotic canvas of swirling flames and fierce heat, engulfing both combatants in a maelstrom of power.

The black dome of Tōsen's Bankai began to crumble, dissipating into nothingness. The captain, battered and broken, found himself on his knees, leaning heavily on his zanpakutō. Each breath he took was a struggle, his body bearing the weight of grave injuries, and his ears still ringing from the thunderous explosion.

Yato lay sprawled on the ground before Tōsen, his body almost entirely charred by the cataclysmic outburst of power.

Suddenly, a third figure emerged at the scene, sprinting toward Tōsen. It was none other than the 9th Division's lieutenant, Hisagi.

Hisagi: "Captain Tōsen!"

The lieutenant's voice echoed through the fiery aftermath, concern etched on his face as he hurried to aid his gravely wounded captain.

The lieutenant swiftly extended his hand to help the captain rise to his feet.

Tōsen: "Hisagi...? My hearing is a bit fuzzy right now... but I recognized your reiatsu..." - The captain spoke in gasps. His face held a mixture of relief and fatigue, yet the deep lines of concern remained etched into his features.

Hisagi: "Don't worry, Captain. I'll get you to the 4th Division as quickly as possible." - Hisagi's voice conveyed unwavering determination and a sense of duty as he assisted Tōsen, their bond as lieutenant and captain evident.

Tōsen: "And what about him... Hisagi?" - He mentioned the fallen youth.

Hisagi looked at Yato, recognizing him from their previous battle. After gently propping the captain against a wall to provide support, the lieutenant approached Yato to assess his condition. Hisagi placed his fingers on the young man's neck to check for any signs of life.

Hisagi: "He... is gone, Captain... He's not breathing, and... his zanpakutō disappeared... most likely after his passing..."

Tōsen: "Despite his cowardly way of fighting... in the end, he gave his life to help his friends..." - The captain made one last effort and walked over to the young man's body. - "I... don't like this kind of thing... but..."

Hisagi: "What will you do, Captain Tōsen?"

Tōsen: "Cremate him... this may seem absurd coming from me... but... I'd rather give this young man a final rest than allow him to become another one of Captain Kurotsuchi's experiments..."

Hisagi remained silent during the captain's words. He knew that his captain wouldn't typically make such a decision, but under the circumstances, it seemed like the right one.

The captain placed his hand on the fallen young man's head, and a small amount of reiatsu emanated from his palm. The faint energy surrounded the youth's body as he prepared for the final act.

Tōsen: "Rest, young Ryoka... Hadō #54, Haien."

With a solemn gesture, the captain unleashed a purple sphere that expanded and enveloped Yato's form. The young Ryoka's body was consumed by the swirling energy, disintegrating into nothingness, leaving only the haunting silhouette of his figure behind.

Tōsen: "Let's go, Hisagi..." - He finally spoke after a minute of silence.

Hisagi: "Yes, sir..." - The lieutenant placed his hand on the captain's shoulder, and together, they vanished from the scene using Shunpō.


Chad stood face to face with the gigantic samurai, keenly aware of the overwhelming difference in power.

Komamura: "This is my Bankai, Yasutora Sado. Every Zanpakutō has two releases. The first one, where we call out the name of our Zanpakutō, is known as Shikai. Bankai is the final form of our powers. In honor of your unwavering loyalty, it's only fair that I respond in kind with everything I have."

Chad: "...I appreciate it, Komamura-san..."

The young man steeled himself for another assault as he charged towards the captain.

Chad: 'Ichigo... I will... beat this guy... It might cost me my life, but... if I survive... once more I'll swear... What we swore before... the same promise...' - These resolute thoughts echoed in Chad's mind as he kept his focus while the colossal blade of the samurai-like Bankai descended upon him.

Komamura: "Here I come!!! Yasutora Sado!!!" - The captain's resounding battle cry reverberated through the battleground as he raised his immense sword to strike.

With a powerful roar, Chad's outstretched fist unleashed a colossal energy blast towards the captain. The clash of forces was titanic, and for a fleeting moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. Then, the colossal sword of the Bankai made contact with the determined teenager, unleashing a cataclysmic force that formed a tremendous crater at the point of impact.

The energy blast that Sado had unleashed struck the captain, and despite Komamura withstanding a considerable portion of the attack, he was not unscathed. As he bore the injuries, he showed resilience and determination.

Soon, Komamura resealed his Bankai, returning his Zanpakutō to its sheath. He walked towards the colossal crater created by his Bankai's impact with a measured, yet imposing presence. His eyes carefully scanned the area, eventually fixing on Sado, who lay unconscious and gravely injured within the crater. There was a mix of awe and respect in Komamura's expression as he noted the incredible strength of the young man, who, despite the injuries, had somehow remained intact.

Komamura: "Tetsuzaemon!" - the captain's voice boomed.

In response, the 7th Division's lieutenant, Tetsuzaemon Iba, who had been defeated by Sado with a single strike earlier, appeared by his captain's side.

Iba: "Yes, sir."

Komamura: "He's still alive. Inform the 4th Division to secure him."

Iba: "Do you think, sir, that he might have been one of the culprits in the death of Captain Aizen?"

Komamura: "I don't think that's the case. But either way, it's one more reason to keep him alive."

Iba: "Yes, sir." - The lieutenant promptly vanished from the scene, leaving the captain looking down at the fallen teenager.

Komamura: "Impressive, Yasutora Sado." - The captain gazed at the young man's right arm, which had returned to its normal state. - "You seem to truly carry the arm of a giant."


Tatsuki sprinted through the Seireitei, her determination etched on her face. She pushed herself harder, her Bringer Light propelling her faster, and the tension in her body revealed her inner turmoil.

The guilt for leaving Sado behind weighed heavily on her as she desperately covered the distance. Her heart raced, and she couldn't help but worry about her friend's safety.

But as she continued her mad dash, her eyes caught sight of the ominous black dome in the distance. Fear and concern mixed on her face.

Tatsuki: 'Hang in there, Yato! I'm almost there–' - Her thoughts were abruptly cut off by a second surge of reiatsu, even more overwhelming than the first, coming from the direction she had come from. Her eyes widened as she saw the towering samurai in the distance.

Her sense of urgency peaked, and she had to make a decision. Tatsuki wanted to race back to help Chad, but she was already committed to reaching Yato. Her indecision wrenched at her, leaving her feeling torn.

Yet, in a matter of seconds, the ominous black dome shattered into pieces. Tatsuki's heart sank as she felt Yato's reiatsu vanish entirely for that brief moment. An eerie feeling of dread hung heavily over her.

Tatsuki took a trembling step towards the location where Yato had been. Her heart raced as she felt the ground tremble from the giant samurai's attack, followed by the drastic decrease in Sado's Reiatsu.

She clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white as her emotions swirled in turmoil. The sense of helplessness and fear was overwhelming.

Desperation took over. She activated her power, her eyes transforming into a blazing shade of intense gold as her focus sharpened. She could sense Chad's weakened Reiatsu, indicating he was alive, but when she tried to reach out for Yato's presence, it eluded her grasp. The ominous feeling of his Reiatsu fading sent shivers down her spine.

The girl chose to continue heading towards Yato, her heart pounding in her chest. When she finally reached the location, she was met with a scene of utter devastation. The once-pristine surroundings had been transformed into a chaotic battlefield due to the explosion.

She moved cautiously through the debris, her senses on high alert. The ominous feeling that had been lingering since her arrival seemed to intensify with each step, making her skin prickle with unease. She couldn't shake the sense that something truly terrible had happened here.

As Tatsuki's determined steps led her closer to the distant silhouette, a chilling realization crept over her. Her heightened senses, brought to the forefront by her emotional turmoil, laid bare a troubling truth... the remnants of Yato's reiatsu were intertwined with the very energy responsible for creating the ominous black dome. It was an unsettling revelation that left her with no room for doubt that someone had obliterated Yato without mercy.

The tremendous burden of grief, anger, and disbelief weighed heavily on her young shoulders. She felt a seething rage bubbling within her, threatening to consume her entirely.

Tatsuki's heart and mind were consumed by grief and anger, making her unaware of her surroundings. She didn't even realize when the black cat, Yoruichi, appeared at her side, racing toward her in concern.

Yoruichi: "Tatsuki! Tatsuki!! Snap out of it! We need to get out of here!"

Tatsuki: "They killed him..." - Her voice quivered with emotion, barely above a whisper, as if she were holding back a roar of fury and sorrow.

Yoruichi: "Tatsuki... you need to stay calm..." - Yoruichi's voice was soothing, yet there was a hidden tension in her tone, an unease born of the uncertainty surrounding Yato's death. - 'Yato's reiatsu vanished, and his opponent was Tōsen... Could this be Aizen's doing?'