
Bleach: The One Who Wonders

When he appeared they called him the bringer of live. When he gained form they called him silhouette of death. When he walked the lands they called him the wander. Then the world tried splitting him in three, that upset him a great deal and he'd pout and grumble about how uncool and unfair the world is. *Important* This novel had no real 'plan,' I have a outline I want to follow but everything else it just seeing what I could come up with on the spot or through out the day. this is just for fun and seeing if I enjoy (or are any good at) writing as much as reading novels and fan-fics *Disclaimer* I don't own bleach or any other anime that might get referenced in this fan-fic

TheWalkingFog · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs



It was odd,

Being unable to see, hear, feel, taste or touch.

But not as scary as he thought it would be.

He thought, he thought a lot about his new situation and theories of what's happening. Eventually his mind wondered, he didn't know when or for how long but his mind wondered and thought, ranging from the answers of life and death to the thought of gods and goddesses. He was thinking about felling and emotions when he stopped as he thought of something, we would of pursued his lips and furrowed his eyebrows if he had lips and eyebrows as the thought he just had disturbed him more then he would like it to. The thought he just had was why was he thinking and wondering like this, he had known him self to space out and delve into the rabbit hole that was his mind but never to this extent, then he thought and wondered why. He hypothesized hundreds of answers but the best one he came up with was that his mind was forcing itself to think to not go into a mental breakdown over his situation or to escape the boredom of nothingness and the insanity and instability that followed, those where the two hypotheses he believed true. He remembered watching a video of someone that went into a sound and sightless room and only lasted 8~ minutes before his own voice started driving him self mad, and that was only losing two senses where as he lost all his senses, he wondered how long he would of lasted if he was not so distracted, then his mind wandered again.

'Crows' he thought 'Crowd would be…' before he could finish that thought he knew something happened, he could feel three something but couldn't feel it was inexplicable being able to feel but not feel. He focused on the three something and could somehow tell they were fundamentally the same but so different, the nave and structure were the same but that's were it all changed, one was chaotic and tainted, he tried to 'feel' it and direct it but it wouldn't move like it had a barrier around it. The second one was small in size compared to the first but it 'feed' the last energy and more of it seem to come from from know were, he could 'feel' and move this one around incredibly easily. The last energy which was the largest in quantity and was 'feeding' the first, he could 'feel' and direct it but not as easily and the second but what he found odd was that they all mixed and created and incredibly strong and vast energy that had properties of all of them and was as easy to control and direct and thinking.

He played played with these energy's and study them, he wandered was he could do with these energy's, he didn't know how long he played with the energy's and did not care. He paused he could 'feel' and 'see' something