
Bleach: Echoes of the Spirit.

Meet Hideki Fujioka, a golden-eyed, street-smart, and survival expert teenager from South Rukongai, District 22. He lives a daily routine of petty theft for food, ducking from enforcers and stealing from minor local nobles. One day, his life takes a drastic turn when a certain soul reaper steps into the picture. The soul reaper, intrigued by Hideki's extraordinary spiritual energy, totally out of place on a scrappy, homeless kid, decides to uproot Hideki from his life of theft and toss him into the Spiritual Arts Academy. A/N: This story takes place a decade before the events of Turn Back The Pendulum Arc, so don't expect us to meet Ichigo and the others for a long, long time. Also, this story will be more of a slow burn than my other fics. I'm trying to write something that could actually be a part of the Bleach Universe, so expect more of a slow burn, I'm not about to rush my way into more interesting plot points. I hope that's alright with you all.

KindaWeirdChampBro · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter three: Spiritual Arts Academy.

Rangiku's voice was a whisper, the delight in her tone unmissable. "This is so good." She held up a bright green fruit, a renewed spark in her eyes. "What exactly is it?"

Hideki could only offer a nonchalant shrug, his back comfortably pressed against the cool stone wall as he watched her. "Honestly, I don't know. I just picked what looked tasty."

There was a tangible change in her. Within an hour, Rangiku's state had improved remarkably. Her once labored breaths were now steady, and a delicate yet steady hum of spiritual pressure radiated from her, indicating a slow but steady recovery.

"Huh?" Rangiku's head lifted, curiosity marking her features. "You've never had this before? You really should."

"Eh?" Hideki's brows raised, the fruit suddenly pushed into his hands. "I'm fine, really..."

"No, you have to try it!" There was an imploring look in her eyes, one he found hard to refuse. "I'd feel bad if you don't."

With an audible sigh, Hideki caved. He had learned in a relatively short time that debating with Rangiku was an effort in futility. "Okay, okay..." Taking a closer look at the fruit, he twirled it in his hand before popping it into his mouth. The crisp sound of his biting and chewing echoed around the alleyway as Rangiku observed him with anticipation.

"It's... really good..." Hideki finally admitted, relishing on the sweet flavor as he polished off the fruit in no time.

"See?" Rangiku's face lit up in a victorious grin, picking up a piece of bread and taking a tiny bite.

"In District 22, we don't have these." Hideki confessed, already reaching for another apple. "I guess it only grows around here...? And why does it have so many seeds inside of it anyway?'' He whispered as he spat on the ground.

"District 22?" Rangiku put down the bread she was eating, her gaze filled with astonishment as she looked at Hideki. "Isn't that, like, really far?"

"It is," Hideki agreed, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched her. "Why? Something wrong?"

"Just...you traveled all the way from District 22 to here. That's quite a distance. You must have a reason," Rangiku said, her deep blue eyes meeting Hideki's golden ones.

"Actually, this isn't my final stop," Hideki clarified, a casual shrug lifting his shoulders. "I'm headed to the Spiritual Arts Academy." He leaned further into the wall, his gaze focused ahead. "I don't know much about it, but it's in the Seireitei. I'm on my way there now."

"You're going to become a soul reaper?" Rangiku's brows shot up, surprise evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I guess," Hideki murmured, eyes drifting towards the dirt beneath their feet. "I met someone. A nice guy who said he'd take me there, help me get stronger." His gaze grew distant, thoughts swirling. "He's from this district, so we thought we'd make a quick stop."

"So, you're leaving soon?" Rangiku asked, her voice holding a note of disappointment.

"Well, not right away," Hideki reassured, waving off her concern as he tipped his head back to look at the darkening sky. "I've still got some time. He told me I had till suns... Oh." His words trailed off, the sky drawing his full attention. The once radiant oranges and purples had given way to a dark expanse, filled with bright stars.

"Damn," he muttered under his breath, realization hitting him. "I'm late."

"Huh?" Rangiku echoed, craning her neck up to follow his gaze. "Wow, got late fast, didn't it?"

"Looks that way," Hideki groaned, his fingers raking through his hair. "Damn, this isn't good. What if he left without me?"

"I don't think so," Rangiku offered gently, her fingers nervously tugging at her sleeve. "If he's anything like you, he's probably still waiting."

''Damn it..." He mumbled, sighing heavily as he pushed away from the wall. "I gotta go find him now."

"Oh...okay," Rangiku nodded, her posture sagging a bit. But she summoned a brave smile. "You should go, then."

"No need." A voice, unmistakable to Hideki, echoed through the alleyway. Emerging from the shadows was none other than Makoto. ''You need to get a lot better with masking your spiritual pressure if you plan on hiding from me, Fujioka.''

"Makoto, I..." Hideki began, but his words stalled in his throat as Makoto stepped closer, a cunning smirk playing on his face. However, as he moved nearer, that smirk smoothed into a softer, kinder smile. "I think I get it, Fujioka," Makoto said, his gaze flickering to the blonde girl as he brushed past Hideki, carrying small bags in his hands.

"And who might you be?" He asked, setting the bags down and resting a hand on Hideki's shoulder. ''You found yourself a friend while I was gone?''

"Matsumoto Rangiku, sir," the girl piped up, pushing herself up and stepping closer to them. Makoto offered her a soft smile, nodding at her. Meanwhile, Hideki stiffened at the touch, subtly shrugging Makoto's hand off. "It's not like that," he mumbled, his hand rubbing his neck uncomfortably.

Makoto laughed at that, a warm sound that echoed through the quiet alley. "I see, I see," he said, patting Hideki's back in a good-natured way. "You can fill me in on the way to the Seireitei."

"I'm sorry," Rangiku suddenly apologized, her eyes cast down. "It's my fault that..."

"Don't sweat it," Makoto cut in, shaking his head. "No harm done." His eyes softened as he looked between the two of them. "We should get moving, though. It'll be dark soon and we've still got quite the journey ahead."

"I guess this is..." Rangiku started, but Hideki quickly cut her off, his own words tumbling over hers.

"We'll see each other again, for sure!" Hideki stated, cutting her off. "We're definitely gonna meet again!"

Rangiku blinked, a warm feeling spreading through her. "I'll be waiting, then," she said, smiling back at him.

"Alright, Fujioka, let's get going," Makoto said, nudging Hideki towards the road. He seemed surprisingly mellow, his voice softened from his usual boisterous tone. With a final wave, Hideki spun around, and in the blink of an eye, he and Makoto were gone, their figures blurred and then disappeared completely.

"Ah..." Rangiku's eyes dropped to the bags left behind on the ground. "You forgot..." But it was too late. They were already gone. Looking at the bags, she sighed. "How do they do that...?" she murmured to herself. As the smell of food wafted out from the bags, her eyes widened.

Curious, she crouched down and pulled one of the bags open. Her suspicion confirmed - it was filled to the brim with fresh bread, fruits, and other foods she didn't even recognize. Staring at the bag, she felt a slow smile spread across her face. 'He didn't forget these,' she thought to herself, 'He left them on purpose.'

"Thanks," she whispered to the wind, reaching in to grab a piece of bread.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Cheer up, Fujioka," Makoto said, his eyes fixed on the road stretching out in front of them. Hideki walked alongside him, his brow furrowed. ''No need to look so sad.''

"I'm not sad," Hideki grumbled, shooting Makoto a glare. "I'm happy, actually. Just...wish I could've spent more time with her. I have never met someone my age who went through the same. Most kids in District 22 were just fine after having a little food from time to time. And the others were, well... nobles."

''I could've asked her to join us if the timing was right," Makoto confessed, looking down at Hideki with a faint smile. "She's got potential, that much I can tell."

"But, you know," Makoto sighed, a bead of sweat trickling down his face, "I'm already in enough hot water as it is." He remembered the message he received from his lieutenant earlier. "I pulled a lot of strings to get you into the academy, skipping all the acceptance tests..." More sweat began to drip down Makoto's face. "And then there's all the stuff I did to wipe your record clean, to give you a shot at this."

"So, if you don't do well at the academy, I'll be in deep shit." Makoto was sweating buckets now, his face serious. "I mean, like, seriously deep. We're talking monumentally deep, like the Grand Canyon of..."

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Hideki interrupted, grimacing at Makoto's graphic description. And maybe, just maybe, Hideki started to think that Makoto wasn't as smart as he seemed. I mean, who would risk getting themselves into so much trouble just for some kid he'd met only days ago? Apparently, Makoto, that was who.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

[Seireitei, Spiritual Arts Academy.]

"Whoa," Hideki murmured, his eyes wide as he stepped through the grand gates of the academy. The courtyard sprawled out in front of him, far larger than he'd imagined. His gaze darted around, trying to soak in every detail before he even set foot on the main grounds.

The main building was enormous, dwarfing the grandest mansions he'd seen back in District 22. The courtyard mirrored the grandeur of the academy, speckled with trees and fields. He quickly noted the training grounds to his right, a massive hall to his left, and a serene lake set behind the school.

"Pretty wild, huh?" Makoto chimed in, grinning ear to ear as he watched Hideki's reaction. "This is gonna be your home for the next few years."

Together, they veered left, leaving the grandeur of the courtyard behind to step into a long corridor. Large windows punctuated the hallway, sunlight pouring in and guiding their path towards a set of sliding doors at the end. "How long am I gonna be here?" Hideki asked, glancing at Makoto as they navigated the seemingly endless corridor.

"That depends on how you perform, Fujioka," Makoto replied, shooting him a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes. "The usual is six years, but if I'm being honest... You're a special case, Fujioka. Wouldn't be surprised if you're outta here in a year or two," Makoto said, clapping him on the back encouragingly. "I mean, I wouldn't have gone through all the trouble if you weren't worth it."

Hideki frowned, looking up at Makoto skeptically. "Why do you keep saying that? What makes you so sure?"

Makoto gave Hideki a firm pat on the back, nearly pushing him forward with the force of it. "Let's see. For one, the amount of spiritual energy you're packing is off the charts. Haven't seen a kid your age with that kind of juice. And then there's the fact that you picked up on flash step just by watching me do it a few times," he chuckled, noticing a figure approaching them down the hallway.

Hideki followed his gaze to the man striding towards them. The stranger was tall and imposing, in his early forties with a curtain of blond hair flowing down his back. His piercing blue eyes seemed to see right through Hideki as they made eye contact, and Hideki found himself both curious and wary.

"Ah, so this is our new student I have heard so much about," the man said, halting in front of them.

Makoto flashed a bright smile, bowing slightly in greeting. "Good afternoon, Asahi-san. Sorry for the delay, but as you can see, I've brought your new student."

Asahi's gaze flickered to Hideki, his expression unreadable. "Indeed. I'm Aikawa Asahi, the head instructor here at the academy."

''Fujioka Hideki," Hideki shot back, a quick sweep of the man's spiritual pressure revealing he wasn't nearly as powerful as Makoto. As Hideki had suspected, even though Makoto hadn't said much about his standings in the Seireitei, he was obviously pretty high up there.

"Hmm." Asahi appraised Hideki with a critical eye. "Your spiritual energy is commendable," he murmured, so quietly Hideki almost missed it. "However, we'll need to address your... unconventional appearance."

Hideki glanced down at his worn-out yukata, suddenly self-conscious. He could tell the instructor was sizing him up, and he didn't particularly like it.

"Starting tomorrow, you're expected to be in your uniform at all times," Asahi instructed, the stern expression never leaving his face. "Your uniform and asauchi are already in your room."

"Follow this hallway to the third door on the right to find the first year's class," he added, pointing down the corridor behind him. "That's all." With that, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Hideki and Makoto alone in the hallway.

"I think he already hates me," Hideki observed, watching Asahi's retreating form. "He didn't look too pleased when he saw me."

Makoto shrugged, a dismissive grin on his face. "That's just Asahi for you. This school's filled with high-and-mighty nobles; he has to be tough."

"Still an ass, though," Makoto muttered, his expression turning sour.

''Nah, he's just curious. And a bit intimidated, I reckon," he elaborated, his grin unfaltering as they neared a small door at the corridor's end.

"Intimidated?" Hideki quirked an eyebrow, halting to frown at his companion. "Why would he be?"

Makoto's grin widened to a near comical extent. "Well, I may have let slip a tiny rumor about yours truly, the extraordinary Makoto-sama, uncovering a once-in-a-generation talent while roughing it in District 22."

"You what?" Hideki's eyes widened, as he followed Makoto through the now open door. "You're messing with me."

"No fooling around here, my protegé," Makoto chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "After all, I deserve a pat on the back for discovering you, right?"

"Unbelievable," Hideki grumbled, stepping into the cozy room, his eyes widening even further as he took in his new surroundings. "Is this...?" The room was modest but functional. A bed and a low table occupied the space, accompanied by a closet and a compact bookshelf. The walls were a soothing white, and a pair of windows lined one wall, the curtains drawn to ward off the intrusive sunlight.

"Indeed, it is! Your very own private quarters!" Makoto announced, a proud smile plastered on his face. "So, what's the verdict?" He pushed Hideki further inside, ushering him deeper into the room.

"It's..." Hideki paused, taking in the view of his new room. It was a world away from his forest hideaway. For him, this was pure luxury.

"It's fantastic," he finally managed to whisper, a genuine smile gracing his face as he stepped further into the space, the excitement evident in his movements.

"And those right there are your uniform and asauchi," Makoto indicated, pointing towards the neatly folded blue and white garments and the sheathed sword. "Not bad, huh?" Hideki paused, his smile broadening as he absorbed his surroundings. He reached for the asauchi, his fingers curling around its scabbard with anticipation.

"I've been thinking about it." Hideki murmured, carefully unsheathing the weapon. His smile mirrored off the gleaming blade of the asauchi, its simplistic elegance resonating with him.

"So, you reached for the asauchi first?" Makoto's voice cut through Hideki's reverie, prompting him to glance at the older soul reaper in question. "Good call. Remember, the more you practice with your asauchi, the better."

"Understood," Hideki nodded, hands resuming their position at his sides. "So, what's next? Do I just wait around until morning?"

"I'd suggest catching some sleep," Makoto advised, casting a glance at the wall clock. "Well, kid, this is where our paths diverge for now. I'll drop by when I can." Hideki didn't reply immediately, a twinge of sadness seeping in. He had grown accustomed to Makoto's presence. Being alone again felt strangely daunting.

"Don't look so down," Makoto quipped with a chuckle, ruffling Hideki's hair. "Remember, I've still got my duties as a soul reaper. Can't stay tied down, you know?"

"Plus, you won't be alone. There'll be plenty of other students around. And who knows? Maybe a few good-looking girls, too," Makoto added, winking at Hideki, a playful smile on his face.

"Could you be any more awkward?" Hideki retorted with a roll of his eyes, distancing himself from Makoto. "I'm heading to bed. Go and do whatever you need to do." His tone softened as he added, "And... thanks. For everything. I'll repay your kindness one day."

"Don't mention it," Makoto replied, giving Hideki's hair one last ruffle, his expression warm. "Sleep well, Fujioka."


With that, Makoto took his leave, leaving Hideki alone in his new room. His mind was dominated by a singular thought. 'I'm actually going to sleep on a bed...for once,' this realization led him towards his bed, discarding his footwear and piling his clothes onto the desk

He lay on the bed, eyes transfixed on the ceiling, taking a deep breath as he sank into the comfort of his new surroundings. Sleep claimed him quickly, the softeness of the bed, the warmth of his blankets, and the relative silence lulling him into a deep slumber.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

The classroom of the first year students was a quiet haven, arranged like an old-style theater, with seats fanned out in half-circles, creating rows that stepped down from the door towards the center. At the very front, a small stage held court, drenched in the soft light filtering through the half-open windows.

"Don't expect beauty out of battle," standing at he very center of the sage, the instructor's words filled the room, seasoned with knowledge and hardships of a life well lived. "Do not seek virtue in death. Do not make the mistake of considering only your own life. If you wish to protect that which you must protect, slice the enemy you must defeat from behind."

His speech sent ripples through the crowd of students, each dressed in the standard uniform of the Spiritual Arts Academy. Some absorbed his words, their eyes focused intently. Others allowed their thoughts to wander, the instructor's speech a distant hum in their minds.

A hint of golden hair flickered at the edge of the room. A boy was there, fighting off sleep's sweet call. His blond locks, like spun gold, hung carelessly over tired, hazel eyes. He wore the male student's blue uniform, though his clothes were slightly disheveled. Despite this, he had an easy charm about him, a sense of hidden potential that was yet to be tapped.

His gaze seemed to unintentionally land on a figure across the room. Among the sea of red and blue, a girl sat, her hair as white as snow. High cheekbones gave her an aristocratic look, complemented by a sharply defined jawline, and a serious expression was etched onto her attractive features.

Her arms were crossed neatly in front of her, her sleeves perfectly aligned, reflecting a stark contrast to the blond boy's casual disarray. A small scar, barely visible beneath her bangs, traced a thin line across her lips, a surprising feature on her otherwise smooth face. Her eyes, twin pools of icy blue, maintained a focused stare as she observed the instructor.

'Is she a noble or something?' The boy thought, leaning back into his seat as he appraised the girl. 'Looks like she could be a bit of a handful, better steer clear.' He rubbed at his eyes, trying to keep sleep at bay, the lesson having already gone over his head. 'This is such a drag...' he sighed, propping his head up with his hand as he glanced around the classroom. 'Aren't there any interesting people here? Just looks like a bunch of uptight nobles...'

His gaze slid over to a boy situated on the opposite side of the room, sitting by a window. His hair, dark as a moonless night, cascaded down his back in a somewhat disheveled manner, a stark contrast to his golden eyes. His slightly tanned skin differentiated him from the crowd, making him stand out. He was rubbing his cheek, a deep frown set on his face as he struggled to pay attention.

'Oh? That one looks interesting.' The blond's lips curved ever so slightly, observing the boy from across the room. 'He stands out a little too much, though.' He held his gaze a moment too long, allowing the dark-haired boy to look up and catch him staring.

'He noticed me, huh?' The blond boy thought, an amused smirk tugging at his lips as he locked eyes with the dark-haired boy. The blond held his stare, silently communicating his amusement at being caught, while the black haired boy just shot him an irritated look, one eyebrow cocking up in an unspoken, 'The hell you want?'

'His awareness ain't bad. And that spiritual pressure... pretty decent,' he pondered, his smirk growing into a full-on grin. 'Gotta keep an eye on this one.' As the instructor's speech rambled on, his attention drifted from the boy with the golden eyes, beginning a new search among the sea of students. 'Alright... who else here might be worth my time?'

'What's up with that guy?' Hideki couldn't help but scowl at the blond boy from across the room. 'Trying to start something?' Eventually, he decided to just blow him off, brushing away the other's probing gaze with a scoff. 'Then again, can't really fault the guy for being bored. This class is a snooze fest.'

'All this talk is getting old. I thought the Spiritual Arts Academy would be more about... You know, actually doing stuff,' he thought, resting his cheek on his hand. 'Seriously, how much longer am I supposed to be stuck here?' His eyes found the clock at the front of the room and deflated as he saw that only 10 minutes had passed since the lecture started. 'And just how does this dude keep going on and on!?'

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

[Spiritual Arts Academy, Courtyard]

The courtyard of the Academy was buzzing with activity, and the sounds of footsteps and chatter filled the air as the first year students made their way to the training grounds. Hideki's first day was in full swing, and his nerves were buzzing with excitement and anticipation. As they approached the training grounds, the instructor's speech caught Hideki's attention.

"Good afternoon, everyone," the instructor boomed, his voice carrying over the training grounds and the students assembled in front of him. "My name is Kenji Igarashi, and I will be your Zanjutsu instructor."

"As I'm sure you all know, Zanjutsu is a fundamental skill every soul reaper must possess. You will learn how to wield your asauchi, which will become your sword once you are accepted into one of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Seeing as this will be our first class, we will be using these wooden training swords today."

The instructor gestured to a pile of wooden swords stacked beside him. "Everyone, come up and grab a training sword. We will begin by warming up before practicing the basic stances and strikes."

As the students made their way forward, Hideki took a moment to observe the training grounds and his classmates. The courtyard was vast, with various training areas spread out around him. A small stream flowed through the center, providing a natural barrier between the different spaces.

When it was his turn to pick up a wooden sword, he felt a spark of excitement as he gripped the weapon in his hand. He had tested out a couple of swings with his asauchi in his room, but without guidance, there wasn't much he stood to gain.

"Alright, everybody in line!" the instructor hollered, motioning for the students to form a row in front of him. "We're gonna start with some simple warm-up exercises. I'll show you the first stance, then you guys will take turns practicing it."

As the instructor started his demonstration, he moved in a series of unhurried, fluid movements that emphasized his stance and balance. Even to a greenhorn like Hideki, with zero experience in Zanjutsu, it was evident that the instructor was a master of the craft.

"Now, we'll move on to the defensive maneuvers," the instructor announced, pausing mid-swing. "Make sure you're paying attention—these moves can be the difference between life and death on the battlefield." He shifted his weight, adjusting his position as he readied himself to show them the a couple of defensive stances.

Suddenly, a familiar streak of blond caught Hideki's eye, making him blink and do a double-take. Right next to him, the blond guy from the class was throwing him a wave, grinning like they were old buddies.

'Oh boy.' Hideki grimaced, trying to block out the guy's over-enthusiastic wave. But before he could refocus on the instructor, he realized that the guy was done showing off his moves and was now telling everyone to pair up.

'Aw, crap,' Hideki thought, scanning the crowd of students already buddying up and starting their drills. 'I don't wanna be stuck with any of these nobles...'

A poke on his shoulder had him spinning around in surprise. "Hey there, partner!" Blondie greeted, his grin looking like it was stuck on his face. "Looks like we're both on the buddyless boat. How 'bout we team up?"

"...'' Hideki just stared at him, letting out a weary sigh. He was a bit of a weirdo, but considering that almost everyone else was paired up, he didn't really have much choice. "Alright, whatever," he agreed, giving a resigned nod. "Let's get this over with."

Blondie's grin somehow managed to get even brighter, and he flashed Hideki a thumbs-up. "Awesome! I can already tell this is gonna be fun." He grabbed Hideki by the arm and yanked him away from the rest of the pairs, ready to get down to business.

'I can already tell this is going to be a pain in the ass,' Hideki echoed in his head, scrunching up his face. 'This dude's way too pumped for my liking.' He thought, a bead of sweat trailing down his temple.

They shuffled to a free spot in the middle of the courtyard, under the watchful eye of the instructor as he hovered over the other pairs. Most of the students were already swinging their wooden swords, some looking like they were trying to swat flies while others seemed to have a bit of a natural rhythm.

But their instructor wasn't buying it. "You're standing all wrong," he snapped, interrupting some brunette guy's attempt at a swing. "Pull your shoulders back, and spread your legs a bit!"

''...'' Watching the blond twirling his wooden sword in the air like he was conducting an orchestra, Hideki couldn't help but mumble to himself. ''Why do I always get stuck with the weird ones?''

"I heard that!" Blondie declared, chuckling. "Come on, don't be so grumpy." He gave Hideki a friendly jab in the ribs, causing him to stagger a bit. "What's so bad about partnering with a fellow rookie? We can figure this stuff out together."

"Alright, alright," Hideki relented, shooting him a warning look. "But cut the chatter. You're messing with my focus."

Blondie lifted his hands up in a playful surrender. "Gotcha, gotcha. I'll be your model student, pinky promise." He sketched a cross over his heart, all wide-eyed sincerity.

'Sure, pal.' Hideki couldn't help a small, amused smirk from forming. 'Dude's definitely quirky, but not half bad, I suppose.' He tightened his grip on his wooden sword, taking a deep breath. "I'll make the first move, okay? Kinda zoned out during the defense demo."

"Bring it on!" Blondie shot back, his eyes glinting with excitement. "Show me what you got." He snapped into a beginner's stance, his body stiff and his feet rooted firmly to the ground.

Without a second thought, Hideki darted forward, his arm sweeping the wooden sword in a sleek arc aimed for Blondie's gut. It was a straightforward strike, just a warm-up to check out his opponent's defense and reaction speed. However, just as the sword tip was about to hit, Blondie moved with a speed that threw Hideki off, his own weapon swooping in to deflect the attack.

And in the blink of an eye, Hideki found himself gawking at his empty hands, his wooden sword lying defeated on the ground, having been cleanly knocked out of his hold. "The hell...?" He blinked, bewildered, toggling his gaze between his empty hands and the blond's triumphant grin.

'Did he... just disarm me?' Hideki blinked, stupefied, his mind racing to keep up with the sudden turn of events.

"Good job," the instructor's voice rang out, causing Hideki to snap out of his daze. "Keep that up." The blond boy shot him a wink as the instructor praised him, his grin never faltering. "Thanks, sensei.''

''Beginner my ass... He's experienced." Hideki muttered, still unable to grasp how he had ended up losing his sword. Resigned, he knelt and picked it up, feeling a twinge of frustration. ''Are you a noble or something?''

"Nah, just got a knack for swords, I suppose." The blond replied, his shoulders bobbing in a casual shrug. "My old man was a soul reaper, so I guess I picked up a few tricks."

"Now, let's do that again, only slower this time," His training partner suggested, his eyes twinkling. "I'll even show you how I blocked your first attack." Hideki simply nodded, his interest piqued. He slipped back into his stance, prepping for another charge at him.

So he launched another strike, and as the tip of his wooden sword reached the blond's chest, the boy twisted, his own weapon swooping in to meet Hideki's. And in a quick, fluid motion, the boy had disarmed him yet again, leaving him empty-handed and blinking in disbelief.

"You see, when you attack, you tend to overcommit. Your stance is a bit too relaxed and you're not grounding yourself," the blond pointed out, illustrating his advice by shifting his weight, his feet firmly planted on the ground. "Like this."

"Huh," Hideki murmured, frowning. "I see." He'd been confident in his stance, but the blond's nimble moves had highlighted the flaws in his technique. He scrutinized the blond, committing his movements to memory and modifying his stance accordingly.

As he readied himself for a third attack, the blond lifted a hand, his words halting Hideki mid-swing. "Hold up," he chimed in, shaking his head. "You're broadcasting your next move. Your eyes are giving it away."

"I'm not—"

"Were you aiming for my ribs, by any chance?" the blond interjected, indicating his left side. "You need to learn to conceal your intentions better."

''Tch.'' Hideki's gaze drifted to the ground, a slight flush creeping into his cheeks. ''So, I'm really that obvious, huh?'' He muttered, embarrassment bubbling up inside of him.

The blond let out a laugh, nudging Hideki lightly. "Hey, don't beat yourself up. We'll work on it. Remember, you're a complete beginner. Cut yourself some slack."

"Alright, alright, quit it with the pep talk," Hideki retorted, his lips quirking into a small smile. "What's the next lesson, sensei?"

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

Hideki silently berated himself, his fists clenched as he watched his wooden sword bounce off the ground for what felt like the hundredth time. 'I swear, I'm getting worse...' he grumbled internally, letting out a sigh of frustration.

"Much better," the blond chimed in, a cheerful smile on his face. "You're improving."

"Sure, if you say so." Hideki's voice was gruff as he stooped to retrieve his sword, his growing frustration apparent. "I just can't seem to nail it."

"No one's perfect at first. Just keep at it," the blond offered, observing Hideki's movements with a critical eye. "Your stance is almost perfect. With a little more practice, you'll have it down."

"Alright." Hideki straightened, adjusting his grip on his sword as he resumed his stance. "Ready for round... whatever this is?"

''Round 103!'' The blond's grin widened as he readied his own sword, bending his knees slightly as he waited for the slash to come. "Bring it on!"

Poised for his next strike, Hideki inhaled deeply, attempting to center his focus. Yet, a slight, unexpected motion caught the periphery of his vision, causing his concentration to falter. It was a girl with raven-dark hair, standing off to the side, her gaze locked onto Hideki and his blond companion. "Hold up," he muttered, blinking in surprise. "Is she watching us...?"

"You mean her?" The blond queried, following his gaze. "Yeah, she's been looking our way since we started. Maybe she's just bored, or..." He allowed his grin to broaden. "Or maybe she finds me irresistible, huh?"

"Sure, buddy," Hideki responded, rolling his eyes and refocusing. He hefted his sword, squaring his shoulders. "Enough distractions. I'm ready. Let's do this."

"Roger that," the blond replied, his laughter fading as he readied himself for Hideki's impending attack. "Bring it."

Lunging forward, Hideki strived to keep his attention sharp, his mind set on landing even a single successful strike. But as his wooden sword neared the blond's chest, his opponent moved with an uncanny agility. Before he realized what was happening, Hideki found his weapon spinning away from his grasp, leaving him defenseless. The blond, once more victorious, stood firm, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Damn!" Hideki muttered under his breath, bending to pick up his wooden sword. He threw a sideways glance at Jun, feeling a confusing mix of annoyance and respect.

The instructor's booming voice then echoed through the courtyard, announcing, "Alright, that's enough for today. Leave the practice swords on the racks. We'll resume this tomorrow." As students began to pack up and depart, Jun's hand clapped onto Hideki's shoulder, the gesture so friendly it made Hideki's eyebrow twitch.

"You're improving," Jun commented, a sincere note in his voice. "These things take time, you know."

"Uh, thanks," Hideki responded, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "And, um, sorry. For being an ass earlier. You're actually...not too bad."

Jun laughed, extending a hand. "No worries, I can be a little annoying. I'm Junichi Furukawa, but you can just call me Jun."

"Hideki Fujioka," Hideki replied, mirroring Jun's smile as he shook his hand. Just as he was about to continue the conversation, his stomach let out a resonant growl, causing an echo throughout the courtyard.

"Heh, sounds like someone's hungry." Jun joked, chuckling as he clapped Hideki on the back. "How about we go grab a bite to eat? I could eat a horse myself. And if you're up for it, we could even do a little more practice near the lake afterward."

"Sounds like a plan," Hideki replied, letting out a small laugh. He scratched his head, a small smile on his face. "This time, I'll win.''

''Sure thing!''

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

Placing his blade on his lap, Hideki sat, cross-legged, on top of his bed. The room was bathed in a soft glow from the moonlight that filtered through the window, casting shadows across the floor. A cool breeze blew in from the open window, rustling his hair and tickling his nose.

He stared down at the blade, taking the Jinzen position his instructor had taught them about about. His mind was calm and clear, a rare occurrence for him, and he focused on the blade in his lap, willing his spiritual pressure to flow into it.

'Focus.' He reminded himself. 'This is the first step towards becoming a true soul reaper. A weapon worthy of you won't reveal itself so easily.' He took a deep breath, centering himself. He could feel his energy flowing into the blade, his spiritual power seeping into its core.

'That's it,' he thought, encouraging himself. 'I can do this.' As the blade began to pulse with his energy, he felt a strange sensation wash over him, and just as quickly, the blade stopped resonating with him, and the sensation faded, leaving him feeling drained and empty. 'Shit.'

'I guess this sort of thing is bound to take some time.' He told himself, running his fingers along the blade's hilt. 'No need to rush.'

He set the blade down on the nightstand beside his bed, sighing as he stretched out on the mattress. 'Just gotta be patient.'

End of chapter three.

Chapters will progressively get shorter from now on, right now we are averaging around 5-6k words per chapter and that, simply put, is not sustainable for me.

We will, most likely, reach an average of 2-3k words as I keep posting more and more chapters. That's all for now, hope you enjoyed.

KindaWeirdChampBrocreators' thoughts