
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 58: Yachiru

[The Past: ~895 A.D.]

"You're lucky, y'know?"

*fwip* *fwip* *fwip*

Candlelight paints warping shadows on a rickety wood wall. An earthly scent ruminates in a cavernous chamber. Loose soil and mangled roots hang from the ceiling. Creaking beams of wood support the dimly lit cave. 

Sitting behind a rudimentary desk is an obese man. Robed in a gilded kimono, his materialistic appetite is revealed in his behavior. Piles of bills and coins lay on the desk awaiting to be counted. A Tengu mask hides the rapture of the heavy-set man. 

The 'Fat Tengu' holds the position of Black Market Master. As evidenced by the colossal sum of money, profits constantly flowed into his pockets. His business had flourished upon finding his golden goose. Priceless gems had taken the form of a child who turned teenager. 

Two dim blue eyes smoldered in the gaping darkness. They observed the Fat Tengu flip through his earnings. A fleeting glimmer shot through the frozen sapphires. 

Hearing no response, the Fat Tengu peered up from his work. He gazed through the dark, settling on the pair of deep blue pupils. Satisfaction rippled through his veins. The Fat Tengu reclined in his simple chair and preached his doctrine. 

"I said you're lucky, y'know why? Because you haven't been sold off to the freaks and degenerates. All you have to do is fight every weekend. You have a talent. Come closer…"

*ching* *tin* *chiing*

A scrawny figure advanced into the wispy candlelight. Shadows burned at the surfacing presence. Illuminated by the spectral glow was a young woman. Aged through harrowing years, the little girl had grown into a feral teenager. 

Chains arrested her slender limbs, immobilizing the dangerous animal. Wild black hair covered the wraith's face, yet the biting blue pupils shone through. Her body was cloaked in shredded rags, hiding little of her growing body. 

The Fat Tengu smirked under his mask. He detected the wraith's gaze on his kimono. A thick, plump hand stretched into the kimono. Azure eyes glued onto the buried hand. And they soon widened at the following sight. 

A makeshift wooden sword was placed on the hectic table. The Fat Tengu leaned over, grazing his fingers over the crude weapon. A spiteful sneer took shape behind the mask. He picked up the sword and flexed the wood with his thumbs. 


*CHING* *tin*

Chains dragged closer to the Tengu's table. Feeling the presence of the wraith, the Tengu restricted the vengeful ghost.

"You've been very disobedient as of late. Remember…"

He flexed the wood even further.


*CHING* *TIN* *Tin*

"Remember, I have the 'keys' to your chains Yachiru. You are nothing but my blade. You serve only one purpose, to shed blood by the sword. It really is that simple. Understand?"



'I understand…"

"Good! It's always best for both parties to have an understanding!"

Candlelight dulled around the Wraith. She slowly slinked back into the shadows of the cave. Submission begot appreciation. The master tucked the wooden sword back into the folds of his clothes. All the excitement had made the Fat Tengu peckish. He stood up from his seat and strode toward the exit. 

Without looking back, he beckoned his slave. 

"Come along Yachiru. Let's get something to eat."

*Chiing~* *Chiing~*

Through dark, damp tunnels, the two climbed out of the Black Market's improvised vault. They crested a slope, reaching the main chamber of the Black Market headquarters. Men and women bustled with purpose. From mercenary swordsmen to renowned courtesans, the cave housed every essential service. 

Heads turned upon noticing the master of the Black Market. Respect poured off nearly a hundred bows. Held in high regard, the Fat Tengu was a sacred symbol of the underworld. Swords and spears were pledged to his enigmatic, covert cause. Morally corrupt, every vile crime was fair game for the Fat Tengu. His subterranean rule was founded on these principles. 

But secrets only last as long as lips stay sealed…


The earth quaked breaking loose chunks of the tunnel off the ceiling. Wooden supports shrieked from the unexpected tremors. Minor tremors soon ceased after which groups of guards organized themselves and set off to inspect the damage. 

A cautious calm developed inside the populated main chamber. Tilting his head in confusion, the Fat Tengu muttered to himself. 

'Strange. That didn't come from our explosives cache… come, Yachiru…'


The Wraith's idleness molded itself into an assumption of insubordination. Irked at his slave's reaction, or lack thereof, the Fat Tengu faced her. He parted his lips to scold her, but the hostile expression she made intrigued him. Keen blue pupils lingered on a distant cave opening. 

The Fat Tengu raised his hand, commanding the occupants into silence. His vision merged with the Wraith's. A soft hum trickled off the chamber's walls. Footsteps trailed after the rhythmic hums. 

'Hmmm~. Hmmm~. Hm~.'

*tsp* *tsp* *Tsp* *Tsp*


No guests were scheduled to visit the safeguarded secret headquarters. Paid sentries drew their weapons, waiting for the imminent arrival. Step after step, hum after hum, the air began to suffocate the inhabitants. The Wraith quietly backed away from her spot. From her odd actions, the Fat Tengu realized his own urges and slowly slid back. 

The hums grew louder. Its vibrations seemed to infiltrate the mental defenses of the cave dwellers. Grips on swords slackened at the soothing tune. All were drawn to the inhuman, buzzing ballads of serenity. Brought before the enchanting ambiance, none could imagine the figure who appeared from the distant, shrouded entryway. 

*tsp* *Tsp*

An abnormally dressed man stood with his hands behind his back. A tailored nocturnal black jacket coated a bizarre grey slate vest with buttons. Tucked under the vest was a peculiar collared white undergarment. Tied at the collar was an oddly long, red rag that descended into the vest. Lacquered black footwear and pristine white gloves added to the eccentricity of his exterior. His entire head was veiled by a skin-like white mask, allowing for only the eyes to show. 

A pair of iridescent eyes glanced around the room, noting the stupefied expressions. Humoring himself, the man cracked a joke.

"Hmm~? Did I overdress? Business casual was it? Hmm~…"

"May I know the reason for your unexpected visit, sir?"

The Fat Tengu felt his heart palpitate as the unknown visitor looked toward him. Under the dull glare, a shiver crawled up the Tengu's spine. 

As the unusual man paced forth, the guards remembered their duties and firmed their resolve. Playing with his words, the unwanted guest enlightened all to his advent. 

"A mouse skittered into my house the other day. It squealed and squealed about the cheese it stole. You must understand I was really surprised when the mouse sang of its hiding hole. For years the mice in this hiding hole fattened themselves off of other peoples' cheese! So, I made him sing. And sing. And sing until his throat ran dry. Imagine how disturbing it was to discover the filthy lair, my goodness! I was absolutely appalled! So… here I am to make all the mice sing!"

Most could fathom the undertone of the story. But none wanted to provoke the odd man. These upper-echelon guards honed their instincts and intuition to know inherent danger. They flinched as the unusual man gracefully bowed, placing his hand over his heart.

He announced his purpose to the audience in the chamber. 

"Since you have provided for the 'people' over all these years, it's only fair I return the same thrilling experience to you! I will be your conductor for tonight's performance!"


His other hand revealed a gleaming steel short sword. With charming decisiveness, he encouraged the bystanders.

"Your stage is set! Let's begin!"


"Kill him!"

"Close off the tunnel!"

Faced with more than forty adversaries, the conductor masterfully directed their hands and arms. He stood in place, patiently waiting for the first ensemble to pluck their strings. 

*Whoosh* *whoosh* *Shish* *Shuk*




*Shuk* *Shuk*

"Krok~! Braahghh~!"

*thud* *thud* *thud*

The monstrous man remained in flawless condition. Every attack had narrowly been deflected and counterattacked with precise stabs. His peculiar clothes were completely spotless. Once the first three had passed on, he eyed the Fat Tengu, stiffening the large man in his steps. 

"Is the show not what you paid for? Allow me to quench your boredom!"

*Shuup* *WHOOSH*

*shuk* *shuk*

"Noo~! AHH~!"

"My hands! KAAHH!"

*Shuk* *Shuk*

Far from the fountains of blood and airborne limbs, a pair of bright sapphire captured every moment in rhapsody. Shrill pirouettes were executed under the collaborative ruinous waltz.

The Wraith's breath was stolen. Her heart raced as the man lived every moment of his life in ecstasy. Humming as he frolicked through the showers of sallow and scarlet, the man flicked his wrist in motion. 

'Hn. Hn~. Hn. Hn~. Hn. Hnnn~!'

*Shuk* *Shuk*

"RUNNN! Karrraggh~!"

She watched, breathless. Opposite her was a passionate creativity drawn with the edge of a sword. All the torturous years spent in maddening carnage weighed upon her. But here was a man who embraced reality. Unashamed of the way in which the world revolved, he was alive…

Terrified by the jets of blood and heaps of flesh, the Fat Tengu searched for salvation. An object brushed against his skin from within his breast pocket. He quickly pulled out his slave's treasure, extracting his final option. Breaking the Wraith's trance, he fixed to destroy her worldly attachment. 


"Go Yachiru! Kill him!"


Snapped from her daydream, the Wraith rushed forth. She pressed her feet against the wet earth. A murderous glint in her cold blue eyes. As the conductor concluded his vivid serenade, the Wraith scooped up a sword. Soon enough, every combatant and associate met their demise. 

*Tsp* *Tsp*


They faced each other, swords in hand. Though they were bound to collide, the two conjured an air of intimacy. Their first impressions were rendered null. Neither could care less if the other was draped in fine silk or threadbare rags.

He bowed in greeting. Compelled by a foreign feeling, she instinctively curtsied. Emotional kindling gently purified the hazy memories she had once locked away. 

The Wraith felt confused as the mental murkiness thinned. But the clemency she was granted didn't last long…



The Fat Tengu was furiously frothing at the mouth. Her inaction fueled the fear he attempted to smother. Apprehensive of the unusual man, the wraith gathered herself and assumed a formless stance. 

A feathery chuckle sent a tingle through the Wraith's body.

"Heh~. Learning how to fly? Mmm~. A cave isn't the best place to spread your wings. How about a change of scenery?"

The man stared up at the ceiling. Encompassing the Wraith, the Fat Tengu, and the unusual man, a mirage of pressure fired upward. Sparing no explanation, the eccentric man swiped his tantō with broad strokes. 


*Shik* *Shik* *Shik*

*Rumble* *QUAKE* 



Clumps of dust rained onto the three as the ceiling exploded. The vast network of caves collapsed like dominos, forming into fissures. Caving tunnels resulted in minor tremors. Unlike the rest, the main chamber found itself exposed to the radiant moonlight. A space had been carved into the ceiling. 

A sudden gust of wind blew past the Wraith. 

*shuuu~* *kik*

*Clang* *Thud* *Thud*

"There. Should move a little easier now."

Hearing the contentment in the odd man's voice, she peered down at her wrists and ankles. The Wraith stood in silence, absorbing every ounce of freedom she could. Her heart swelled. 

The voice of her savior roused her from the daze. 

"Only know how to fight huh? That's fine. There's always time to learn new things. I'll give you one shot. If you can wound me, I'll fulfill any request you have."

Sensing the sincerity in his speech, the Wraith nodded in agreement. She retook her stance and rushed forward. Meters closed in seconds. Thrill pumped blood through her veins. Opting to gamble, she lunged at him, aiming to thrust her sword into his heart. Inches separated her blade and his skin. 

In the blink of an eye, an airy, stomach-fluttering sensation engulfed the Wraith. 

Her body was leisurely whisked around. Hands caught her waist and lead wrist, twirling her in a dizzying spin. When her skipping heart subsided, she found herself chest-to-chest with her savior. 

Shimmering oceans of azure met the boundless bewitchment of the night sky. A brief stare lasted for hours. 


A warmth emanated from the top of her chest. She lowered her gaze to find a fresh wound at the top of her sternum. The man quickly split from the Wraith, lightly teasing the guarded woman. 

"There. Now you know how to be hurt. Heh~."

Incapable of processing the surge of emotions, the Wraith passed out. 



Burning wood seeped into the Wraith's nose. Chirping insects signaled nature's nightlife. She woke to the heat of a roaring campfire. Remembering the recent encounter, she quickly stood up. Smoke rose, obscuring the opposite side of the clearing.

A soothing voice pacified her worries.

"Calm down. Everything's over."

Perplexity made her head pound, compelling her to sit down. She stared through the dancing flame, watching the bending impression of an oddly dressed man. Cracked lips split to question the strange man. 

'Why didn't you kill me?'

"Meh. 'Cause you're important."

Confusion rattled the Wraith's vacant mind. Before she could satiate her curiosity, the man steered the conversation.

"I set some new clothes aside for you. I didn't bring a spare sword, so you'll have to take the one I brought. Ohh~! There's a little food and money stashed in the clothes. And one more thing…"

He stood up and walked around the fire. Standing face to face, he opened his hands.

"Does this belong to you?"

The Wraith gazed at his hands. Broken fragments of her keepsake lay in the man's palms. She carefully gathered the shards of wood and laid them in the grass. Piece by piece, she silently repaired the first memory. 

Tears welled in her eyes as she gazed at the engravings. 

[卯ノ花 / Unohana]

The little girl's throat dried as distant dreams gained droplets of color. She uttered the earnest desire of her broken heart. 

'Dad, I'm still waiting…'

*Tsp* *tsp*

Fading footsteps interrupted her fuzzy recollection. She stood back and saw her savior's back. Fumbling with her words, the little girl yelled out. 

"W-wait!? W-what do I do now?"

Her savior cocked his head as he turned to face her. Confusion infused his voice. 

"What to do huh? Hmm~. How about this, if you can find me in the future, I'll grant you any request. Sound good?"

"Bu-but I don't know your name!"

The man was visibly taken aback by her sudden revelation. He quickly shook his head and chuckled. 

His reasons were his own.

"Hehe. No way I'm gonna tell you. Figuring it out is part of the fun."

"Is that so?"

"That's how it is. Here, if it makes you feel better, I'll ask you instead. Your name, what is it?"

The girl looked down at her feet, reading the fractured letters of her shattered sword. Distant echoes of her father's warnings rang in her mind. Muddled and distorted, her real name remained locked away.

The girl hesitated to bear the name. 


She peered up from her feet. For a moment, she wavered. Doubt and distress riddled her body. But all of it evaporated once the man nodded his head and shone his smiling eyes. 

His parting words were etched in her heart. 

"It's a lovely name. Even if you don't like it, I do. Ahh! I forgot to say congratulations Yachiru! You're free! Free from everything…"


Leaving no trace, he vanished into the night. 

Standing next to the campfire, the girl's fingers touched her bandaged chest. She settled onto the ground and watched the crackling flames.

Her bright blue eyes slowly closed shut. Lips curling up into a small smile, she quietly recited her name.
