
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 20: Training Talks

"So, here's what I have to say."

Standing at the base of the mound, Furoufushi and Batsu'unsai quietly listened to Kenji. Rubbing his chin, he focused on his eldest.

"Fu-chan, you've come a long way since we first started. We'll touch on the basic movements this week. We can talk about your Zanpakutou after you and Batsu have done the mud run. Like I said before, put those weights on your legs. Stamina, Stamina, Stamina. That word should be carved into your skull by the end of this month."

His gaze turned to Batsu'unsai. Peering down at her with squinting eyes, he forwarded her regimen.

"The spar was impressive Batsu. I'm sure Fu-chan could agree. You possess a natural stability that's hard to find. When you focus, you need to set everything else to the side. That can hold you down in the future. You'll figure it out with more spars. Previously, I told you how I preach two schools of thought: Emotional Expression and Absolute Harmony. I can't teach you these things since your Nihilism is still there. However, I can introduce you to the path."

From behind his back, he revealed a katana. Its appearance was similar to Furoufushi's, distinct decorations were absent. Kenji descended down the slope and handed Batsu the sword. Grabbing it and unsheathing it, her eyes grazed over the curving weapon. His laidback voice entered her preoccupied mind.

"You have two weeks. If you can't hear anything by then, we'll stop your training, indefinitely. Of course, you can still work at the teahouse if you fail."

She felt confused and uneasy. Adjusting her glasses, she repeated his words in a hurried voice.

"Hear anything? Hear what?"

Kenji just gave her a small smile and patted her on the shoulder. He refused to comfort Batsu's anxiety.

"That's for you to find out. For now, Fu-chan! It's time we start the run."



After receiving the sword, Batsu's training turned dreadful. The spar earlier in the morning had drained her energy almost completely. Kenji instructed the two to march through the mud at different paces. Without saying anything, Furoufushi took off, however, the leg weights changed things. Tumbling in the mud she restarted and repeated a dozen times until she succeeded.

Batsu'unsai was much the same. Her biggest problem stemmed from her glasses. Mud and sweat obscured her vision, stopping her from advancing. Pairing that with the lack of energy and she became a literal walking disaster. The clumsy falls and yelps of distress numbered around one hundred. Her entire body was caked in wet soil. Every time she breathed or sighed, flecks of mud disrupted the passageways of her nose and mouth. The checkered red and black hanten became heavy and uncomfortable.

She managed to keep the sword clean most of the time. Although the value of the training seemed strange, she followed through, exerting just above the minimal amount of effort needed. Seeing Furoufushi finish ahead of her was inconsequential. She moved at her own pace while the two spectators sat on the mound.

Kenji and Furoufushi watched Batsu trudge through the mud. Kenji's dull black eyes were fixed on the 'stumbling' girl. A disdainful sneer spread on Furoufushi's face.

"She's not even trying, the mutt. Isn't she a bad fit? Like you told that Shinigami guy. Those err~… three reasons or whatever."

"You remember huh? Mmm~. You're right she's a bad fit."

Kenji agreed with her sentiment, much to her confusion. Her right eye narrowed.

"So why train her?"

"It's about what she can be. What her reasons could be. Right now, she's raw and directionless. She isn't like you, fighting against a system feeling trapped or cornered. And she hasn't become a butcher who enjoys the thrill of the sword. Which leaves…"

"Defending the world? That doesn't make sense. She's not the type. Look at her. Pretending to huff and puff, the brat. She's decades too young to match against anyone."

"Mmm~. You're right, she's young. Likely in the first half of her first century. But you're also wrong."

Furoufushi turned her head to look at him, eyebrows scrunched. He resumed with deliberate, measured words.

"I don't like those that 'defend the world'. I appreciate the ones who 'fight for their world'. Whatever may come, they wish for the safety of 'their' world. Their small world is what they truly value above all things, everything else, they can live without."

Kenji's eyes sharpened as they stared off into the distance. Furoufushi's eye widened as his relaxed face transformed into a loathing sneer. His growling voice dripped with disgust and repulsion.

"The ones who defend the world don't know anything. Fools. The world doesn't stop for anyone. They'd remain unfulfilled and unsatisfied for the rest of their miserable lives. Change is a natural law, to defend against it is a fool's errand. Heroes belong to people, not the damn world."

His gaze softened as it returned to the spitting mud-covered girl down the slope. Furoufushi turned back to observe Batsu's development. Tripping and yelps echoed through the wet fields. Kenji's expectations hung in the air.

"Luckily, I don't think our youngest is a fool. Like you, she has the potential to fall under all three reasons. Right now, one reason is enough, for both of you. It's just a matter of 'if' she'll find it. But I have to say… My~!"

He placed his hand up to his mouth in mock shock, eyes widening. Kenji's sarcasm slapped Furoufushi's face.

"Talking so much about the youngest! It seems my firstborn is worried about her little sister! Wow! You've grown up into such a fine young lady. *Sniff* I'm so proud!"

He wiped the fake tears away.


*fwip* *fwip* *fwip*

She erupted in fury. But her red face and fidgeting fingers betrayed the undercurrents she felt. She swung her fists in a blind rage, missing his darting body. Kenji's amused laugh fueled her ambition. Slipping past her, he headed toward the basket on the mound, ignoring the fuming student.

He picked up her Zanpakutou and extended it out to her.

"Alright Fu-chan. Let's get you back on track."

She snatched her sword with a huff. A small pout rested on her face as she sat down on the grass. Laying the Zanpakutou across her lap, she prompted a question.

"How do I fix this? She still won't talk to me."

Kenji sat down, facing her. Scratching his nose, he delivered a simple solution.

"You're out of touch with your Zanpakutou."

His lack of 'profound' words caused her eye to twitch. She yelled at the casual man.

"I already know that!"

Kenji chuckled and carefully arranged his instruction.

"Harmony. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Like that thought school stuff you talk about? Didn't you want me to do Emotional whatcha call it instead?"

"You're right. You're more in line with Emotional Expression weapon arts. But I'm not talking about that kinda stuff. Harmony with a Zanpakutou is a separate thing from the two paths. Harmony with your Zanpakutou is needed to communicate and achieve Shikai, the first release. Take a look at Batsu. What pisses you off about her?"

Puzzled, Furoufushi scratched her head as she answered.

"She's a fake. Tries to hide stuff inside. She's a brat basically."

"Mmm~. So. If she tries to hide stuff inside, do you think she can properly communicate with others?"


"Right. She's all messed up inside. And while you're not as bad as her, your Zanpakutou still doesn't feel comfortable with you as you are now. You're avoiding it."

"I'm not avoiding my Zanpakutou! She just doesn't like me!"

Kenji shook his head in firm rejection. Pointing his finger at her chest, his words carried a profound significance.

"Not the Zanpakutou. You. It's what 'you' are avoiding. Fragments of yourself that you've been avoiding or have yet to discover. The spirit has accepted you for what you will ultimately become. It's only you. What is it that you can't accept. Fractured harmony within yourself. Gathering all of the pieces is the first step."

Silence fell over the two as he lowered his arm and closed his eyes. Furoufushi's mind became cluttered like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle. Questions and answers swam around her. Every time she arrived at a possible answer to what she was avoiding, another fragment sprung up. Wandering ideas and hazy memories troubled her mind, eventually overwhelming her.

Kenji's tender voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"You have plenty of time. There's no need to rush. Talk if you want, that's what I'm here for."


"Yes. Talk."

Such a foreign concept confused her even further. Her lips pursed as she considered what he meant. Kenji spoke one last time before standing up.

"Take your time. If you need to, you know you can always come to me. For now, let's head back."

Leaving the one-eyed girl to her thoughts, he picked up the wicker basket and traveled down to Batsu. Having finished the balance training, she lay down on the ground. She stared up at the fluffy, white clouds until Kenji's presence alerted her.

"Come Batsu. We're heading back. Both of you need a serious bath, ha!"

His amused snort caused her forehead to throb in annoyance. Glasses flashing, she sat up and looked at him. Her 'friendly' banter shot back.

"Says the old man. How old are you? Wait, don't tell me. The fact that you smell like an old person tells me everything I need to know."


She got up and walked past the depressed salaryman. His lips curled down as he lowered his head to smell his happi. One sniff and Kenji's head fell. A cracked voice slipped from his thinned lips.

'W-why didn't anyone tell me?'