
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasie
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134 Chs

[Soul Society Arc] Part 71: SO UNLUCKY WE ARE

After defeating the 9th Division lieutenant, Yato approached the unconscious lieutenant to check his condition.

The young Ryoka knew that a Shinigami is naturally more resilient than a human, so most of those injuries wouldn't be a problem for Hisagi.

Yato: 'But I should at least heal that hole in his stomach...'

Yato glanced at the wound on the lieutenant's stomach and sighed. The young man didn't want to resort to something so drastic, but he needed to take down the lieutenant as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, Yato knew he wouldn't be able to inflict damage with his zanpakutō while using the yellow flames.

The yellow flames of the third song of his zanpakutō possessed the ability to incinerate minor changes in the spiritual particles of other abilities, causing them to revert to their state before the alteration. In other words, it could nullify the powers of others. The flames needed to maintain contact with the ability Yato wished to nullify, and the lower the target's spiritual energy, the easier it was. The catch was that while the Zanpakutō generated these flames, it lost its cutting ability.

Cheshire: 'So, you used your third song the first time just to deceive him?' - The voice of the red cat echoed in the young man's mind.

Yato: 'That too. The truth is, I wanted to keep his mind occupied, trying to figure out what I could do. When I attacked him, I just wanted to confuse him, making him think I had probably already done something.'

Cheshire: 'So, his performance would decrease, and it would be easier to affect his reiatsu with your ability... clever move.'

Still with his zanpakutō in hand, Yato placed his hand on the blade, but before he could say anything, a voice caught the young man's attention.

Yoruichi: "You shouldn't be wasting time standing around here." - The voice of the black cat rang out as he approached Yato.

Yato: "Yoruichi? At least you're in one piece after that fall..." - He commented discreetly. - "I was about to check on the others... I felt like some of them were struggling..."

The black cat approached the lieutenant to assess his condition.

Yoruichi: "To think that you'd defeat a lieutenant so easily... I'm impressed by how much you and the others have grown in such a short time."

Yato: "I just got lucky... I guess..."

Yoruichi: "Lucky? You seemed to know exactly what you were doing..." - Yoruichi's eyes squinted slightly as the feline observed Yato, a hint of intrigue in his gaze. - "And you appear to be quite in tune with your zanpakutō." - He paused, a sly smile playing at the corner of his mouth. - "I must say, she has quite an exotic appearance."

???: "You have my sincere thanks." - The voice belonged to a tall, striking woman with long black hair and mesmerizing turquoise eyes. She seemed to materialize out of thin air, wrapping her arms affectionately around Yato's neck.

What intrigued Yoruichi the most about the woman was her extravagant attire, with shades of red and black dominating her clothing, and some details that resembled those of a bird.

Yoruichi: "And who might you be? Don't tell me you are –"

Ōkagetsu: "I am his zanpakutō." - She replied, her voice smooth and enigmatic.

Yoruichi narrowed his eyes for a few seconds as he looked at Ōkagetsu, who was gently waving while smiling.

Yoruichi: 'Kisuke didn't mention that Yato could already materialize his own zanpakutō...' - The feline thought, his curiosity piqued.

The young man casually turned his head toward Ōkagetsu.

Yato: "You decided to show up out of nowhere? What's the special occasion?"

Ōkagetsu: "How could I not show up? This is the first time you've faced someone for real, and we had the chance to demonstrate a fraction of our abilities. I wanted to personally see the state in which we left our opponent."

Yato: "Well... he's pretty wrecked..." - He commented casually as he redirected his attention to Hisagi, who lay unconscious with several burns and a hole in his stomach.

Yato's tone was a mix of amusement and curiosity as he regarded Ōkagetsu while Yoruichi observed the interaction with a keen interest. He still had questions about this mysterious zanpakutō manifestation, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye.

Ōkagetsu's turquoise eyes sparkled with a hint of pride as she looked at the fallen Hisagi. She seemed pleased with their performance in the battle, and her embrace around Yato tightened slightly.

Yoruichi: "Anyway, I'm glad you're okay after your fight, but the longer you stay here, the worse it gets. Other shinigamis may have sensed your reiatsu during the battle."

Yato: "But what about the others? And what about this lieutenant here?"

Yoruichi: "Your friends aren't in immediate danger for now, and as for this lieutenant, I'll stabilize his worst injuries. When others arrive here, he can be taken for medical treatment."

Yato: "Alright... I'll be on my way then..." - He said as he turned in the opposite direction.

Yoruichi: "Take care, Yato... you and your friends. Once they discover a lieutenant was defeated, the chances of the captains getting involved will be high..." - The feline warned the young man.

Yoruichi's voice held a note of gravity as he watched Yato depart.

As Yato sprinted, putting more distance between himself and Yoruichi, he made a conscious choice not to sheathe his zanpakutō. He remained vigilant, prepared for any potential surprise attack that might come their way.

Yato's grip on his zanpakutō remained firm, and his eyes scanned the surroundings with sharp focus.

Ōkagetsu: "Wouldn't it be better to alert your friends?" - The woman who was still embraced around Yato's neck spoke, her voice calm despite the urgency of the situation.

Yato: "You're right... I should. Let me just calm my nerves first..."

Yato closed his eyes and began to take deep breaths, his chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern. He was making a conscious effort to remain as calm as he could in the moment.

His mind wandered to the recent events – the daring rescue mission for Rukia and his relatively "peaceful" encounter with the lieutenant. Despite his outward composure, Yato couldn't shake a lingering sense of unease. His emotions, though controlled, simmered just beneath the surface.

Yato knew that the ability he was about to use was influenced by his emotional state, and this understanding only added to his anxiety. He had to reach a state of perfect calm to maximize its effectiveness.

The young man gripped his zanpakutō with both hands, raising it in front of him. His gaze was unwavering as he focused his energy, and gradually, ethereal blue flames began to emerge from the blade.

Yato's eyes held a hint of tranquility as he channeled his inner calm into the manifestation of his zanpakutō's power. He could feel the flames responding to his emotional state, gradually intensifying as he achieved a deeper sense of serenity.

Yato: "Ni no Uta, Aoitori." [二 の 歌・青い鳥, Second Song, Blue Bird]


Ichigo sat amidst the rubble of a wall that had crumbled under the impact of their last clash, his weary eyes fixed on the unconscious 3rd Seat. The aftermath of their intense battle hung heavy in the air, the tension slowly dissipating with each passing moment.

In the midst of this silence, Ichigo noticed Ikkaku's zanpakutō, now reverted to its Asauchi state, lying nearby. He reached for it, his fingers brushing against the hilt to extract the styptic concealed within the hilt of the zanpakutō.

Ichigo carefully applied the styptic to the wound above his left eye, hissing slightly at the initial sting before it was replaced by a numbing sensation.

With the cut above his eye now treated, Ichigo turned his attention to Ikkaku, his movements deliberate as he applied the styptic to the 3rd Seat's wounds.

As he finished applying the styptic on Ikkaku's wounds, Ichigo let out a sigh, a mix of relief and weariness. He knew that this moment of respite was temporary, and the challenges they faced were far from over.

After a few minutes, Ikkaku began to stir, slowly regaining consciousness. He blinked his eyes open, disoriented and groggy.

Ikkaku: "I'm not... dead. Why?" - He muttered to himself in a voice barely above a whisper, his words carrying a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

Ichigo: "You're awake, huh?"

Ikkaku's eyes widened in surprise as he heard Ichigo's voice. He turned his head slightly to see Ichigo sitting nearby amidst the rubble.

Ikkaku: "Ichigo... Why are still here?" - He asked, his body aching too much for him to move.

Ichigo: "I didn't know zanpakutōs reverted to their normal state after their owner passed out." He casually remarked, holding up Ikkaku's zanpakutō in his hand.

Ikkaku: "Hōzukimaru! Give it back!"

Ichigo: "Relax, I'm not going to steal it. I just needed the styptic stuff." - He grumbled, a hint of annoyance in his voice. - "But I used it all. That stuff works great."

He gestured toward the 3rd Seat, who now had all the cuts on his body covered with the styptic.

Upon realizing that Ichigo had tended to his injuries, even though he couldn't move, Ikkaku's face contorted with a mixture of indignation and frustration.

Ikkaku: "Do you have any idea what you've done?!"

Ichigo: "What? It's not like I could've asked for your permission first..." - He grumbled once more, a touch of irritation in his tone.

Ikkaku: "That's not the point!! Ugh! I knew something was off! That wound should've killed me!!" - He continued to shout, his voice filled with exasperation. - "By saving my life, you've... shamed me!! Grrrr... if I could move, I'd kill you right now!!"

Ichigo: "Wow... you're like... totally welcome," - He scoffed, his tone laced with sarcasm. - "If I knew you were gonna act like a jerk, I might have let you die."

With a grumble, Ichigo got to his feet and walked over to his fallen opponent.

Ichigo: "Anyway... I don't give a damn about how you feel. I just want you to answer a few questions."

Ikkaku: "Of course you do. That's just my luck. What do you want to know? My birthday?"

Ichigo: "Where is Rukia Kuchiki?"

Ikkaku's initial bravado seemed to wane as Ichigo posed the question.

Ikkaku: "Kuchiki? The prisoner? What do you want with her?"

Ichigo: "I came to save her."

Ikkaku: "What?! Save her?! How big is your team?! Seven? Eight people?"

Ichigo: "Seven. And a cat." - He replied casually.

Ikkaku: "A cat?!! Are you insane?!!"

Ikkaku's eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and incredulity as he processed Ichigo's response. The notion of a small team, including a cat, attempting to rescue someone as Rukia Kuchiki seemed utterly absurd to him.

Suddenly, the 3rd Seat burst into laughter, his boisterous guffaws filling the air.

Ikkaku: "Hahahahaha!!! You're unbelievable!! You're an idiot!!! Haha— Ow!!" - He began to grimace amidst his laughter. - "I laughed so hard that my wounds opened up again!!"

Ichigo: "Now who's the idiot..."

Ikkaku: "Ha... very well." - He finally managed to stop laughing. - "Go straight south from here, and you'll come to the barracks of the Gotei 13."

Ichigo: "Wh-what?! Are you really going to tell me?" - He asked, surprise evident in his voice.

Ikkaku: "Shut up! Be quiet, or I won't tell you!" - He took a deep breath, his injuries still bothering him. - "There's a white tower at the west end of the barracks. You'll find Rukia Kuchiki there."

Ichigo: "And why are you telling me all of this?" He asked, curiosity in his voice.

Ikkaku: "The prisoner means nothing to me. So if you want to save her, go ahead. Hurry, before the others arrive!"

The teenager turned, preparing to leave the scene.

Ichigo: "Thanks. I owe you one."

Ikkaku: "Don't make me vomit..."

As Ichigo was about to depart, Ikkaku suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had remembered something crucial. He quickly called out to the teenager.

Ikkaku: "Wait." - He waited for Ichigo to turn his face in his direction. - "I want to ask something... out of all your group, who's the strongest?"

Ikkaku's inquiry carried a hint of curiosity, his gaze fixed on Ichigo as he awaited the answer.

Just as Ichigo was about to respond to Ikkaku's question, another voice cut through the air, capturing the attention of both the teenager and the 3rd Seat.

???: "Hey there, Ichigo. Looks like you've finished your fight."

Ichigo and Ikkaku exchanged puzzled glances, their heads swiveling as they tried to pinpoint the source of the voice.

Ichigo: "That's Yato's voice...! But... where are you?"

???: "I'm up here..."

Ichigo and Ikkaku turned their gazes once more, this time upward. Their eyes landed on a peculiar sight—a bird-like creature composed of vivid blue flames perched on top of one of the walls.

Ichigo: "...Yato...?" - He asked, scrutinizing the creature more closely.

Ikkaku: "What the hell... So, besides bringing a cat, you brought a little birdie too...?"

{Yato}: "Before you jump to any idiotic conclusions... no, I didn't turn into a bird," - the fiery avian responded in Yato's signature sarcastic tone.

The moment hung in the air, a blend of amusement and curiosity etching the expressions on both Ikkaku and Ichigo's faces. Yato's knack for unexpected antics had left them momentarily perplexed, but the humor in the situation wasn't lost on them.

Ichigo: "So, what's with the flaming bird?"

{Yato}: "This is one of my zanpakutō's abilities. I can manifest some..."mini phoenix-like" constructs made from the blue flames. They're harmless but allow me to transmit my voice through them and also see what they see."

Ichigo: "Just when I thought you didn't have any more tricks up your sleeve..." - He grumbled under his breath, just loud enough for the fallen 3rd Seat to overhear.

Ikkaku: "I see... so this must be the friend you mentioned earlier..."

Ichigo's muttered remark conveyed a mix of amusement and mild exasperation. It seemed that Yato's ability to surprise never ceased, keeping Ichigo on his toes even in moments like these.

{Yato}: "Anyway, Ichigo... I just thought I'd give you and the others a heads-up. I could sense that Tatsuki defeated her opponent, whoever that might have been..." - It chimed in comically, trying to mask the fact that it already knew who Tatsuki's opponent was. - "But things might get a bit more complicated from here on out."

Ichigo: "What happened?"

{Yato}: "The guy I took down was a lieutenant. That means from now on, we might run into captains."

Ikkaku: 'So Kira and Hisagi were defeated too...' - He pondered silently.

Ichigo: "Got it. I also found out where Rukia is. According to the bald guy, she's in a white tower."

Ikkaku: "I'm not bald!! I shave my head!!" - He shouted indignantly.

{Yato}: "Shaving your head still counts as being bald, you know?" - Laughter echoed through the small phoenix. - "Anyway, it must be the tower one of my phoenixes spotted when I sent them to you and the others. Thanks, baldy. How can I repay you?" - He asked in an ironic tone.

Ikkaku's face reddened with a mix of anger and embarrassment as he vehemently denied being bald. Yato's banter seemed to strike a chord, earning a chuckle from Ichigo.

Ikkaku: "Would you all stop mocking me!! And you still haven't answered, Ichigo! Who among you is the strongest?" - He tried to protest, despite his limited ability to move.

Ichigo glanced at Ikkaku briefly and then directed his gaze towards the phoenix created by Yato. Just as he was about to respond, Yato cut in.

{Yato}: "Definitely Ichigo." - He replied swiftly, causing Ichigo to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

Ikkaku: "I see... So you'd better be careful with my captain, Ichigo," - He warned, his tone serious. - "He has no interest in the weaker ones. If you truly are the strongest, he'll definitely come after you."

Ichigo: "Is he strong?"

Ikkaku: "You'll find out... if you survive long enough to encounter him," - the 3rd Seat replied, his attention returning to the blue fire phoenix. - "Your name's Yato, isn't it? You'd better watch your back too... you and the one called Tatsuki you mentioned. I have no idea how strong you both are... but you managed to defeat lieutenants... That might be enough to make you targets for my captain."

Yato: "Lucky me..." - He said sarcastically, clearly unhappy with the notion of becoming a potential target for Kenpachi Zaraki.

Ichigo: "And what's your captain's name?" He asked with a touch of apprehension.