
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 45: And Then It Was Three

[Yachiru POV]

Amazing. Furoufushi-san is truly incredible. It was worth all the trouble to follow them. Just witnessing that battle made my heart palpitate as if I were crossing blades myself. Though I must admit, there wasn't enough bloodshed. That would be the only complaint I have. But I suppose that's the difference between a blood feud and a rivalry. 

Not everything needs to die. If you cultivate and care for something enough, it will grow and grow until it blossoms into something magnificent. 

Should I begin a rivalry as well?

But who would be a good choice?

It would be improper to select Furoufushi or Batsu'unsai, or would it? I believe it would be more interesting to find someone new, someone I have little knowledge about. A person with presence or a lack thereof. 

I scanned through the hundreds of Shinigami, yet the possibilities were endless. All who are present are worth clashing against. All are worthy enough to cross blades with me. But I only wish to face them once. Should it end in death or destruction, I wish to exchange blows with all. I suppose this is what's called quantity over quality? But, I feel the enjoyment would soon trickle from me. 

There is only one person I wish to battle against more than once. The only one to draw a scar upon my body. No wound is like this one. No other wound has left a mark on my soul. This exquisite carving is something I cherish. 

This intense warmth. This tender comfort. These genuine feelings that have been poured into me.

Is there a point in finding a rival?

No one else can provide this feeling I yearn for. 

This sole scar is the only mark I will accept for the rest of my life…

I must climb. I cannot stop. I must reach their heights…

So, we can perform our ruinous waltz forevermore. 

I suppose some would find this future to be strange. But for me, it is…

Perfectly strange.

My eyes wandered to a tall man who stood amongst the masses of nobility. Even as people pass us by, his eyes met my own. I found myself lost in his cavernous wells of pure black. Yet I couldn't fully submerse myself in the lightless cavities as he snapped his head back to the thick-whiskered man beside him. 

I caressed my scar, trying to soothe it. Every now and again, it would flare up without warning. There was no rhyme or reason, it simply distracted me at times. Though it wasn't irritating, it certainly interrupted what I was doing at the given moment. 

I restarted my survey, casting my vision in wide arcs, capturing figures with vigor. A few had caught my attention, yet they appeared to have matured. I would like my rival to grow alongside me, nurturing their potential as we clash over the course of decades. 

Someone young. Someone with excellent potential. Someone interesting. Another challenge for the future.

Oh? You were there, weren't you? I should introduce myse-


A man erupted from afar, his bellowing voice echoed across the hill. Curiosity stopped me in my tracks. I faced the commotion to find four men glaring at me. Dressed in Shinigami garb, I tried to find them in my memories, but to no avail. They are strong enough by my standards, I just haven't had the time to learn everyone's name yet. 

Hundreds of names, the thought is a little overwhelming. 


These men appear to be quite lively, though their ashen pallor and malnourished appearances speak of illness and malady. They claim I killed someone they knew. Well, I did dispatch quite a few Shinigami coming here. Though I can't be entirely sure of the total amount, it must've been around ten or so. 

Mmm. All ten were very accommodating, letting me pierce their skin so easily. Not particularly great battles, but battles nonetheless.

"That woman is no Shinigami! She has no clansmen! She's a criminal!"

A criminal? I suppose you could classify me as one. I'm also curious about what my charges would be. A hundred counts of murder? No. Maybe around a hundred and twenty. Each one was as exciting as the last.

Speaking of which, it appears I'll be adding four more to my tally. 

"Let them through."

""Thank you Jujisai-dono!""

"Genryūsai. No longer do I go by Ejisai or Jujisai. Ensure you remember that."

Hooh? I've found another excellent opponent. I can feel the heat radiating off his stalwart shape. Burly and brawn, his stature reminds me of a volcano. Bubbling and smoking in anticipation. But his actual temperament is something along the lines of a wildfire. Destructive and devouring. 

I'll remember your face, Genryūsai.

The steps of the four men caught my attention as they pushed through the guards. I was lucky to be let into the perimeter. That woman with four golden arms was exceptionally courteous and thoughtful. I should thank her when I have the chance. 

Although she didn't carry blades, a duel with her would be enjoyable. 

"You butchered five of my men. I expect you to repay us in full. Either leave with us or rot in the Senzaikyū. What's it gonna be?"

Oh! How thoughtless of me. The situation almost slipped me by. These four gentlemen don't appear ready for combat. Repayment, is it? I spent all my savings on sweet and spicy dango. It seems I've found myself in a predicament. 

It's best to be polite before I send them off.

"Unfortunately, money is not something I have at hand. Furthermore, I haven't the slightest idea of where you intend to take me, so I will have to decline your offer."


I don't believe I made a joke. They really don't understand the meaning of personal space. Do they not realize I'm armed? Walking up to me so unguarded is a terrible plan. 

One such man inched closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. Have they never been taught manners? A flash of sweltering heat surged from the scar on my chest. I'll have to soothe this wound the only way I know how.

'It's okay, we'll forgive you, just com-"

I unsheathed the tanto gripped in my right hand. With a steady breath, I exposed the blade from my sleeve. None of the four noticed my obvious aggression, so I continued and painted with the colors I was given. 

I lightly drew the blade along his lowered neck, nicking his carotid artery just enough for it to release. Blood wetted his neck as I continued and opened his hollow larynx to the air. Once I had finished, a graceful arc had pried open his respiratory pathway and arteries. Not my best work and certainly a far cry from the beautiful mark on my chest. 

*Shuukkk* *Shprrr~*

The scent of iron stung my nostrils.

"Ockkk~ Braugghh~! Ahuurragh!"

Hands reaching for his bloodied neck, he struggled to formulate words. After realizing his state, he stared at me in shock. His previous ashen pallor turned stock white, conquering his complexion as death neared. It's a very sad affair when people lose their lives. I will pray for you tonight. May your passing end quickly. 

*thud* *Thud*

His body dropped to the ground, starting at the knees and then folding over into a heap. The light in his eyes slowly faded, gawking up at me in refusal. But none can escape the final destination. He took his last choked breath as he writhed in the dirt. A pool of blood washed my feet. I should probably explain my reason to the other three. 

"I don't remember saying you could touch me…"

That may have come out a little harsh. 



But we haven't exchanged names yet…


[Batsu POV]

Without warning, she killed a man. Without mercy. She didn't even bat an eye. Now a body lays at her feet. Her expression hasn't changed. That relaxed expression fixed on her face. 

Is this still the same girl that nibbled on dango?

Despite the lack of outward change, I can't help but feel that she's become an entirely different person. 

Where did Yacchan go?


The three stunned Shinigami snapped out of their daze, drawing their swords with twisted scowls. All three collapsed on her position, slashing at her body, but their timing was offset. The man at her left swung first. Her right side was covered by a man with a slower draw and slash. And lastly, at her rear, the slowest man had fumbled with his draw, not even having attacked her yet.


In a tranquil state, Yachiru revealed the other tantou in her left and caught the first oncoming swing from her left. Her right hand glanced the second man's blow toward the ground. She pushed off her right foot, closing in on the man who first attacked. With smooth precision, she thrust her right tantou into the left man's stomach.



Her gloomy blue eyes remained locked on the left man. No emotions decorated her face as she removed her tantou. The next moment, she stuck the man again. This time, she drove it into his upper abdomen. 








"P-PLEASE! HAAH! Ahh, she…*whimper* she killed me… NO! PLEASEEE!"

In two seconds, she plunged her tantou into his belly four times, drawing blood like a faucet. She let go of the wailing, bloodied man and ducked, tangled hair suspended in the air. 


A slash passed over her head, cutting through some locks of hair. She spun from her crouch, facing the opposite direction. From her low position, she drove both tantōs into the second man's feet, pinning him to the ground. 



*tang* *Thud*

Unable to support his weight, he dropped his sword and soon fell to the ground. Resting on his posterior, his hands tried to wrestle and wrench Yachiru's hands, trying desperately to unpin his feet. Calm and relaxed, she twisted her blades, boosting the pain in his feet. 



"Grrgh! Hey. Wait… wait, wait! Hey! WAIT!"


With his lack of resistance to the pain, she drew her blades out of his feet. The two met eyes before the end. He cried out, hoping she would stop. But no mercy was given as she slowly drove her blade into his throat. His eyes flickered in helplessness and despair.

Her chapped lips parted, allowing for a serene voice to flow. Her passive aggressiveness shone through.

"Please, this is combat, not a conversation…"